JQuery :: Hide Scrollbar And Still Be Able To Scroll With Mouse?
Jul 28, 2011
I know how to hide the scroll bar but not how to enable scrolling.
I did google a bit and found some solution that did not work for me. (currently using crome on mac) code...
Does anyone know a good way of doing that?
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Jan 28, 2011
I am trying to include Dock MAC style Menu in my page which is floating.Here I am facing a problem is, when we hover on menu icon, without scrolling page at bottom, the menu iconsare not getting bigger in size, as it should be.And when you reached at bottom, moving scrollbar down, those icon gets bigger when we hoverI have placed the script just before the end of body tag. I also tried placing the code in starting of body tag, then the reverse thing happen. The icon gets bigger without moving scrollbar down and when we move to bottom, or scroll, the effects lost.
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Jan 3, 2007
Is there a way in which we can disable the history scroll functionality in IE? Basically disable the SHIFT key + Mouse Scroll combination.
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Oct 25, 2010
Here is the page I'm working on: [URL].. As you will see there are only two pictures on there now. I want the left table cell to have an up arrow and a down arrow below those pictures where the user can scroll (down and up) and see other pictures, which when clicked on will show a larger image to the right. It's setup now as you will see for the larger image to appear to the right. It's just not setup for this scroll function where the user can click on an up arrow or down arrow to make the users see the other pictures in the table cell. Also this section should not have a scrollbar show up when the pictures are being scrolled down to see. I'm not sure on how to proceed with this.
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Jan 4, 2010
I have a simple hide and fadeIn. When you rollover a word it will reveal the definition. The problem I am having is if you move the mouse around quickly from one word to the next word sometimes it gets hung up and a definition will not hide. The result gives this hanging defintion and whatever the other definition the mouse is rolledover.
Here is the code I'm using:
There are about 70 words in a box with the definition being reveals on the right hand side. Is there a way of making sure there is always only one definition being shown?
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Mar 7, 2010
The link is here [URL] Click on description. Move the scroll bar on the right to the bottom and then click on description again. Instead of the thumbnails scrolling up to hide the description, the main image and header move down. Any tips on addressing this. My brains are a bit frazzled at the moment. Do I need to fix the vertical scroll position somehow. What properties do I need to be looking at? (Note : I'm currently animating the height property of the description box.) Second question. I did have auto margins in the wrapper centering the page. When you click on description it causes the scrollbar on the right to appear, which shifts the page over to the left. I've since fixed the margin, but again is there a way around this so that I can center the page again?
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May 24, 2004
I have wrote this for a friend in another forum, But I thought it might be useful, at least for start for similar apllication.
Tho code scrolles the page if mouse moves in the 1/3 zones (left, right, up, down) of the page (clientWidth/Height). It might be modify (a better ideea, since I don't like scrolled full pages - at least the X-scrolled) for scrollable frames, iframes or layers). I would be grateful if any comments will simplify he code or will help me to build a similar application based on simple position of the mouse (not only on mousemove).
function setUp() {
if( typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number' ) {
/* Non-IE */
winW = window.innerWidth;
winH = window.innerHeight;
} else if( document.documentElement &&
( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) {
/* IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode' */
winW = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
winH = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
} else if( document.body && ( document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight ) ) {
/*IE 4 compatible*/
winW = document.body.clientWidth;
winH = document.body.clientHeight;
setL = winW/3;// zone left first 1/3 from client width
setR = winW*2/3;// zone right third 1/3 from client width
setU = winH/3;// zone up first 1/3 from client height
setD = winH*2/3;// zone down third 1/3 from client width
pix=4// scroll speed control pixels/mousemove
function checkS(e){
// capture the mouse position
var posx = 0;
var posy = 0;
if (!e) var e = window.event;
if (e.pageX || e.pageY)
posx = e.pageX;
posy = e.pageY;
else if (e.clientX || e.clientY)
posx = e.clientX;
posy = e.clientY;
// initialize the scrollBy parameters
// set the new scrollBy parameters
// scroll
<body onload="setUp()" onmousemove="checkS(event)">
<table width="1200" height="900" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">blabla</td>
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Oct 27, 2009
I have been searching google for a solution to this, but I am having trouble finding something that works.
I simply want to be able to scroll the contents of a div (with no scrollbar) using the mouse wheel. The div should only scroll if the cursor is over the div when the wheel is moved.
Does anyone know where to find a good working solution to this?
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Oct 4, 2010
I've a DIV which contains an IMG. This image is wider than the div, so a scrollbar appears on page. What I want to do, is click on the div(image) and move the mouse, and scroll the div as I move the mouse.I've tried using event ondrag in the div, and inside I can move the scroll with scrollTop and/or scrollLeft. My problem is that I haven't been able to make a good algorithm. I've tried to add clientY to scrollTop, and many other combinations but can't make it work. I have a lot of other javascript functionality in the page that is working.
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Mar 29, 2010
I've got a fixed div that has a fixed tab as a trigger. I'd like to only show the trigger tab when the user scrolls down the page "X" pixels from the top (say like 200px). Can someone point me in the direction of implementing this?
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Aug 16, 2011
i have a container div with many other nested divs inside e.g.
<div id="thisOne">
div>Div 1</div>
<div>Div 2</div>
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Jan 25, 2010
I have a home grown lightbox effect as my client cannot have community code such as JQuery, mootools etc running on their site (don't ask me....). All is working fine, the background darken mask with the box itself with the content. The only problem I'm having is what happens when the user scrolls.
