JQuery :: Parse HTML Without Retrieving External Resources?

Jul 30, 2010

I am putting together a site that uses screen scraping to extract results from a number of search engines. The HTML is downloading fine and I am able to extract search engines results relatively easily using the JQuery .find() function.

My problem is that when the HTML is parsed the browser is firing requests for external resources (i.e. image & video files) that are referenced within the parsed HTML. These resources are not required by my site (I only extract the text results and don't want to display images) and just waste the user's bandwidth.

Is it possible to parse the HTML without evaluating embedded resources?

From using Fiddler and Firebug I have determined that the requests are being made during execution of this function [code]...

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Parse Text From External File

Oct 9, 2009

I currently have a web applet in straight up Java that allows for a user to interact with a flowchart. I need to convert it to pure Javascript due to technological restrictions on technologies I can use on the school's servers. My original applet parses information from text files that contain information about courses, descriptions, credit hours, etc. I've been googling to see if there is a way to use Javascript to parse these same files for information, but my google-fu is failing me.So my question -- is it possible to, using Javascript, read information out of an external file?

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JQuery :: Retrieving A Value From Nested Html?

Jun 17, 2011

I am currently using jquery to regularly speak to my serverside to "import" a html fragment (which has varying components depending on user selection).What I want to know is:Is there any way I can access the html within that div through jquery?TOP LEVEL PAGE

<div id = "window">
<p> loading...</p>


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JQuery :: Retrieving HTML Input Maxlength?

Apr 9, 2010

I would like to pass the maxlength of an HTML input field as a variable with the $.getJSON function. Here is my current code:

$.getJSON('SVRPGM',{size: '4'}, function(j){

I would like to replace '4' with something like $(this).maxLength(). Is this possible?

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JQuery :: Parse Text As HTML?

Apr 20, 2009

I'm trying to get jquery to parse some text in a variable as HTML, has anyone tried this before and got it to work? Can this even be done, or do I have to parse as text?

testHTML = "<html><head></head><body><ul><li class='targetMe'>TESTING</
testGetHTML = $(".targetMe", testHTML).html();
alert( testGetHTML );

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JQuery :: Parse XML And Build HTMl Form?

Mar 25, 2011

ow do i parse XML in JQuery and build HTML Form

Ex XMl :: "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><profile><title>PricelessCitiesNewYokrRegistration.</title><site></site><application></application><fields><field><label>Email</label><type>text</type></field><field><label>Password</label><type>password</type></field></fields></profile>"

And The form Should like below .

Email :: TEXTBOX
Password :: TEXTBOX

Submit Button

When you click submit button it will take those two values and send to back end.

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JQuery :: Parse Ajax HTML Response?

Mar 10, 2010

I am using jQuery for ajax call and receives HTML as a response.

Response I am getting is

I would like to parse this response and fetch "1","Debopam" and "Poddar" from the response HTML. How to do this and is there any way to parse it using jQuery selector.

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JQuery :: Parse Encoded HTML In XML <content> Node?

Sep 23, 2009

I'm using $.ajax with a dataType of xml. The XML document I'm getting has a <content> node that contains a bunch of encoded HTML. Sample:


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JQuery :: Selectors With Xml Cdata / Parse Html String

Aug 21, 2009

I have an XML document that is returned which has an element named html. Inside of that element is a block of HTML wrapped with CDATA tags. I can alert the html variable that i create and see it has all of the data inside of it. So I want to parse through and grab certain things now. I'm just trying to get the element to return it's id to me, even though I know it ... because I kept getting the following error with other code.[code]

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JQuery :: Selectors With Xml Cdata - Parse Html String

Aug 21, 2009

I have an XML document that is returned which has an element named html. Inside of that element is a block of HTML wrapped with CDATA tags. I can alert the html variable that i create and see it has all of the data inside of it. So I want to parse through and grab certain things now. I'm just trying to get the element to return it's id to me, even though I know it ... because I kept getting the following error.

I still continue to get this error with the current code below:

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JQuery :: Unable To Parse Fragment After Loading Html Via Ajax?

