Image Swap And Slow Loads
Jun 14, 2011
I am working on a demo for a movie site, and 90% of everything seems cool.[url]...
I am doing php.flushes, .htaccess caching and using PNGs to help with performance. I might start using another sub site to grab all the scripting from to increase performance, but it seems a tad bit slow at the moment.
- There are a few issues one being when you click on X-Men and look at the gallery the images seem to flicker sometimes going from image to image.[code]...
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Jul 1, 2011
I have a slow loading external JavaScript that displays a calendar widget. When I put it in my sidebar, while the page loads, it cuts off where the calendar should be until the JavaScript for it finishes.
How can I make the script load after the page finishes loading? I tried creating a function at the end of the HTML and calling the function in the sidebar, but I think because the function was being called before the script was executed, it didn't work.
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Sep 18, 2011
This is a weird one. I am new to jQuery so have been following a tute online. My script works, its just takes ages to load - up to a minute! Things were working fine before when the script was on the same page as the HTML but when I put it on its own file it just slows right down. All these files are just operating straight from my local.All I am doing is changing the color of a list (ul) with jQuery on an external .js file.This is the only code on that .js file (called script.js)
$(function () {
$('#list1 li').addClass('alert');
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Feb 2, 2010
I want to have a big image and say 5 small thumbnails underneath. When the user clicks a thumbnail, the image loads where the previous big image was. Is there a standard way to do this?
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Jan 30, 2009
I have some javascript code that does some GET and POST requests that are required. Sometimes it doesn't fully execute for the user because they close or click onto another page before the javascript is completely done. Is there anyway I can let all of the javascript load first and slow down the actual page load of the website.
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Mar 28, 2011
I am a complete novice with Javascript, but am trying to work out how I can get a button to swap to another image when clicked, and each image have a different URL attached. I want to use this to toggle the bgcolor of my page using this script:
<script type="text/javascript">
function createCookie(name,value,days) {
if (days) {
var date = new Date();
var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
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Jul 24, 2009
I am trying to make a point and click javascript game. Basically what I want is to have one image displayed on screen at the start (room1.jpg). When you click on a door on that image, I have an onclick event to change the image to a new one that shows the door open (room1_a.jpg). What I want is that when you click the now open door, to display the next room in the game. The only solution I can think of is some sort of nested onclick event using several image maps, but I am fairly new to Javascript and I am not sure if that is possible. What it all comes down to is I want to display each incarnation of each room in the game in the same window without having to reload a new window for each room. I hope that makes sense, if not I can try and clarify. Below is the code I have so far. And as you can see all that does is display the open door when you click on the image. I have not done any of the image mapping yet.
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Jan 14, 2009
I am trying to put together a purse shopping site - I would like to have the various views of the same purse in thumbnails under one image then when the customer clicks on the thumbnail the larger image will go into the viewing area. The general layout is like this page - [URL] So when someone clicks on the smallest image I would like it to replace the other image on the page and the larger image becomes the thumbnail. How is this accomplished?
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Jul 26, 2010
I'm trying to use javascript to load an image on a webpage when another image is clicked on, just like an image gallery and just like this except I don't need any text: [URL] I copied the example above but when I click on the smaller image to load the larger one it works for a fraction of a second (I can see the image load in the right spot), but then the browser goes to the URL of the image instead (showing it on a blank page).
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Nov 17, 2010
In one of my web page I want to show an image preloader. ie When I clicked on the small thumbnail in my web page then the main large image will load. My code looks something like this
$("#images li").click(function(){
var image=this.href;
I want to show the Loading sign until the main image loads completely.
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Mar 16, 2010
only first image in the all_images array loads and the rest stays hidden. it works first time i load the page, but any other time it loads only one image. i understand it might have to do with the cache. what could be possible cause for breaking the .each() loop after first iteration? i'm using jquery 1.3.2, png fix and php
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Jun 15, 2010
I'm failing to get a pure CSS way to achieve this, so trying JS. Several small images in a row, each different. Want mouseover to:
1. change each image to different image on mouseover (each image has its own mouseover image version).
2. produce different paragraph of text below row of images on each mouseover.
I can achieve it with mouseover on text links or on an image, but not with the two events, viz mouseover image swap + mouseover text swap. Would also want to be able to style the text.
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Jan 14, 2010
I have four links that use graphics to create an unvisited and visited state (using CSS). The link actually changes a section of text elsewhere on that page, so the user doesn't leave the page. The clicked, visited graphic reflects what text you are reading. You can then select a different link, and new text reflects the link you clicked on. What goes wrong is that if you click all four links, you eventually get all four visited graphics showing.
What I want is this. You click on the graphic and the graphic changes to visited. You then select a different link and that state goes to visited but the previous link that is visited too, changes back to unvisited. Therefore when you click on any link, that visited state is shown, and all others always reset to unvisited. The results is that the visited graphic reflects the current text on that page.
