JQuery :: Finding The Number Of Elements Within An Element?
Aug 22, 2011
What would be the easier way to do this? For each of the list elements I want to check how many image elements are inside each, and do something with the one that has only one image.
I have a number of elements on a page, which I want to remove. The number changes depending on the number of the results,ie. div Id like result1, result2, result3 etc.Is there a way for me to find out the number of items called resultX or is there a way for me to search through all ID's like result ?
I'm working on an exercise I need to have finished pretty soon. The concept is simple: online bookstore with cart etc. It's written on php, using JS and mysql.
Each time I view a book's details, I can add it to my cart, where I can also alter it's quantity.
The code for my cart is this:
PHP Code:
As you can see, each time I choose a book to add it to my cart, a new span will be created, to hold the info of this book. What I need to do with the ManageItem js function, is to update the total cost at the bottom of the page, but I can't seem to be getting anywhere.
I know that within the function I can access properties of the field (e.g. theField.name and theField.value). But how do I access theField's index number in the form's elements[] array -- from the "this" reference that was passed to the function? I.E. if this field is elements[3], how can I get at that 3?
I have what I thought was a fairly simple problem that I would be able to solve on my own, but the code I have found is just too complicated for me to understandI think what i have is similar to the knapsack problem, but I have a really simple version of/~moshe/recor/knapsack/knapsack.html#defSay I have a relatively small array of numbers:2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. I just need to verify true or false if a combination of these numbers will add up to 21. The numbers will obviously be changing, ( and in array size), i guess i could just use if statements but it would be stupid and go on for ages.Could anyone point me in the direction of some simple code, or easy to understand way to go about this problem?
I'm having a hard time trying to get this script to work. I am trying to write a script that finds the highest of 5 numbers and places the highest number in the last textbox.Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong?
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>COMSC-100-1241 - Assignment #10 - Using "Greater Than" And "Less Than" Logic</TITLE>
How can I check if a number exists by itself in this string by using the RegExp object?
var mystring = "11,111,01,011"; var match = "1"; var re = new RegExp( match ); var isFound = re.test( mystring ) );
Running this code returns 'true' which is not what I want since number one doesn't exist by itself. I need to use the "match" variable since it will change depending on user input.
I can only get it to work without variables in the expression. E.g.
I'm fairly new to jquery and I've been stumped on this one for a day now. I'm creating a lighbox type photo gallery on a page. The box is simply a hidden div that is displayed when the user clicks a link. When the link is clicked to launch a gallery I'm using the .load() function to grab another page and load it into the hidden div which is now displayed.
The code looks like this $('#galleryBox').load('boxModal.php?ID=' + ID)); The issue I'm having is after I load up the gallery box with boxModal.php.. I want to be able to respond to the click or mouseover event of the images that have loaded in that box. But I can't seem to find the images in the DOM. Is it possible to add event handlers to images loaded using the .load() function?
I have a calendar in which each day is a separate div, and all these are within a container div #cal. When a user mouses over one of the days, I want to figure out the index number of that day's div within #cal. Simplified example:
I can easily get the index of #nov2 from Firebug if I do this in the console: $('#cal div').index($('#nov2')
But, I can't figure out how to write a function so that I don't need to assign an id to each day div. I'd like to be able to just take "this" from the moused-over div, and pass that to a function that can turn it into the needed index.
I am working on a little project with fullcalendar but while writing some callback functions stumbled upon an issue: Fullcalendar generates html that looks like this: <a><span></span><span></span><span></span></a>.
Now there is an eventClick callback that is fired when clicking on that <a> element. However, in that callback I would like to know which <span> element was clicked.
Since jQuery parses the entire dom first, is there any efficiency gain in directing it via the entire CSS chain rather than directly to an ID? That is, if I have a Div with an ID of "foo" and it contains a P with an ID of "bar", is there any speed advantage in using $(div#foo p#bar) as opposed to just using $(p#bar), assuming jQuery would be more efficient if it had both indexes?
Basically, I'm looking for a way to find a list element that has a ul child, and then hide or show that ul. What I have here doesn't seem to be working.
I'm pretty new to jQuery and this is giving me a lot of trouble! I found some code jQuery code to give me a great start but I can't get the logic to where I need it to be. Here is what I have:
For example, if we press tab in a page and the tab finds an A Link and then we press enter, it will be like Clicking in the link. I would like to know how do I do to make that kind of selection in my element, cause I wanna make a function to select the item so the user when pressing enter it opens the <a> link.
I want to call stop() on an element animated with animate() based on a user hover. I also want to figure out how close to complete the animation was when the user hovered.
In a simple case I would just compare the animated element property's current value (ie height) to its target value, but in this case I'm creating a generic animator and don't actually know (without a ton of otherwise unnecessary housekeeping) what properties are being animated.
Is there a possibility to find out the coordinates, relative to the whole screen, or at least relative to the browsewindow, where an element ( e.g. link or picture ) begins or ends?
It's pretty simple stuff that just populates an empty div with an image link to bookmark the page when users have javascript enabled. Now when I call the function using <body onload="add_favorite();"> and cancel out the window.onload=add_favorite(); from the script it works just fine (it throws a line-1 syntax error up in IE that I can't figure out, but functionally everything still works in IE7 and FF2). When I try to do it the "unobtrusive" way I get nothing at all in either browser.
A little debugging revealed that the function is indeed being called and is running successfully, however the function is somehow unable to locate the element with ID of "bookmark" when it is fired with window.onload and as a result I get no bookmarking link. It's almost like window.onload is triggering itself too soon, before the div of "bookmark" is in the page, but how can that be?
However this doesn't always work in my script. Now, I've googled how to find the position of an element. And come accross many scripts which supposedly all find the position of any object. Some are very long scripts and some are very short all using a variety of methods. Incidently none of which work, they all return (0,0).
I forget how to do this. Maybe somebody can point me to a decent tutorial. But I'm looking to grab the width of an <li>, including padding and margins that doesn't have a set width, and has one of 'auto' or 0.
However this doesn't always work in my script. Now, I've googled how to find the position of an element. And come accross many scripts which supposedly all find the position of any object. Some are very long scripts and some are very short all using a variety of methods. Incidently none of which work, they all return (0,0). I have a question, why would someone create a script to do what one line of code can do? Am I missing something.
Is it possible to do this? Say I want to find out where on the screen a specific div is, and i want to know the values of the left and top properties. Can i find this out? If so, how?
I'm learning jQuery with XML. I'm familiar with other query languages such as XPath. I'm having a little bit of difficulty wrapping my brain around how jQuery works but I think I can make the leap if I see a solution to a problem I know how to solve with other methods Given the following XML, please share a jQuery solution to finding the value of attribute B in elements named bar where attribute A has the value 30: