JQuery :: Setting Value Of Textarea In Hidden Form Field
Dec 19, 2010
I am very new to jquery and I am trying to set the value of a textarea which is not in a form, into a hidden field which is in a form. In the text area, I have given it an id called refnote and ive used the text() to get the text in it. However, the problem is setting the retrieved text in a hidden form field.
alert ($('#refnotes').text());
return false;
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Aug 8, 2011
I want to be able to set a hidden field with a value when I submit a form.
Here is the javascript
function submitEntry() {
var form = document.sobi2EditForm;
if (form.field_secondarycat1.value=='Nurseries'){
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Jul 23, 2010
I'm setting an empty hidden div as the value of a form field and then calling inline div opener using thickbox.js:
<a href="#" onclick="javascript:document.getElementById('previewdiv').innerHTML = document.forms['form1'].content.value;tb_show('Preview','#TB_inline?height=550&width=500&inlineId=previewdiv');"><span class="icon-32-preview" title="Preview"></span>Preview</a>
<div id="previewdiv" name="previewdiv" style="display:none;"></div>
The thickbox opens with the title "Preview", but is empty.I've alerted the div after setting it, and it does contain the formfield value.Why might this be happening? I've also tried setting the div like this (foo as dummy text - to no avail):
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Mar 3, 2009
how <textarea> data may be passed in a hidden form field or in a cookie ? is needed any encoding ? in javascript ?
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May 20, 2009
I have an hidden field in a form defined as follow: <input type="hidden" name="previewText" value="" /> To assign its value I used: var contentText = "<h2>Order Preview</h2>"; $("input[name='previewText']").val(contentText); It works fine but the html code is lost. Is there a way to retain the
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Nov 18, 2010
I've got this hidden div that pops up using jQuery when the login menu item is clicked.
<div class="entry-wrapper" id="reg-login" style="display:none;">
<div class="t"></div>
<div id="loginFormHolder" class="c">
<div class="close">
<a href="index.php" class="spotlight-close"> </a>
</div> <!-- close -->
<div class="login">
<div> <!-- blank --> .....
What I'm trying to do is setting the input focus on the user_session_username text input and the code is not working. The div pops up but the focus is never put into the user_session_username edit field.
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Apr 2, 2010
I have a function that gets the value of a clicked on <span> like this:
function getSelectedValue(id) {
return $("#" + id).find("dt a span.value").html();
and sets the value of a second span like this:
$("#state").html("value: " + getSelectedValue("state"));
When I echo that second span, I get the selected value from the first span. But I need to get that value into a hidden html form field, so I can pass it along with the $_POST array. How do I do this?
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Dec 18, 2009
I have the official qQuery autocomplete plugin ( from bassistance) working properly. Start typing a product name and it queries my php script and mysql to return a list of products.
However, when the user submits the form, I want a hidden form field that contains the row ID for that product in the database table. I would have thought that this is a very common need, but I did not see any of the examples in the doc or website.
Desired query:
Desired form for submission
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Aug 17, 2004
I have a password field like this:
<input name="site_assword" type="password" class=loginform value="password" size="10" onfocus="this.value=''" onblur="if (this.value=='') {this.value='password'}">
It shows a default value which dissapears when the user clicks on the password field. However, because the input field type is set to 'password', whatever I set as the default value is masked by *
Is there any way around this to make normal text appear but still have the input box masked when they start to type the password?
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Aug 12, 2007
i have a form in which a hidden field (initial value as Ɔ', and my javascript set it to Ƈ' when an event is trigged). In the same form, i have a reset field. But I realized that the hidden field is not reset to Ɔ' when i push the
reset button. If I simply change the node from
"<input type="hidden" id='IsChanged' value=Ɔ'>"
"<input type="text" id='IsChanged' value=Ɔ'>"
Everything is working as expected (the value is reset to Ɔ' when I
push the reset button) Why does this happen?
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Nov 19, 2009
I have modified a free JS function from here: [URL] To dynamically add text fields to the form. My work-in-progress version is here: [URL] On the form, I have a hidden text field:
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Jun 3, 2011
I want to pass a value received through the Url to another screen with new data by a form using the method="get". I have tried several different ways, my latest attempt was to use a hidden field hoping that would add to the url string but it isn't working.
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Oct 18, 2010
I have a flash game that passes a score via URL string i.e.(URL) and I want it to populate the "value" of this hidden form field (<input type="hidden" name="Score" value=""> ), but I dont know where to begin. The form is in an HTML doc and not within flash, if that makes any difference.
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Jul 22, 2009
I have done this once before but it has been a while. How do I add a new form hidden field and value to an existing form and then submit the form within a function that can be run with an onclick event?
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Mar 4, 2010
Is there a way to give an input or textarea field the focus and set the focus to begin right at the end of the current text in the field?
