IE Reporting Wrong String Length
Aug 22, 2007
This is quite mysterious. I have several list items like this:
HTML Code:
I am looping through them all trying to get the text inside each list item for a comparison with a string from elsewhere.
Javascript Code:
var coresubmenu = document.getElementById('core').getElementsByTagName('li');for (var i = 0; i < coresubmenu.length; i++) { coresubmenu[i].onclick = function() { if (this.firstChild.nodeValue == 'Private') { // fail } alert(this.firstChild.nodeValue.length); // alerts 8 }}
IE alerts one more than the actual length in all cases. Google hasn't brought anything up for me on this one - any ideas?
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Aug 1, 2010
I have forum validation script but this script cant validate the phone number field. My script:
alert(Please, enter <?php _e(PHONE_TEXT) ?>');
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Feb 27, 2006
I got this (piece of) script from 'DHTML Utopia - Modern Webdesign - Using Javascript & DOM'.
function aKeyWasPressed(e) {
if (window.event) {
var key = window.event.keyCode;
} else {
var key = e.keyCode;
alert('You pressed the key: ' + String.fromCharCode(key));
It is example of adding an eventlistener to a textarea. The events works alright, but when I press 'a' the alert gives me 'A', when I press Ǝ' I get 'h', when I press Ɔ' I get ''', when I press 'ŕ' I get Ɔ', .... Has probably something to do with the fact that I don't live in the UK or
USA. But it shouldn't matter; a key is a key.
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Aug 10, 2006
The following function takes three different fields (which combined make up a phone number) and tests it to make sure that all the characters entered are integers. If this is true, it sets form.Phone.value = entirephonenumber. I would like to incorporate an additional test which, after determining that all characters in the string are integers, checks to make sure that the string length is 10. If it is less than 10 or more, I want the entire function to return false and display an error message (the same one is fine..) Code:
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Mar 16, 2009
i have a xml file where i do the following query:
now having the variable "entry_03_title" i would like that javascript do this:
if(entry_03_title.length>30) entry_03_title.length=6
in other words if the title is bigger than 30 chars long make it 6 chars, but this doesn't work.
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Jan 10, 2003
Having trouble with this simple code...
if (form.SSN.length != "9") {
alert("SSN must be nine digits long");
return false; }
It always displays the alert even if it does equal 9 digits long. I'm new to javascript so if this is a really simple error just go with it....
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Aug 17, 2010
How can I call a function in javascript like code...
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Aug 29, 2010
How can to obtain length of string variable, for example if I have:
var msg = 'hello world!';
Does it exist a method to count string characters?
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Aug 16, 2010
i used the String.length(string) function in javascript to get the length of string but nothing happened. It doesn't give me a value when i tried to view the result using an alert function. Actually, this kind of problem does not only exist with the length function, it's also the same with the trim(). I have not tried using other functions but perhaps it won't also work. What could be the possible reason for this?
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Mar 27, 2011
When I run the following code, the .Length function returns "undefined."
var strTest = 'test';
Using the typeof function, I know that JS is treating the variable as a string.
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May 28, 2011
How would I go about outputting something when a database value is being changed?
e.g. If im typing in a text field, which is saving what ive typed every time i keyup into a database field, it then shows on another page on another user computer as "User is typing something in field X"?
If no typing is happened, i.e. the database field value is not changing, nothing is echoed out.
It would also be cool to have something show "User is deleting text from field X" when the field value is getting shorter.
In pseudo code, something like if the value of database string is bigger than 100ms ago, echo out "user is typing something in", and conversly, if string is getting shorter echo out "user is deleting stuff".
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Feb 4, 2006
Let's say you have a little Ajax script and it sends data to the server to do something. Now the server has an issue of some kind (let's say with the query) and can't so what you expect it to do. What's the best way to tell your awaiting Ajax functionality something went wrong?
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Dec 14, 2009
I am not quite sure where to place this question since it involves C#, javascript and even a call to SSRS. What I want to do is call a Sql Server Reporting Services Report, using javascript like so:
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "FrameUpdate", "<script language="JavaScript">" + "
" + "cursor_wait();" + "
" + "window.location.href ="[URL]" + ViewState["ANumber"].ToString().Trim() + "&BNumber=" + ViewState["BNumber"].ToString() + "&Sort_Param=" + ViewState["sortField"].ToString() + "&Sort_Direction=" + ViewState["sortDirection"].ToString() +"&rc:Toolbar=false&rs:Command=render&rs:Format=PDF&rs:Zoom=Fit Page'; " + "
" + "cursor_clear();" + "
" + "<" + "/script>");
The code works and I can pull the correct report. The issue is I wanted some visual que for the user that the report was being generated. that is why i used the javascript functions : cursor_wait(), and cursor_clear().
The problem is I want to display a wait cursor until the window with the report returns and displays the report then reset to the default cursor at that time. But the above code resets the cursor right away without waiting for the report to return. I tried adding attributes to the page form and other methods to access onBlur and such but haven't been able to get there yet.
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Jun 17, 2011
I am trying to develop a dashboard for reporting on a large dataset of customers. When it reports on filtered results it works ok but whenever we filter on something that returns a lot of results (ie. customer without email addresses, or a specific customer type ajax returns blank. I have tested the query and apart from taking a while to return, there is nothing wrong with the query.
