JQuery :: Sliding Box Moving In IE And Chrome?
Aug 24, 2009
When you click on it it hides the panel. All good so far. It works exactly how I want it to in FF, but in IE7, IE8 and Chrome it jumps to the top of the screen when animated.I'm positioning it at the bottom with CSS. Do I need to add another CSS positioning for when it is animated, or is there something up with the javascript?
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Feb 16, 2011
The script is written in Jquery, it's a simple piece of code which I've seen on another website here [URL]. I modified the code a bit to work with a website I made for my portfolio. The problem with the code is that is works fine in firefox but it doesn't on chrome. the code doesn't break entirely but on chrome the images doesn't slide, it just jumps from image to image. here's the code
var settings = {
startingPosition : 0, //--------------------------------set starting position for images, 0 for first image
slideSpeed : 550, //---------------------------speed of slide, seconds/fast/slow
easing : 'linear', //-------------------------easing type
navigationClass : 'slider_navigation', //--------------class of navigation (the prev and next)
activeItemClass : 'slider-current-active-element', //--name of class to be added to first element
repeat : true, //-----------------------------make gallery neverending .....
Most of it works fine but I'm guessing the animate part in the problem
//the slide animation
'marginLeft' : animateToWidth
}, opt.slideSpeed, opt.easing,
//if forward is clicked
if(opt.repeat && direction == 'forward'){
$("> :first", elContainer).appendTo(elContainer).css({opacity : 0}).animate({opacity : 1}, 400);
elPosition += imgWidth;
'marginLeft' : elPosition
Here's the dummy site I made [URL]. I'm no expert on javascript so how to make the code better?
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Sep 13, 2011
If slideToggle()'s parameters were expanded to include a separate callback for sliding up and sliding down. Or for backwards compatibility, perhaps include an optional boolean parameter in the callback to more easily discern between a slideUp and slideDown operation.
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Apr 25, 2011
I tried many ways to do it .. but didn't work any of them ..
The idea is move the foot to room no.1 .. but i want to see the foot moving on the red line to the room
like this pic : [url]
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Apr 8, 2011
I have use the following Jquery plugin selectToUISlider on my web site which has worked fine in IE8,FF, Chrome however when viwing the same site in IE9 the slider doesn't slide when using the mouse to drag the slider. I can still click on each value and the slider will move/jump to the required value. I've debugged the javascript in both FF and IE9 and I can see that in IE9 the slide event doesn't get fired, where in FF it does.
unfortunatly I don't have external web access on a machine with IE9 to try the slider demo pages out to ensure that the demos work in IE9.
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Jan 10, 2011
I'm looking for a good super-fast sliding plugin for an entire row of images.
Basically I want to replicate what I have here:
Using prototype (and a painfully slow load) in jquery.
But I also want to add the ability to click on the images to move back and forth and I want to get rid of the load delay.
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Feb 16, 2011
I'm trying to use slideUp and slideDown, they seem to be working in terms of being Up and Down but there is no sliding between these states,My CSS:
HTML Code:
#sub-nav{width:240px; min-height:240px; padding:0; background:url(../images/80-opacity-bg-fill-purple.png) repeat; overflow:hidden; position:relative; z-index:4; display: none;}
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Jun 29, 2010
I'll slideUp a div, load some ajax, then slideDown the result.In the result, there are two more divs (navigation and 'subcontent' containers)I have links in the navigation div that should fadeIn new content (via ajax) into the subcontent container.Now, the fadeIn fadeOut functions operate correctly _until_ I use a slide on the larger div. If I slide at all, everything turns into a slide, even within the subcontainers. I'm not sure what's going on.ere's an example structure for the divs:
<div id="globalnav">Anchors/Links for the maincontent div</div>
<div id="maincontent">"maincontent" should slide open and closed.
<div id="nav">Anchors/Links in here</div>
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Feb 15, 2010
I look for something in jquery ( a sliding panel div that can also be collapsed and shows the correct image, hard to explain please see below link, its used on this [code]Anything such exist for jquery with the same features?
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Jan 10, 2010
im trying to make a sliding tab menu, The menu is already made with animations and such, however now im trying to integrate the menu with the Divs i have for each menu item. I really just need something to start me off.. Basically on click i want the current selected item and div to fadeOut to the left and the newly selected to fadein from the right..
