Is there a javascript or jQuery method available to force the browser to render the contents of the window? This would something similar to updating the "stage" in Director or Flash.I have a two-column interaction set up where users input information in one column and see their results in another. Safari, Firefox, etc all work perfectly. IE however needs an extra click anywhere on the browser window for the results to appear. So I'm looking for a way to attach a function to a UI control that 'forces' IE to render the screen so the changes appear.
I have an emagazine i want to add to my website, the probelm is when it opens in a browser you have to sroll down the page, to view it all, what i was wondering is, is it possibe to create a link that when somebody selects to view the magazine it forces the browser to openin full screen mode so that it fits niely on the screen without the toolbars and evertything taking up half the page.
Is there a way in Javascript, or perhaps in HTML, to force a browser to re-render an image on an HTML page after a round-trip between the client and the server ?
In my particular case, the image is changing on the server although the URL for it remains the same, but the browser is still displaying the old image from its cache rather than the new image from its URL location.
i've got a bunch of webaplications in use that the users have open in a browser all day. and so far every thing is perfecto. my problems start when the user during the day get emails with links in them... being humans they click those links and some times they "loose" the webaplication from the original browser. this also happens of course when they use their bookmarks etc.
what i would like is to include a javascript that forces a new browser window wtih the new url & leaves the original site as-is if a url is sent to the browser.
I'm writing a blog. When a user clicks the make comment link under the comments section for a blog entry, a div pops up with the form that allows them to make a comment. I would like to use XMLHttpRequest to point to a php file that posts the comment, and then display the comment underneath the others that are already there...
This is my first real experience with Javascript in 8 or 9 years, and I've forgotten it almost entirely. I'm working off of tutorials that I'm finding here and there, and have already gotten the XMLHttpRequest to perform the posting of the comment, but I don't know how to write the comment to the end of the comments list without refreshing the page.. Code:
I want to make a new window and this new window will be like a menu like for instance if I make a drawing web app. Where the person can draw on the main website.Yet, I need to make controls that are not on the website but is created into a new page or new window but I want that new window to always be on they can click the main webpage and paint it without the new created window to be sent behind the webpage.something like this: http:[url].....
but that's in c++ and that's an app.I want the same effect using javascript and have the window of the web browser that was newly created to always be on top.
I'm using a little javascript to help my site's design to fit the visitor's entire browser window. Everything works great apart from one problem. If a visitor first loads the page and the browser isn't maximised, the page loads correctly BUT if the visitor then proceeds to maximize the browser, the page is still set for the minimised browser. This condition stays until the visitor goes to another section of the site or refreshes the page. When this happens, the page again loads correctly.
I would like to force a page reload whenever the browser is minimizedmaximized or is in any other way changed size. How can I do this?
I am opening a site soon that will have a preliminary, invite-only beta system to work out bugs, etc. I need to make a feedback system and I already have most of it figured out, but I need to know how to make a button or image stay at the bottom of the screen.
For example, take a look at They have a feedback button on the right side that stays in the same position as you scroll down the page. How can I do this, but keep the button at the bottom of the page?
I don't want to have to add any extra containers, etc. I have my layout entirely designed and I want the button to be easy to add/remove. I'm thinking I would just need to run a script that creates maybe a div that holds the button, and position the div at the height of the window minus the height of the div. But how can I make it stay there as the user scrolls?
I am using the script below to open a popup window which displays an external web site. The problem I am having is if the the window which calls the popup is clicked the popup window goes to the back. Is there any way I can force the popup window to remain at the front until it is closed by the user.
How do I force a window, pened alone, to be displayed in its frame set?
tried this:
if (parent.location.href == self.location.href) { window.location.href = '../' }
the problem is that the original page is replaced by the main.htm page (the default page for the 'main' frame)., because the open event of the menu page calls for the main.htm to be loaded. Is there a way that I could pass a page name as an argument to the index page at all? Something like window.location.href='index.html?Loc=IT_Study___In formation.htm'
I'm having issues with links on my intranet pages that navigate outside of my intranet to other intranets hosted in the same server farm. When I click the links they just do nothing. Links within my intranet site work fine. Is there any kind person here that is capable of pointing me in the direction of resources to force a popup using javascript and making it navigate to the desired link?
