Our code still uses jQuery 1.2.6 but we'd like to upgrade to 1.5.x => is there any guideline, how-to, documentation about migrating from an older version to the current one?
We are hoping to see things like: What to look for. How to change certain constructs that don't work anymore etc.
Which one is the stable version of Jquery currently we are using 1.4.4 in the application, if we go ahead with 1.7 what all can break, exactly how the version migration is to be done?
I am working on a project using the (brilliant) cycle plugin, here's the scenario: (apologies in advance for bad terminology that may be used)
I have a pager using thumbnail images, the slides contain text, at the moment cycle automatically cycles through the slides. I want each pager thumbnail that corresponds to it's respective slide to grow when active using the hoverpulse plugin.
I've been attempting to use 1.4.1 but I'm finding that $.get() and .getJSON() callbacks fail. The XHR requests succeed. I can examine the full request in both Chrome and Firebug. However, the callback functions *don't* execute. To test, I tried the same url with both 1.4.1, 1.3.2, and via a raw XMLHttpRequest(). The last 2 requests succeed, 1.4.1 fails. //v1.3.2 WORKS, fails in v1.4.1 $.get('/topic/api/template/list', function(data){
I'm was able to successfully use your plugin for firefox, safari, chrome. When the form submits the request with file upload, here is the html I send back to the browser (via Rails): <textarea>{'status': 'success', 'avatar_url': '<%=@user.avatar.url(:medium)%>'}
Here i am posting the request to a servlet.The call is going to the servlet.But i am not able to get the data (filename which i am sending ) in my servlet. How to access the param value in the servlet.
I'm trying to make a jquery powered login and register element within a webpage. The page won't read the value of the forms I want it to read. The page is here[URL].. u1241436/Messages/(login or register forms). I use the following code:
Sorry but I can't get the very first tutorial to work. I put the custom.js in a test_jr directory in htdocs. I also put the starterkit.html file in the same directory. I copied the contents of jquery-1.4.4.min.js into a jquery.js file also in the same directory. Then I did the custom.js page shown here:
I tried clicking on the [URL] and I get the starterkit.html page. If I click on the "some link" it doesn't do anything. What am I missing? There are syntax errors in my editor starting on the line with the asterisks* Why is there an error there? It looks like it closes the click function?
Iam using jquery.validate.js I have a forgot password page it has 2 input fields. 1. User name and 2. Email ID The user has to type any one of the field. How to validate this?
I have been having issues with the .html(), .append() and .prepend() functions. If I attempt the following [code] jQuery doesn't seem to register the click. Is this a known bug? Is there a way around this?
I didn't suspect that it will cause problems, but found that Skype plugin is pasting some JS code into ready page and it search for number which are telephone like. Unfortunately when it matches, it is pasting js code. When tab is changed and I'm returning to the same page tab content is pasted second time in this tab. When I'm doing that again it's pasted third time... It's only happening on tabs on which this toolbar found telephone number.
I have five div tags(jquery tabs) in my aspx page...Inside the seconddiv(tab) i have a button. onclick of that buttton the second div(tab)should be switched..instead of that the first tab is coming.. How cani switch the tab in code behind(Inside button onclick event)...
I have created a couple simple custom validators but this one isn't working. I have an input #eSig and two others #FirstName and #LastName. I need to add a rule that says the value of #FirstName must be contained in eSig, and one that is the same for #LastName.
We are using balupton's history.js to process normal (without files) forms and jquery.form.js for these with files.
So our code looks like that:
$this.find('form.formularz').submit(function(event){ var $this = $(this), url = $this.attr('action');
I thought maybe it's something wrong with iframe, but there are requests made to server. On server side, there is 499 error code for IE (it's internal nginx error code, it says that browser closed connection before nginx even sent anything) and 408 for Firefox.
I want to use the great jquery.validate plugin. I have just one question. There are fields which i have to check via ajax calls. I just want to check them if they were changed. I thought about one option that i bind the valid method to the onchange event. I would prefer to call the validations on submit.
I made a request to db via jQuery.post(). Generally it works as it should, but if I use german special characters, they are treated wrongly. For closer examinations, I set up a new file without db-access, only displaying regular and special chars. I checked the characters after reading the value of text-input by alerting it. At this moment, it is correct! The issue happens when jQuery gives the variables to POST (its the same with GET). The target-file can read only wrong characters from POST. I crosschecked it by submitting data by a standard form. Now, the POST is read correctly. Special chars, which are echoed explicitly (not questioned by POST) are given back correcty
- I defined charset it in html header and tried other charsets - always the same. - Adding the accept-tag to inputbox didn't help. - Redefining charset in target-file didn't help. - Adding the charset-tag to the jQuery including script didn't help.
So, I think, the code is correct but there is an issue with the charset. And it is definitley at this moment, when transfering the variable to the POST.
SlidShow to show more than 6 images at a time. Here is the development link: [URL] - there are 12 pictures but only 6 are showing there. Same with [URL] where is the setting to expand it to show ALL images I specify, not just the first 6?
i have a little problem with one aplicattion, the problem is i have one function for saving data from a http page but i dont know how send the data from the .js to my .py
I'm using the quite exceptionally used grayscale.js javascript library, which has the power to change entire web elements into grayscale. More info on this javascript plugin can be found here: [URL] I've got it to work on document ready (jquery call), the script is activated on wordpress generated thumbnails. This works excellent in all browsers except for safari The problem with safari seems to be that it does not load the images correctly before greyscaling them. After hovering them, the (color) images are loaded, and then when removing your mouse it grayscales like it should on page load. For all clearness, i'm using the following script:
I know next to nothing about coding, and have been trying to teach myself with a personal folio project. I posted some progress here a couple of weeks back that looks like this:[URL]... Note that the version above has a fully scalable background image. I uploaded the 'finished' version, which looks like this:[URL]..
I'm pretty sure I didn't change anything to do with the scalable background, but now it doesn't scale. I've been comparing the two all day and this is driving me crazy The Fullscreen plugin I'm using is this one here:[URL].. I'm hoping that this is just a really silly error on my part,
For my Dreamweaver program I want to update to the latest version so I can build within it, but I'm confused as to what are the latest versions of jquery.mobile-min.js and jquery.mobile-min.css. The site has 1.0 as the latest stable build. But Dreamweaver's third-party folder (the place that houses jQuery mobile scripts) has 1.0a3 for the css and 1.5 for the mobile.min file. I was told by Adobe that they do not update jQuery scripts when updating their program. I think that's a mistake, myself. Whether it is or not, it sure would be useful now.
I have been banging my head against several walls for the past couple of hours and for the life of me I can not figure out why the following function does not work with the latest jQuery code. This function is from an existing website that I am trying to upgrade for a client and it worked with the old jQuery framework but I can not get the variables to pass through (i.e. thedate is always empty when it gets to the schedule_date.inc.php script).
with making an expandable feature which uses slideUp and slideDown I got problems reading the true height of a div - tag in Google Chrome. The values of $('.classOfDivTag').height() aren't correct in Chrome. In every other browser its correct.
I have developed a FF extension that loads a few JavaScript files (one of which is jQuery) and attaches them to any given page being viewed by the user. The loading of the js files can ether happen during or after the web page had been loaded into the browser. Obviously, once the js files get loaded, I want to start doing some stuff and I wanted to use the jQuery.ready method to determine when the js code can start performing whatever needs to be done. However, it does not seem to get fired if the extension only starts loading the js files after the web page has already been fully loaded. Generally, there does not seem to be a method in FF that tells me if the web page is loaded or not but rather, only an event that can get fired upon page load.