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Aug 26, 2009
I have a container div with two inner divs. I have one inner div visible taking up 100% of the visible area and another hidden div. I
want the visible div to slide to the left while simultaneously sliding the other div in from the right. This works fine except that while the right div is sliding in, it appears below the left div. How can this be done?
Here is the code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jQuery/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jQuery/effects.core.js"></
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May 19, 2010
I've got a bunch of <div> blocks, with a fixed width and height, that are all left floated.I would like a user to be able to click a "remove" link and have it delete a box, and all the boxes to the right "slide in" to fill the void created.I have it working well enough with a "snap" transition. I made that term up because I'm not sure how else to describe it--by "snap" transition I mean that the boxes to the right "snap" into position--there's no "sliding" or easing as they move, it's just moment their in their old positions, and the next moment, everything has been rearranged and they're in their new positions. how to adequately describe it in text, so here's a video showing what I mean: [URL]
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Apr 6, 2011
I want to make a webpage with 6 div's:
One on the left and contains the buttons to control the others and occupies half the page -left half- 2nd that upon a button press from the 2nd slides down in the middle the others occupy the right half of the page and are behind each others and are viewed up button click on the 1st, on 1st click the 2nd comes down in the middle and the 1st one of the right divs slides out of sight and makes the one behind it visible, on second button the one behind it slides out of sight and makes the one behind THAT one visible my problem is only ONE part of the sliding div's is sliding and then they just disappear, and i want to be able 2 force a delay between actions, and the 2nd div that is supposed 2 slide down is actually sliding UP :
1st things first does anyone know how do i hide a div on button click and show the one behind it?
Update 2 question: how do i make #box8 slide to the right out of side.
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Jul 29, 2010
i am using a sliding image gallery and want to indicate the selected thumbnail by showing a dot below the thumbnail. i am new to scripting and have been trying tweak the code i found (which had the thumbnails at 50% opacity when unselected and 100% opacity when selected), using that code, i'm hoping i can instead make an image of a dot show at 100% opacity when the thumbnail above is selected and 0% opacity when the thumbnail is not selected. here is the script where i think i can achieve this:
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Apr 29, 2011
I am trying to use a jquery sliding top menu which i found here: [URL] and I have got this to work in the past on a website I built from scratch, but I am trying to build my website with wordpress, and I am having trouble getting it to work this time, it is going behind divs, and flying out too far.
View problem here: (the 'Log-in' tab at the top) [URL]
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May 20, 2010
Is it possible to show the details of each record from the recordset in a show hide way?Each record would have a title - I need the sliding div to show the relevant info when the title is clicked on.Don't know if i've made this very clear so have posted the currect code below. At the moment clicking on any record drops down only the very first record.
<?php do { ?>
<a href="#" onClick="showSlidingDiv(); return false;">
<?php echo $row_candidate_details['Title']; ?> | <?php echo $row_candidate_details['Location']; ?></a> <br />
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Dec 4, 2010
Is there a jQuery function that can cause an element to slide down as in fly from an edge of a screen to the location that it is supposed to be at?The slideDown();functioncauses an element to start at the top of the container the element it is applied to and then roll down.
I guess what I am looking for is something that would on an event slide from an edge of a screen or browser window to where it is supposed to go?
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Mar 21, 2011
I have 2 divs on a page, the outer div has an inner div nested within it, both have different background images set to them. I managed to program the following fine:
function() {
$("div.inner").stop().animate({"opacity": "0"}, "slow");
function() {
$("div.inner").stop().animate({"opacity": "1"}, "slow");
So that when you hover over the div, the inner div with the background image fades in, and then out on rollout. Why will the following code not slide the inner div up and down:
$(function() {
function() {
function() {
I am using jQuery 1.5 min.
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Feb 6, 2010
making a site where i have multiple menu bars sliding up or down showing content. I'm wondering if there is a way to control the contents of the sliding div because now it slides up slightly aswell as the div gets closed (or opened), but i'd like it to stay where it is.So basicly i want the contents of the sliding div not to move when its animated, is that possible? Maybe with another jquery command?
