JQuery :: IUse Multiple Hover Effects Using It?
Jun 2, 2011
Is it possible to use multiple JQuery Effects for navigation hover? For example, a navigation button that changes colors and shapes, such as when the user hovers over the button, the button first turns red then fades to blue...something of that nature? Or is JQuery even the right tool to do such a thing?
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Jul 30, 2009
I am trying to implement a div containing a form drop down on hover and I have everything working except for when I try to add any sort of animation or speed to the '.show' or '.hide' effect. When I try to add speed or seemingly any other effect to the div, the select elements of the search form fires the hover event. Does this make sense?
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Dec 1, 2010
How to reproduce this effect in something like JQuery? Specifically I'm looking at the hover effects at the top of the page: [URL]. It looks like a custom JS file from their end, but I'd like to find something a little more mainstream that looks and acts very similarly, especially with the easing in and out of images.
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May 26, 2011
So, I have this menu set up that reduces the opacity of all but the hovered link. It works fine, but it's a video playlist, and I realized that I need to make sure that this style persists after the link has been clicked.I can figure out how to add a class on click, but how to combine the two? How can I set it up so that, if the link doesn't have the class .selected, the opacity will be at 0.3. Unless, of course, it's being hovered over.I'm in a little over my head here. Here's what I'm working with:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery("#links").delegate("li", "mouseover mouseout", function(e) {
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Nov 7, 2010
I was trying to apply 2 javascript effects on one image. First, I use this Jquery effect on the image. It works like it should until I put in the light box effect (this is the one I am using. The lightbox also works, it just depends on which order I put them in the code on which one will come through.I am relatively new to javascript and I am learning as I go along. Below I inserted part of my code geared towards these two effects. I know I have everything else in the code correct (the body) because they work individually, just not put together (or maybe I have to put a line of code in the body to enable it to work?).Essentially, I want the image to be dulled out when the visitor opens the page, get brighter when they roll over it, then trigger the lightbox when they click on it.The easy option would be to use an image swap for the dull/bright mouseOver effect; however, I like the way it is done by tutorialhero.CODE
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/lightbox/prototype.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/lightbox/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder"></script>
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Nov 7, 2010
I was trying to apply 2 javascript effects on one image.on the image. It works like it should until I put in the light box effect.The lightbox also works, it just depends on which order I put them in the code on which one will come through.I am relatively new to javascript and I am learning as I go along. Below I inserted part of my code geared towards these two effects. I know I have everything else in the code correct (the body) because they work individually, just not put together (or maybe I have to put a line of code in the body to enable it to work?). Essentially, I want the image to be dulled out when the visitor opens the page, get brighter when they roll over it, then trigger the lightbox when they click on it.
The easy option would be to use an image swap for the dull/bright mouseOver effect; however, I like the way it is done by tutorialhero.The first three scripts are for the light box and the second two are for the rollover. The style sheets are as follows- lightbox, about page layout, rollover effect. Is it possible to have both these effects on the same image?
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May 13, 2010
I have been trying to achieve a multiple mouseover effect on some of my pictures within my web page.The first effect changes the picture within a table - works fine.The second effect should change the text within another table. - does not work.I am receiving the error message:'document.text' is null or not an object.
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Oct 31, 2010
I need help with the script for multiple mouseOver Effects for my Menu Bar.However, that only does one mouseover effect. Can someone help me with this?
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May 13, 2010
The first effect changes the picture within a table - works fineThe second effect should change the text within another table. - does not work.I am receiving the error message:'document.text' is null or not an object.Here is the code which lies on my image:
<td style="height: 101px; width: 20%" valign="top">
<img onMouseover="changeimage(myimages[1],this.href); newchange();" alt="loading"
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Feb 23, 2011
im currently creating a dropdown menu with an animation to it, my current jquery script is as follows
$(document).ready(function () {
$("ul.menu_body li:even").addClass("alt");
$('ul.menu_body, img.menu_head').hover(function () {
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Sep 9, 2010
Im trying to get 2 elements to execute some effect individually at the same time on a hover.Ive looked at .animate but if I understand it correctly I can do multiple effects but still limited to that single element.[code]So basically Im just trying to get 1st & 2nd on hovers to happen at the same time and 1st and 2nd off hovers to happen at the same time.
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Sep 2, 2011
I have a simple question about calling the same function to multiple ellmenets. I guess it should be done with index.Here's my code:
$('.tab_map1 area').hover(function(){
$('#nav1').find('a').stop().toggleClass('hover', 500);
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Apr 21, 2010
I have a grid that uses RowAltRow as the classes for the rows...is there a way to have the hover applied to both instead of having to define it twice (or more)?
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Jan 21, 2010
I'm trying to have an ordered list, each item with its own image. Then, I'm trying to use JS so that a different popup is generated for each image.
Currently, I'm using CSS classes to define the appropriate popup image, and this seems to work fine as I can see the popup contents in Dreamweaver.
I think the issue is the 'getElementById' thingy. As whichever image I hover over, it always pulls the first hidden popup.
