JQuery :: How To Modify Local Variable Of Ready Function
Dec 11, 2011
I want to modify a local variable of the ready function set like so:
$(function () {
var modifyme = 0;
I cant change the code setting the ready function, as I am writing only a greasemonkey userscript. I already tried using the .data("events") method, but it never listed the "ready" event. Any function so I can modify the variable!
I've got a number of divs with the prefix menu and the suffix where is say 1-10. My code is below. It assigns the click function fine to each, but assigns them all the function based on the last value of the for loop. (It calls the current value, while I want the value from when the code was originally executed to set up the click function). Scratching my head on how to accomplish this.$(function(){
is not ideal, as that'll taint global scope. Actually, I can live with that for now, but it's my technical interest to find a way to define it locally.
How to: pass local variable from <head> JS function to <body> textarea
I have a JS function in the head that calculates a variable. the function is triggered by the vevent of a button click. when calculation is done, how is it sent back to the page and placed in a textarea or textbox?
I want to load an html div in a variable, modify it in another variable; and then change the document injecting the contents.
1. I load the html to be changed in a variable (code) 2. I modify an attribute of <param> using attr() and I put the result in a var (newcode) 3. I change the html in the doc
I've used the debugger, and all steps give the expected results, except of newcode.html(), which is a null string. Why?
I want to modify a local variable inside the document.ready function set like so:
$(function () { var getme = 0; ... });
I cant make it global because of my jQuery code is a greasemonkey userscript. I already tried fetching the events with $().data("events") and such, but the ready event was never listed.
I'm using the Google AJAX APIs, but some reason google.load works when run through normal javascript, but if I call the method from my jquery ready function it doesn't work. Code and output is below
window.loadFirebugConsole is not a function If I comment out line 3 in code.js, the console debug runs okay, so the ready function is running okay. Even though there's a reference to Firebug, the same error occurs in Safari too. Nothing on the page loads.
I have 2 javascript files: 1 containing generic functions for my site used sitewide and another for a particular web page containing just the javascript for that page. The page is also calling the jQuery javascript file.
What I want to do is have a javascript function in my main javascript file which uses features of jQuery such as show, hide etc. and then I want to call this javascript function from the other page specific javascript file.
This does not work and so was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction as to how to achieve this or something similar.
This post is about the jquery validation plugin. I am using the url() method to validate text fields for valid url input. It works fine, but I want a slight modification where I am checking whether a base directory has been added and not some individual page. For example, not [URL] but [URL]. Any way I can modify that url method to satisfy my needs?
I originally thought I should always include js which shouldn't be parsed until the html had been written using the following:
$(document).ready(function () { //My code });
I later read that I shouldn't do this (JQuery Cookbook, or something similar) but instead should just include my JS at the very end of the page but before the body close tag.
just one question.I want to remove the div within ready function. I'm using $("noJS").remove(); script, but it only hides the div (when I check the site's code, that div is still there).
I've built a complex web application that loads content into the main page using .load of php pages. Some of those pages are using datepicker and timepicker. I have these working ok to a point, but there is some troubling behaviour. e.g. sometimes when clicking a date field, the calendar doesn't appear. The timepicker seems to work ok most of the time. Clicking around like a loon on various pages sometimes makes the field work with dates, but other times not.
Sometimes I see the calendar display stays on the page even when new content is loaded. Summary is that the datepicker works perfectly, but then it stops working, then starts again.. Now I have a mix of calls to google and local source code .js and ui and tools which is perhaps complicating things. I'm not sure if this is a problem with coding, or the doc ready function being used in 'child' pages.
I am needing to use both functions, as shown below, which are within the <head> section of my code. However, I find that if I do both, neither works. If I do only one, it works.Apparently, I don't know how to properly use $(document).ready(function(). What should I do?
function test() { var DIV = document.createElement('DIV'); }
If I never insert DIV to any node its parentNode is null and being a local variuable it's reference is lost.Is it destroyed?or do I have to add it to a node then use removeChild?
i'm having the following problem, normaly i work with html css and php but for this to work i need to make a litle javascript function and i'm still kinda new to it. so here is my problem.i'm making a search field where someone has to select some radiobuttons.first it has a selection out of 4 items and then a selection out of like 20 but how do i get the value from the first function in the second?in this case i would like to have the following in function showStreek:
xmlhttp.open("GET","test3.php?l="+land,true); this line should look like: xmlhttp.open("GET","test3.php?k="+kleur"l="+land,true);
how to get a js variable later in the html......My page is here: [URL]I want to access the 'selected' variable from the function in <head> later in the page, to complete a form:
I am getting $document.ready(function() not defined in the firebug console. I have seen that in most cases this is caused when the jQuery core is missing or the path is invalid. I do not believe this is the problem in my case becuase firebug shows the code as being loaded successfully and it is readable.
I have the following scripts in my head; <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.validate.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery.validator.addMethod( "selectNone", function(value, element) { if (element.value == "none") { return false; }}, .....
This question may be simple, but I don't know how to do it. (I'm getting hava script error) I have 04 master pages and around 100s of ASPX pages. So when I want to work in some conent page where should I use my $(document).ready(function(). I already have used this in Master pages. [code]...