Feb 13, 2011

I am loading an entire page in ajax, but I just want to load a fragment from it. Using the .load() function, you can do this by adding a selector after your url like 'getPage.php #myDiv' etc, how to do it using the .ajax method.

I did some googling and found this solution:

url: 'AjaxTest2.htm',
data: {},
cache: false,


I'm trying to get the "d1" div to be populated with the contents of the "my2" div on the second page. I don't want to use the .load() function, I want to use the .ajax() function. I can get this to work if I just use: $('#d1').html(data); instead of $('#d1').html($(data).find('#my2')); but the former results in the entire html contents of the second page being placed into the "d1" div, and I only want the fragement.

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JQuery :: Parse Returned Data And Populate HTML Form Elements

Jun 1, 2011

I am developing a web application in java (jsp's and servlets). For the project I am working on I will need to develop an html data entry screen and the code to load data into the screen, and then save the data back to the back-end database.

How to do the following:
Read the data out of the database (JDBC, no problem) in a servlet.
Put the data into the appropriate form for returning to the data entry screen, which will be a jsp. (Is JSON the right choice for passing the data from the servlet to the jsp?)

In the jsp, parse the returned data and populate the HTML form elements (text fields and combo boxes). When a button is clicked, pull the data out of the form elements and return to a servlet for saving back in the database.

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Retrieving Values From Html Tables?

Nov 24, 2009

I have populated data in html table. Now I have to retrieve the value from this table, row-wise. How can i do this.

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Retrieving Values From Html Form?

Aug 18, 2010

So I'm a novice coder and have been trying to piece together a (seemingly) simple function. I want the user to be able to enter in a certain amount of time into a form, and then when they click submit, it opens a new page and closes after that amount of time.There is a very simple form on the first page that accepts input and looks like so:

<form action="onbreak.php" target="_blank" method="POST"><p class="fillable">I would like to view <input type="text" name="url" id="url" value="" size="30"/> for <input type="text" name="timeinput" id="timeinput" value="" size="3"/> minute(s). <input type="submit" value="Break Me!"/></p></form>


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Parse Xml Using JS Into Html Table?

May 3, 2011

New to this, worked through the w3c tutorials and am really fascinated by some of the concepts. I'm only familiar with html, css, js (basics), so am trying to keep things as simple as I can for this.

For simplicity I'll use books.xml with a listing of books. Each book has a <title><author><year><price> and <image> element. The images are stored in a folder called "images" a path is listed in the xml document.

Using js and an array I can loop through the xml file and have it extract each node into a table, if I mouseOver a ROW in the table, it displays that listing in a DIV above and I would like it to display the image/thumbnail for that particular listing within another div called thumbnail which is in the same location regardless of which listing you mouseOver.

if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
{// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();


So the way this looks is there's a grey div. At the top it says listing, and when the body loads it lists the [0] first entry from the array. To the right of this is a small div called thumbnail that is empty and I would like it to load the relevant image from the path in the <image> tag in the xml file.

Below the listing is a table with 4 columns (title, genre, price, image) and an equal number of rows to the number of listings in the xml file. Under the "image" column it just shows the path to the image.

So how do I tie the empty thumbnail div to the listing so it'll just add the path from the xml <image> tag into a <img src="pathnamefromxmldocument">

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HTML String Does Not Parse

Jun 6, 2005

I have a HTML string (which I retrieve from an XML file) and when I display it with

elm.firstChild.data = response;

Where 'response' is the HTML string, it will show the HTML tags non-parsed. How can I make it parse the HTML inside the string?

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Parse Html Code From Textbox In Div?

Aug 13, 2010

I know this is real easy to do and all... but I just can't remember how to do it...