Is there a way form me to also pull the class that is referenced in the html, so that the appropriate popup is generated?
I don't think I'm using the code highlighting properly and I intended to link to the page, so you could see what I'm talking about, but apparently that's not allowed.?
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Sep 24, 2009
Is it possible to swap the link image that is hovered with another image and at the same time swap different images on another place on the page? I was trying to do it in CSS but I couldn't figure out how to do both at the same time. Basically I want to go from:
after hovering over linkimg1. I can get it to do both separately but not at the same time unless I am missing the combining factor or something. Let me know if you need anything else (i.e. site, missing code) Here's the code I'm working with:
HTML Code:
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Mar 6, 2010
In the past I've done image rollovers and that's fine. I got scripts for those, and got them to switch fine. But what I want to do is edit the backgroudn color of a TD, which is code defined, and not an image. Anyways, the basic thing I'm doing is a table that hold lots of numbers. I'm creating a "times table" - which looks roughly something like this:
......1 2 3 //top row (multiples)
1.....1 2 3
2.....2 4 6
3.....3 6 9
Now, when you rollover, let's say, the '6' - the TD background color for the '6', left '2' and top '3' would change to a different color (bolded in this example). This would work the same way for every other number as well, which involves overlapping classes. I've search for an answer for hours, to no avail. And here's a more "code specific" example of the table:
Also, the image rollover script I have goes like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0
var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i<a.length&&(x=a[i])&&x.oSrc;i++) x.src=x.oSrc;
}function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++)
if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}}
} .....
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Aug 28, 2010
I've tried to make a simple hover effect about small images but it won't work. I also tried to make the following script: 2 seconds after page loading image1 changes 2 seconds after that image1 returns to back state and image2 changes and etc.
<style type="text/css">
background-image: url(images/numr.png);
} #ad:hover {
background-image: url(images/numr.png);
background-image: url(images/numr.png);
<input type="image" src="images/num1.png" id="as">
<input type="image" src="images/num2.png" id="ad">
<input type="image" src="images/num3.png" id="af">
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Oct 14, 2010
I have been trying to do some tooltips for a website and desperately wanted to learn something new and do that with jQuery.However, every time a mouse hovers over a tooltip, all hidden divs are shown, not just the one that supposed to. Here's my html:
Code HTML4Strict:
<div class="tip">
<a href="#"></a>[code].....
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Apr 4, 2010
My website:
What the thing is:
.horizitem a:hover, .horizsubitem a:hover
Must be fading out when the mouse is out.
.horizitem a:link, .horizitem a:visited
When i move over this object then the div .horizsubframe is coming down there. .horizsubframe must be coming easily from the the top to the bottom easing. And when i leave that div, it's disappearing from the bottom to the top.
I don't know anything of Jqeury.
So you get when you move over a block it's coming immediately but when you leave it it's slowly fading out. (the background color). When you move over a item in the mainmenu then there is coming a div beneath it now. But i wanna have that that div is easing from the top to the bottom then. And when you leave it from the bottom to the top.
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Apr 1, 2011
i'm completly new to this kind of stuff and now i have a (little) problem. First of all i had done a Accordion with Tabs like here:[URL]... Thats currently working. I split every head/title of the 3 panes in 2 parts (div), first the name of the head-pane, e.g. "First Pane" and a div-container for a navigation...
I want that the navigation part fade in of the current activating pane and the other navigations should be fade out.It's not easy to explain what i mean
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Jan 3, 2011
I wish to animate the fade in fade out effects on the text content in the table. i am using the following code.[code]but the problem with this code is that the both fadein and fadeout effect occurs simultaneously. Also i do not want the content of the div tag with id "about_content" to shift from one place to another as it is happening with this code. I want it to be seen at the top position of the block as it appears at the end of the animation.i have attached the .rar file having all the files of this project.
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Aug 8, 2011
I'm not sure how to have two effects be applied to an element silmultaneously. For instance, I would like to have an element fade in uring fadeIn(), while also having it animate it's position. When I chain together my effects, they happen in sequence, not at the same time...
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Nov 11, 2009
So, i have some basic jquery tabs ( http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/ ) which are being switched between them using 2 effects: slide up/down and fade in/out:
$('#MainTabs').tabs({ fx: { height: 'toggle', opacity: 'toggle' } });
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Feb 6, 2009
Javascript and implemented a few nice JQuery features on my new website. All of them work great in Firefox and Safari.In IE6, however, the site looks like a mess, even with Javascript enabled in the options panel.
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Aug 2, 2009
I am trying to write a background image swapper, which I have got working. Ideally I would like to add a transition between the classes I am changing.
I am new to jquery, and I thought this would be a simple project to start on, but I just can't get the fade to work. see below for my code:
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Nov 15, 2010
I am trying to make a piece of text glow green then back to black every time a user clicks a button. My code looks like this [code]...
This works well. However, when i click the button so fast so many times in a row, the animation lags behind, because jQuery is trying to finish each animation to the end before going forward. Is there any way to disable this? Like, put something before .animte() to tell it to cancel any previous animations?
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