I have issue with the sliding container from right to left on click. i have a image (width 250px) on the left of the page. When i click on the link, the container overlap the image and stop on the 0 position of browser window but i want to stop this container 250 pixels from the left. Please let me from where i can adjust theeftpositionsfromjquery.min.js,jquery.localscroll-min.js,jquery.scrollTo-min.js, or is there any other property to set the container from left
I am trying to get a scrollable table working. The table is placed inside a div and the ros are placed within the tbody. Can anyone suggest me a way to adjust the height of the scrollable table container with respect to the last row in the table? I am new to this scrollable table.
If slideToggle()'s parameters were expanded to include a separate callback for sliding up and sliding down. Or for backwards compatibility, perhaps include an optional boolean parameter in the callback to more easily discern between a slideUp and slideDown operation.
how to add extra properties to html elements as I was storing data in html attributes. After looking at some others code including Raphael and this addEvent code. [URL] They seem to treat objects just like an array. obj[property] = value; This would have been extremely helpful to know previously as I have needed to be able to include variables in property names - but have resorted to making the whole thing a string and calling exec() on it.
I've made a vertical css menu from a list, and 1 of those list items has a ul as it's list item, with several items within it.When the parent li is hovered over I've set it so that the child ul and it's li's to drop down below it.I want to use jquery to adjust this child ul so that display is set to none, but I can't seem to work it out (Other than just giving the ul it's own class or ID, but I'd rather learn how to do it another way).Here's the jquery I've got that theoretically should work (but doesn't):
I think the problem lie in the li:hover part of the jquery, I'm guessing that it's not allowed, or simply doesn't work that way. I want jquery to set the display of that sub ul to none, then set a click or hover effect on it so it slides down in a fancy way.
Just wondering if it is possible to let a huge blue block be moved 200px to the right and everything that is right of the blue block will move with it? So the elements adjust to the blue block's position
how to automatically scroll the page inside an IFrame? I have an IFrame that has no scroll bars, but there's a bit of whitespace that I want to get rid of. Unfortunately, the page in question doesn't have an element in the right area with an ID that I can anchor to.
I have an aspx page in which I have a table. The table has two rows. The first row contains a pie chart and the second row contains the custom grid. I am able to display both the controls.
The question goes here =>
At page load, I dont want to display the grid. When we click on the section of the pie chart, the grid should get display as per the pie chart section. I am unable to increase height to show the grid. I have tried to increase the panel height but its not working....
I have a drop area that should be pulling a value from a hidden input field when activated.For some reason, the code can see the image and set the new values but trying to get the value of the input field always comes back undefined. It's the $newSKU2 value that isn't getting set.
var $newpic2 = $('#2').find('img').attr('src'); var $newtitle2 = $('#2').find('img').attr('title'); var $newtext2 = $('#2').parent().parent().find('font').text();
i am working with a simple jQuery tabbed container and am wondering how to make the main body of the container use a background image instead of a background color. Here is the code:
Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head>[code].....
But that obvioously does not work. what do I need to do to put a background image in there?
P.S. this code works other than that so you can throw it in a notepad doc to see the page in action.
[URL]As I hover over Item 15, I want it to be like, "Okay, this list I'm about to display is going to be too long, so let's disregard the 'top: 10px' line in the CSS and instead have the submenu sit with its last item right at the bottom aligned with the bottom of the gradient." That way, we know for sure that the submenu will not reach past the height of the body, and the last item will be visible. The bottom of the last item's cell should "hug" the bottom of the page/gradient.
Here's what I'm trying to do: I've got a <SELECT> box followed by a text <INPUT> field, and I want them to change each other. The select box lists a whole list of cities and also "Other", while the text box is labeled "Other." When a user selects anything at all EXCEPT "other" in the select box, I'd like it to clear whatever value is in the textbox. And when a user starts typing in the text box, I'd like it to dynamically select "other" from the textbox. Is this doable? Code:
I have a div in my webpage that I want to resize to the size of the browser. Does anyone know of the right tag to do this?
