JQuery :: Adding CSS Class To First Level Of LI Tags Under UL
Dec 2, 2011
How can I use jQuery to add a css class to the first level of <li> tags under a <ul> tag? I have this so far:
$("ul.menu li:first").addClass("myClass");
But this only adds the "myClass" to the first <li>, I'd like the set of <li> tags directly underneath to have the same css class. I have a menu structure and it's only the first set
of <li> tags I'm interested in.
I have wrote some jQuery thats adds a class to any <a> tag that contains an external link. That way an icon can be applied to the <a> using CSS!
Code JavaScript: $("#contentPg > p > a[href^='http://']").addClass('icon').addClass('wwwDoc').attr('rel','external');
However, I want to try and modify this script so that it only adds the class if the <a> tag is directly after a <p>, however I am not sure how to achieve this? The reason I wish to achieve this is so that Icons are not applied when the link is in the middle of a line of text, but only when the link is on a line of its own!
I am putting the finishing touches to a custom written (pHp) article editor to allow users to publish content on a website.I have basically finished the project, and I am putting the finishing touches in with jquery widgets, such as a word counter. I would also like people to be able to highlight a section of text, then have some custom tags wrap the text (much like on this forum when you highlight a word in the message box and hit the wrap button).I would like my own custom tags to be used, such as <span class='someclass'>some entered text</span> rather than predefined ones.
I need to insert a "</td><td>" after an element with a class that is generated dynamically by PHP. I've discovered that jQuery automatically reverses this back to <td></td>. Is there any workaround? I've tried .after and .insertAfter -- they work for inserting everything except "backwards" element tags.
Here's what I'm trying to do: 1) I get reference to a div that's on my page: var theDiv = $("#" + divID); 2) Now I want to add a custom attribute tag to it, so for instance I want to add "winWidth" so that the div object now contains "winWidth=" for instance. 3) I want to set winWidth now since it's part of theDiv to a value
I'm not sure how to really do 1 + 2. I need to do this on the fly because some javascript logic later will add these attributes dynamically to the div... outside of what the original div had...I don't care what it had, I know I have it now in a JS variable and now I want to both add some new attributes to the div, and then set them on the fly. I don't need these attributes to be on my page, I just need them added to my div variable reference.
adding a class to an active li. I'm working in drupal, and the system adds a .active class to the DOM of whatever li class was last selected.In my .js file I added the following:
$('document').ready(function(){ var tabActive = $('#tabs-tabset ul.primary li.active a'); tabActive.addClass('tabknotch') });
This works perfectly...for the first tab. when I navigate to the next tab the class does not change. I thought maybe there's a variable in the dom that is causing the class to not move, so I tried narrowing the div that it looks for and tried this:
$('document').ready(function(){ var tabActive = $('li.active a'); tabActive.addClass('tabknotch') });
This achieved the exact same results...so there's obviously something I'm missing, but don't know what it is. If it's any help, here are two examples of the generated DOM that occurs when clicking on the active li. The first example is the div that has the class added, and the second is a div that does not have anything added. <li class="overview ui-tabs-selected active first tabknotch"><a href="#overview"><span class="tab">Overview</span></a></li> (this is the active tab where the jQuery succesfully adds the "tabknotch" class)<li class="features ui-tabs-selected active"><a href="#features"><span class="tab">Features</span></a></li> (this is the active tab that does not have the class added when clicked. When this li is active knotchtab remains on the other li that no longer has the .active class attributed)
I have a single page website and I would like to add an .active class to my links when I reach a certain point on the page (this will be done by unique div or section id's). The classes are currently empty, so I would need to be able to remove and replace the .active class accordingly.
adding the src in iframe tags. the problem to resolve looks like this:
<script type="text/javascript"> /* Display the daily schedule in an inline frame. Daily schedules are stored in the files sunday.htm through saturday.htm. */ document.write("<iframe src ='weekday.htm'></iframe>") </script>
Instructions say where weekday is the text string returned by the weekDay() function. I do have weekDay() function but I don't know how to include it into the iframe.
