I suppose than my css file has different rules for the same element depending of the media @media print #image { clip: rect(auto, 700px, 1200px, auto);} @media screen
#image {clip: rect(auto, 1024px, 700px, auto);} Can I dynamically change the css data "clip" only for the @print media ?
[code]Now I use firebug to inspect the 3 <li> again, then I realize the 3 <li> don't have class, style and jcarouselindex anymore. I guess it is because the function inside jcarousel.min.js file is execute first before the 3 <li> are finish sent from usermessage.php file. How to stop jcarousel funtion before 3 <li> is finish loaded? I saw there is an example of the way to stop jcarousel function but it is for xml data, I don't know how to convert it to php. I hope somebody can help me out about this. Below is the example of the way to stop jcarousel function but it is for xml data.[code]
I have a text input, "Pets" and a checkbox "noPetsHS"."Pets" is required except when "noPetsHS" is checked. My validation rule currently is - and does not work? Pets:{required: "#noPetsHS:checked=false", min:1}"Pets" is usually required, very few select the checkbox, but I don't want "Pets" required if they do.I can find no reference to Rules and testing for absence of check and then requiring the text input.
I have a simple jquery selector: $('[id^=total_item]') I would like to add a rule so that the upper code would match all elements that don't have 'locked' class (so that it wouldnt match those with class='locked'). How should I add this rule to the selector?
I'm using the jquery validate plugin. And i'm trying to add a new validation rule.
My input field has a complex name eg. name="expiry[year]". So i am selecting the field as outlined in the documentation here:[URL].. The problem, no JS errors & no validation. If i change my input name to name="expiry" it will work, but in this particular scenario this is not an option. Can anyone advise a possible solution to this issue?
I have a form and trying to validate all fields with jquery validation plugin.Every thing is fine except the checkboxes which i create dynamically.[code] how i make a rule which check that if no check box is checked then show error message like above input fileds do
How to use the IF ELSE condition inside the RUle function in Jquery Validation. I am using one form for some fields are require for option 1 and some fields are require for option 2. Example for the below code I need name and address for option one and name and url for option 2. How to use the IF/Else condition for this.
I have a case where I want to create a validator that makes use ofalready defined rules.Is it possible to somehow call <pseudocode>$.validator.rules.ruleA('value',element,null)</pseudocode>?
I have added a rule to my form but I can't understand why it does not work! [URL]. This is an example page: the rules is that the check box must be checked and there must be a valid date. From firefox console I can see it returns true or false as I need but the validation does not get triggered. Why is that?
I have a select list #technology. Due to some back end processing it's default value is "0" (Please Select) I am trying to write a validation rule to make it required. The problem I'm having is that if you hit submit when it shows "Please Select" which has the value="0" then make a different selection it's not removing the error msg. Also if you hit submit multiple times when it is showing Please Select it just keeps adding the error msg
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
I'm trying to create a new validation rule to check if a button has a class. I try to explain the scenario. I have a button that makes an ajax call to check the availability of a product. When the app loads the button as class "to_check", when the button is clicked an ajax call is fired, a server script return the availability of the product and basing on this answer I change the class of the button from "to_check" to "ok" or "ko". Now I want to validate the button to se if the availability is being checked and is ok, then I wrote this:
Now I want to add this rule to the button with the metadata plugin inside the class name with this syntax: <pre id="line175"><span id="__firefox-tidy-id" style="background-color: rgb(221, 221, 255);"><<span class="start-tag">input</span><span class="attribute-name"> type</span>=<span class="attribute-value">"button" </span><span class="attribute-name">name</span>=<span class="attribute-value">"verifica_disponibilita" </span><span class="attribute-name"> .....
I wrote this function to be a change event applied to a checkbox. Now it is apparent I need to use it as a custom validator method, so it runs when you hit "Next" to step through the form. I have all that working, I just can't get the syntax of the rule right.
Here it is as a change event: $( '#MKDPT' ).change( function(){ if( $( '#MKDPT' ).is( ':checked' )){ var checked = false ; .....
And my attempt at a custom validation rule: $ . validator . addMethod ( "MKDPTOnly" , function ( value .....
I have tried several versions, but none is letting the form go to the next step (return true) if the conditions are met.
I have recently found out that some of my implementation with the jquery media plugin from 'URL...' fails on windows 7. Everything still works on Vista.URL...Click on video in the right side, then on a image thumbnail.
I am really lost in trying to hook up the controls. I've gone through and gotten all the files together from the demo, and tried using some of the UI helpers on "git" but I need an example to follow that's more for beginners
I installed IE9 and the jquery.media plugin from http://jquery.malsup.com/media/# stopped working on all my pages the error is SCRIPT5022: DOM Exception: INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR (5) in line 382 var o = document.createElement(a.join(''));
So I created a custom rule following numerous examples out on the web for a dynamic text input, but for some reason it seems to be letting spaces through even though my regexp tests out ok to not match when the value is any combination of spaces...
$.validator.addMethod("noSpace", function(value, element){ return this.optional(element) || /^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_ ]{0,70}$/i.test(value); }, "Please enter a name starting with either a letter or a digit."); $('#form').validate({ rules: { [Code]...
The odd thing is, it will work if you type in a space followed by a character, but if you type in one space, or one space followed by x number of spaces, it just lets it through like it's valid. But yet when I look at the demos and examples that I pulled this from, they never let those scenarios go through.
I'm just the jquery.media plugin. With multiple players being used for each mp3 link. Is there a way I can setup a jquery call that knows to pause (or stop) all other players once a user click on a new player?
I am working on a local server on adding a media uploadbox to a Wordpress plugin Datafeedr Randam adds for a few days now and the code I have come up with so far is hereCode added to load needed scripts starts at line 101 and media upload html is located on line 354.I have Been trying to get help at several places and did get some at #wordpress IRC. By changing the location of the script loading code - moving it to the top - things improved. Right now thickbox works and the media-upload box is loaded. I am stuck again though. Thickbox loads an empty box now instead of the media-upload details so I can upload images. One custom external javascript that is loaded into the plugin besides the WP nativity used JQuery and Thickbox I will post here:
add a css rule to my web template? I want to change the width of it?? It is wider than the normal size template so it runs off the page. How do I make it skinnier?
I am trying to create a playlist from the youtube data api using jquery's getjson method. I can get other nodes from the feed, but I can't get the media title for some reason. This is the feed:and this is the code that I'm using:
So I have a wordpress site I'm just quickly prototyping the design of for my 3D portfolio.I'm using an iframe to display another html page I have for my resume. I want to use jQuery to remove the css paddingYou can see the code that wordpress outputs over herePageCodeThe iframe code in specific is
I'm trying to make a blog and I am facing a problem with the plugin using jQuery 'sidebarTabs'.
The blog is here Paris sportifs My question is: Is it possible to display no one sub-category(none) instead of all sub-categories related to the first title ('Paris Sportifs') The creator of the plugin was very friendly and made me good service, but he said that it is not possible because the jQuery library by default is set to display the first sub-section ('Les bases pour débuter etc