JQuery :: Document Event Before Page Is Displayed?
Nov 2, 2010
I want to get rid of a flicker. It's caused by moving page content around with jquery's document.ready() function. The problem is the page is displayed, then the content moved, and then redisplayed again causing the "flicker." I just need a to move the content before the page is displayed the first time. Is there an event that runs after the content is loaded but before it is displayed? The code is simply:
if($('#menu').children().length != 0){
The content cannot be positioned before it hits the client. I'm doing this to get around our CMS's limitation.
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Sep 19, 2011
I have two files,page1.html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>JQuery test 1</title>
When I open page2.html, and click on the brnClick link, it changes the content of divclick. If I open page1.html, and then navigate to page2.html, click on the link does not work.
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Aug 29, 2010
Im trying to have a click event that replaces an image on the page with a new image that has been selected randomly from an array. I have solved PART of this already (can get the random image to appear).
However, instead of appearing on the page where the old image was, the new image appears in a blank page.
My research indicates that this blank page location-problem is a result of using document.write in the Function. Therefore, I know I need to find a different way to accomplish this, but am failing miserably.
I have been trying for hours and hours and HOURS to figure out proper syntax for accomplishing this via elements, functions, variables and mootools.
A bit of my research:
-I found this---but havent figured out how to implement it in my scenario:
Source: [url]
-I found this---but havent figured out how to implement it in my scenario:
Source: [url]
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Dec 21, 2011
I have written a very simple test. When I click on a link the page is loaded, then I press the back-button and when I click the link again, the page is loaded BUT then the first page is automatically displayed again. In Google chrome this works fine, but on iPhone 4, HTC WildFire S and HTC Sensation it does not work.
Please try this:
1. Navigate to "[URL]" (==> shows PAGE 1)
2. Just press "login" (form is not implemented) (==> shows PAGE 2)
3. Click on the first item "Click here" (==> shows PAGE 3)
4. Press back-button (==> shows PAGE 2)
5. Click on the first item "Click here" again ( ==> shows PAGE3 BUT then PAGE 2 is automatically shown again)
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Sep 15, 2009
I'm looking for something that can display a PDF in a way similar to a typical jQuery image gallery (or a desktop PDF viewer, e.g. Acrobat or Preview). I tried out Mike Alsup's jQuery Media Plugin [URL], thinking that the "iframe player" might do the trick. But of course, I still get the default browser behavior for a PDF, which in most cases (like Firefox) is to not display it at all. Works great in Safari, though, especially with the AdobePDFViewer.plugin. So does anyone know of something that could enable PDFs to be displayed on the page?
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Mar 15, 2010
I am not sure if the JS forum is the right place for this, but suspect the solution might be JS based.
I need to fire a 1x1 image when a user clicks on a link. I thought about the onclick event but the requirement has some tricky needs:
1. The 1x1 should load (preferably fully) before the redirection happens - the redirection ideally being the src attribution of the anchor tag itself.
2. The 1x1 should fire at the bottom of the page, not adjacent to the link clicked.
Is this possible?
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Aug 8, 2010
My question is if there is a way to add a input field on my website where people will type their email and then press "GO" or "submit" and they will be directed to another website and their email they enterd will automatically be displayd on that websites email submission. and if its possible that it would press the submit button on that page as well directly. cant find any tutorial on this on html or java,
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Mar 31, 2010
I am using HAPedit for HTML/Javascript and it used to work alright by clicking Display -> Browse with -> Default Browser(Internet Explorer). But since last one or two days it gives the following error:
"The page cannot be displayed"
and the following is shown in the URL bar
But, however, if I navigate to the file by using File -> Open of the IE, the result is shown correctly.
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Aug 10, 2011
I'm using a Volusion shopping cart and it uses JavaScript to insert code into DIVs with specific IDs. The code that it inserts can't be changed from the backend, so I'm wondering if there is a way to replace it with JavaScript after it's rendered.
Here is my problem specifically: I'm trying to change the wording "Find by Type" to "Sort by Type", but I can't modify it since it's being added in later by JavaScript. The tag I have in my template file is:
<div id="search_refinement_filters"></div>
but when rendered, Volusion turns it into:
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Aug 5, 2011
Is there any way to use delegate function without any event or in document ready event? [code]
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Aug 28, 2006
I want to have a normal text input field and whatever someone types should be instantly displayed at several places on the page.
So if someone types "hallo" in the input field then I want the following links to be created and fully displayed: Code:
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Dec 17, 2010
I have an assignment where I have a drop down list that is created dynamically that uses the content from the h3 tags in the body as the options in addition to the first option being "Show entire script"
The content of the body is actually a screenplay with <h3> and <blockquote>
My goal is to only show the character's (who is selected in the drop down) name and dialogue while hiding the rest of the screenplay
I am not too sure how to go about this at all, but this is what I have so far:
All it does is gets rid of the names of the characters who aren't selected and not the block quotes underneath
Javascript File:
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Dec 6, 2011
I have a list of paragraphs that all need to say the same thing. Each has it's own ID and class (each one has a different font color) and I need a co-worker to be able to type a phrase or name into a form field & hit "go" and have it update all of the paragraphs to reflect that text in the various colors. I also need it to have a predetermined default phrase.
Welcome Home (in blue)
Welcome Home (in red)
Welcome Home (in green)
Welcome Home (in black)
Welcome Home (in yellow) etc.
I already have the framework set up (with the colors and everything) it's just a matter of changing the contents of the paragraph-tag.
