JQuery :: Close A Browser Window?
Oct 5, 2009I'm trying to close a browser window.. using windows.close().. but its not working...
View 4 RepliesI'm trying to close a browser window.. using windows.close().. but its not working...
View 4 RepliesI need to know if the user close the browser or to open the window � browser without or with a disable close window button How can I???
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want to trap the window.close() event when the user clicks on the close button of the browser using javascript. Can anyone shed light on this problem ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have seen this script a few places, not sure it was jquery but I figured it was.
I am looking for a script that opens a lightbox when someone moves the mouse over to close the browser window or change the url or type in the search bar, a lightbox pops up.
I spend a bit of time searching and can't find the script.
I've got a chat program which relies on a column in a MySQL database to see if he/she has logged out or not. But if you close the browser window, the computer still thinks you're online. I wrote this in the JavaScript section cos I think it would definitely need Javascript.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway of closing a single browser window without getting the "Are you sure?" prompt? window.close() seems to give an alert.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to display alert when I close the browser window. Now I am using the following code to display the alert. But the alert is getting displayed even I click on any links. But the alert should not displayed when i click the link.
This is my code:
I am facing problem while closing the child window in Mozilla Browser. Actually i am using window.close() in order to close the child winow . Its working fine with IE but its not working for Mozilla browser.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need to display alert when I close the browser window. Now I am using the following code to display the alert. But the alert is getting displayed even I click on any links. But the alert should not displayed when i click the link. [code]...
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have to open a new window when user closes the browser window. But the problem is that on browser close unload event calls and the same event is called with we refresh the page. So it is opening the popup window on both window close and window refresh.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a HTML and I am opening another link in a separate window using window.open() . The child window is something like 'http://yahoo.com' which is out side html. I need to refresh the parent window when the child window is closed.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSuppose,closing the browser through Browser Close Button(Top Right Corner cross(x) button), i have to execute some ASP script , for that, in body onUnLoad Event calling a fucntion called CloseWin(e,frm), it is working in Internet Explorer successfully , But in FireFox not working. how to solve this problem. or any other way to get the co-ordinates of browser close button( code for both IE and Firefox).
code follows
function CloseWin(e,frm)
//frm required for my program
var bButtonClicked = false;
I'm having troubles trying to detect the browser close event. (in FF or IE) To do this I'm using these events: "unload" and "beforeunload", but both are more or less the same, I mean, when I refresh the page or navigate away thru some link, these events catch the same action, but I just need to catch the browser close event, no the page refresh, no the click thru, just the browser close...
View 1 Replies View Related- I have a button on my Flash site that opens an HTML page in a popup window. In Flash, I open the new window using Actiosnscript 2.0:
- Within the popup window are links to other HTML pages. They all open in the same window. I've been using the following to create the links in Dreamweaver:
- On each page, I have a "Return to Main Menu" button that should close the popup window. To do this, I have been using:
- The problem is that it works differently in each browser, and I can't even get it to consistently close the window in most browsers:
Internet Explorer = popup message appears, asking "Are you sure you want to close this window?" or something similar; window closes after clicking "Yes."
Safari = Only closes if I'm on the original HTML page. If I click on any of the other links (note that these all open in the same window), those pages' "Return to Main Menu" buttons cease to work. However, if I keep clicking "Back" until I get to the original page, it closes.
Opera = Button actually works for each page.
Firefox & Chrome = Does not close the window at all.
I looked into it and saw that others have used a window.opener to solve similar issues. But, since my popup window is opened using Flash/AS2, I need to find a way around it.
I've tried preceding "window.close()" with "window.opener=null" (i.e. -onClick="window.opener=null; window.close()"), but I don't think I'm doing it right because it still doesn't work.
I've also seen others use codes that involve functions and variables, but it is beyond my current coding knowledge to implement this. Like I said, I'm sort of new at this.
I need a script that will open a new window (popup / new link) in a specific size, but will also close the old window (where the popup came from). I know the popup window is easy but finding a work-able close window script as the new window is opened is impossible!!
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an HTML page where I am opening a child window using window.open. the child window is something like yahoo.com. I want to refresh the parent window when the child window is closed.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have googled for my issue in this group. This question was asked
many times and many solution was given. But I want clear cut solution
for the issue.
The issue is:
I tried to capture the browse close event by using
Body onunload=fn1() statement and it is working fine.
I have one Parent and child window.
My req is to close the child window when I click -X- buton in IE. It
is also working fine. (I wrote condition in Unload event of the parent
But when the page is postback (when I click one button) the unload
event fires and it closes my child window automatically. But I want my
child window should not close this situation.
I want to log out the user when close the browser, so i need to call the java script function when close the window. I used the onunload and onbeforeunload event but it should call on each page navigation and page refreshing. My necessity is, The function should call only at the time of browser closed..that should be mainly supported in all browsers...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm running a bat file that runs a php script, that backs up my db.
Problem is that I'm limited by the functions I can use as I'm on a winXP box and dont want to compromise security.
The function I'm left with means I should run the script from a browser as it echoes out the results. At this point I'm not opening a browser so it is creating a few problems.
To get around this I thought I might be able to use js. But, I've been testing with a script I hacked (and I mean hacked, its probably a mess).
4 problems:
1. its trying to download a file
2. still has a pop-up asking if its ok to close window
3. its not displaying the php file
4. even if I click the 'go back' link it still asks if it should close.
I will enclose the php script I'm running from bat file in the hopes some-one will kindly put it all together for me For testing I've just been running (trying to include, not download, as I'm getting now) a small php script that says 'hello world' Code:
I am writing code in php and wants to delete file when i click on browser close button. How can i fire event on close button of browser and delete specific file.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to close a browser using javascript that i just opened using javascript.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have used below javascript function in body tag unload event...
<body onunload="openpopup();">
function openpopup()
I'm trying to create code to close the child window I'm creating if the parent window is closed. Here's my code so far:
function openWindow() {
var newWin = window.open(); // open the new window
newWin.document.write('<h1>Child Window</h1>
The above openWindow function is used in this event: <input type="button" name="btn" onclick="openWindow()"value="Open a new window" />
I can generate the new window fine. I just can't close it if the parent window is closed.
Using javascript, I want to force a browser window to close after about 30 minutes of non-use. Can someone point me to a script that can do this?
I assume I could use the setTimeout function and keep re-setting it whenever the mouse is moved.
In my application I want user to take an "Exit Survey"(Independent website) when he is leaving the application. As name explains, It should happen only when user closes current browser tab or browser window.Its possible using JavaScript OnUnload event. But the problem is that this event occurs on
1. close of browser tab
2. close of browser window
3. click of any internal page link(i.e anchors and form buttons)
Even I am trying the browser close event for cross browser and this should trigger only when X button is clicked or page is refreshed. Here's the code pasted above which I am using but it only works in IE. I know the issue is because of window.events and ClientX/ClientY. my code to make it work in all browsers? This is very urgent and have been striving since 3 days...
*Please Note: Current code is working in IE only and to check you have to close the browser window or refresh the page with mouse click
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"><head>
<title>Warning Test</title>