for example let's say we have:<a id="link" href="">click</a>I want to be able to click the link, as if the click was made by the user ( left mouse button click ).I know I can do this way:document.location.href = $('#link').attr("href");but I believe it's not the same thing as if the user make that click.
I should not be coding, to be honest, I know nothing about it ...
I have a link:
<a href="linkedfile.html">LINK</a>
I want the HREF value to be carried through my jQuery function. The function goes as follows:
User clicks link Linked icons fade out and reappear smaller at the top of the page Link HREF is followed
The new page will have the logos in the same place as they fade out too and content will appear in a frame below. However, I am clueless when it comes to Ajax and jQuery and would really like to learn, hence why I am using it. How do I carry the HREF through? Or are there better ways to do it?
I am trying to get the plugin working so I can submit from a link (using meta plugin) but it don't seem to be working $(document).ready( $("#submitregister").click( function() { $("#com-createForm").validate({ meta: "rules" } ); }););
This works from a submit button : $(document).ready(function(){ $("#com-createForm").validate({ meta: "rules" } ); });
I'm using the jmapping plugin and it's all working great - when you click on a location link in the side bar the map pans to the location. However what I also want to happen when I click the location link is to load more information about the location onto the page.The idea is to load the div from infodivs.aspx which has an id that matches the href of the link that was clicked. I can make the whole page load without issue but I can't get my head around the syntax for identifying the href of the clicked link and then inserting that into the load statement as a div id.I've tried this.href but if that's actually the right approach, I haven't phrased it right so farHere's the code:
$("").click(function () { $('div#moreinfo').empty().load('infodivs.aspx what goes here?'); });
I have a few input buttons per page: <input type="button" value="MyButton" onclick="location='[URL]'"> I want to convert them to: <a href="[URL]"><span>MyButton</span></a>
How can I convert that with jquery? I try to get the onlick val but jquery or javascript seems to convert onclick to a function. I have this, but it's not quite right, I'm trying to just move the onclick data to the link, but I'd rather do it with href. $(":button").each(function(){ var ocval = $(this).attr("onclick").val(); $(this).replaceWith("<a class="button" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick=""+ ocval +""><span>" + $(this).val() + "</span></a>"); });
I have a 2 column page.Left nav which contains a list of items with links to their respective details page.What I'd like to do is to load that link into the div in the right side of the page.want to do this via Ajax, so I don't have to reload or redirect the page.I do have my layout coded, but my jquery code is not even close to work, so I didn't post it here.
I have inherited some code that changes the behavior or menu links with submenus to open the submenu but I need it to both open the submenu and go to the link location.
Here is the code: $('#leftNav #menu li a').click( function() { $('#leftNav #menu li a').removeClass('selectedAccordion'); $(this).addClass('selectedAccordion'); $('#leftNav #menu ul.currentnav li a').removeClass('selectedAccordion'); $('#leftNav #menu li ul li a').removeClass('selectedAccordion'); //$(this).parent('li').addClass('selectedAccordion'); var checkElement = $(this).next(); if(('ul')) && (':visible'))){ return false; } if(('ul')) && (!':visible'))) { if(checkElement.parent().parent().parent().is(':visible')) { checkElement.slideDown('normal'); return false; } $('#leftNav #menu ul:visible').slideUp('normal'); checkElement.slideDown('normal'); return false; }}
How do I put back the behavior to open the submenu AND go to the link location? I found I could add location.href = $(this).attr('href'); and go to the correct, but then the submenus slideUp and are hidden again. I can't figure out why changing the page closes the menus.
I like to try to do some jquery and spinner then load some html code into a div content. I'm not looking deep into the coding part of jquery yet but here's my question. What will be the a href tag look like?
Do you put the url on href or attr? Can I still put the url on href? The reason I ask it's because seo friendly? Will search engine look into other pages by href? But I guess this way will actually load the whole page in the browser and there's no way I can do ajax stuff in this format? I like to do something nice on my links but don't want to hurt the seo part.
My name is James Weil, I'm 14. I've been working on graphics for around a year, and I've been trying to learn CSS, HTML, and Javascript. So anyways, heres my question. I have this simple rollover button. Heres the code.
I used CSS to change the cursor on my website, as well as the cursor for link hovers. Is there anyway to override this and use a different cursor for just one link on my website?
Here is an example of what is done so far: [URL]. When you mouse over the b&w images you will see the image change to color. When you mouse over the links on the left they will have a rollover and also change the image on the right to color.
What I would also like is mouseover the image to change the rollover state of the link on the left. Here is my code so far.. PHP Code: <style type="text/css"><!--/* ================================= *//* ====== Subject Matter Rollovers ====== */#menuButton1{height: 41px;width: 133px; overflow: hidden;background: url(images/content/buttons/subjectmatter.png) top left no-repeat; display: block;text-decoration:none;line-height:2.5em;color:#000000;} #menuButton1:hover{color:#FFFF00;
I thought the following might work (2nd image) Code: document.getElementById('link2').class='menu_hover'; But as you see no it does not.
I've got this code that allows me to create an image rollover and link that image to a website. However, I'd like to be able to have the website that it links to open in a new window/tab. how I could tweak this code to accomodate that?
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin loadImage1 = new Image(); loadImage1.src="http://my_button_image_rollover.jpg";
I am trying to make a variable link on a page. The page has a text box for a stock symbol. The code is: <input type=TEXTBOX Name="symtb" value="" size="10>
The value of the text box {the stock symbol} will complete the url.
I found code for a variable link: <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function variable_in_link(varible_value) { new_win ='" + varible_value'') } // --> </script>
The link I am trying to use is: <a href="javascript:variable_in_link(symtb)">The text</a>
No matter what I do the variable_value comes back as undefined. There is always a value in the text box.
I am making a page that uses JS to bring up a "popup <div>" when the user clicks on a particular link. I am concerned that if the users browser has JS turned off, nothing will happen when they click. I thought the way around this would be to have a valid href in the link so that if the JS doesn't work, the browser will be directed to an alternative page.
Can I include something in my JS function so that when the user clicks the link, the JS will run and disable the href link at the same time? My thinking is, if JS is disable in the browser, this function would not work, so the browser would continue to load the href link.
I have no idea about javascript but wanted to use the Konami script on my site. This is the current code:
var kkeys = [], konami = "38,38"; $(document).keydown(function(e) { kkeys.push( e.keyCode ); if ( kkeys.toString().indexOf( konami ) >= 0 ){
I just wondered how to get the javascript to include the class so that it acts in the same way it would if just clicking the link. I imagine this is upsettingly easy to do but I can't seem to find anything about it!?