JQuery :: PHP Script That Will Use Pagination To Display What People Have Written?
Jan 27, 2011
I'm creating a PHP script that will use the pagination to display what people have written. This will can get fairly lengthy and I was wondering what is the best way to develop my php script to be fast and effective. I'm scared that if I output an entire query of all of the data that it will be slow. Would it? Could it slow down the javascript?
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Oct 12, 2010
I have a div with a class of .edit
Then once those show up i have
These don't work. however, if i just put them into the div with using the .append they work ?
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Sep 8, 2009
how can i remove a script from a div using jquery
my div
<div ID="msg" runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">showMessage('some message')</script>
i whant it to be empty (so at the next postback the function will not run)
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Mar 11, 2011
I am using this Rich Text Editor in my asp.net page.Every thing is fine , but i want to get the html contents inserted by user using a javaScript function and submit the form asynchronously. But i am unable to get the html content. how to get the html contents.I am herewith attaching that Rich Text Editor file .You please unzip these files and place those in a single folder, i have kept in separate folders since single file size was getting larger that limit.
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Nov 13, 2011
I am using jquery ajax and webmethods in asp.net(C#).i can display data..i only want pagination. can anyone have complete example?
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Oct 21, 2010
I have an API which returns a JSON structure which I display as the result a list of records according to structure This API is called from the server side I would like to display this result with pagination with 20 records per page I would like to know how to use jquery pagination plugin to display this result with pagination with previous, next, first page, last page options
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Nov 11, 2011
Here is my Code
$(function () {
function showData() {
type: 'POST',
url: 'CityList.aspx/GetCityList',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (msg) {
var div = $('#Result').empty().append('<tr><td>#</td><td>Name</td>' +
//loop each record
for (var i = 0; i < msg.d.length; i++) {
div.append('<tr><td>' + msg.d[i].CITYID + '</td>' +
'<td>' + msg.d[i].CITY + '</td><td>' + msg.d[i].Keywords + '</td>' +
'<td><button type="button" class="edit">Edit</button></td>' +
'<td><button type="button" class="delete">Delete</button></td></tr>');
}}}); //end of display }
How I can show 5 records and then pagination for more records. Mean 5 record per page.
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Jul 23, 2005
Is there any statistical data available about what percentage of browsers run with JS disabled?
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Nov 5, 2010
I have the standard Pagination plug-in working with manual page breaks however I would like to improve on this and have a set height for each page. So I think I would need to loop through each <p> element, add the heights together, then once it hits a set value for height like 500px it would insert the page break element. I'm not worried about splitting up a paragraph so if it goes over a little on each page it's ok.
I don't know how to do this however. Is there a plug in that can accomplish this or does somebody know how to do this?
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Aug 4, 2009
I have a couple of problems using jCarousel, and was hoping someone here might lead me to a solution. First of all, can I change the way the External Control function works? I am guessing that I "only" need to edit the javascript file, but having little knowledge of it, I chose not to. What I want to do, is use the External Controls as a pagination, so rather than being a navigation for each image, I would like it to navigate from one page of visible images, to another. More or less, I accomplished it by setting the value inside the <li></ li> to the number I wanted to navigate to.
However, this resulted in ridiculous number always increasing by the number of visible items (have a massive amount of images loaded).
So really, the question is:How can I navigate to a specific image in the carousel using a onclick function? Which brings me to the other problem, the External Controls behave as a list of navigation-buttons. If my carousel shows 500 images, it will generate 500 buttons for navigating. How can I automatically shorten it (as the Pagination Plugin does; [url])? Thinking about it, making such a pagination would be much easier if I knew how to solve the first problem.
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Aug 4, 2009
(tried posting this earlier without result), I have a couple of problems using jCarousel, and was hoping someone here might lead me to a solution. First of all, can I change the way the External Control function works? I am guessing that I "only" need to edit the javascript file, but having little knowledge of it, I chose not to. What I want to do, is use the External Controls as a pagination, so rather than being a navigation for each image, I would like it to navigate from one page of visible images, to another. More or less, I accomplished it by setting the value inside the <li></ li> to the number I wanted to navigate to. However, this resulted in ridiculous number always increasing by the number of visible items (have a massive amount of images loaded). So really, the question is: How can I navigate to a specific image in the carousel using a onclick function? Which brings me to the other problem, the External Controls behave as a list of navigation-buttons. If my carousel shows 500 images, it will
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Sep 23, 2010
I have two other jquery scripts running (tipsy, and an opacity hover) I would like for both of those to target the content inside a pagination. but it just doesn't seem to work. [URL] is the url. the gallery thumbs on the right have the opacity trick down. but my items inside the pagination not so much.
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Jul 23, 2005
Does anyone have a good java script that I can add to my page so that the same user doesn't pound my site and use all of my bandwidth?
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Jun 18, 2009
OK so I've been searching for a week now for an example of pagination of data using jquery, ColdFusion and SQL server. I'm finding tons of examples using PHP and MySQL. Have any of you successfully got pagination working with Fusion and SQL Server? I am trying to run a report that could end up having thousands of results that I would like to paginate using jquery. Most of the pagination plugins though rely on you returning ALL of the results to the client first whether in JSON, XML or just straight to the browser as a table and then it paginates them. So if there are thousands of results this is not optimal. I'd like to try and get something working where as it paginates it goes to the database using Fusion and just grabs the next X records to display.
