JQuery :: HTML Select Add Option Does Not Work In Firefox
May 20, 2009
I am trying to add select items via jquery to a select control. The following code works perfectly in IE, Opera. Chrome and Safari, but for the life of me I cant get it working in firefox. I really don't think its a bug but I must be missing something obvious.
I'm currently working with a bit of javascript to dynamically add <option>s into a select box. My code currently works fine in Internet Explorer, however in Firefox the dropdown only displays the first option in the list, and when clicked the other values aren't displayed.
Here is the code;
//ar_options is an array with the option to be displayed in.
for (count=0; count<number_of_options+1; count++) { document.forms['enquiry'].enquirytype.options[count] = new Option(ar_options[count],ar_options[count]); };
As I said - fine in Internet Explorer, but not in Firefox. I did discover some discussions about this, which were talking about an issue and workarounds but I couldn't get any of them to work. I have also tried simply using the document.write() function to output the HTML in the correct place. However this is just hte same, works in IE but not Firefox.
I want in the select option a standard word, for example: select name.But when I add a line of option just after the first select (bold text), that line takes the first record of the database, but it should be a blank line (nothing linked to it, just a reminder to select a name).This is the code I have now:
I have been trying to validate both the Radio button and the Select Option box, but it does not work. It didn't show error, only din't do the way I want.I like to validate like this:If a user check "Yes" on this Radio button, then the OPTION box is disabled and no need to validate. However,when I tried the JS code below, the pop up window kept asking for a user to enter the "Seller" name.I combined both together as:
Code: if (document.frmSelect.sellers.disabled=false && document.frmSelect.sellers.selectedIndex==""
I have a form and I have gotten all of my error checking to work except for this. I use an <select><option> list for a states dropdown. the 1st option is blank <option></option> I have not been able to successfully check for errors (no option selected) it either always gives and error using if(state==null), or never gives an error state=="" or " " this is the only dropdown on this form so I didnt notice the problem until I had gone through all the more difficult error checking, and somehow I cant get this one seemingly simple thing figured out
I have some script that when used in conjunction with a button highlights all the text between 2 tags to make it easier for copying, it works great in IE but doesn't work in firefox. Here's the script and the button is below.
<script type="text/javascript"> function selectCode(a) { // Get ID of code block var e = a.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('CODE')[0];
I'm using the following code to remove an option from a select control based on a selection in a different select control and the option text in the select option that is being removed. The code works as I want it to, but I would prefer to use the option value for identifying the option to remove instead of using the option text. I've tried several different ways to do this, but can not find the proper syntax.
I am trying to build a site using html, css and javascript. problem is it works perfectly in IE but practically not at all in firefox. I have lots of mouseovers and tooltips, none of which will work. The only thing that seems to work is an onload random image generator. The html and css all return no errors using firefox's validation tool. I am completely new to javascript and have been trying to learn via building this site, so apologies if the code is really messy. Would be really grateful if anyone could help - I thought I was getting to grips with this when it all worked in IE, but am now feeling pretty stupid and think I must be missing something pretty fundamental. I've spent an age getting frustrated trying to resolve this.
According to [URL] intended way for jQuery to change dynamically the selected option of a dropdown select control isassigningthe desired text instead of the value. I found this way veryinconvenient (data structures usually deal with value codes, not value descriptions) and it seems to work only sometimes.
Trying different options I came out with this approach that seems to do the job so far:
function setSelect(pID,pSelectedValue) { $('#'+pID + ' option:selected').removeAttr('selected');
I have a form that uses jeditable to edit-in-place several fields and select boxes. Everything is working great. Now I need to a way to add a new option to the select list. What I would like is the user select "Add New..." from the select list that would pop-up a dialog window where several fields are filled in. When the form is saved the select field is updated with the new ID and description. I use Facebox for pop-up windows to display notes when the user clicks on a topic. I know Facebox can be used to display a form. It would be ideal to use this ability when creating a new option for the select box.
I'm using Prototype and scriptaculous either, but here it is:
I have two select areas and scripts to transfer items between the two. Everything works great in FF, but in IE when an option gets removed it removes the entire select area. Has anyone ever seen something like this before?
I'm iterating through each option of a select, and I need to selectively remove some options based on their value. Here's a sample option (I don't control the markup)
<OPTION selected value=7>Compliance</OPTION> $("select[title='MyTitle'] > OPTION").filter(function(){ var v=$(this).attr['value']; //other stuff
I've build a module in jQuery that converts a normal select box to a nice stylized list.When I click the anchor tag, it drops down the list with some JS. What I can't figure out is how to implement the keyboard. For example, if I wanted to drop down in the list, I could start typing.Could someone lead me in the right direction?I can't quite figure out what to google for.
I am using jQuery next() and prev() to navigate inside <select><option> tags. problem is I am using <optgroup> too and can't find a way to make it work
This might have been resolved, but I can't find a solution with mysearch. I'm trying to add a class with the text of the option. Simpleto do the selected option, but not all of them it seems.I want to change:
I'm trying to hide a few options in a dropdown box using .hide(). This works perfectly fine in firefox and chrome, but it doesn't work in IE and Safari. My original code is more complex but I've narrowed it down to this.I've tried several combinations and nothing has worked.hide() works, but not for things within option tags for some reason.[code]
If I select "Other", a text box pops up and I can type in something and hit Add Item and it will add it to the drop down box, but the selection will stay at "Other". How do I make it select the item I just added?
I'm having some trouble with what seems to be a fairly simple issue: I have a <select> field with a few options inside of it. The idea is that a user can select an option in this dropdown and, dependent on what they choose, the output in another div with change.
The form: <form class="formStyle"> <fieldset> <label for="soFormStyle">style:</label> <select name="soFormStyle" id="soFormStyle">
So, this JQuery only works if the option is preselected (if I select and reload the page). I thought I was on the right track, but I just can't get it working as I intended. Again, the idea is that a user selects "Page Curl" or "Logo", and the image in the preview pane changes according to their selection.
I am making a usermanagementsystem and working with access levels. I been trying to make a script that when it does a post request and get data in return in json to choose default selected option in a select input. I been trying for two days now all different things. This is what I got that somewhat works. Any ideas how to make it select the right option?
="theOptions1 " name ="theOptions1 "> <option> [Code]....
I want to pass it to a function that will show me the selected element: $(function() { $('#theOptions' + 2)).filterOn('#theOptions' +1, { 'a': ['a'], '1': ['1'] });}); here is a part of the function:
I have an interesting issue. I use an old, CSS-style tabbed page that sets a style on a <div> containing an <iframe> to display:block if the tab is clicked, and display:none if the tab is not currently selected. This works fine and is not the issue, just background information....In one of the pages that is currently set to display:none, I remove all the options and add new ones based on a data return from an ajax query. If I do this in a more traditional direct DOM manipulating Javascript fashion, everything is OK and the select remains unseen. However, doing this using jQuery causes the select to appear and bleed-through to the <iframe> content that is currently visible.
document.forms[0].test_select.options.length = 0; document.forms[0].test_select.options[0] = new Option("--- TESTING ---");