JQuery :: Finding Previous H3 From Clicked Tr
Feb 4, 2011
First some sample clode:
I have a jQuery click event handler on the dethead tr's which is fine.
But what I want to find in this click event handler is the previous <h3> to the clicked <tr>
So if I click on item1, item2 or item3 I want to find the <h3>Heading 1</h3>
I click on item4, item5 or item6 I want to find the <h3>Heading 2</h3>
NOTE: Not all the <h3> will have the same classes, if any class at all.
Been trying various things from Tree Traversal but have not found the right combination.
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Jul 14, 2010
I am working on a little project with fullcalendar but while writing some callback functions stumbled upon an issue: Fullcalendar generates html that looks like this: <a><span></span><span></span><span></span></a>.
Now there is an eventClick callback that is fired when clicking on that <a> element. However, in that callback I would like to know which <span> element was clicked.
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Oct 5, 2009
I have a form that uses several text fields to set the footer of the current page. The fields are "Company name", "Street", "Town" and things like that. When a keystroke occurs in one of those fields, I update the footer with the corresponding info, using the "onkeyup" event. All this works fine. My form also has some checkbox to tell if the infos in the footer must be separated with bullet characters. In such case a bullet must be appended to the string retrieved from the current field, but only if the next footer info is not empty or does not start itself with a bullet. Similarly, if the previous footer info is empty and does not end with a bullet, a bullet must be added at the beginning of the current string. So, I have to make the UpdateFooter() function here below more subtle. From the "this" argument passed to that function, I've been unable to find with jQuery the previous and next <li>-encapsulated "siblings". I'm not sure that I really catched how to use "previous()" and "next()" efficiently.
<fieldset name="footer_infos" class="invisible">
<input name="footer_company" type="text" size="14" maxlength="36"
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Dec 31, 2009
HTML Code:
<ul id="toggle">
<li class="previous"><a href="#1"><</li>
<li class="next"><a href="#2">></a></li>
Basically what I'm looking to do is at first, I want to hide the previous link until next is clicked. When next is clicked the first href will change to #2 and the 2nd will change to #3. If then #2 is clicked it'll go back to the first step, if #3 is clicked it'll move on to...
#2 changes to #3 and #3 changes to #4, repeat above process.
#3 changes to #4 and #4 from the last frame is now hidden.
Is this possible with javascript?
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Jan 26, 2011
I'm trying to add extra DIVs after the first one on a page. This is for a CMS with form fields in them. Here is the first DIV:
<div class="OptExtra">
<h3>Additional Option</h3>
<label for="RESAddType">File type (i.e. “CD” or “Download”)</label>
<input name="RESAddType[]" type="text" id="RESAddType" size="48" class="FW" />
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Dec 26, 2011
[URL]..Default.aspx I have both a carousel with images andalso animagemap(notnot published yet)with coords that when clicked i want to write to a cookie file which image or image map coordinate was clicked, so when they are hyperlinked to the next page the correct div opens based on first reading the cookie written to on the previous page. Anybody have a basic script for reading and writing to a cookie using jquery in this fashion?
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Jul 22, 2010
Title doesn't really give this thread justice ... I have a content div with an image and text included into it. This same div class is being used multiple times. What I want is to be able to click the image, and have the <p> in that div toggle to show or hide. Here is the XHTML code for the front-end:
<div class="content">
<img src="image_big.gif" alt="image" class="toggle_font" />
<p> Caption for the next image. </p>
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Jan 20, 2011
I have a link styled with css that I'd like to change with a mouse event. It's going to be on a touch screen so I'm assuming I should adopta mouseUp/mouseDown model?
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Jan 20, 2010
i am creating a simple dynamic menu for my study with the following structure:
now i need to find the correct selector for the mouseout event, because now the submenu disappears if i am getting of the current element (this) of the mainmenu, but i only want it to disappear if it is not anymore over the submenu, or if the mouse goes over another element of the main menu.
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Aug 18, 2010
I have the following$('.eventsMPH').find('li.comingUp:first').attr('id');This gives me the first <li> with a class of 'comingUp'. However how do I get the first <li> with a class of 'comingUp' BUT without a class of 'clone'
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Apr 14, 2010
I'm fairly new to jquery and I've been stumped on this one for a day now. I'm creating a lighbox type photo gallery on a page. The box is simply a hidden div that is displayed when the user clicks a link. When the link is clicked to launch a gallery I'm using the .load() function to grab another page and load it into the hidden div which is now displayed.
The code looks like this $('#galleryBox').load('boxModal.php?ID=' + ID)); The issue I'm having is after I load up the gallery box with boxModal.php.. I want to be able to respond to the click or mouseover event of the images that have loaded in that box. But I can't seem to find the images in the DOM. Is it possible to add event handlers to images loaded using the .load() function?
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Jan 25, 2011
I have a calendar in which each day is a separate div, and all these are within a container div #cal. When a user mouses over one of the days, I want to figure out the index number of that day's div within #cal. Simplified example:
<div id="cal">
<div onmouseover="findIt()" id="nov1">1</div>
<div onmouseover="findIt()" id="nov2">2</div>
<div onmouseover="findIt()" id="nov3">3</div>
I can easily get the index of #nov2 from Firebug if I do this in the console:
$('#cal div').index($('#nov2')
But, I can't figure out how to write a function so that I don't need to assign an id to each day div. I'd like to be able to just take "this" from the moused-over div, and pass that to a function that can turn it into the needed index.
