I have applied the fadeIn() and fadeOut() effects to a li>ul in my html, but if the user leaves the ul briefly then re-enters it before it has finished fading out, the ul fades back in again. This can happen many times over by accident and it's very annoying.
If the user leaves the ul I want it to fadeOut() and NOT fadeIn() again until the user re-enters the parent li element.Is there a way of ensuring this? I have done a quick search for while and if/then/else functions but haven't been getting anywhere. This is what I have, very simple indeed:
And what this is doing is when a mouse is put over my div 'hireMe', the background position is animated upwards and in fades in my text with an id of 'resume'. However if halfway though the FadeIn you move the mouse out of the container, it will permantly be stuck in this limbo world and will never return to 100% opacity again. Am I utilizing the stop() properly?
each time I hover on #demo, the piece of code below works, but it will not stop doing it even if I'm not on hover, it is like it will repeat the process all the times I hovered and didn't have time to repeat it.
It is a beginners problem I'm sure but I'm making a menu and when hovered, the submenu appear. However, when moving the mouse the submenu keeps fading in and out a few times. Why? Can I stop the function from repeating itself over and over? [code]...
This is the website that is in question. Below is the script that I think is causing the problem. Every time you navigate to a new page I want the pages to fade out/in. However, there is a brief blink in between animations. I have tried to use stop() and not, but neither seems to help. I will post both options.
i am making a request using Ajax (JQuery) and it keeps repeating the request, it almost seems like it is inside a loop even though it is not inside a loop.
I have an xml with nested repeatingentries. I want to parse it using jquery, I have tried .find methodbut it ignores the child parent relation and consider all as child nodesI want to parse it inhierarchy like first it should show top level categories then if have nested categories and then if have products and so on.
I'm using mouseenter and mouseleave to call a slideToggle on a dropdown menu. What's bothering me though is if my mouse moves in and out of the menu a few times before the toggle animation is complete and replays the open close a few times before stopping. [URL]... Is there a way to kill the queue so that it doesn't play if the mouse is not over it anymore?
I want to animate a button with .hover and then animate it even more with .click. The problem is when the button is clicked, the mouse is no longer hovered so the hover returns to the default position. I need to stop the .hover from returning to the default non-hover state when the button is clicked.
I taught it to myself without even having any true JavaScript experience and am sure that while functional, many of my implementations could/should be written completely differently. I'm running some animations that look great in everything except for IE. In IE I'm seeing a thin, ragged black border around some of the elements that I'm animating.
I have some code that executes two animations when the user clicks on an area. I want both animations to go off at the exact same time, however from time to time it seems as if one will be triggered first and then after a slight delay the second one will be triggered. This, of course, is noticeable and a problem. How can I ensure that they will go off together?
I want to repeat 3 .html file in every page of my site. (header.html, footer.html and navigation.html), I read something about php's include() function. but I like to use JQuery's .ajax() or get() function. How can I do that?
How do I use jQuery to determine which textbox control is being clicked and then show the div that relates to that TextBox? Again, both the textbox along with the div=command are all repeating. It could repeat more than just twice as showing in the example above. I need the jQuery to only show the div=command that the user has clicked on the TextBox for commenting.
i have in place an fade in application of addclass to a selector but i would like the transition to use one of the easing plugin equations instead for more dynamism. I can't tell how i would do this, since all the examples only use the animate function.
In pseudo code, here's what I'm trying to do with some text: shrinkText.changeText.EnlargeText. The jQuery I'm using for this: $('span#calendarNumber').animate({ color: '#999', fontSize: '12px' }, 500 ).html($('#calculatorSampleInPopup1').val()).animate({ color: '#900', fontSize: '40px' }, 2500, 'easeOutElastic' );
What happens visually upon triggering this is this: - HTML content changes - text shrinks - text enlarges I think what is happening is that the first animation is suppose to span 500 (miliseconds?) but jQuery doesn't pause for that, it just starts the animating and goes immediate to the second event which is to change the text. In otherwords, I think it's triggering correctly, it's just not producing the visual effect I want. Is the solution to put a pause of some sort between the first two events? If so, what's the proper method?
I have a group of 4 divs and I'm looking to use jQuery to animate them once, then have a delay using delay(), and then run another set of animations on them, putting the divs back to their original configuration. Here's the code that I have:
//only selectors called 'option1' are affected by delay, and not 'option1 img' or 'option2' $("#option1").showOption1().delay(3000).hideOption1(); //if i don't attach to #option1, delay doesn't work, but the animations that need to happen simultaneously work
will work from hideOption1() after the delay. The rest of hideOption1() is fired immediately after showOption1() finishes, ignoring the delay.
On the other hand, if I run line 5, all the code in hideOption1() runs simultaneously as desired, but ignores the delay entirely, running immediately after showOption1() finishes. How can I have all the code in hideOption1() run simultaneously after the delay?
So I have a navigation thats decently simple, but the JS doesnt seem to operate in the correct manner. When i hover over a child navigation list item, the parent will start its animation as well. I know when you hover over the child you are in turn hovering over the parent, but is there a way to get the parent to not animate? [URL]
I want create a page which has animation at the bottom of that page. I use jQuery to do that. This is the way I do it <a href="#" class="animation">Animate this</a> And this is the jquery
$(document).ready(function() { $('a.animation').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //animation goes here; }); }); When I run the code, all animation run very well except the page always scroll to the top. I try to change the href attribute to javascript:void(0); but it still run like that..
I want to use the Ajaxify-Plugin ( URL... ) for my new Website. It fits exactly my needs.Sadly the animations are not working correctly.When your Internet-connection is too fast, you don't see animations at all (on a local machine also). I putted up a demo: URL...The content is supposed to fade out, then the new content gets loaded and then this new content should fade in nicely again, like in my own example, which I got from a tutorial that is just using pure jQuery resources: URL... [code]
The author of the plugin himself is using a server delay to overcome the sideeffect ( URL... - click some links under "New v2 features"), but i think that's the wrong way to go for production.Sadly im not good enough in JavaScript-programming to tweak the plugin by myself, to get it to work like in the second example... I tried it now for 6 hours.I would really like to use Ajaxify, because it has all the features I need united in it. The only thing that is not working are this animations.
This is a weird one. I have a page I'm working on, and I made a simple div that slides up to display some content, then slides down, replaces the content and slides back up again. Basically a showy news ticker.
When I created the div/animation code it ran fine. smooth as silk. However, I then decided to move that part of the html into a templated system, where some php reads a second file and outputs the contents into the webpage. (real simple stuff, it uses file_get_contents and echo to output the file contents).
Using this system, it all displays correctly, but the animation is suddenly slow and jerky. This doesn't make sense to me. Why would the animation suddenly become jerky just because the html that creates the divs is now created via php? Surely the php fires long before jquery gets involved - so why would this occur?