JQuery :: Jquery Starterkit Tutorial Doesn't Work - Syntax Error In Click Function
Nov 29, 2010
Sorry but I can't get the very first tutorial to work. I put the custom.js in a test_jr directory in htdocs. I also put the starterkit.html file in the same directory. I copied the contents of jquery-1.4.4.min.js into a jquery.js file also in the same directory. Then I did the custom.js page shown here:
I tried clicking on the [URL] and I get the starterkit.html page. If I click on the "some link" it doesn't do anything. What am I missing? There are syntax errors in my editor starting on the line with the asterisks* Why is there an error there? It looks like it closes the click function?
i'm a newbie on jquery i'm studying it with the latest version, and following a book called "Learning Jquery" but iencountered a error, and i don't know what the problem is:
i copied the code from the book like this:$('a[@href^="mailto:"]').addClass('mailto'); to try to change the links which start with "mailto" to the new class "mailto" but there's a error reported: uncaught exception: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: [@href^="mailto:"]
I've a strange problem [for me]I want to make that:1 - click on the red, it goes up2 - second click on the red, it comes backbut it doesn't work if I used 4 times #red, but If I change it it's perfect.Where I made a mistake?
When I click the link, it works fine, but when I click the text, nothing happens. The click() event does get fired though, because when I put an alert in it (after "event.stopPropagation()"), it fires.
I could use a simple "window.location", BUT sometimes the link already has an event bound to it which returns false, meaning the link should not open in a new page, but for example in a dialog. However there's no way to find this out AFAIK.
I'd like to switch any broken images in dynamically loaded HTML to a warning graphic, something like:
This works with with the 'click' event but not with 'error' or 'load'is there another way to do it? I remember with .live() there were restrictions on what events could be bound, but I can't find that in the documentation anymore for jQuery 1.7's .on()
The page I'm creating is [URL] In IE7, the slideshow works fine until you get to a td which contains two img's. Then when you click you get a generic "invalid argument" error. You keep getting that until you mouse off the button and back on. Then you can click to advance the slideshow again. IE7 is the only browser where this happens.
i have a basic 2 column page, on the left is the navigation, on the right the content.i'm loading in the content with the load() method - some php generated html code which looks like this e.g.
so if i click on the toggle div.. nothing happens so i tried to put a <p id="toggle"> in the navigation bar which is static (not being load()-ed in via jQuery) and it worked so it seems to me, that jQuery can't get the click event out of the load()-ed page
I'm using the Google AJAX APIs, but some reason google.load works when run through normal javascript, but if I call the method from my jquery ready function it doesn't work. Code and output is below
window.loadFirebugConsole is not a function If I comment out line 3 in code.js, the console debug runs okay, so the ready function is running okay. Even though there's a reference to Firebug, the same error occurs in Safari too. Nothing on the page loads.
$(".photo img").click(function(){ var title = $(this).attr("title"); $("#display").attr({src:"photo/"+title+".jpg"});}); $("#display").css({"marginTop":"-233px"});
When the page first loads, something goes wrong and your first attempt at viewing any thumbnail always comes up with a blank missing image - but from that point onwards, any subsequent attempts work as intended.
I have a js(using jQuery lib) file where all events and following actions(functions) are written. For one of such events there is a function that prepends one more similar element from which prepending was called:
so that when I will click to just prepended element one more element should be prepended and so on.The problem is that when new element is prepended, click event doesn't work on it. jQuery doesn't recognize it, like doesn't see it.
my script that works in firefox/opera like a charm, but doesn't so in IE8.
Here we go:
$(document).ready(function(){ $(".folder").live('click',function(){ var id = $(this).attr("id"); if($('#' + id).hasClass('folderClosed')){
The basic idea is to show a "virtual" directorie from a mysql database over json. The first part works also quit well, only the .remove() function doesn't work right, which means the sub <ul> elements remaining on the page.
Iam using Raphael and add the same question in their google group too, but they said, its jquery specific. I think, jquery doesnt found my circle. Maybe different id - handling between SVG-specific and plain DOM elements?
The following script sets values for various input elements and I want exactly the same function to run for the on blur event of at least two fields. The first half of the script works fine - however when I take the $('#prod_id2unit_price').blur(function() and script it as a separate function and then call it from
I have some problem with onunload where I want slideUp my menu when I go out form site. I have the slideDown function fire at body onload and this function work properly. but the slideUp() at onunload not.
My code: $(window).unload(function() { $('#menuContent1').slideUp(); alert('Handler for .unload() called.'); });
and even the alert work. Only the jQuery slideUp not working.
I'm receiving the following error: Error: uncaught exception: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: # However all the functionality of the script continues to work, I need to get rid of the error as it looks pretty bad on client's sites and want to make sure the script isnt doing anything funny. The basic set up is a number of Select boxes, When selecting an option in the select boxes, I loop through a JSON stock array to see if the item is in stock and to then enable / disable the relevant options in the other selects based on the stock record. The error (as far as I can see) appears on this line: $("#option" + nextid + " option").filter(function(){
I want to change the color on every click of the div, by changing theclass and checking if hasClass. First removeClass, then addClass.But this won't work?Live demo:
http://www.edwinistrator.com/stuff/jquery/ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http:// www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
That click listener doesn't get attached no matter what I do! I've confirmed that the other functions work, such as the toggle();, and it ALL works in firefox... what is going on?
I keep getting a syntax error on line 3 and 4 of this very simple script. Normally firebug would give me enough info to fix this but jQuery escapes me. I can see no reason for the errors. <script type="text/javascript"> $(".shipping-switch[name='shipping_switch']").click(function(){ var selector = "div#sub-address"; if($(this).val() === "1"){ $(selector).slideDown("fast"); } else { $(selector).slideUp("fast"); }}); </script>
I'm relatively new to JQuery and am having troubles trying to get two functions to work together. I have a pagination function and a modal dialog function. Each one is triggered by different anchor tags. My troubles happen whenever one function is triggered, the other function can not be triggered anymore. If I trigger the modal dialog, the pagination function can't be triggered, and when the pagination is triggered first, the modal dialog no longer triggers. I've tried to use .die() and .unbind() on the click events for the opposing function. That seems to work only once. then the opposing function can no longer be triggered. I think I am on the right path, just need to have some guidance on where I'm going wrong.