JQuery :: Ajax Submit - Traversing Returned HTML
May 25, 2010
I have a form that submits to a third party WCF service. When the form submits it returns html. Based on that html I need my ajax submit to fire a success function according to the reply. The reply is as such:
<TABLE border='1'>
<TR><TD><b>Field Name</b></TD>
<TD><b>Field Value</b></TD>
<TD>Service Cancelled</TD>
How would I write a success function if the SuccessFlag returns a TRUE in that td? I have tried
function(data) {
var useTD = $(data).find('table').children('tbody tr td:nth(4)');
if (useTD == 1) {
} else {
To no avail. I have also tried using the :contains but I can't get that right either.
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Jul 7, 2009
I have a problem with returning html data from an ajax request. I have php method which is called via ajax and returns a long html string which consists of multiple tables, each table represents one question in a questionnaire. They display fine. I then have a button which calls a second php method that returns one individual table - identical in structure to the multiple tables that were returned previously. However,when displayed,the new table has the an inline style "display:block;" and so it screws up the way it looks. I have, at no point, declared this additional style anywhere in my code. Even if I do add an inline style of "display:table;" to the returned html, it is overwritten in the output html - so it is clearly being done by javascript.
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Jan 18, 2011
I have been trying to get the html returned by a php script to display under a simple form.It only displays the first line. It's my fist stab at this so please forgive my ignorance.Here's the relevant code snippet:
url: "form_submit.php",
type: "GET",
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Apr 29, 2011
I'm making a call to a server which returns an html table. I want to modify the caption in the table before adding it to the document. There seem to be several ways to select the caption element, but I can't see how to modify it [code]...
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Apr 26, 2007
I have a form formABC that has a textbox plus a button. On clicking the button, window.open() a popup window for user to select a value. The value will then be passed back to formABC's textbox.
Now I want formABC to submit itself *AFTER* the textbox got a value. How could I do it?
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Jul 8, 2010
So I'm loading the div#my_events by prepend(data) where "data" is another well styled div. Is there anyway to animate this returned data. Unfortunately I can't just specify a unique ID on the incoming data. So I was wondering how else I might be able to address this data I'm returning.
It is basically a topic list, with a modal that sends jquery to add a topic to the database, and returns the topic from the database, hides the modal, and displays the last added topic at the top of the topic list. Now I'd like it to do something slightly fancy like animate the color of the background to bring the user's attention to it.
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Oct 7, 2010
I define a "click" event on "a" tags in the ready part of a page. It fires just fine when I click on any "a" tag on the page. I then have a button which sets the content of a div using ajax. This content contains a couple of "a" tags. The issue now is that the "click" event does NOT fire when clicking on these tags. I suspect it is because they did not exist when the page was initially rendered. What is the "JQuery way" of dealing with an issue like this? Of course I cannot be the only one in the world who needs to return HTML with events from my ajax calls :-)
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Sep 23, 2009
Getting information from a php file. Basically :
In this dumb example, I'm unable to match the 'data' returned variable with the value I assigned to it in php (I can't manage to enter my 'do stuff'), yet its value is 'ok' if I display it. I have no problem to retrieve html code from php and inject it in my pages, but I can't test it as a regular javascript string.
What's wrong in this ? What have I missed about the 'data' format ? Do I have to 'cast' data to a javascript string (and if so, how ?)
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Sep 8, 2009
I have a button that do appear on my page through a post with jquery:
NumItem: NumeroItem,
Str : $("#form-itens").serialize()
but this has not worked. the latter showed that jquery is inserted in the index. the main page that calls the button. jquery in a home can act on an ID loaded from another file with ajax?
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Jun 3, 2010
I am currently using $.ajax to post to a Perl file that queries a webservice and returns XML. Running the Perl via command line confirms that XML is being returned with Content-Type: application/xml. However, regardless if I set the dataType parameter to "xml", "XML" or just use jQuery's intelligent guess, it appears that I am not getting any data returned to my function at all.
I've tried using the full $.ajax notation and the simplified $.get notation as follows:
I have also tried using JQuery to perform a "GET" directly to the webservice which returns XML by default and still I get no data returned to my function.
Although I doubt it's browser-related, I have confirmed this in both Chrome (5.0.375) and Firefox (3.6.3).
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Jun 1, 2011
I have a problem I have in my controller a function which poperly returns the value (i've checked by var_dump). When I try to access this data from $.ajax it returns nothing...
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Jun 15, 2011
I have a text-box. On the event of `OnKeyup` a function is triggered that looks like this:
$.each(data, function(key, value) {
No my problem is that when you type really fast then the return search result does not always return relevant to the current value of the textbox.
[I did think of adding a very small time-interval on the onkeyup event but i thought there might be a cleverer way of doing it ]
This problem is because the Ajax calls do not sometimes return in the same sequence that they were fired.
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Aug 10, 2010
I call a query, get success, but don't know how to get the data out. Here is the code..
An object is returned, but I can't the data out of it.
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Feb 22, 2010
I'm currently working on a form where an entire HTML page is returned via the .ajax method. I would like to display only the content of the div with the id "content" (of the page returned) in the div with the id "result" (in the calling page). Here is my current script :
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Nov 13, 2011
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Oct 22, 2009
I have a div container that is used to specify where the table I retrieve via ajax is placed $("#div_reveal").html(AjaxResponse). I have tried to add an onSuccess function to update the table function (){ $("table").trigger("update"); } but the table does not sort. When I copy the output table directly into the page (static) it sorts. Therefore, I am assuming that the new table is not being added to the Dom and and is not being "recognized" by tablesorter. Does anyone know of a solution to retrieve and display a full html table via ajax and get tablesorter to sort it.
