JQuery :: Prev And Next Links In Gallery?
Mar 15, 2011
I'm rather new toJavaScriptand have spent all day trying to figure out how I can make this possible by examining others code but to no avail. I've finally bit the bullet and come to ask for some help.
I'm making a website for a friends photography and have managed to get a thumbnail gallery working as you can see here[URL]...The problem is I have no idea how to get get the prev and next links working. I have tried countless searches for the best part of the afternoon looking for a solution but mostly all I seem to uncover is lists ofpre-madegalleries andcarousels.
It would be fantastic if someone could point me in the right direction just to simply get these links incrementing and decrementing based on the image that is loaded.
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Dec 14, 2011
I've been struggling for the past hours to get this code to work, more specifically the nextImage and prevImage function. Everything else seems to be working well. What puzzles me is that it works randomly, meaning sometimes it will go next/prev and behave properly, others it won't. This is really the best I could do.
HTML Code:
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Feb 16, 2010
i'm trying to use this script to build an image gallery with prev. and next buttons.
is there any way i could use that script or something similar? , using nice galleries built with jquery,etc is not an option because my images are very large.
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Sep 15, 2010
well, I thought this wasn't a cycle question specifically, but it looks like it is. [URL]
in case it's not ok to just post link to my post about this on "using jQuery" forum:
this is code in cycle plugin to hide "next" nav at last slide, hide "prev" nav at first slide:
$('a#prev')[index == 0 ? 'hide' : 'show']();
$('a#next')[index == opts.slideCount - 1 ? 'hide' : 'show']();
but what if instead of just 'hide' and 'show' I want to call a function (because I want to, let's say, just change the font-color of the link instead of hiding it)? so I did:
$('a#next')[index == opts.slideCount - 1 ? 'disableNext' : 'showNext']();
function disableNext() {
(and what I actually want to do is change the link to a non-link by doing sthg like $('span....').html(change code to non-link..), etc... )
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Jun 30, 2011
how to make the following two simple image galleries:This one displays a specific image when its link is clicked ((URL address blocked: See forum rules)/tests/gallerysimp.html) And this one displays the previous/next image for whatever's showing ((URL address blocked: See forum rules)/tests/prevnext.html). (During its code, it points to this .js file ((URL address blocked: See forum rules) /tests/ nextPrevious.js).)
My question is, how do I combine those two galleries? How can I make one gallery that contains both kinds of links? Since the two galleries were copied from different places, the names they use aren't the same, and I'm not sure what to change to make it all unified. (I tried fiddling with it for over an hour before giving up.)
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Oct 5, 2011
I've got this little chunk of code running on my freelance portfolio site - on each page (different sections of my portfolio) I have 6 thumbnails and a full sized graphic with some descriptive info, you click the thumbnail and it switches the graphic and other info, that all works fine.But on one page I have some web stuff and I'd like to make the var 'clientinfo' into a link to go to the client's website. I know I need to add an array with the website links, but then I'm not sure how to implement it into the html, I've tried various things I've found on here but I'm not getting anywhere on my own. I know it's something pretty simple (for someone who knows what they're doing) but I just can't seem to grasp it.
the js is like this:
$(function() {
$(".image").click(function() {
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Jun 2, 2009
I am trying to customize the navigation on The Simple Controls Gallery.so that instead of the play buttons being displayed the anchor links are the ones that are being cycled through.immediately received an error indicating that an element had not been called correctly. How do I call those anchor links correctly.I place the javascript call on the links themselves which provided me with the functionality of pressing each one to make the gallery advance forward or backwards, but how would I make it so that as the images rotate the anchor links hightlight giving an indication of what the current image link is?
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Nov 15, 2011
i know my summary is not the clearest so here goes....
the page www.philip
has several links to click ...all different images. they all link to the same page which is an image gallery. i would like for the new page to open with the related image enlarged in the gallery instead of always showing the first image in the list regardless of which link was clicked. i hope i am being clear.
ps what is the standard way of providing a link yet hiding it from the crawling robots?
