JQuery :: Ajax Method - Callback Function Not Executed
Mar 16, 2011
I am trying to retrieve json data from the world bank's API, here's my code:
<script src="[URL]"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var theData;
$.ajax({ url: '[URL]',
success: function(data) {
/*this alert message does not show*/
}, dataType: 'json' });
<button> Get World Bank Data </button>
The callback function is not executed but there is response when I checked it using firebug.
I have an unordered list with each LI having an onclick event of "changeTabContent". When the page loads, I trigger the active LI's click. On a click, first thing I do is remove the previous results, which are a UL living under the "li.active" element. Next, I move the "active" class to the LI that was pushed and off the old one. Next, I add a loading animation to the screen. Next I append a new UL to the new "li.active" and use the load() method to insert a bunch of LI's from a different page. onSuccess, I remove the loading animation. [note 1] Next, you'll see a hack I added, more on that in a minute... Last two steps are to add a "more" link to the bottom of the returned li's, if a link was passed into the function, and finally I remove a handful of LI's (excluding more link) so there are only "x" on the screen.
My #1 problem is that the more link is not showing up at times, and the cleanList function is not removing LI's. I believe the problem is that with the load being async, sometimes those last two steps are being hit, but there is no LI's in the DOM yet. You can see I tried to run a hack so the while loop will execute when there is no "ul" yet. [note 1] - I tried to add the final two steps into the load() callback, but the LI's were NEVER loaded in the DOM when the callback function was executed.
When i call alert(data), it says it is "undefined". i am new to jQuery, but this appears to mean that no data is being passed to the callback function even though i know the $.post() executed properly (the server side code is executing, and the other alert() tells me that it had a successful result and the callback is being made.
I have Javascript code that looks like this: var data1; $.post('save_search.php', formData, function(data) { data1 = data; }); jsonData = eval('(' + data1 + ')'); if (jsonData.return_status.search("successful") > -1) $('#msg_div').html("<font color=red>Search was saved</font>"); else $('#msg_div').html("<font color=red>Search was not saved. Try saving again.</font>"); "data1" comes up as undefined in the statement jsonData = eval('(' + data1 + ')');
Even though "data" is a perfectly correct JSON string *inside* the callback function! I can put the eval statement inside the callback function and it will form a good JSON object, like this: jsonData = eval('(' + data + ')'); I'm simply trying to get my Ajax response data to the outside of my callback function so I can use it in other Javascript code. I've never seen an ordinary function behave this way.
On a project I got stuck on this "problem". When you make a json (ajax) call. You also need a callback function. Which means I have to call the next $.getJSON within that callback function to read the next portion of data. In my opinion this is not very readable code...What I want is a nice and readable piece of code. Where you could just write it like this: var data1 = $.getJSON(..); var data2 =$.getJSON(..); I've found a solution here: [URL] (explains my problem perfectly). But it's not compatible with the getJSON story. Is there already a possibility to do this with the jquery library?
I have been trying to figure this out for a few days now and have finally come to the point where I think I got it but may just need a little push to get what I want.
Heres the situation:
I have this function that uses ajax to access a database and returns the results in the responseText. That part is working fine, I have confirmed that the responseText contains the information that I need
**************code***************************************** //new ajax already created and assigned to the variable xmlhttp// var response_recieved = "some data"; function get_answer(Table_Name, Field_Name, Data_Type) {
As evidence by my posting, this is not working correctly. The variable response_recieved is coming up undefined outside of the callback function assigned to the onreadystatechangeproperty.
Based on the information that I have gathered online from various forums, I believe this issue has to deal with a problem with closure in the callback function assigned to onreadystatechange property. I don't think it has any. Based on the fact that there is no anonymous function in that function. But my problem is that the call back function is anonymous itself... I think???
get the variable response_recieved to survive outside of this function.
html code: view plaincopy to clipboardprint? 1. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> 2. <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
I want - when the page load in result div will apper "Hello bla bla". It works for me if I dont use parameter(aka data: "{ }" and HelloToYou dont accept parameters)
I'm using the following code to refresh an iframe:
The problem is that Zenbox.show () gets called before the src attribute is fully loaded, so the refresh is visible to the user. Is there any way to setup a callback when the iframe.src is fully loaded that I can call Zenbox.show() in ?
in this example: $(el).load('/data_url', function() { alert('loaded') } );
will the alert be called after the html fragment has been loaded into el and all its elements are available to access or is the callback just after the ajax call has finished ?
I have a div with a click event that fires a show('slow')... however if the user clicks on the div multple times the animation plays that many times... is there a way to make it so that the click event is only executable once the animation is complete?.
I am new to all this but making good progress and having fun in the process. I have written quite a bit over recent weeks (including a few $.post / $.ajax calls) for various sites/applications but this one is really puzzling me. Here is a snippet of code that is causing me problems.