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Jul 23, 2009
I'd like to be able to get the address of people accessing my site. I don't need their actual house address, just a general area like zip code or city/state/country. Is something like this possible? I know you can do this in php.
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Mar 15, 2003
I wondered if anyone knew of any statistics about how many people have Javascript enabled/disabled. Also, what sort of policies do IT departments have towards it. I know of at least two large organisations that have Flash disabled for instance.
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Feb 22, 2001
i want the browser to test wether or not a page that is
called is beieng called from within the specified window
the script is originally used to prevent a page within a frame to be called alone it redirected the user to the main window if i can call it that so that parts of
your frames could not be viewed alone
i have managed to secure most of my site
no rightclicks can be performed and no options to view
source code by using a chromeless window the problem now
is that i wanna make sure that someone cannot call a page
into a normal browser window by using shift while clicking
on links thus preventing anyone from getting to my source code.
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Apr 17, 2009
I'm try to hide the title of some links on a web page. I'm using the title property of some links to pass a description of the images linked to a lightbox script. These descriptions are long and formatted in HTML so I don't want them displaying when people put there mouse over the links.
Heres an example of my title tags:
<a href="image1.jpg" title="<b>Blah</b> <br> Blah" alt="" rel="lightbox">Image 1</a>
I heard this can be done in Javascript but can't find any information anywhere,
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May 22, 2009
We are using jQuery JavaScript Library v1.3.1 for paging and sorting purposes. This library is working fine when we are loading smaller
data sets (<1000 records) on the page. However, when data set starts getting large (>3000 records), the initial page gives a script loading
error and the page does not load at all.
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Apr 15, 2011
I'm having a slight problem with php pagination and jquery/js. On the following page [URL] you'll see an "athlete profile" area. Whenever an athlete photo is selected, javascript/php are used to switch out the athlete info. This works perfectly fine. The problem occurs if I use the left or right arrows to view more athletes (the left and right arrows are set with php pagination to switch to the next four records in the database). Whenever I do this, the athlete info defaults back to the first person from the initial load. Also, the javascript/jquery quits working and won't let me view the info for one of the newly displayed athletes. So I have two questions:
1) why it defaults back to the original athlete info? I'm assuming it has something to do with me not setting a cookie to remember the currently selected athlete.
2) Why does the javascript quit working when I view the next set of athletes?
Also, the jquery slideshow that I am implementing is an alteration of this: [URL]
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Sep 21, 2006
The follwing function is in an onkeypress event for some textboxes. How can
I cancel the keystroke? or more importantly it's output. This function does
what I want it to do, but it actually writes a space in the textbox. I
wanted to escape out of writing the character. Especially if I change it to
another keyCode besides space bar. Any ideas?
function setEfforts(ctrl){
if(event.shiftKey && event.keyCode == 32)
var row = ctrl.parentNode.parentNode;
var inputs = row.getElementsByTagName('input');
var textboxes = new Array();
for(var x = 0; x < inputs.length; x++)
if(inputs[x].type == 'text'){textboxes.push(inputs[x]);}
for(var y = 0; y < textboxes.length; y++)
textboxes[y].value = ctrl.value;
return false;
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Nov 25, 2005
I'm using an ajax-type script(as such things are now called) to use document.id.innerHTML() to write code dynamically into a <div>.
The code being written into the div is the html and javascript of another page that is being copied down by a php script and then being written into my <div> via the innerHTML(). The webpages being displayed in the div have javascript functions that have to run in order for that page to be displayed correclty.
Once I re-write the 3rd party webpage code into my div, the javascript from the loaded page doesn't run. The pages kept coming up looking incomplete, so I turned off javascript on my browser and loaded the page in question directly and got the same thing. So it confirmed that the <div> is not running the written javascript.
Is there a way around this, or do I need to look for another solution?
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a text area and I want prevent people from entering HTML text in the text area....
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May 16, 2003
I'm developing very advanced web-based intranet application that uses a lot of very complex JavaScript for interface, including charting via ActiveX components and other processing.
Obviously I'm tempted to make the analysis of the javascript code very hard for people who may wish to steal my code and/or ideas.
Is there is anything I can do to make analysis of .js code difficult for *professionsals*?
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Dec 25, 2010
I'm trying to allow people to download music files, from my web site server, to their desk top, by clicking a button. I don't know if I need html or some kind of script. The page already plays short music clips automaticly with a simple "onload" script I found somewhere--but I don't know how to get the viewer a copy of the music for their mp3 player or disk burner.
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Jul 27, 2011
I need a plugin or a idea about how to develop a pagination using jQuery (JSON dict coming from the DB (postgre)), but i cant get a list of all itens in the DB. I tried using offset and limit from the DB, but i didnt like the large algorithm. All i need is: develop a pagination that gives me only 20 rows from the DB (without calling a query to paginate all table from DB) and build a pagination with "first page, previous page, X-2, X-1, X, X+1, X+2, next page, last page" (X = number of actual page).
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