I'm using a jquery plugin called jplayer. I need to "bookmark" the current track.
The only way to know the current file playing is to look at the div called jplayer_playlist_current.
<li class="jplayer_playlist_current">
<a href="#" id="jplayer_playlist_item_1" class="jplayer_playlist_current">Introduction and guidance on usage</a></li>
What I want to get from it is the id, ie: jplayer_playlist_item_1
I thought that this might cover it:
But nothing I do, no amount of googling or plugins, is getting me this result.
While trying out some of the code given in the book, I found that passing CSS properties and values in the jQuery is not working somehow. Following is what I have written.
Where as if Ipass CSS properties infollowing way, it is working. But I would need to write multiple statements for that. $('#first tbody tr:even').css('color', '#873450');
I know that I can get (eg) the href attribute via $('a').attr('href') BUT I would like to do the following :
get *all* the attribute names and values without knowing anything about the attribute names and values in advance (or even how many there are) - something like a loop and $('a').(attribute name, attribute value). I suppose they would best be placed in a JavaScript object as a set of name/value pairs eg { href: 'page.htm', id: 'foo', alt: 'alt text' }
it has been a short time since i use jquery. I am now stuck on a problem with jquery- getting a xml node's all attributes as an array for example.. I have searched a lot on that with no luck Is there a way on getting all attributes of a node with jquery?
I am trying to get the color of an element and change the colorof another element with that color. Does this make sense?What is wrong with this? I would like all of the H1 tags to inherentthe color of ".ui-state-error".
$(function(){ var color = $('.ui-state-error').css('color'); $("H1").css({'color', ' + color + '});
I need to be able to get the css attributes that a particular class defines. Such that if I have a class called "SomeClass" I want to see if it defines the attribute "position". I've tried using .css on an element that has the class, but of course that picks up the defaults and any inheritance.
I have a suggestion based on the assumption, which I think is correct but feel free to prove me wrong, that the .attr() method returns "undefined" in two different cases:1) when the attribute is actually not present in the dom element2) when it is present but it has no value, think for example <input type="text" disabled/> which I not is not standard HTML but I've seen it pretty often...wouldn't it be better to return undefined only in the first case, and return null in the second case? In this way, it'd be clear that the attribute is set but no value is specified.
When you need for a certain element (say a text input box) to remember some data, what is the best way to do this? Can you extend the input box object with jquery? Right now i've been storing it in the rel tag $('#testInput').attr('rel','extrainfo') it just seems like there should be a better way to do this.
OK, been banging my head with this for a while. I have a dynamic sitewhere we get a list of elements from the database, we identify theseitems with id numbers and encoded get strings. So I'm trying to getstyle changes to take affect with jquery and it really just doesn'twork.I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Here is the source code:
I've been trying to work this out for a bit now but seem to have come a bit unstuck. I'd like to be able to use .find to search an <UL> element and find out if there are any items with two attributes the same as a search choice. i.e. : My UL looks like this :
I would like to do a search of the above UL and get back the id of the first LI element you can see in the list there by doing a search for typeref="E" && typeid="1". Is that possible using Jquery?
In trying to select elements that have any attributes, the following throws a jQuery syntax error. $("div[*]") Is there a selector to check if a tag has any attributes? Tested with jQuery 1.3
So essentially what I'm trying to is put an image inside all my td's that have "opinionAxis" as their id. The image has to be equal to the value in the title attribute in addition to the sub folder and file type. How do I access the current item's attributes?
I am currently making the first steps with jQuery and it went quite fine so far but now I am stuck. My servlet provides an ArrayList of java objects and I need to access some of the attributes of the objects. So, there are 2 things which I don't know how to implement. 1. Iterate over the ArrayList 2. Access the attributes
In the following code - Sometimes I get the correct image width and sometimes I get an image width that is ZERO. How do I make sure the loaded image attributes are there before I access them. Odd thing is if I click the same thumbnail twice I always get the width. If I click a thumbnail once I may get the width this time BUT when I refresh I may get a ZERO width.
Here is the code... $(document).ready(function() { $('#gallery a').click(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var oldImage = $('#photoBox img'); // Selects the current image var newImage = new Image(); // Create a new image var imagePath = $(this).attr('href'); // get the path to the image file to load that was clicked - via its href attr name newImage.src = imagePath;// Set the newIamge.src to file name or Path if (newImage.width < 600) // If the width is less than 600 calculate a new margin to center the new image { var newMargin = (620 - newImage.width) / 2; var newHtml = $('<img src="' + imagePath + '">'); $('#photoBox').css('margin-left',newMargin); $('#photoBox').css('width',newImage.width); } else // assume width is 600 { var newHtml = $('<img src="' + imagePath + '">'); $('#photoBox').css('width',newImage.width); $('#photoBox').css('margin',5); } newHtml.hide(); // hide the newHtml before prepending will fade it in oldImage.hide(); // hide the old image $('#photoBox').prepend(newHtml); // prepend the newHtml newHtml.fadeIn(1000,function() { }); // now fade it in });});
I have a problem which is well over my JQuery/javascript head. I have a page [url] in which you can click on any thumbnail and up pops an iframe, using the thickbox plugin. The iframe loads a new html document (for example [url]).
Now in *that* document, I have some jquery which calculates and sets some margins, based on the heights and widths of images (which are explicitly declared in the html):
This works dandy in everything but...IE. At least IE8, I haven't been able to test IE7 or 6. Thing is, if I just open the page on its own, it works fine. It is when the page is loaded into the iframe that it screws up. If I put a little "alert(max_height);" in there, IE gives 0 when the page is called from the iframe.
I would like to grab the id attribute of every element with a specific class, and append the id names to a div.
Something a bit like:
// select everything with a class of widget, and pass all the ids to an array var idArray = $('.widget').attr('id').toArray(); // get each id in the array and seperate by a comma var idPrint = $.each(idArray, function(i, val) {