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Nov 17, 2007
I am looking to find a javascript that image swaps 4 button images that are to be used as links.
There will be an unvisited button (color of my choice)
There will be a hover state which Is green.
There will be a visited link button that is purple.
There will be a currently active page button that will be red.
I have a script that works for 3 of the for states.
The script that I have also will not keep the purple, visited state, as standard text based links will when a page has allready been visited.
Does anyone have a script that will work for what I want to do for all states.
I don't know how to build a script of my own, but plan on learning.
Does anyone have a script that will work for what I want to do for all 4 link/swap states that I want incorporated?
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Sep 7, 2010
capturing just the file name rather than the entire path of the SRC on my input type="image". Basically when I hover over an image, the Default Image should change to the image being hovered on. Here is my code, can't quite get it to work. Sorry I'm very new to JavaScript
<script language = "Javascript">
function ChangeDefault(src)
//document.frmMain.DefaultImage.src = src <--Doesn't work at all
alert(src) //<---Displays the entire file path, want just file name
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Dec 14, 2010
Lets say I have two images in a box
<div id="box">
<img src="image1.jpg" id="image1" width="100" height="100" />
<img src="image2.jpg" id="image2" width="100" height="100" />
When I click on Image1 I want Image2 to get replaced with a new image, called Image3. So I tried this code:
But instead of replacing the image on click, from some reason it replaces image2 with image3 from start/load.
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Jul 23, 2005
I tried a Javascript on my homepage that works fine on Netscape, works
nearlyx normal on Opera but does not work at all on Internet Explorer. Is
there anybody out there who can help? I use a frameset of 3 frames. One of
these Frames has thumbnails with the javascript code for the image-swap -
the big picture should change whenever someone clicks on the corresponding
thumb. Code:
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm looking for a solution that can be used in a calendar/gig guide
scenario where each day is represented by a dot image. Now this dot must
do the following
1. When the mouse goes over the dot image it swaps to the mouseover dot
2. When the mouse goes out of the dot image it restores back to the
original img
3. When the img is clicked the dot image is swapped with another image
(different to the other 2) that will remain there even when the mouse
goes out of the image
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Mar 5, 2006
I have a portfolio page which loads a dozen thumbnails and one large image.
A friend helped me code a script (below) which will swap out the large image
(named "imgLarg") when a different thumbnail is clicked. Both the thumbnail
and the enlargement are identically named, one is in /thumbs/ and one is in
/enlargements/ - tricky, huh? ;-) What's the easiest way to make this work
in other browsers as well?
<script language="JavaScript">
function enlarge() {
oSrcElem = event.srcElement;
imgLarge.src = oSrcElem.src.replace(/thumbs/,'images');
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Apr 3, 2011
Below is the routine I am using that when invoked swaps images for other images:
function swapImage(swapContName) {
if (swapContName == 'mainImage1') {
But one of the images I would like to vanish (using the empty spacer.gif) has a border:
<img id="instructflag" border="1" src="FLAG.gif" width="23" height="15" align="left">
It must have this black border, but when it gets swapped for a blank, I am left with the black square. how to vanish the border along with the graphic?(I have some vague idea that "border" is not used any more, but anyway...).
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Apr 5, 2011
how to veiw this eval's out put?
function doButtons(picimage) {
eval("document['picture'].src = " + picimage + ".src");
// to change the image size within the web page
function imageResize($width, $height, $target) {
//takes the larger size of the width and height and applies the formula accordingly...
//this is so this script will work dynamically with any size image
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Jul 3, 2006
Just want to swap an image (thumb) for a larger one - in the same spot - then click on the large image and go back to the small one.
Nothing I have tried works but I KNOW it can be done - can't it?
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Apr 6, 2008
The problem i'm having is simply getting an image to swap on a mouseover. Well I sort of had it working but then I cahnged the function to try and accomodate for more images and it just fell over dead.
Let me show you the function I have for it. Bear in mind I'm used to coding but more PHP and VB rather than JavaScript
<script language="javascript1.5">
Rollimage = new Array()
Rollimage[0] = new Image(244,244)
Rollimage[0].src = "images/personal_up.png"
BTW I have searched google and read many articles on this but still can't get it to work. Also I have searched previous articles on DaniWeb and again none solve the problem.
The address of the page is [URL]
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Jun 14, 2010
A client has approached me to build a website which allows visitors to display a rug, select different parts of the rug and change it's colour.I've come across a website that does exactly this, it displays a photo of the rug, you select a colour and then click the part of the image you want to be that colour, and it changes it.
Does anyone know how 1) to pick a colour from an image, and then to 2) change it. Is this possible with javascript, or will I need to use javascript to select the colour from the image, and then some server side PHP to manipulate and reload the image?
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Dec 2, 2003
I've got the toggle part of this file down across multiple browsers, but now I'm hoping someone can help me with making each link an image swap onClick. Code:
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May 17, 2004
I am trying to get an background image to change to another image.
Here is my code below:
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