JQuery :: Dialog: Set Focus After 'show' Animation?
Jul 8, 2009I'm using this code:
var editDialog = $('#dialogEditor').dialog({
modal: true,
autoOpen: false,
position: 'top',
width: dialogWidth || 300,
I'm using this code:
var editDialog = $('#dialogEditor').dialog({
modal: true,
autoOpen: false,
position: 'top',
width: dialogWidth || 300,
Does anyone know how to do the input focus fade in and fade outs that is seen at Apple's mobile me website at [URL] I would love to implement it in my own login box.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am running into a perculiar problem with dialog box.. my dialog box show up and close itself after 2 seconds .. without me clicking on any buttons. Here is the code in <Script></Script> . My JQuery age is only2 days.
function Login () {
type: "POST",
i have a slideshow at [URL] which utilizes the following code. how can i get rid of the fade effect and just have one image transition to the next cleanly with no fade animation?
* jQuery Cycle Plugin for light-weight slideshows
* Examples and documentation at: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/
* Copyright (c) 2007 M. Alsup
I'm working on a page, where I want to use jQuery to build a "Portfolio" div that contains pics and info about some of my work. I found a bunch of cool tutorials about making a slide show, but they all have a sliding animation. With my page, the sliding animation would look awkward. I'm fine if it just replaces the current div with the next one. I'm just planning on using a previous and next button (Within the same div) to cycle through these.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThis is meant to be a very simple animation. Everything seems to be correct, but it doesn't seem to run. Basically it is a system where the image is 50px taller than the box it is being displayed in. When you hover over the image, the image is meant to move up via jquery to show the bottom (previously hidden) 50px and cut off the top 50px.
Here is my Site: [URL]
Here is my HTML:
<div id="container"><div>
<a class="none" href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><img src="/themes/smo/portfolio/<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'portfolio_img',true).".gif"; ?>" alt="" /></a>
Here is the Jquery:
$("div.container div a").hover(function(){
$("img", this).stop().animate({top:"-51px"},{queue:false,duration:200});
}, function() {
$("img", this).stop().animate({top:"0px"},{queue:false,duration:200});
I think its something to do with the container class.
I am working with ASP.net and VB as my code behind. I tried solving this in normal JavaScript with no luck. I have a textbox that when it receives focus I want to make the next 3 controls visible. I have tried the included code with no luck. Here is the Head and Jquery.
I have a script which shows a div with an animation. What I would like to do is to have the div collapse when a link is clicked. At the moment, when the link is clicked, it just plays the animation again.
This is my code:
PHP Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#navigation a").click(function(){
$(".content."+$(this).attr("class")).animate({height: "1px"},50);
$(".content."+$(this).attr("class")).animate({height: "50px"},{duration: 1000, easing: "easeOutBounce"});
}); .....
Newbie looking for the way have a dialog box and when a user goes to
this page they see *nothing*, Except for a dialog box pop, the box says:
"are you sure?" Yes/No. If user clicks yes they see the rest of the page
- (just some simple html). Else no, they might see a message that says
"go back".
I would like to pass data to dialog box where the page in background is faded out.A good example is when I click 'LOG IN' on DANIWEB, I get a dialog box with username and password fields and the rest of the screen is in gray.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI would like to know how to display a confirmation message when a user attempts to navigate away from a page. For example, if a users clicks the X to close the window, or chooses another link from his favorites, I want to display a message that says something like "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page, click OK to continue, or Cancel to remain on this page."
I noticed this on meebo.com. After you log in, when you try to close the window you get a confirmation dialog like I describe above. I didn't think this was possible to show a confirmation dialog using the onunload event, but I could be wrong.
I am doing a hide/show functionality.Its working but I want to add some animation so it becomes smoother.
My code:
HTML Code:
I am using ASP.net and javascript. Presently I have a link on the web page, which opens an image....if the user wants to save it , he has to right click the image and then save it. But,I don't want the user to right-click and choose the option "Save Picture As" or "Save Image" of the browser. Instead I want the user to click a link or button that is displayed just under the image. After clicking the link/button, the user should be able to save the image in his/her local hard disk/machine in a particular folder or just under C: or bringing up the file directory dialog box where the user can save in his/her own folder.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat I'm trying to do is have a 'Save As' dialog box pop up when I click an anchor tag. What's hidden in the anchor tag is base64 information, so my anchors look like this:
<a href=# src='data:image;base64, (base64 string here)' ></a>
So when I click on this, it gives me the option of downloading my base64 info just fine, but the problem is, the name of it looks to be just the entire base64 string. I was wondering if there was a way I could set this name? I can get the file name, so I'd love to just put '....jpg' as the name that the user downloads.