I have theNode.style.top at 0 pixels and theNode.style.left at 0 pixels. Also right now I have theNode.style.height=770; and theNode.style.width=1255; I want these two sizes to be dynamic to the browser width.
function doMessage () { createGreyLayer(); t=setInterval("fadeDown()",50); }
I have a page with a button and a container. When i click on the button, it should redirect to a page where we can create a new customer. On the new customer form ,I have textboxes, radio buttons ,buttons amongst others.What i wanna do is that instead of redirecting to that page. I wanna dynamically create a div with all the controls required in the Container i have on my page itself. So each time the user click the Add New Customer button, on the same page, the textboxes and all other controls is created dynamically.
I see that the cluetip plugin project is on github so, perhaps at some point I'll be able to try implementing this feature myself, and submit a pull request. My team is using the cluetip plugin in a rather exceptional way. Rather than a tooltip like msg bubble that appears on mouseover, we show the cluetip on page load and require the user to dismiss it. We're using these cluetips to communicate new features on our site. After looking at available jquery plugins, cluetip seemed to be best suited for this use (all be it, a rather exceptional use).
The current design allows for this use with just a bit of css work but it limits us to one cluetip visible on a page at a time. Multiple cluetips are not possible because the cluetip div container has a non-unique id and the jquery id selector is used in the plugin code (which means that only the first cluetip in the DOM is ever referenced by the code). I'd like to extend the code to allow for dynamic assignment of the id on the cluetip container which would allow us to render multiple cluetips on the page. Perhaps, this might constitute a new plugin, since this isn't really the intended use of cluetips.
My question explains everything, I have a div inside a parent div. I need to move it inside another div and on the UI show the animation of it moving.
The only way I can think of is, select the element, copy the html(), copy the offset() position and remove element from original container. then add a copy of previously removed element to page/document set the position to the copied offset and animate()
After animation is complete, remove it from the page and add it to the secondary container.
Is there any better and easier way of doing this ? any plugin may be ?
Picture a table where each cell row is 50px tall, with 3 to 5 columns of varying length. For example: thumbnail, name, description, price, options. The thumbnail will always be the same size, but for efficiency of space, nothing else is.
My question is one of overflow. With long descriptions, overflow:hidden will keep things clean. But the most aesthetic presentation would be todynamically truncate the description with ellipses (...) somewhere just before the text runs off the end of the cell (like the ubiquitous [More...] feature, but first filling the cell as much as possible).
This is a typographically desirable feature, and I can come pretty close with php
The "toTop" attribute is used to overcome z-index stacking issues.
I have an iframe that displays a pdf file. The problem is the modal dialog appears behind the pdf file and I can't seem to find any way to resolve it. I've tried setting z-index manually for iFrame as well the DIV housing the iFrame but to no avail. Even "toTop" does not work.
This issue appears in all versions of IE. I haven't checked in Mozilla.
I have a problem with load(), which I cannot find on forum search or google. I have a container "right_col" that should be filled with jQuery after clicking on any hyperlink. The result shall be a HTML page that only changes the content area. On the first loading of the page it works as intended. But after the first load() no more jQuery is used and the page changes URL in Browser and reloads the entire page. After this reload you have again one jQuery that is working and so on.
HTML Code: <div id="right_col"> <div id="right_content"> </div></div>
This is my JS code: $(document).ready(function(){ var fadeTime = 200; $("#right_col").css("display", "none"); $("#right_col").fadeIn(fadeTime); // links $("a").click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); linkLocation = this.href; $("#right_col").fadeOut(fadeTime, contentloader); }); function contentloader() { $('#right_col').load(linkLocation + ' #right_content',null, function(){ $("#right_col").fadeIn(fadeTime); });}});
As you can see, I'm loading the whole linkLocation and want to replace the content within #right_col with all HTML of #right_content including this div aswell. I tried Firebug to fugure out if i have more than one #right_col after the load(). I tried replacing IDs with classes to prevent element doubling. I tried to remove the #right_content param and pass a variable to my script to only print the needed HTML. Nothing works.
And the Fun part: I also have a menu outside of #right_col. Calls from there on are working perfectly as intended.