Image Rollover With Multiple Clickable Areas
Mar 31, 2010
I have been asked to make a page for a website that wants a series of rollover images and when you roll over a particular image, there are 2 buttons to choose from which take you to another area of the site. I am a bit stuck -I know how to create a simple rollover image...but is there a way to create a rollover image that when you rollover it, yiou can choose from 2 different hyperlinks?(ie. two hotspots I think?) An example of the page is shown below:
Before rollover: [URL]
After Rollover: [URL]
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Jan 3, 2010
The idea is simple, one area map replaces the image with image A, the other area map replaces the image with image B sort of like this page. The code I have so far is below. How this is supposed to go?
img.imenu {margin: 2px 0px; height: 20px;
width: 175px; border-width: 0px;
border-width: 0px; margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom:2px;}
<script type="text/javascript">
function mouseOverMap(area) {
if (var image = document.getElementById("TheMap")){
image.src = image.src.replace("old.png","new.png");
} else if (var image = document.getElementById("TheMap2")){
image.src = image.src.replace("old.png","new2.png");
} function mouseOutMap(area) {
var image = document.getElementById("TheMap"); // not sure what you want to do with this
image.src = image.src.replace("new.png","old.png");
<img id="TheMap" alt="" src="images/logo1_4old.png" width="530" height="102" USEMAP="#red" USEMAP="#orange"/>
<map name="red">
<area id="area1" shape="polygon" coords="59,47, 59,7, 68,24, 86,19" href="[URL]"
onmouseover="mouseOverMap(this);" onmouseout="mouseOutMap(this);" />
<map name="orange">
<area id="area2" shape="polygon" coords="62,50, 89,20, 85,39, 102,49" href="[URL]"
onmouseover="mouseOverMap(this);" onmouseout="mouseOutMap(this);" />
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Aug 28, 2010
I've tried to make a simple hover effect about small images but it won't work. I also tried to make the following script: 2 seconds after page loading image1 changes 2 seconds after that image1 returns to back state and image2 changes and etc.
<style type="text/css">
background-image: url(images/numr.png);
} #ad:hover {
background-image: url(images/numr.png);
background-image: url(images/numr.png);
<input type="image" src="images/num1.png" id="as">
<input type="image" src="images/num2.png" id="ad">
<input type="image" src="images/num3.png" id="af">
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Feb 19, 2010
i am using two textareas for editing by tinymce, its working fine in ie and ff but in safari it is opening the first textarea editor only. This was my code.
// General options
mode : "textareas",
//mode : "exact",
elements : "description,pedigree",
theme : "advanced",
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Jun 5, 2010
I have navigation buttons that I'll call primary buttons. I also have secondary navigation buttons that I'll call secondary buttons. If you rollover a primary navigation button, it should make secondary navigation buttons 1,4,and 5 go to rollover state A. However, if you rollover secondary navigation button 1,4 or 5 they should go to rollover state B.So the simplest way I can explain it is that the secondary navigation buttons need two rollover states possible.
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May 11, 2010
Before, I had an iframe, and when I moused over a link outside the iframe, it would load a page into the iframe. Background image was part of the page loaded, as well as the text and what not. The problem was, the image took too long to load. I've been learning how to do javascript and I came across some code for preloading an image before the mouseover so there was zero wait time. For the past few days I've been trying to figure out how to have the preload image appear BENEATH the iframe (now with no background image or color) with the allowtransparency attribute set to true.
I've figured out the code to do both individually, i.e. I have the code so that when the link is moused over, the new image will appear; AND I have the code so that when the link is moused over, the page with load into the iframe. Both work, both do what is expected, but they don't do it together.Below is the script. Here's where it's confusing. If I have the "setupImgRollover..." first inside the if statement: the page loads into the iframe, but there is no image. If I have the "setupImgRollover..." after the "" commands in the if statement: the image appears but the page does not load into the iframe.
HTML Code:
window.onload = rolloverInit;
function rolloverInit() {
for (var i=0; i<document.links.length; i++) {
var linkObj = document.links[i];
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Oct 8, 2009
I have some image with map. Main idea is to make some special roll-over effect on every area.
How can I make HOVER on each area of image?