The reason I'm asking is because when I download the file, it comes out as (random characters).bin.part, and if I know the download is a pdf, I try opening it with a pdf viewer, but get yelled at by the MIME type... however, if I simply change '.bin.part' to '.pdf', I can open the file just fine, so I'd love for an automatic naming system, but not sure how to implement that. I've tried the document.execCommand('saveAs', '1', '<filename here>'), but I think this is for an actual file that you serve from the server... I don't have the actual file, just the base64.
I have an iframe and I want to display a loading animation to the user until the iframe is fully loaded, this is want I did:
1. I start the iframe with style:display:none
2. I have a div that wraps the iframe
3. When the iframe is fully loaded a method is called from the iframe 'removeDivs', I change the div to be invisble with style:display:none and I set the iframe to be visible with stle:display:""
4. The problem: Because the div wraps the iframe, after changing the style of the iframe its stay invisible, the property I set doesn't affect.
I have a comment system much like the on on facebook (but non Ajax). When users click on a text area after a comment, I want the associated submit button to appear.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have been working with jquery dialog for a while and am stuck on a new problem today.when i load a dialog, it is running the button functions when the dialog is opened.
$(function() {
var dialogopts = {
I used the jquery modal dialog from the[url].... that is currently draggable from the title only. is there any way i can make
that draggable by inserting a div at the footer of the dialog or make it draggable from everywhere in the dialog.
does 'focus' method show a 'stable' result? i call this method on a node if this one is not absolutely positioned it seems nothing happens.so does this method only apply to absolutely positioned element?also, in FF, aNode.focus() has no effect whereas in IE document will scroll until that node is visible if the node is partially invisible at the bottom.is this a bug in FF?scroll the document until the text is half-visible at the bottom. click on it in IE it will scroll up while in FF nothing happens besides, if it is not absolutely positioned, nothing happens either.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to have the jquery ui dialog close when clicking outside the area of the dialog? Like facebox?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to get a dialog box to open another dialog box. Clicking on "more search options" the first time results in opening a dialog box. Clicking "search" within the dialog box results in opening up a second dialog box. But this only works the first time I click on "more search options". In other words, the second dialog box only opens up only once. To get the second dialog to open again, I have to reload the page in the browser.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
I have a button which is animated with a rollover effect, obtained through jQuery of course. I wish to open a lightbox clicking that button and I tried with a simple, self-made lightbox and with FancyBox but in either case the lightbox is displayed without animation.I post the code for my buttons and the lightboxHTML for buttons:
<ul> <li><div id="fader0"> <div class="from"><a class="products" href="#inline"><img src="images/tabproducts.png" alt="Our products" /></a></div> <div class="to"><a class="products" href="#inline"><img src="images/tabproductsHover.png" alt="Our products"
<input type="file"> only allows the user to browse for files.
How about "browse for folder" dialog? Can html/javascript do that? I
couldn't find any syntax for that....
The default behaviour of focus() method is displaying the cursor at start of the char(In FF focusOffset is 0(zero) and anchorOffset is 0(zero)). I need to display the focus at end of char after calling focus() method.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create a print link that sends the page to the printer without opening the print dialog box on the browser.
I know that window.print() will open the print dialog and then the user has to click OK.
is there anything that can do this?
I've been messing with this code to make a fade in animation with setTimout. The only thing is addition isn't working on the fade in. A subtraction on a negative works though. This seems strange to me.
changeit.style.opacity -= -0.01; works but when it's changed to changeit.style.opacity += 0.01; there's no fade in. It's the only thing I change. My intuition says to me it should work with addition, but maybe there's something I'm not understanding.
changeit.style.opacity -= -0.01; if this is set to changeit.style.opacity += 0.01; it doesn't work. What?
Of course this is all just for Firefox for now. If I put this in something useful I'll change it so it'll work in other browsers later.