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May 2, 2011
I've found a post regarding this issue but it's a little bit different this time.So I've created a .php script which creates some galleries where users can click them and browse their respective photos. It works like a charm in Chrome and FireFox, but IE doesn't like it.With this code:
When I click on the gallery thumb it should open the first photo in fancybox and browsing through the gallery should by peanuts. And it is, but with IE just opens the .jpg in a blank page without fancybox. The strange thing is I've used the same script approach in another website and the fancybox works just fine with IE too. So why doesn't in this case?
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May 10, 2011
I'm trying to implement JQuery Cycle onto the homepage of my website (which is a work in progress). I wish to have a banner with Previous and Next buttons, as well as a Pager and a Caption. I've added all of this to the banner. The Pager and the Caption works, but for the life of me I can't get the Previous and Next links to work.
This is my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
fx: 'fade',
speed: 'fast',
timeout: 0,
prev: '#prev2',
next: '#next2',
pager: '#nav2',
after: function() {
<div id="banner"><!-- banner -->
<img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/banner_image_1.jpg" alt="Louvre Museum, Paris"/>
<img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/banner_image_2.jpg" alt="Louvre Museum, Paris 2"/>
</div><!-- /banner -->
<div id="nav"><a id="#prev2" href="#">Previous Image</a> - <a id="#next2" href="#">Next Image</a></div>
<div id="caption"></div>
<div id="nav2"></div>
My website can be viewed here: [URL]
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Sep 11, 2011
Is it possible to use a graphic or an image, such as an arrow, instead of the text for prev next?
I've reviewed all the demos and searched the forum here. I don't see any reference to this anywhere.
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Jan 7, 2011
Been playing with this plug-in for several hours now, very cool. Managed to build a decent non-linear presentation tool with play controls and multiple hotspots per slide. I noticed what I think are a few minor bugs concerning the opt.currSlide value, could also just be my lack of experience with the plug-in and JQuery. When using the 'next' and 'prev' options, the opt.currSlide value does not appear to be updated. I'm using this value to trigger hiding and showing of overlays in 'after' code. Works fine when a jump is initiated via cycle(num, trans) but not when initiated via cycle('next') or cycle('prev').
Also the "none" transition does not appear to call all of the before, after, etc.. events. As a work around, I defined a custom transition based on fade that animates the left property from 0 to 0 rather than opacity. Finally, I'd like to suggest an enhancement to the cycle method to accept cycle(num, trans, args). An example of why this is needed...
cycle(3, 'wipe', {clip: 'l2r'}).
Meaning jump to slide 3 using a wipe transition with clip set left-to-right. As a workaround for this limitation, I defined custom transitions for each of the wipe options.
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Dec 20, 2011
I have a slideshow similar (albeit more sophisticated) to this example [URL]. However, I'm trying to make the slideshow accessible to all JAWS users, leveraging aria-live attributes appropriately.
The problem is this: I am using the fx: 'fade' transition (this is out in the wild and I'm unable to change it at this point). However, I have a hidden button that gains visibility on tab focus. When the 'next' button is triggered I need the cycle plugin to leverage NO fx at all or the screen readers will end up using the subsequent slide for reading content due to the opacity + display time delay with the fade fx.
Basically I want my slideshow to have 2 fx, one for the default behavior (fx: 'fade' for the pager links) which is fading from slide to slide, and another fx (fx: 'none') that is used to prevent aria-live issues with screen readers. Is this possible?
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Sep 13, 2011
Im using the goto function for a questionnaire to go to different slides/questions, i also want to add a back/prev button but i want it to go back to the previous slide it was on instead of going back to the prev slide in the stacking order.
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Oct 14, 2009
I have worked out how to use the Next and Prev example here : [URL] and the count example here: [URL]. I can't however work out how to combine them so when you press "Next". It changes a "1 out of 5" image counter.
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Feb 12, 2011
I'm playing around with edit in place and have a list of information that is generated by a php loop. Each list has a unique ID number at the top that i need to send back to my php script. I've put the ID number in a hidden form field at the top of every list and i'm trying to read it using .val() I've used .prev to get the line ID but can't seem to get ID number.... I thought it would be something like this but i can't seem to figure it out... i $(this).find('.Id:first').val(); usally work my way though stuff but this is making my head hurt.....