The problem is that execution jumps from line 2 to line 6 ... ignoring the function(data) and I am not sure why. I get the correct value of "team" arriving at the perl script .... and the perl writes the correct json back. I just can't think where else I need to look to debug this - as I said, I have done something similar 5-6 times over the last few weeks - all without a problem. So I am sure I am doing something stupid here.
how can i write a function that accepts a callback function?[URL].. i want myFunction to load some data via(an unordored list actually) load method end then somehow to return the wrapped elements for the callback function, exactly like load() does.
today I updated my Firefox from 3.5 to 4.0b3 and it seems that the AJAX success callback is not longer fired. Firebug shows the correct response but the function is never called. Is this a Problem of the FF Beta, or is Jquery responsible for this?
And i have gone through this forum and other forums for a simple fix ... since so many have had this problem..but i have nt found anything that seems to work hence i am posting this problem
I dont know what i am doign wrong i have used debugbar and i can seethe html content that comes back i have used fiddler and i see hte html content that comes back there....the xhr stat =200 so every thing is good..yet it doesnot replace the the content $("#updateroster").html(data).
The answer to my question is probably very simple, but I'm having trouble making this work.
I want to access a local csv file, rearrange it into an array, and use the data later in my script. The logic of this in psuedocode is [code]...
Since the massaged data are in the callback, they're not available at ***. I've tried declaring the variables outside the callback as shown, but this doesn't seem to work either. I'm thinking there must be an easier way. Is there?
<span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">Hello all,</span><br style="font-family: courier new,monospace;"><br style="font-family: courier new,monospace;"><span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">I've recently started with jQuery because I wanted to use it for posting details from an login form to a PHP script which should return whether the user is authenticated ox not.</span><br style="font-family: courier new,monospace;"> <br style="font-family: courier new,monospace;"><span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">For this I use $.ajax, because of it's flexibility and I prefer to use it in this implementation. Reading (jQuery docs and examples) and searching a lot did not solve me on one issue: fetching the data in the callback to the global scope.
What I noticed is that my error callback is fired every time. MyService.asmx: [WebMethod] public FileInfo[] GetFileInfo(int Id){ Proxies.ServiceRef.ServiceClient c = new Proxies.ServiceRef.ServiceClient(); return c.GetFileInfo(Id).ToArray(); }
The Jquery code where I am getting error: $.ajax({ url: url, data: jsonData, type: "POST", contentType: _I.contentType, timeout: _I.timeout, dataType: "serviceproxy", // custom type to avoid double parse dataFilter: function (jsonString, type) { .....
When I debug using firebug the response is as follows. {"d":[{"__type":"Proxies.AFARServiceRef.AssignmentInfo","ExtensionData": {},"AssignDate":"/Date(1317748587667) /","AssignFileName":null,"ClaimId":"PA026195","ClaimantName":"Rachel Weiss","FirstContactDate":"/Date(1302678000000)/","FirstContactTime":{"Ticks":433800000000,"Days":0,"Hours":12, "Milliseconds":0,"Minutes":3,"Seconds":0, "TotalDays":0.50208333333333333, "TotalHours":12.049999999999999, "TotalMilliseconds":43380000, "TotalMinutes":723,"TotalSeconds":43380},"Id":5257, "InspectionDate":"/Date(1302246000000)/","StatusId":1,"SubmittedCount":5, "UploadedCount":9}]}
Is it possible to access the data arguments that are sent with the ajax function? Example:
$('#mycheckbox').click( function() { $.get( '/ajax.php', { nr: this.id }, function( data, textStatus ) { // Here I want to access the arguments I just sent with ajax.php
I could easily do $('#mycheckbox').attr('checked', 'checked'); but that is not what I want. Also I don't want to send the arguments with the response. Anyone knows a solution? I can't find it in the documentation of jQuery and not in the discussions here.
I have a web page that has a few text boxes, and a dual list control. All of these data elements are for a particular entity. The form is for creating a new instance of this entity and saving it to the database. The dual list shows available people to use, and the user can move options from the available list to the selected list. All of this works perfectly when posted. There is a button at the bottom of the page to post the form.
To make things easy, I also want to include a hidden "form" that lets the user add a new person to the dual list without leaving the page. They click an "Add New" link which shows a previously hidden div. In the div are two text boxes: "emailName" and "emailAddress", and a button to click called "Add".
When the user clicks the "Add" button I need to validate the emailName and emailAddress fields, and only those two fields. If they are valid then I will make my AJAX request and handle the return data by adding a new option to the dual list.
but I need to do a beforeSend callback, to fade out the current content, wait until it is fully hidden, and only then fade in with the received ajax request. But doing this, for example, with .ajaxSend, the content loads much quicker, then fadeOut is complete.