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Apr 21, 2010
I'm trying to combine 3 form input fields into 1 that is hidden (Date of Birth). The input fields are DOB-MM, DOB-DD, and DOB-YYYY and the hidden field is DOB which will store the Date of Birth in the following format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. Unfortunately I don't know javascript write a quick script that will combine these 3 fields and arrange them in the format required.
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Nov 28, 2011
Ok, so I am working a project where one of the last parts is to have a hidden field in the form to pass the product id with everything else in the url parameters. As of right now I have it setup to grab product info for an external file and display on order_form.html(function addprod on line 29), in the h4 tag(line 250) is where the 'prodid' is displayed, I am needing to see if there is a way to get that value put into the hidden field(line 260) to be passes along.
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Mar 29, 2011
I have an order form where a customer can select a number of artwork prints supplied by different artists and suppliers. The name, price, postage amount and other details for each of the prints are held in a table in a MySQL database. As postage amount may vary between prints and suppliers of the prints we must have the customer select postage per print - not the amount just yes or no. The customer may select as many of these prints as he desires - printa, printb, printc, printd etc. through to printz. Many of the prints are provided by separate individual suppliers and must therefore have postage paid for each ordered print and this is automatically added by the order form. However some prints are provided by the same supplier and only one postage fee needs to be chosen (yes or no), so these are not automatically added and the customer must choose to pay postage on only one of the prints (not all 3 if he orders 3 of them).
So for postage purposes I have a postage code on the table in the MySQL database. For example printa, printb and printc are all supplied by the same supplier so each have a linked postage code of A. Similarly others may also be linked using different postage codes e.g. printx and printy may have a postage code of B. So whenever a customer chooses a print that does not have a linked postage code then the postage fee is automatically selected for him and charged to the total. However where prints are linked to the same postage code we must allow the costomer to select postage (yes or no), but we must force him to select yes or no for at least one of the linked prints.
So to do this I need a javascript validation alert to force the customer to choose yes for postage for at least one of the prints, not necessarily all of them, where they have a linked postage code. To do that I can add the the postage linked code as an array for each print selected to a form hidden field so that my javascript can use the field as follows: <input type="hidden" name="postagearray[]" value="<? echo $postagecode; ?>">
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Jul 23, 2005
I need to add an input hidden field to an existing form (post).
I have tried a couple things like adding the '<INPUT type=hidden
name=idSelectedURL value=http://server/documents>' to the innerHTML of
the form but it fails. ie
var sField = "<INPUT type=hidden name=idSelectedURL
frm.innerHTML = frm.innerHTML + sField;
also, trying to add an element to the form such as:
var frm = document.getElementById("idForm");
var oField = frm.createElement ('input');
oField.type ="hidden";
oField.name = "idSelectedURL";
oField.value ="http://server/documents";
none of these work and give me a javascript error.
I don't think the createElement method can be used from the form
object, only from the document object. still could not get it working.
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Dec 16, 2011
I have an HTML contact form on many different pages of a web site. I need to know which page the user was on when they submit the form. I need to pass the URL of the current page as a hidden field through the form when it's submitted. Do I need to add javascript to the header to call a function pulling the URL and then a secondary function to place it in the hidden field's "value" attribute?
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Apr 14, 2009
I have a draggable marker on my page that sets the value of a javascript variable when the marker is released.I want to submit this value to store it in a database however I cannot figure out how to pass this javascript variable as a hidden form field.Here is my code. I suspect this is completelyhow to make this "lat" value available to me after the form has been submitted.
<form name="myform" method="post" action="" >
<input type="hidden" name="lat" id="lat"
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Jun 13, 2011
Im trying to create a hidden form field in a parent window from within a child window (popup). I am trying to use jQuery, but unfortunately the hidden field does not get created.
Code JavaScript:
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Mar 3, 2011
I have a single select dropdown in my application which is hidden for one type of user group. Before a user from this group can save any data, I have to explicitly select the default value of this dropdown for him as this dropdown is not visible to him.
Issue: In IE, this default value doesn't get selected as it is not populated but works fine in Firefox. Is this a jQuery bug?
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Dec 1, 2010
a user goes to a page, selects a value from a select box then clicks a link to run a report using that hidden variable as a parameter. I am attempting to place the value in the URL to pass it. I'm sure the javascript is working, and maybe it's the HTML I've messed up - not sure.Here is the javascript (the alert does return the correct value):
function OnChangeDay() {
//assign the day id to the hidden variable $day
And here is the HTML that should send the value, but I get day= (nothing)
<a href='/depts/edoptions/excel_extract.php?ex=2&day=<? echo $test_day ?>'>SLIP Data to Excel</a>
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Sep 2, 2010
I'm developing one application that have two iframes. These iframes are ARS forms.So, I need to transfer information from one to the other one and after that, call one save method of the ARS form. (Ps: both have the same src attribute, in other words, the same form).
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Feb 14, 2006
I'm using a dropdown to set the value of a textarea to some text pulled from a database.
This text is something like this:
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