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Nov 17, 2010
I have some panels - they slide out when the corresponding tab is clicked. I've used .toggle() to get this working, and animate the right (absolute) position to move the panel left or right. This works fine on it's own, but within the panel, I have to have an additional 'close' button. My script, and I'm sure it's really convoluted, but with my limited knowledge it was the only ways I could think to achieve what I wanted:
$(function() {
function() {
right: '+=580'
return false;
}, function() {
right: '-=580'
}, function() {
$('#hiddenDiv').hide(); });
return false;
}); });
$(function() {
$('#hiddenDiv a.xclose').click(
function() {
$('#containerDiv').animate({right: '-=580'},
function() {
return false;
<div id="containerDiv">
<span><a href="#" id="tab">Tab text</a></span>
<div id="hiddenDiv">
<p><a href="#" class="xclose">Close</a></p>
<p>Nisi natoque rhoncus dictumst enim odio? Arcu ac et, hac in ridiculus dolor placerat, parturient etiam mattis pid nunc tortor quis tincidunt porta sit elementum etiam penatibus, porta augue penatibus sed.</p>
Is there some way to either:
Check the position ofcontainerDiv before executing the .toggle - so, if right = 0 (set by a.xclose), then start the toggle from the beginning position?2. saying that after #hiddenDiv a.xclose is clicked, reset the position to what's default in the css?
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Aug 20, 2011
I have issue with the sliding container from right to left on click. i have a image (width 250px) on the left of the page. When i click on the link, the container overlap the image and stop on the 0 position of browser window but i want to stop this container 250 pixels from the left. Please let me from where i can adjust theeftpositionsfromjquery.min.js,jquery.localscroll-min.js,jquery.scrollTo-min.js, or is there any other property to set the container from left
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Oct 6, 2011
go to the "Jupiter" graphic on the top left, you'll see that I have a little tab at the bottom of that labeled "Physical". When you click on it, it slides out of the way, exposing a tab labeled "Orbital" and when you click on that one it slides out of the way and exposes a third tab labeled "Atmosphere". These all drive the little spec sheets above- though that's not where the problem lies.The problem is when instead of clicking on the exposed label, you click on the little sliver of the one right behind it, causing the other two tabs to do unintended things. Here's the code:
$(".badgeTab-A").click(function() {
$(this).animate({'left':'+=80px'}, 'fast', 'linear');
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Aug 22, 2009
I have the following layout for my page in ASP.NET:
<div id="content">
<div id="leftnavcover" class="leftnavcover"></div>
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="ph_leftnav" runat="server">
<div class="leftnav" id="leftnav">
<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="rptr_LeftNav">
<HeaderTemplate> .....
Which renders the following HTML:
<div id="content">
<div id="leftnavcover" class="leftnavcover"/>
<div id="leftnav" class="leftnav" style="left: 0px;">
<a id="ctl00_rptr_LeftNav_ctl01_hyp_LeftNav" class="LeftNavLink" href="services-subsection-1">
Services Subsection 1</a>
<div class="leftnavmenu" style="display: block;"> .....
And I have the following JQuery script:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("a.LeftNavLink").mouseover(function() {
The problem is that when I bring my mouse on top of one of the .LeftNavLink's, it slides down the corresponding .leftnavmenu, but it doesn't slide the sibling divs back up when you put your mouse on top of another .LeftNavLink, which is what it is supposed to do. Anyways, I got this code from: [URL]
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Jul 26, 2009
I really like the following code example from Scott Robbin, allowing me to slide pages in and out of the screen, however I wanted to slide in some DHTML from here:[URl].. ...but, at best, only the images show. Well they don't, I've even tried hard linking to them. I know the links are valid because opening the page on its own they all show up, so there's an incompatibility somewhere.
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Feb 2, 2011
I am very new to jQuery and am trying to learn by incorporating and editing things I have done in tutorials into an actual website design.
The problem I am having is how to get some text to slide down from behind an image after it is clicked. So for instance; I'd have an image which says "Things to do" or whatever then when the image is rolled over/clicked some text will slide down from behind the image with links to pages of different things to do.
I think it might be something like what was done in this tutorial: [URL]..but that tutorial uses two images rather than an image and a div with text in it which is what I am trying to achieve.
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Feb 14, 2011
I am using JQuery to create sliding line under menu effect. I have written the code but can't figure out couple of things. I have attached my code. I would like to make the sliding effect more smooth but the most important thing that I can't figure out is how to make the scroller div scroll back to its original position on mouse out.
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