I have a textarea named 'code' and a completely empty div


the textbox get's filled with html code... (dynamically of course)

and now I need to display the html code in the div... (using the textarea as a buffer)

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Parse (x)HTML Content From XML (AJAX And DOM)

Dec 20, 2006

I have a script that reads the contents of an XML file. The contents of one of the tags of the XML file contains XHTML(made up of <p> and <a> tags). The code I have to output the content of the XML is as follows:

xmlRoot = xmlResponse.documentElement;

var wrapper = document.getElementById("myDiv");
var bodyText = xmlRoot.getElementsByTagName("bodyText");

for(var i=0; i<bodyText.length; i++)
var para = document.createElement("p");
var bodyContent = document.createTextNode(bodyText[i].firstChild.data);


Now, when I view the page in my browser, I get paragraphs that actually display the HTML code. Is there a way to parse this HTML so that it actually appears with all the links etc, as opposed to just showing the code?

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Attempting To Use JS To Parse Info From XML Into HTML?

May 14, 2009

var xmlDoc=null;
if (window.ActiveXObject)
{// code for IE
xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
else if (document.implementation.createDocument)


The other works fine and loads the 3 sections of infomation into a table so I can see that it is querying the XML file correctly. I have attached the .js file and the .xml file.

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Parse Html Tags Within Text Area Or Div?

Mar 25, 2011

I want to display the content of textarea with html parsed eg. how gmail /yahoo displays its mail contents with all the images loaded, with all the links with hypertext parsing the html. Is there any way to display the same.

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Parse HTML To Create Array From Specific Td Tags?

Jun 13, 2011

Well after much trial and error I come asking for help. I am trying to write a greasemonkey script that scans a page for all the values between certain <td> tags. When I used firebug it shows what I am looking for as <td class="username">THEUSERNAME</td> but when I view the source it just shows up as <td>THEUSERNAME</td> I want to create an array of the 100 <td>'s on the page that pertain to usernames but none of the other <td>'s

I created a test page that mimicked the code, what I thought origionally, to be so I could test my script with ease. And it worked when there was an actually <td class="username">

This is what I have so far:

// ==UserScript==
//Displayable Name of your script
// @name EXAMPLE


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Ajax :: Parse A HTML String Received From A Request?

May 24, 2009

I need to parse an HTML string received from an AJAX request. I wrote a function that places the HTML string into an unappended (not added) <div> , which opens the string up to the DOM hierarchy. However, when I try to access the elements of this <div> , I get an error in the console that says root.getElementById is not a function. This tells me that I can't access any of the child nodes.

Here is what my script looks like:

function parseHTML(html) {
var root = document.createElement("div");
root.innerHTML = html;
// The error console stops at this line


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Loading Multiple External Html Pages At One Html Page?

Dec 28, 2010

I tried to load 1 html through ajax and javascript and it worked.But i want to load more than one and i cant.I thought that it would be a good idea to put the ajax files to the external websites and put the same load button.I tried this idea but it doesn work.I can only load one external website.

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Javascript Resources

Aug 11, 2003

My first request is a function that changes the background of something on click. For example if I define which background I want changed (for example a table or cell) and have a function call the name that relates to that field then it will change it to the color I define in the function.

My second request is if I have a link/button I would like it to show/unhide code that I specificy. I am not sure how one could do something like this but have it so that the code is in a specific block of HTML, then when the function is called it actually shows the text. This will come in very handy for some of the massive datasheets in my project.

My third request is: does anyone know where I can get a good FREE wysiwyg just like the one SPF uses? I have tried spaw wysiwyg but it doesnt support too many os's.

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Parse Dynamic XML Content Into Html Tables Nicely With 1 Second REFRESH Rate?

Apr 14, 2011

I have been playing with JavaScript few days now. I have a php script that returns data in XML. I want my Dashboard (html) page to show the response back from my php file. Since this is going to be a Dashboard hence it needs to refresh the content every second hence using JavaScript.

I want to get some guides, tutorials, or how-to for this. Any help would be much appreciated.

Here is what I get from my .php file if I do a POST method to it and define variable "extension=9999" to it code...

How can above be nicely presented in an HTML using JavaScript and how would this query be refreshed and re-POSTED every 1 second?

P.S. Amount of XML data coming back to me is dynamic. So, I don't know how much data I get back. Sometime nothing. Sometime 4 childs. Sometime 10 childs in the XML.

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Jquery :: To Get External Html

Jun 4, 2009

I'm trying to use Jquery to get the latest id from my mysql database by loading a php file that prints the correct id.

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