This just builds the query dynamically based on the results of the above, ignoring any value that equals "NOFILTER".
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Jun 25, 2009
I'm having trouble loading jQuery into SQL Server Reporting Services Report Manager. Since SSRS is a proe-compiles ASPX page, and we are not given the source code, we have little ability to make changes to the interface. If I could add jQuery directly, the progblem would be trivial. However, all we have the ability to modify is an existing Javascript file that is loaded at runtime in the head of each page. I have been able to get this to load relatively reliably using IE 8, but other browsers either don't load it at all, or only on the first pass. Here is the structure that I have in place:
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Oct 9, 2006
It seems like determining element position in a web page is a difficult
task. In the position reporting source code I've looked at there are
special fixes for at least some versions of Safari and Opera. I am
doing a lot of dragdrop experimentation and in some situations need a
position reporting function. The function doesn't need to report the
positions of exotic elements like images in button elements; however, I
would like a position reporting function that can at least handle
combinations of scrollable elements and tables....
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May 1, 2009
Is there any such thing as a jQuery Debugger, i'm trying to learn jQuery but even small things like Syntax errors keep getting in the way and it's hard to track down without any error reporting.
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Jul 23, 2005
if I put the line:
var T = new Array(-1);
anywhere in my script, it stops working. e.g
var T = new Array(-1);;
doesn't produce any output. If I change
var T = new Array(-1);
var T = new Array(1);
var T = new Array(-1,-1);
everything works fine again.
Same results in Mozilla 1.7.2 as in IE 6.
Is that a bug in both their javascript interpreters or can anybody
give me a good explanation of why that is?
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Oct 15, 2005
i accidentally set up my path variable instead of classpath and now my
computer can't find any of the executable files. it would be great if
anyone knew what really should stand by the path variable. i don't
suppose there's something like 'set all to default?
View 4 Replies
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Oct 2, 2010
On this site [URL].. I have a JQuery powered search function (the lens button in the menu), when I click on it the search button opens but the close button does not work, how can I fix that?
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Feb 18, 2009
Why is my function returning the wrong value??
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Jul 17, 2007
function agregar_row(){
for (i=0; i<10; i++){
row="row/" . i;
if (document.getElementById(row).style.display=='none'){
} }}
This function is intended to make visible a row, just one by each time the function is called. the way im invoking "(row)" is wrong, i think...
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Sep 19, 2011
I'm trying to make my timeclock for work, and the Date object in Javascript is giving me wrong values. I made sure that the time on my computer is the actual time, day and year, yet I either get dates that are 2 week in the future, or set in the year 2403. I have no idea what's going on, even if I just alert out a new Date() with no variables, I get the same result. If there is something that I'm not declaring or anything, I'd love to hear what it is.
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Jan 9, 2006
I am relatively new to js, but I did think I was starting to get the
hang of it. Then this happened...
I have a form with an onsubmit event handler:
<form id="uploadForm" method="post" action="..."
The event handler does some minor validation, then returns true or
function checkDates(y, m, d) {
if (endDate.getTime() >= startDate.getTime())
return true;
alert("Start date must precede end date");
return false;
(The arguments to the function are used when it is called elsewhere,
not as onsubmit.)
I also have a library class which needs to process the form submit, so
it hooks onsubmit like this:
MyClass.setOnSubmit = function(listId) {
var list = document.getElementById(listId);
var form = list.form;
var f = form.onsubmit;
if (typeof f == "function") {
form.oldOnSubmit = f;
form.onsubmit = function(){
var ok = this.oldOnSubmit();
if (ok)
return MyClass.onsubmit(listId);
return false;
form.onsubmit = function(){MyClass.onsubmit(listId);};
My problem is that the value returned from oldOnSubmit and stored in ok
appears as 'void'. This happens in IE 6 and in FireFox 1.07. Can anyone
explain what's happening?
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Jan 26, 2007
What do you think about emulating private variables for a class this
function Something() {
var private;
Something.prototype.getPrivate = function() { return private; }
Something.prototype.setPrivate = function(newPrivate) { private =
newPrivate; }
var some = new Something("My private");
alert(some.setPrivate("Nyah nyah"));
That way the accessor methods instances are shared among instances of
Something. What do you think?
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a function for totalling decimal values provided in textboxes
that form a column on a webpage. This script should total the values
in the textboxes, displaying the result in the final
'optotalprogtime' text box formatted as a decimal.
Here is what I've got so far, but I'm getting annoying "object
expected" errors on the line where I attempt to format the number (as
indicated by the comment below)
//realtime calculation formating as minutes (decimals)
function opprogtotalcol() {
alert("in opprogtotalcol");
document.getElementById('optotalprogtime').value = 0;
for (var rowNumber =1; rowNumber <= 12; rowNumber++){
document.getElementById('optotalprogtime').value =
parseFloat(document.getElementById('optotalprogtim e').value) +
parseFloat(document.getElementById('opprogmin' + rowNumber ).value);
if(!isNaN(document.getElementById('optotalprogtime ').value)){
//only works for numbers
document.getElementById('optotalprogtime').value =
formatNumber(document.getElementById('optotalprogt ime').value,
2);//format number here
Any insight would be appreciated.
To head off concerns about wrapping code correctly, my code is
wrapping pretty bad in this form, but in the acutal page I have long
lines that do not wrap.
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