JQuery :: Setting HTML Code Of The Whole Webpage
May 17, 2011
I am using $.post to send an HTTP Post Request to my web page and I receive the generated HTML code within the corresponding callback function. Unfortunately, the browser does not reload the web page automatically to see the changes of the request. For sure, I could use document.window.reloaed() to make them visible, but instead I simply wanna use the returned HTML code to change web page.
I have tried several javascript statements, such as window.childNodes[0].innerHTML = data or window.clear() but nothing works. Then, I saw the option of using $(document).html(data) but this is also not the approriate one.
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Nov 23, 2011
I want to use the values of text boxes on my HTML webpage to create a webpage URL (like below):
<script type="text/javascript">
My text boxes are as follows:
Now this all works and the result webpage URL prints to id='ID1', but the big question is how do I use this resulting URL in another Javascript section as the src="?
For example:
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Nov 23, 2009
Could anyone know the script code for a WEBPAGE ON TOP OF A WEBPAGE? The site was not working anymore, so I can't tell you the link. This is what I saw, When I visited the site (Mainpage) There's just a Welcome Image that shows CLICK HERE TO ENTER. After clicking the link, a loading faded icon appears on top of Welcome Image covering that Welcome Image with Webpages, it's like popping to the center of the page. I don't know if someone of you could understand me. It's like Page on TOP of another Webpage without leaving the 1st page.
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May 7, 2011
Is it possible to call a procedure in the code behind a web page from jquery/java script? For example, If I have a button that calls a script called Process_Data and a module in the code behind called Save_Data. Can Process_Data call Save_Data?
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Nov 14, 2011
Working throu' the Sammy Tutorial with an intent of using a RESTful django server with sammy.[code]Where the console on chrome reports Uncaught ReferenceError: Sammy is not defined and altho' I get to see the template code in the webpage it does not appear to be rendering.All files are visible from the browser including the template code.The error is reported from line 55 [code]which comes after the function declaration.I'm a python/django creature and rarely venture out to the wilds of the client side. Have I made some particularly simple js/jquery/sammy error ?
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Mar 23, 2011
I am trying to make a gui for clients to edit a php page that displays html and javascript.
I want the user to be able to move html elements around and even edit it like add effects like fade in and out etc.
Then after all the changes I want to overwrite the existing php file that does this for that user. how can you make such changes and then save it to a file?
It's an html / javascript editor but using a gui instead of allowing them to directly touch the code. It would be a security risk if I allow such a thing. So I need to program a interface that would make such changes and save them to file.
Like how can you delete and add new javascript code to the file?
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Mar 30, 2011
I'm new to JavaScript and jQuery. I play a little with J2SE, JSP-JSTL, JDBC I'm making a web site whose one page is dedicated to an email agent. Layout is ready in html. What is the usual way to implement this functionality ? I imagine that the 'send' button packetizes every form field as a particular parameter of a request to be send to the mail server which is connected to my web server (by a hosting service). that I need some JavaScript or jQuery to make possibly some field validation (of the caller e-mail address, of the allowed remaining characters in the message body,
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May 20, 2009
I have an hidden field in a form defined as follow: <input type="hidden" name="previewText" value="" /> To assign its value I used: var contentText = "<h2>Order Preview</h2>"; $("input[name='previewText']").val(contentText); It works fine but the html code is lost. Is there a way to retain the
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Nov 24, 2010
I am trying to get 2 versions of the code below to run simultaneously on the same page (in different div tags), but with different pictures and timer. I can get both to work seperately so I know the code works, but when I put both on the same page only one works.
<script type="text/javascript">
var ultimateshow=new Array()
//ultimateshow[x]=["path to image", "OPTIONAL link for image", "OPTIONAL link target"]
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Nov 3, 2010
I was wondering if it is possible to add js logging onto a webpage and have this writing out to a separate file with the details?
I have a page which is only showing the header and not the rest of the page, I want to add loggin code to find out where it is breaking.
how would I go about setting it up?
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Feb 5, 2011
I have the following code which *should* change the image I have on my webpage to images based on the time.
function timeDate() {
var t=new Date();
var h = d.getHours();[code]....
I don't know why this won't work. It should compare the hour variable (h) to the hour, and then change the image based on that. However it doesn't do this, and I'm not sure why. I've tried using both = and ==, but neither seem to work. Like I said I am a newbie to this sort of stuff.Also, would there be a way of making the el.src to: "images/timedate/"+[the hour]+".png" without the need of directly comparing the hours? It would be useful if it was possible, as I need to do a minutes one as well
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May 6, 2011
I am currently using this code on a webpage that lists the site members.
function toggleMenu(objID) {
if (!document.getElementById) return;
var ob = document.getElementById(objID).style;
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Jan 6, 2010
I am using this fancy box code to smoothly pop up an image on click, I got it working on my main index page but that's not where I want to put it. My site has a menu where it loads external webpages inside the main index one, I would like to use the code on one of those pages but something is not working.
I have been told its a DOCTYPE issue but I am not able to use the specified DOCTYPE, however I find that it works all the same with my current DOCTYPE choice. If I use the given one in addition to the one I use now (and need) then my site does not work properly, further if I replace it I get the same results.
My existing doctype:
<DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd" "http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/loose.dtd" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
I even tried using the exact code from the example in that linked .htm page but it doesn't make a difference, it probably even hinders the code as it looks at the main html page. However loading the page on its own the code will work, so its related to the menu and the way that works.