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Apr 16, 2011
So, from this:
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Jan 26, 2010
Since jQuery parses the entire dom first, is there any efficiency gain in directing it via the entire CSS chain rather than directly to an ID? That is, if I have a Div with an ID of "foo" and it contains a P with an ID of "bar", is there any speed advantage in using $(div#foo p#bar) as opposed to just using $(p#bar), assuming jQuery would be more efficient if it had both indexes?
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May 11, 2009
<pre><code><font size="4"><span>
Is there a way to find multiple values?This script checks <u>name = ben</u>, what about I want to check if <u>name = ben</u> and <u>name = joe</u>?
var</span><span> items </span><span>=</span><span> </span><span>[{</span><span>id</span><span>:</span><span>1</span><span>,</span><span> name</span><span>:</span><span>'bob'</span><span>},</span><span> </span><span>{</span><span>id</span><span>:</span><span>2</span><span>,
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Jun 16, 2009
I've been trying to work this out for a bit now but seem to have come a bit unstuck. I'd like to be able to use .find to search an <UL> element and find out if there are any items with two attributes the same as a search choice. i.e. : My UL looks like this :
<li id="1" typeref="E" typeid="1">Element 1</li>
<li id="2" typeref="E" typeid="2">Element 2</li>
I would like to do a search of the above UL and get back the id of the first LI element you can see in the list there by doing a search for typeref="E" && typeid="1". Is that possible using Jquery?
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Nov 9, 2010
I have a table containing multiple rows (tr), each row has two columns (td). In the first columnIhave acheckbox, when this checkbox is clicked i need it to change the class of a div in the second column of the row.
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Mar 29, 2011
I'm trying to create an multiple upload script and the upload part is working fine, but...When a file is uploading a animated gif is shown in the list part <li></li>. If I only upload 1 at the time everything looks just fine and the animated gif is changed to the just uploaded image. Great!. But if I upload 2 or mare at the same time the problem is there. For each upload I start a list object is created. This part works fine, but when picture 1 is done uploading it is shown in the last created list object and the same is picture 2 overwriting picture 2. This is not good... How can I change this?
Code JavaScript:
var mynewLI = null;
new aUpload(uploadBtn, {[code].....
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Aug 31, 2011
I'm using dynamically created upload fields that are in iframes.(There is an "add another" button.) After uploading the file in the iframe, the file path is passed back to a hidden field in the form. The tricky part is passing the data back to the correct hidden field since the name can't be determined ahead of time. Passing the data through $_GET or $_POST data is highly problematic. So is there a way to find the div that contains the iframe from within the iframe.
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Jun 16, 2010
when a change event is triggered is there a way to get the previous value before the change?
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Mar 4, 2010
I'm creating a simple gallery as a way to dip my toes into jQuery. I have thumbnails, each of which link to an image file, and when the user clicks on them the main image in the center is swapped. This works fine.
I'm now coding the "previous" and "next" buttons. They will work the same way -- they just link to a photo, and when clicked the main photo is swapped. However, the link needs to update whenever a new image is displayed.
The way I am doing this now is to: 1) Go through the list of thumbnails and work out which thumbnail in the list is the one that points to the current main image, 2) find the previous and next thumbnails (if they exist), 3) update the links and show the previous and next buttons as required.
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Dec 7, 2010
I'm looping through a bunch of code that randomly has a div with an image followed by a div with a link. I want to dynamically remove all of the images in a previous div if the following div has a link:
<div><img class="removeThisPic" src="/path/to/image.jpg"/></div>
<div><a href="#" class="link">click here</a></div>
I know I can loop through all of the links with something like this:$('div a.link').each(function(){ /* do something */ });But I just don't know what to do when I loop through them to pull out the previous div's image.
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Aug 31, 2009
and not sure how to title this post so excuse me if i'm not using the right terminology.my setupjavascript
<script src="scripts/jquery-1.3.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
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Aug 5, 2010
I don't know why but it doesn't read the value.
This is to be runned by Property.
function calculate_form_opap(op_id,oca_id,ocp_id) {
var propertiesintotal=0;
var total=0;
var completo='';
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May 12, 2010
How can jQuery locate a non-predetermined DOM insertion point? My application relies on custom code to "bootstrap" itself. I'm wondering if similar functionality is available in jQuery?
My app works in the following fashion:
- user places a script tag in their web page.
- my script fires and performs the following routines:
- scriptLocation = whereAmI()? (find scripts in document, length -1)
- insertBefore(DIV, scriptLocation);
- use DIV as canvas, DOM target for all that follows
- install application in DIV
Note that my custom app does not wait for any kind of "ready" state. It has no dependencies on the surrounding document. It fires inline. My impression is that jQuery's approach ("Find something, do something") is incompatible, because it relies on a known DOM insertion point. It would seem straightforward to "query" the DOM, and find an element of known ID. That would conflict with my business constraint; I have no control over the destination page. Are my assumptions about jQuery true? Or is there a way for a jQuery script to wake up, find its location, and the install elements there?
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Feb 2, 2010
I'm trying to add a click listener to a list element that has a hidden unordered list.
<script type="text/javascript">
Basically, I'm looking for a way to find a list element that has a ul child, and then hide or show that ul. What I have here doesn't seem to be working.
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