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May 15, 2009
I am looking for a plugin for jQuery to mark areas on image and select a friend like you can do it in some social networks to mark your friends on fotos!
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Aug 23, 2010
I am trying to match a passed parameter on a url to an area on an image map. So far I can find the correct area using
$('#mediummap area').each(function(i){
href = $(this).attr('href');
if (href == id) {
alert('Found ID ' + id);
But next I need to retrieve the co-ordinates for the Area. I have tried
coords = $('this').attr('coords');
coords = $('this').coords();
I can not seem to get the value back, just an undefined return. What I want to do is to find the point on the image map and then centre that point with in the viewport for the image (large image, small viewport).
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Aug 20, 2011
I cannot get javascript to change an image to make a "pressable" button when select areas of an image map are clicked. I used index.html for testing purposes.
<img name="light" src="standard-light.png" width="60" height="180" border="0"
<map name="lightmap" >
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Jun 4, 2009
I got some javascript code going that is working fine swopping my images. The way it works is that the user clicks in the boxes to indicate their skill level and that info gets sent with the submission of the form (hence the checkboxes). At the moment the checkboxes themselves are visible but that is just to indicate to me that it is working. I will hide them later. Attached are my images. What I need is a more sleeker and clever way to work the JS. I was thinking of a loop but not sure how to implement it.
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Apr 11, 2010
I have an image on which when user click I submit my form after doing basic javascript validation.I want user not to be able to click once they clicked on the image so that they don't submit it twice. Right now I disable the image once they click it.I was wondering is there any other way I can do that, is there any way to make image click able only once?
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Dec 8, 2011
I created this thread on the html forum but I'm not sure if it can be done with javascript, so I'll post here as well. I was wondering if there's a way to make various sections of the image clickable? The sections on the image are not rectangular so I can't make divs. I don't think I can use imagemap either since that only works for making one clickable area right? I already cut out these sections in photoshop and saved them with alpha background, and created a "glowing" version of each section, since I want to make it so that when mouse hovers over it, it will glow. But I can't stack them on top of each other, since if I do that only the topmost layer will be clickable for those areas where they will overlap with rectangular divs. This is example of what I mean: [URL]
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Oct 1, 2009
First off, I am no professional coder, so bare with me. The goal was to implement a photo gallery using "ImgBrowz0r" (javascript), and a jQuery plugin called prettyphoto, to make the selected photo pop-up in front of the website. I am very impressed by the way it looks thusfar.
URL: Gallery
One thing bugs me however, which I can not wrap my head around;
When viewing the above gallery in Windows 7, using IE8, the thumbnails display really weird rollover behavior. The thumbs are not clickable, except for on the 1-px border and sometimes the exact centerlines. I found out that it is an issue everywhere, except on the last row of folder thumbnails. The last row works perfectly fine! Can anyone explain this to me? I am lost!
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Jul 1, 2010
I did a search but didn't find this so if I missed the thread I apologize. I want to show 3 images with a link to the individual dog's page. The images are rotating just fine but none of them are clickable. I'm new to Javascript and took a simple image rotator script and then edited it.
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Aug 30, 2010
How do I make a "new Image()" class clickable? I found out how to move it around with the keys, but is there some way to make this image clickable?I don't want clickable images as an HTML element. It has to be inside my JavaScript canvas.
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Jan 14, 2011
I want to be able to place an image on the canvas and have an onclick event for that object.
<!DOCTYPE html>
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Dec 8, 2011
I created this thread on the html forum but I'm not sure if it can be done with javascript, so I'll post here as well. I was wondering if there's a way to make various sections of the image clickable? The sections on the image are not rectangular so I can't make divs. I don't think I can use imagemap either since that only works for making one clickable area right? I already cut out these sections in photoshop and saved them with alpha background, and created a "glowing" version of each section, since I want to make it so that when mouse hovers over it, it will glow. But I can't stack them on top of each other, since if I do that only the topmost layer will be clickable for those areas where they will overlap with rectangular divs.
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Nov 2, 2011
New to jQuery.
I have a jquery slider in use on my site;[url]. (at the top of the page), and have a very simple question for you.
How do I make each slide image a clickable image? I'd like to link each separate slide to it's own [url]..