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May 24, 2011
I've been working with the Cycle plugin for a while, but the only problem I'm having is that if I pass a string of transition names (comma separated), the next button goes through them in the right order but the prev button does not use the previous transition as one would expect. It uses the next transition in the list given as input. I've looked around but I could only find people fixing it for scrolling horizontally. I want it to maintain the order of transitions passed as input, not a reverse animation effect.
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Oct 14, 2010
After placing a div on each image I placed the comments following. However, prev and next lwon't work unless I uncenter the text alignment or move it up top. For some reason it just won't work when I have it centered bottom.
Size : 52.06 KB
Download : 360
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Jan 28, 2011
I have this cycle slideshow demo, zip. In Internet Explorer is all fine but in the Firefox hide the buttons. I tried to change and turn the divs but still was not right. Why happens this?
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Jan 26, 2011
I am using the jQuery cycle plugin for several slideshows at the same time in Drupal. The problem is when there is only one image in a slideshow, then I want the "prev" and "next" buttons to be hidden away. I can get:
Drupal.behaviors.image_slider = function (context) {
$('#block-views-work-block_1 .views-field-field-work-images-fid .field-content').each(function(i) {
$(this).after('<div class="slide-pager"').cycle({
fx: 'scrollHorz',
speed: 500,
timeout: 0,
nowrap: 1,
sync: 1,
easing: 'easeInOutQuint',
activePagerClass: 'active-slide',
pager: $('.slide-pager').eq(i),
prev: $('.prev').eq(i),
next: $('.next').eq(i),
after: function (curr,next,opts) {
var msg = (opts.currSlide + 1) + ' av ' + opts.slideCount;
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Jun 3, 2009
I tried to use Cycle Plugin, and it works great. I have the "Previous and Next" navigation work without any problem.
This is the code I have:
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Apr 30, 2010
I am new to jquery, and love it so far, but I am more of a designer, not a developer. I am learning jquery to enhance my sites, and I am having a problem figuring out buttons.
I have them working in firefox and safari, but in IE links do not work.
Here is the script I have, and the button code.
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Aug 26, 2009
My menu navigation(Home, Hosting Solution, etc..)
1. The submenu links need to be centered in the middle of the div instead of aligned to the left.
2. Can the submenu links have a rounded box appear under them, instead of being underlined links. Like these at the top: [url]
3: The top tab needs to stay gray/active/on when the mouse is moved down to the submenu or when it is the active button.
Here is the link of the site [url]
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Mar 10, 2010
I'm using jquery/ajax to create some links with window.open method. Here's the relevant code:
type: "GET",[code]..........
Basically, when you click a link a function is called with a parameter based on the particular link you run. Then the code runs through an xml file, and if the parent of the nodes I've cyling through has a value equal to the parameter past to the function, that node is used to create a new link with window.open function attached to it.It all works, or seems to, and when I alert what is being built, it looks right to me, yet the links don't work.I've attached a copy of one of the alerts of one of the links as it's built.
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Nov 28, 2010
I have an image wrapped inside a link tag.<a href="somepage.html"><img id="content" src="img/some.gif" /></a>
I want this .click target to be the link: $('a').click(function(e){
Instead, the target returned is the image [HTMLImageElement].
I have tried using closest()and currentTarget:
But they all still return the image, not the link.
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Jan 19, 2006
I can't find a good script for this, mainly because I can't remember what you call it! Its for a photography site I'm working on, I need it to have Next & Prev links under the photo displayed so it goe through the photos.
Also is it easy to work out how to add a new image to the index.php and so that the last image that was on the index.php file is on the prev button so the photos are in order of when they were on the index.php file... yeah. I always seem to confuse myself with the adding of images when using prev & Next buttons :P
I think it's Javascript I'm after, but if theres a easy php version which is better then let me know but I really don't know php too great so it'd have to be easy or that someone could help me with Code:
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