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May 25, 2010
So I have an event handler for the KeyDown event in a Javascript file but for some reason it does not get called the first time a key is pressed. However, if a key is pressed or a mouse button clicked then the next time I press a key it does get called. Here is the relevant code:
// Other stuff
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Jun 3, 2010
i have a basic 2 column page, on the left is the navigation, on the right the content.i'm loading in the content with the load() method - some php generated html code which looks like this e.g.
<div id="container">
<div id="toggle">TOGGLE</div>
<div id="showArticles">
so if i click on the toggle div.. nothing happens so i tried to put a <p id="toggle"> in the navigation bar which is static (not being load()-ed in via jQuery) and it worked so it seems to me, that jQuery can't get the click event out of the load()-ed page
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Jul 30, 2010
All the code in my $(document).ready function is processing correctly, except for the .trigger() statement below:
$('.content-btn:nth-child(3) a').triggerHandler('click');
I've tried triggerHandler() and trigger() both, and the command runs fine if called from another event handler—the click event for that <a> works as desired.Console shows no errors, and as I said the other lines in (document).ready work fine, it's just this one thing that doesn't seem to run.
why would this command not process on (document).ready?
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Aug 19, 2011
I've copied and customized a script to display a css popup in my little website. The script should display a popup in the middle of the browser window, graying out the background, Everything seems to work fine except that at the end of the script, the page is displayed from the top. This means that if you click on the popup link from a position down in the page, you'll miss it because you will be taken to the top of the page, where you can't see it.
This is the HTML and CSS code:
HTML Code:
And the js:
I've been debugging with alert boxes and everything seems to be fine until the script ends execution. Then the user is brought again at the top of the page...
In my final site the only thing I would like to show in the popup is a Flash movie.
Do you know any workaround? I would even implement a completely different solution if I knew which...
By the way: At this stage I am using Chrome but I would like my solution to work in any browser, that will the next issue.
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Mar 2, 2011
I have created a servlet that does nothing more than create a XML file.i have got some JQuery code that reloads the servlet to get the XML data.This works fine and i am able to load the data i want, the problem i have is that when the data is loaded to the jsp page it displays [object Document] in front of my output.
Code JavaScript:
$(document).ready(function() {
setInterval(function() {[code]....
XML file only has one value, called row 1 with the data, "wow this is cool", but my output is: [object Document]
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Jun 9, 2010
I am working on a page that will load in other pages using AJAX and the .html method. Something like this :
<span id = "edit">Edit</span>
<div id = "cont">
//the click edit script
Unfortunately this does not seem to work, entirely. It does trigger the click event but it messes up the post for some reason. I have played around with it for the last 45 minutes or so and it seems like the click event trigger is what is messing things up, if I comment it out it works fine. Could anyone tell me why they think this is? note this is an over simplified version of my actual code, but the structure is the same.
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Mar 12, 2006
Talking about a js script which changes an iframe src through a "ref_to
iframe.setAttribute("src", document_path);", I would like to launch a
check() fct when this new document is loaded.
Of course, knowing, I don't want (and can't n some cases where document
is generated by a cgi script) to edit every possible document which is
potentially loadable in the iframe.
In fact, I've through about the idea to on fly add an "onload='check
()'" to every document, but don't know how to do that :-(
Maybe using attachEvent or something arounnd this : I don't know. Of
course, I wish a solution working in the majors browsers.
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Apr 2, 2009
I am trying to add mouseout and mouseover event to flash object using document.write so that I can show or hide text when someone rollover on flash but I am not sure how to do that? check my code and make any necessary changes to it.
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function CngTxt(id,txt){
var obj=document.getElementById(id);
if (txt){ obj.innerHTML=txt; }
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Dec 14, 2011
I have noticed on a few occasions where I navigate to a page and the document.ready() function gets called and executes. I then push a button on that page which calls a javascript function that does a jquery submit to the same page I am currently on. This time, document.ready() does not get triggered. How do I make this happen the second time, have the stuff I want on page ready be executed? I am using Chrome if that helps.
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Jun 1, 2011
<script type='text/javascript' src='js/jquery-1.5.js'></script>
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Jul 23, 2005
I have an upload file operation in the web application. UploadForm.jsp
is the form, and UploadAction.jsp is the form processing. The web server is
<FORM NAME="InputForm" ACTION="UploadAction.jsp" METHOD="POST"
<input type="file" name="fileName">
//etc ...
After I deploy the application to the web server, if I upload a small
file size, it is fine.
But if I upload a huge file size more than 10MB, then it cannot even go
to UploadAction.jsp.
After 30 seconds, it has error "The page cannot be displayed" shown on
the web browser.
It cannot even go to UploadAction.jsp. But both UploadForm.jsp and
UnploadAction.jsp are in the same machine.
Interestingly, if I test in local machine, I can upload any file size
without problem. I don't have any hints now. any ideas?
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Jan 4, 2012
I have an html page with a lot of JavaScript functions that all work fine. Then I decided to add a jQuery function, but the document ready is not executing when the page loads. As you can see below I've added the document.ready function at the top of the page, below the links. And below that are the JavaScript functions that were there all along. Why the document ready function doesn't execute? (I don't see the "ready" alert, and the jQuery isn't working.)
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/real.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
alert("adding LabelSelected class");
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function showImage(image) {
} function hideImage(image) {
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Oct 7, 2009
I am experiencing unexpected behavior using $(document).ready() on a page where I inject jQuery after the page has loaded and then attach listeners to the ready event. The ready() event is never called using Firefox and Safari however it is called using IE. Is this a jQuery bug? Is it working as designed?
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