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Jan 10, 2012
I'm using the jquery cycle plugin. Everything works beautifully except:Slideshow images aren't clickableSlideshow images are too bigMy code is below. I'm not sure what code to include and where to put it.
<IMG ID="slideshowPicturePlaceholder" src="/_layouts/images/GEARS_AN.GIF" style="display:none"/>
<div id="slideshowContentArea" style="display:none"> </div>
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Jun 17, 2010
I have a "button" that calls formA, which in turns calls formB, all done through javascript. As a button: <input type="button" value="Preview" onClick="popupform();"> works perfectly. Of course the user doesn't want some ugly standard button. They want this beautiful image to show instead (personally, I think the .gif they made looks like barf, but that's besides the point...sorry). When I substitute
<input type="image" src="/preview/preview_button.gif" name-"preview" alt="Preview Your Item" border="0" onClick="popupform();"> everything works as it should, except the original form, the one that has the button/image on it, becomes a 404 Object not found. The popupform() sets a bunch of cookies, and calls formB. FormB is a .php which reads the cookies and does some other stuff. Not that it should matter, but I am running everything locally in Vista using the XAMPP Apache Friends Edition and going through localhost (because formB is a .php)
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Feb 2, 2010
I made a very, very small project with a simple form one input field (in fact it is not used) one image (clickable) one button
<input type="text" id="setNom" value="admin"/>
<input type="image" id="validNom1"
src="ok-16.png" alt="valider" title="valider"' />
<input type="button" id="validNom2" value="OK" />
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Apr 3, 2007
<a href="index.html" onMouseOver="document.staffbios.src = staffbios2.src" onMouseOut="document.staffbios.src=staffbios1.src">
Can anyone tell me how to add a second image change to this? The first rollover is listed above. When the onMouseOver is called, I want it to ALSO make the change "document.home.src = document2.src" (and at onMouseOut "document.home.src=home1.src").
Is that possible?
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Aug 25, 2011
The goal of the file is that when it loads in a browser, the 1st image is displayed in the top left (image 7441805.gif), along with the following three titles to the right of the image, as listed below: Java Demystified OOP Demystified Data Structures Demystified
When you place the mouse over "Java Demystified," the 7441805.gif image should still appear (which it does)), and a new window should pop-up and stay on the screen displaying "10% Discount for Java Demystified" until the user decides to do away with the new window by clicking on the "X". The new window does appear for about less than a second , and then goes away (actually it continuously flashes on and off very quickly), which is not what I want.
When you place the mouse over "OOP Demystified," the 0072253630.jpg image should appear (which it does), and a new window should pop-up and stay on the screen displaying "20% Discount for OOP Demystified" until the user decides to do away with the new window by clicking on the "X". The new window does appear for about less than a second , and then goes away (actually it continuously flashes on and off very quickly), which is not what I want.
When you place the mouse over "Data Structures Demystified," the 7417436.gif image should appear (which it does), and a new window should pop-up and stay on the screen displaying "15% Discount for Data Structures Demystified" until the user decides to do away with the new window by clicking on the "X". The new window does appear for about less than a second , and then goes away (actually it continuously flashes on and off very quickly), which is not what I want.
All of the files are loaded on my laptop, which is using Vista, is 32bit, has the IE9 browser installed, and pop-ups are disabled. When I try to use Mozilla (version 6.0), I am unable to disable the pop-ups, and therefore can not even get any new windows to open.
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Jul 12, 2010
I want to create something similar to what they achieve with this script:[URL] I know I could just download their script, but it's for a website that will be commercial in nature, and my cousin doesn't want to pay 29 pounds (which is a lot in AUD!) for it. I can use a rollover to display a larger image next to it, but I'm not sure on how to make the image move like that one does.
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Jun 4, 2009
I have coded my navigation bar so when you mouseover a button (about us- for example), it displays a sub menu using images below using a simple multiple image swap. When I mouseover another main button, the first ones are replaced with the new sub menu items-images.
All works fine, however, I cannot figure out a way to code into the existing script to assign and make hyperlinks associated with the sub menu buttons change as well. Here's my web page: [URL]
I have just the main nav button links contractor and freelancer activated right now. Here's the code below (using MM_swapImage):
<script language="JavaScript">
function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0
var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i<a.length&&(x=a[i])&&x.oSrc;i++)
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