I have this script where if users click on a link it will show that particular link in a slideUp, slideDown effect. For example There are two links and Two divs.Both Divs are hidden to start. If the user clicks link 1, Div 1 will appear. If the user clicks link2 Div 1 will close and Div 2 will appear. how do I add a active state when the user clicks on each particular link.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html xmlns ="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
I am using this script which is nearly working correctly, but not quite!
When a user selects some text from the web-page and copies it,the script is supposed to pick up the current web-page url and create a resource box or credit line that is added to the selected text when the data is pasted.
You will see that the meta keywords are used (randomly) as the anchor text and this should be wrapped with the href= tags in order to create a link. Thats the bit that is not workink, but I can not see why.
Here is the complete script.
function init(){ // Options: var useMetaKeyword = true; // Otherwise, page title var minLength = 40; // Min selection chars
When trying to emulate php's nl2br() function in javascript, I ran into something quite disturbing.
Code: cms.t.value = cms.t.value.replace(/ /gi, '<br /> '); Using this piece of code, I was really surprised that the newlines weren't preceded by <br />, but by <br>. I really don't understand why that would happen. Why can't I decide my own replacement string? .
I got help with creating a method (to have only increments of 10 as valid values for certain fields in the form).
jQuery.validator.addMethod("roundnumber", function(value, element, params) { return (value % 10) == 0; }, "Your order of vaccine must be in increments of 10");
I've also found info on how to add rules to a class (there are multiple fields and name generated dynamically so I have to use class).
So I've added both these lines to additional-methods.js, but it does not validate it on submit. I do have php back-end logic that sets values to the nearest round number but I do want Js navigation before submission.
I'm trying to add .active class to a menu, based on the URI. It works with URL's like: /, /products, /about, /contact but not anymore when you go to /products/some-product.I know what's wrong, but I can't find a working solution. I've tried a regex, but that didn't work either...
The code:
$(function() { var path = location.pathname; if (path) {
I have a table with onw row and one column.I have set class for column also written function for click event for class.Now added table row dynamically and set same class.But click event works only for existing row not for newly added row.
function quickadd() { $('.menu').addClass('red').delay(1000).removeClass('red'); }
So, from what I've gathered from the docs, this doesn't work because the addClass and removeClass functions don't observe the queue. How could I get around this and setup a function that will add a class, wait a second, then remove that class? Would it require me to go outside of jQuery a bit and use some standard JS?
I am working on the project that will be only one page and the menu will link to the same page. The problem is that i can't add active class to the menu the same we did in the normal linked pages. For example, in css we can see .about .menu ul li .active a { color:#black} . This means the menu will be in black when the user is in the about page. I can't do like this in one page scroll menu as there is only one menu. Are there any ways to let the menu change (add active class)when i scroll to some specific part of the page?
I have a form that is initially submitted by normal submit button, but after that I want it to resubmit on change(). I thought I'd be able to pick up the secondary change()s by adding a class to all of the inputs. However I now understand that won't work by default because the change() can't be attached to the class added by the the submit() as it didn't exist at the time, it was added by Jquery. I've since discovered on() but I'm now stuck on where to include it.
Here's the script so far: The submit() adds the 'stu' class, and then the change() tries to select it but can't <script> $(document).ready( function(){ $("#search_choices").submit( function(evt){ runSearch(); $("input").addClass("stu"); evt.preventDefault(); }); }); $('.stu').change( function(){ runSearch(); });
function runSearch(){ var sFor = $("#for").val(), sWhere = $('input[name=where]:radio:checked').val(); $("#search_results").load('search.php', { where: sWhere, treb: sFor } ); }; </script>
I'd like to know how to add break tags "<br>" inbetween entry's in an input form, an example is if the word "yada yada" was entered you would wind up with y<br>a<br>d<br>a<br> y<br>a<br>d<br>a
I would like to able to add the break tags with a button onClick. I have no idea where to start ...
I created an aweber pop-over opt-in form and inserted the <script>...</script> code aweber generated.
The site looks fine in Firefox, but it seems that adding this little bit of code messes up the CSS of my site in IE8. Does anyone know what's going on or how to fix this?