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Oct 22, 2011
Is it possible to create a loop using code to play a song on a webpage? Or does the while statement have to produce numbers like 1, 2, 3? I don't really understand what types of things I am allowed to use when creating a loop.
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Jan 3, 2010
I am using this fancy box code to smoothly pop up an image on click, I got it working on my main index page but that's not where I want to put it. My site has a menu where it loads webpages inside the main index one, I would like to use the code on one of those pages but something is not working.I am not able to use the specified DOCTYPE but find that it works all the same with my current one, however if I use the given one in addition to the one I have now (and need) then my site does not work properly, further if I replace it I get the same results.My existing doctype:
<DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"
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Sep 22, 2006
Subject line would seem to say it all:
How does one trigger the execution of a method within an object or any
other code/function with the setting of an object property?
More elaboration for those who want it:
Suppose we have anObjectType, with a property .description, whose value
can be a string, and the value of .description actually describes the
structure of anObjectType as a string. (The details are not important
about how the structure is described, but if you want something concrete,
think of 'anObjectType' as a DOM Node of type NODE_ELEMENT, and
..description as the property .innerHTML.)
When an instance of anObjectType is created, the value of description is
created with the instance. Indeed, the value of description may not be
set with the construction of anObjectType, but it might be added to the
prototype of anObjectType.
But the property .description is not merely read-only. Fetching the value
of .description returns the string which describes the structure of the
object in a meaningful way.
When .description is set with a value of type string, the string is
checked to see if it properly describes a legally formed structured for
anObjectType, and the instance (and only that instance) of anObjectType is
completely re-built: it might possibly be destructed and then re-
constructed, or all properties (but not methods) which involve descendant
objects are changed to conform to the described structure.
The question is, the setting of a string value of the property
..description of object anObjectType does not automatically trigger a
method/methods (or an exception??) for doing something (such as
restructing the object) as a result of the setting of an object property.
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Apr 20, 2009
I advertise on the internet and they want me to link my webpage to their webpage with an dhtml code...Then they will list my website on their page.. I use geo cities page builder for my webpage.
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Aug 31, 2010
I have one web page, in it i want to get the content from user for some description.I used earlier as a text area field.Now i want to put simple HTML tags included editor.(as like we enter this description in sitepoint).
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Oct 25, 2011
I can not this code in my web page. Could you please check it ans say how I can run. I try the code using html test page but failed.
<script language="javascript"><!--
document.write('<iframe src="http://www.juenpetmarket.com/moduls/banner/banner_reklamiframe.aspx?
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Feb 6, 2009
how to "clean up" html code, from code that defines image (image, and nothing else). I have string like:
Code HTML4Strict: This is my <b>code</b>. <img src="img/1.jpg" /><br />This is line number two.The result shoud be:
Code HTML4Strict: This is my <b>code</b>. <br />This is line number two.
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Aug 7, 2011
I have this piece of javascript code, which enables me to get my Picasa photos without link back feature, in my webpage. The issue is with the hardcoded RSS url feed. I want this to be dynamically passed as a variable to the java script.I use a PHP code, where this javascript is coded.
In the below code, if I say
var samples = <?php $url_code ?>,
the javascript does not recognize.
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Jun 6, 2009
i want to ask that is it possible that using javascript injection the contents of a web page can be altered (add / edit / deleted) in Line of Code.Since, this has happened with me couple of times,talking to the support team at my hosting provider, they say that its due to the security holes in the Coding, but i think that its the security issue at the hosting side (since modifying the web pages code)i've found this code immediately after the opening of the body tagearlier the page snoofing for the above URL was working, but now its not producing the output. (so can not post whats inside it).My Another website (hosted by the same provider) is also infected. there the code immediately after the body tag is again the page snoofing yeilds no output with the error
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Feb 13, 2011
For complex reasons, I have to use HTML with JavaScript to set a cookie. I know it is easy to set and get cookies PHP but I have to put the code in HTML. I ran this Javascript code:
function putCookie(){
cookie_name = "specialcookiehuge";
if(document.cookie != document.cookie){
index = document.cookie.indexOf(cookie_name);
index = -1;
}if (index == -1){
document.cookie=cookie_name+"; expires=Monday, 04-Apr-2020 05:00:00 GMT";
I tested this code by placing alert statements and I know that the line:
document.cookie=cookie_name+"; expires=Monday, 04-Apr-2020 05:00:00 GMT";
gets run. I tried to find this cookie (Tools -> Internet Options -> Browsing History ->Settings) And I did not find anything named "specialcookiehuge" in "View Objects" or "View Files".
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Mar 15, 2001
After remembering that you can bypass any MAILFORM skulduggery by just putting 'mailto' in the form code along with your address, I've come up with the idea that it might just be possible to take the contents of each field and then write out an HTML page using that info and maybe have a few picture links alongside using Javascript and its variables.
If you don't understand, I'm thinking about e-cards. I do not have access to any CGI or ASP or anything on my host (it's free, though not Xoom or anything). Therefore I'd like to write an HTML email including a greeting and picture directly from a form after gathering the visitor's send details and greeting.
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May 22, 2011
i need to build a webpage form using only html/ javascript (assignment specs).I know how to build the form that calculates a quote so it can be filled in but i get stuck trying to work out the general concept behind outputting the quote and also hiding the original form.
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Jul 30, 2007
i am developing a website in html in which the contactus page i have to connect to ms access database i am not able to get it ,can any one tell me how to get that one.
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