JQuery :: Click Thumbnail To Show Large Image And Hide All Thumbs?
Jan 30, 2011
I have a webpage with a left navigation bar and a content box with thumbnails in. I would like to be able to click one image and have all the thumbnails hide and show the larger version of the image in their place.
I am trying to use facebox on my site where when a thumbnail of a image is loaded, the large image appears on top. Currently when I select the thumbnail link it goes to new page with large image. I have done the following but still doesn't seem to be working.
I have downloaded css and jquery files and places in relevant folder, also given images. <a href="<?=WEB_PATH?>/images/large/<?=$Row['file_name']?>" rel="facebox"> This is where my large image files are saved.
I have gotten my script to do exactly what I want it to do with one exception. I have some thumbnail images that people can mouse over and the actual image is 100px by 75px. That is what I use for my thumbnail and they reside in www.website.com/images/thumbs/image1.jpg. I have the large version of the image that resides in www.website.com/images/image1.jpg. Its actual size is 640px by 480. When I mouse over my thumbnail, I don't want the thumbnail to appear for the larger image, I want the large image to appear instead? Let me know if you need ellaboration.
Javascript <script language="JavaScript"> function Change_Big_One(thumb){ document.getElementById('BigOne').src=thumb.src.replace("_th","")
I'm not quite sure what this is called (tooltip, dialogue, popup, show/hide) but I've seen it around... I'd like to accomplish the following, as indicated in the attached image.
I want an image to automatically appear upon a user's visit 'pointing' to a specific link on my nav bar.
Ideally, this will load on users visit, then not load if/when they click the [x]...
I am building a large registration form. In this form, a sponsor/educator must register himself or herself and then may add up to 6 more " delegates" in pairs. The first two pairs registration info on the form is shown by default. I need to hide the other two pairs until when/if the user clicks on a button to add two more delegates at a time. I used javascript to show or hide the parts of the form that I had put into two divs and adjusted the css display attribute. However, my problem was that, if the user filled out the sponsor/educator section and the first two delegates, and then decided to add two more, when the user clicked on the button to show the part of the form for delegates 3 and 4, it reset all the previous visible form fields to empty. Not good. So, I thought, maybe AJAX.
I created the request object (I am a relative novice at AJAX), had it grab a text file with the code to insert into my target div, in this case a div with id = "delegate3and4". Surprisingly however, it still reset the previous form fields to empty. Am I misunderstanding how AJAX is supposed to work? I figured that, because it does not refresh the page that this would not happen. In fact, to test this out, I created a simple page from scratch with just a single input field and then used AJAX to insert the file in a div after this field and it did not reset the previous input. So, I am totally confused about why this would be happening on my live page. The page is a php page as it submits the form to a php script for processing but I don't think this should make a difference.
im trying to make it so that when clicking thumbnails it will change the full screen background to its respective picture along with continuing its automatic slideshow
www.petpawfurry.com is the website in which im working on.
also, is there anyway to make the slider, slide to the right, instead of fading in and out?
HI'm have set up a gallery site, pretty standard stuff with thumbnails to the right and big image to the left. I would like to add a fade in on the big image when the thumbnail is clicked and don't really know how to implement it.The big images are contained in a div called <#left> while the thumbs are within a div called <div class="gallery">
I have a page, which is actually a photo gallery with a table having 3 rows. First row shows the full screen size pic. Second row displays the Caption of that image and third row shows thumbnail view of six different images and the previous and next button.this is the sample layout:
<table> <tr> <td colspan=8>
My requirement is whenever the user click on the thumbnail view, which is in the 3rd row, the corresponding full screen size pic should open in 1st row of the table.As my photo gallery should be having more than 6 pics, lets take 20 pics, I want to show only 6 thumbnails in 3rd row at a time. Whenever user press "Next" button the 3rd row having 6 thumbnails should show other 6 thumbnails and previous button should show previous 6 thumbnails.