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Jul 12, 2011
I'm using Ajax to load some HTML data from an external file. How could you limit the word count to 20 words?
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Jun 1, 2011
I am getting following data from the server Collapse:
allstudents> <
student> <
/rollno> <
/name> <
/student> <
student> <
/rollno> <
/name> <
/student> <
I have html page containing div with id 'dvtbl' now I want to generate the following table inside of dvtbl Collapse
table> <
tr> <
input type="
/td> <
/td> <
/tr> <
tr> <
input type="
/td> <
/td> <
/tr> <
/table> h
How do I do it using jquery? In the callback function of $.ajax?
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Aug 5, 2009
I am building a forum and I am experienced in PHP, MySQL and even in jQuery now somewhat, but I have run into something I just can't seem to find the answer too. Here is a simple example which I think contains everything you need to know. If I have 10 elements on a page, say 10 divs, and I want to hide the odd ones, I would just use $("div:odd").hide() and wrap it into the document.ready function. The page loads, the divs are hidden, awesome. However, let's say that after the ten divs, there is a link which triggers an AJAX request and the return data is basically another 10 divs which get pasted under the ones already on the page.
What I would like to happen is that the script I wrote a paragraph ago kicks in and hides the odd divs automatically. Now it makes sense that this does not happen, since it seems logical that when the page loads, the script parses the divs and hides stuff, so after I get the AJAX results it won't do it again. What IS weird to me is that the functions I defined don't work either, so if I define
$("div").click(function() {SOMETHING HERE})
It will work for the first set of elements, but not for the ones which are returned by the AJAX call.
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Jun 1, 2011
I am developing a web application in java (jsp's and servlets). For the project I am working on I will need to develop an html data entry screen and the code to load data into the screen, and then save the data back to the back-end database.
How to do the following:
Read the data out of the database (JDBC, no problem) in a servlet.
Put the data into the appropriate form for returning to the data entry screen, which will be a jsp. (Is JSON the right choice for passing the data from the servlet to the jsp?)
In the jsp, parse the returned data and populate the HTML form elements (text fields and combo boxes). When a button is clicked, pull the data out of the form elements and return to a servlet for saving back in the database.
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May 4, 2010
I have a html form which produces 3 post varaibles.
I'd link to be able to call a php file when sumbitted that sends the data from my form and returns the results from my php file to a div on the oringal page.
I know that you can use .load to call a page to be diaplayed within a div $('#container').load('url #div_on_page') but dont know how to send the from data.
this is the code.
<form method="post" id="new_user_form" >
<input type="text" name="newuser" />
<br /><br />
<input type="password" name="newpassword1" />
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Jun 4, 2010
I'm currently using this bit of code which submits some form values to a php script which then returns the results into the target html as specified.
$("#ajax_totals").load("shop/calculate_order_cost", $("#shop_form").serializeArray());
However what i'd like to do is submit the form items using serializeArray but then return multiple items from the php script and insert them in multiple places on the page, not just in the form itself.
I know i could simply use that line of code 4 times over with 4 different html targets but i don't feel it is very efficient or DRY. So i'd like to know the best way to submit multiple values to a php script, return multiple responses and use those responses in multiple places in the html.
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Jun 24, 2009
I have a drop down selection box with items in it. I need to be able to pass the selected item through using an onclick event for the "Submit" button. Is this possible?
I have a Javascript that is calling a div to popup. This div is the drop down selector. I want the user to click a button to make the drop down appear, then they must select an item in the list and then hit submit. The submit button being clicked I need to bring in the selected value from the drop down and use it in the script that originally told the div to pop up (this is the first button that the user clicks, it actually runs the script which passes 2 variables, and is basically waiting on the drop down selection to save into a 3rd variable, which will then call a PageMethod).
I have
function AddTemplateToUUT(uutnumber,testerid){
var templatename=SelectTemplateToAssign();
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Apr 29, 2010
I'm having a little problem with a jQuery/JS script I just wrote in IE7/8. The problem is the first 2 lines of the returned data are not being displayed (w or wo styling) but only in IE. The strange thing is though if I alert the returned data it's there.
The code can be found at [url]
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Jun 26, 2009
My code looks like this:
$('#edit' .postcontent').load('admin-ajax.php', {'action':'qe-
Everything works great - the returned value is loaded into .postcontent perfectly. However, a 0 is appended to the end. Every time. Even if I return nothing, a lonely 0 shows up inside .postcontent.
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Jul 12, 2011
I have a script that uses jQuery to POST data through AJAX to a PHP script, that uses that data to create a dynamic JPG image. The PHP script returns the binary image data as output using the PHP header image/jpeg command (so far so good).
Now I want to display that image in the client, but I haven't been able to find a proper solution for this yet. After reading up a bit I understand a possible solution would be to have the PHP script encode it in base64 and return the string to the client as a data URI. However, that solution won't suffice because it is not supported by IE < 8 and still limited to 32K images in IE 8.
For the moment, I am writing the image to a tmp dir on the server and return a filename to the client. However, there must be another way to solve this more elegantly through. how I can use jQuery/JavaScript to display the returned binary image data in the browser?
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