As the mask is calculated upon clicking a link to display the lightbox, the method calculates the current screen area and uses that to create the height and width of the mask. But obviously if you scroll, you leave the mask behindat the top of the screen covering the calculated area. Is there a way to access the onscroll event to say rerun the specific function that calculates the mask area when the user scrolls so the mask stays constantly covering the available screen area? I suppose this is similar to those scripts where a div remains in view when the user scrolls - presumably something along those lines?
I found and tried a script to do with captured delta movement of the mousewheel but that disconnect the mouse wheel from the scrolling of the scroll bar and associated it only with the script in hand - I would like the browser to still scroll and my function to be fired on each scroll event.
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Jan 20, 2011
I have 2 fixed divs in the site I'm developing. One of them is just a tab and the other div is a contact panel. These divs alternate - if the user clicks on the tab, the tab is hidden, and the panel shows and vice versa. Everything works great. Except that when I click on the link to hide either tab or the panel, the page behind it scrolls to the top. I would like the panel to show/hide but for the page behind it to be unaffected.
// Configure Contact Us panel on page load
var contacting = false;
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Nov 7, 2011
I was wondering how and I tried creating a div that is a child of a div with its same width, but the length of the entire page.So in a way it is like a scroll-bar except the user can not move down the page by holding the smaller inner div (square). The small square just moves down its container as the mouse moves down to The bottom of the page.but since The square inner div is in a container, with the same with, it can not and will not be able to move horizontally.
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Mar 1, 2011
Is there a way to use jquery to detect any device with a touch screen?
Im using the jscrollpane but the handles drag in the wrong direction on touch screens like the ipad (in my opinion). As you can drag the main content (which works in the correct way), I want to hide the scroll bars if the device is a touch screen.
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Oct 2, 2009
I have small webBrowser1 and I have the 3 Buttons(Back, Forward,Go) also I have the ComboBox1 with the Items Collection of different website url using MSVB 2008 in C++.My question:
1) How could I make my mouse click on each url with timer between the first url and the second and so on and let's say time between the 1st url and scroll down to the second with timer of 3 second .
2) How to make also the mouse click on certain button on that website what is the command code for that.
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Aug 18, 2009
I'm creating a script which causes the page to scroll when the mouse is held down within 1/3 of the page height of the window edge. An example can be found at [URL], and is working fine in Firefox, Safari and Chrome, but not in IE. I'm 90% certain this is due to the browser's non-handling of addEventListener, but I'm not sure how to fix this...I've tried the following so far:
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Jun 28, 2011
How is it possible to slide right/left within a horizontal scroll window for as long as the mouse-down action is triggered (preferably with jQuery)? Couldn't find any examples // functions to do that..
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Aug 24, 2009
I would want to show a div (the information about the song) when the visitor hover on a cover art on a radio website but this div overlap the cover art with an opacity of 0.7
You can see an example here: [url]
The problem is that when the information div appears, the mouse pointer isn't on the cover art div anymore for the navigator so the information div disappears, and so on... resulting in a flash effect.
How can I do this without the flash effect?
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Feb 24, 2010
Is there a way to hide a div, but still allow it to interact with the mouse? I am trying to hide/show a div on mouse over and mouse out, but I can't use opacity because my div contains a png image, and IE strips it of its transparency.
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Jul 23, 2005
I know you can do an onmouseover/onmouseout to display alternate text for
links but Im looking for a script that would cover all links on a page
without having to add code to each link.
Is there such a thing?
I also know lots of people hate it when you do that but this is for an
application which requires IE5.5+ and there is no need for the user to view
the links.
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Jan 10, 2010
I am using a 'suckertree horizontal menu'. I am trying to alter the javascript to provide a delay with ouseout (to hide the UL). I am having issues!
Here is the original code:
Here is the code I am working with:
setTimeout("this.getElementsByTagName("" + ul + "")[0].style.visibility="" + hidden + """, 1500);
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Nov 16, 2005
I've already posted a question related to this but i'm not getting the desired solution.U people might have seen the search this forum link in this forum.On clicking that link a div layer opens and if I click the mouse anywhere outside this layer it suddenly hides.I'm using a similar layer function in my site.By clicking a link in my site a layer opens and if I click my mouse outside the layer it should be hidden.So how to do this using javascript.
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Sep 21, 2011
1. I have code to show tip like code...
How is correct Javascript code to Close this tip when clicked?
2. How to move next news feed with click on arror icon and back icon? code...
How is correct Javascript code to move news item next and prevoius news?
when clicked? code...
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May 23, 2009
I want javascript for the show hide panel on label mouse over. on that panel diplay information and on right side top corner one image button on/off if mouse move/ out and the image is check ON then panel is visible TRUE. if user goes outside(mouseout) of panel the panel still visible, if mouse move and the image is check OFF then panel is visible fasle. how to do using javascript.
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Apr 24, 2009
For simplicity and debugging, I attempt to display an apple when the mouse passes over the center of an image.In IE, the mouseover hand shows as the mouse passes over the center of the image and the apple is displayed.In FF, the mouseover hand shows as the mouse passes over the center of the image but the apple does not display.(By the way, I'm certain the showhide function is fine,
<div id="Core" style="position:absolute; width:209px; height:115px; z-index:4; top:212px; left:28px; visibility: hidden"><font color="#000000"><img src="apple.jpg" width="125" height="140"></font></div>[code]....
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