I've been searching for something to do the following with no luck... hoping maybe someone has seen something like this. I have 2 to 3 images and one video. I want a container (div below), and 3/4 thumbnails below it. When an image is selected it shows the image, when a video is selected it plays the video in the div. I don't want any controls in the div (next image or video controls. Very basic. Anyone seen anything like this using jquery?
Fairly new to the jquery world, so I'm still learning... but I feel like there might be something like this out there.
I want to show hide a div and its content when show or hide button is pressed. How i can do it. it is a asp.net button and i also don't want the page to postback when button is clicked.
I managed to write show hide sub row for my table.the first row of my table is master and the immediate next row is detail , I am hiding all detail rows initially. and when user click on any tr the next row which is hidden is made visible .
I have a table that contains information that is hidden within a 'td' element. Users can access this information if they wish by clicking on a link that is held in another 'td' element on the previous row (table structure below):
I have 2 divs on the page, div1 has a gif animation in it and div2 is the page content. I want to hide div2 and only show div1 which plays the gif, then after some time div1 fades away and div2 fades up to show the page content.
This is my thought process:
1) On doc ready, hide div2 2) after 3000 fade div1 out 3) fade div2 in
$(document).ready (function(){ $('#div2')hide();
but I dont know how to fade out the div after a time and fade in the other div.
I am trying to incorporate Lightbox2's image gallery script into my site but I'm having difficulty.Here's where I'm accessing the script from: http:[url]....
The image thumbs are showing up but the larger images are not. I changed the 'body onload' html tag to window.onload as I'm using two different javascripts on this page and I don't want them to conflict.I've also added initLightbox() so I don't know what's wrong! Is there just an issue with the images or is there something wrong with the script.
<script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function(){ // use this instead of <body onload …> MM_preloadImages(MM_preloadImages('../3websites/home4.jpg','../3websites/amenities1.jpg','../3websites/inquiry1.jpg','../3websites/rates1.jpg','../3websites/photos1.jpg'); initLightbox()") } </script>
I'm trying to do a show/hide on a radio button click and I do have it working, but I'd like to make it more...extensible/independent of hard- coding children elements to show hide.
My dummy html structure is:
I left some commented out stuff at the top of the function, hopefully to give you an idea of what I tried.
In particular:
I was trying to get the first ul (the children to show/hide) on "this" (the radio button clicked). I'd like this to be flexible to where you could add more radio button/children and as long as the structure stays the same, the show/hide functionality works.
How To show Div After Click (tell friend) link and hide div after onsubmit form ? (Using Jquery or java script) Example : TELL FRIENDS CLICK LINK <div id="formhide"></div> (default is hidden). After Click Show Loading Message and show form for send data to any email . so if Form is valid Show loading message and message Success ! so hide dive ( to default).
I searched before more and more but I can't find those things that exactly I want.
I'm on design a new website, you can see this page: [URL]...in this page I have 3 hidden DIV, and at top of content area I have 3 buttons (About, Karan Group, Contact), please click on those buttons and see action.
I'd write this motions by jquery but it's really really amateur! because I have to define all things like below codes (as working for output):
I have a simple check box in an admin panel where the idea is that if it is checked then 'display' a div on the page, if it is not checked then hide it.When I tick the checkbox, the div shows up, but then disappears right away. (it does the fade-in display:block, but instantly changes back to display:none).
Im looking for a code like the one below that automatically resizes posted images to desired size while at the same time the resized images are clickable for full size which opens in another window.
I am trying to hide/show table when hide/show button is pressed
Problem: The code works fine when I remove 'slow' from line 10. But with 'slow' in line 10 content of toggleButton doesnt change from Hide to Show when pressed.
I am creating a static(only raw data) web site and want to show a panel as following.
Contact us panel
label1 Label2 Label3
when label1 click it would show as below
Label1-> on click Label 1 Label 1 details abc location bla bla
how i can achive funtionality to click on label 1 and show details data and again clicking hides label1 data I am using page breeze html editior, Is it possible i can use java script functions in it,