I have a strange problem that occurs in IE 7 and 8 and does not occur in Firefox or Safari.I'm dynamically adding class to a table row on a checkbox selection. A row contains some input fields that get enabled or disabled. If a row is enabled, it gets highlighted using selectedrow class. If it gets disabled, the class is removed:
I've recently started playing around with jQuery and the jquery-tmpl plugin. I've been fairly impressed with how easy it has been to get my sample apps to call a web service and populate the returned data using a template on my page using something like...
var rendered = $.tmpl("myNamedTemplate", data); $("#resultList").html(rendered);
What I'm currently having trouble understanding is how to get the html results of rendering a template into a string so I can use it with other APIs. I'm working with the Bing AJAX map control and various functions in it's API take HTML as a string parameter.
What I tried first...
var myHtmlTitle = $.tmpl("myTitleTemplate", data); pin.SetTitle(myHtmlTitle);
That didn't quite work like I expected and resulted in an exception from the BING map control. I quickly figured out that what .tmpl was returning was not a formatted HTML string, so it makes sense that would fail.
I then tried appending .html to things and I got close...
var myHtmlTitle = $.tmpl("myTitleTemplate", data).html(); pin.SetTitle(myHtmlTitle);
This did in fact return an HTML string, but the problem is it was stripping off the top-level tag in my template. It's acting like it's returning innerHTML of the top-level tag.
Is there an easy way to simply render the template to a string so I can pass that into the APIs?.
I am loading a list of answers give by a specific user into a tab panel. To do this I'm using the following code: $('#questionBody').load('dashboard/questions'); All the html elements not from a loop such as a header image show up fine but the list of answers looks like it's displayed similar to when you use print_r() on an array. Is load() the proper function to use here?
here's an example of the output: {"status":200,"data":{"questions":[],"params":{"page":false},"user_answers":{"13":{"flagged":"0","regdate":"1282869034","id":"13","qid":"9","body":"an answer of course...","payed":"1","question":{"id":"9","title":"test","body":"test","uid":"1586","permalink":"/question/view/9"},"status":"complete"},"11":
i am wondering, what is the best way to render HTML on a page using an ajax request that gets the data as an XML file?
Say for example you wanted to load the comments on a particular news post, and wanted to pull this data in via ajax, and you server returns an xml with the commens in it, for example:
and then take that xml file and use it to render a list of comments, with profile pictures (worked out from the `profile_id`). I ask as i can do this easy enough by just making the server return the output as HTML, then placing it inside a container for the comments, but this is slower as the html output would be much bigger in size then the xml output.
I also need the ability to add a callback function so i can make a popup display if there is an error, or run a function that does something after the data is loaded. Ideal'y id like to load the html template which i would use along side the xml file, via ajax, but this isnt completely neceserry.
I'm using window.showModalDialog but having an issue trying to set the parent window(main browser). I open modal window A which is then opens modal window B, top of modal window B onload I do window.opener.close()". My issue now is when i'm finished with B I set parent window(main browser) to a new url with window.opener.location. So my problem is modal window A the parent has been closed so window.opener.location will not work.
I am looking to have a link open a closeable window that is contained within a browser window. If you click on the "sizing charts" link on this website, this is exactly what I am looking to do:
The window is contained within the current browser window, it can be dragged around, but not outside the parameters of the browser window.
jQuery - Scrolling browser Window. I have two demos of scrolling page content with jQuery.
This one - [url] is scrolling the contents inside a container and it works as I wanted on Mac/PC
I need the same effect as above but I need to scroll the whole browser window.
I have a demo here - [url]
Problem here is on the Mac the transition are jumpy and it seems to flash the first yellow div before sliding up or down. Testing on a PC it will slide down but won't slide up. How can I get the whole browser window to slide up and down with a smooth transition.
My current project has me working with UI dialog and I was wondering if it's possible to open a new browser window from a click of the dialog button. I have set up an ajax call to get the url but I'm not sure if this is the correct way.
function createNewProject(irb_id){ jQuery.ui.dialog.defaults.bgiframe = true; jQuery(function(){ jQuery('#confirmDialog').dialog({