var choice = document.getElementById('choiceKey6').value;
var searcher = document.getElementById('searchText').value;
if (choice == "Services")
var script = '/site/includes/az_search_results.php';
choiceKey6 is a drop down menu with the values "Services", "Documents", "Downloads", "Frequently Asked Questions". I've named it strangely because of the bug that causes IE's getElementByID to search both ID's and names. SearchText is just a textbox, but it is irrelevant to my problem.
My problem is that in firefox this works as expected, the string comparisons work and the code in the if statements is executed as expected. In internet explorer however, the algorithm always defaults to the else statement at the end. What have I done wrong? argh.
How would one go about comparing 2 strings one of which may contain special entities (eg "cassé" and "cassé")?
I tried to find a way to take the second string and do a replace whenever such entities are encountered but this implies creating some sort of lookup table containing not all but a good number of entity codes. Unless I am mistaken, javascript does not any function to replace an entity-infested string with a decoded string, pretty much like php's html_entity_decode. Another way, probably better (but I don't know), would be to encode the first string.
I have a problem with Javascript, I need to do something fairly complicated and I'm not sure how. first let me explain what I am trying to do.
I need a user to be able to enter a single word in a text form on a page. i then need to seperate every character in that string to create new variables (example: var charater1 = string.charAt(0)) there are ten characters in total.
I then need to compare the character to find the appropriate integer number for it, for example A would equal the integer number 1. once I have converted all ten characters I then need to write them to a file, something like a text file or the like.
Been a while since i posted here so, hai again. This is weird to me, dont under stand it. I am new to Java and Ajax but PHP is my best friend. Basically, i have some Ajax that checks a PHP script and when done, the PHP Script will echo either 0 or 1 (success or fail).
Trying to validate a name... If it's in the database, return "exists" if it isn't return "newOne". I get "exists" or "newOne" back in my success function and set a variable (var ifExists) with that text, but when I try to do something based on whether ifExists = "newOne" or "exists", it always goes into the first part of the function...
var sendMenuName = "menuname="+menuname; $.ajax({ type: "post", async: false,
why the string comparison test doesn't work in this javascript function? It works if you use just text between the currentItem div tags, but not when you use html for an image. I even tried to use iso characters instead of angle brackets, as in "<img src=expand.png></img>" and still no dice. Why not?
I want to restrict getElementById to search children of a specific element instead of searching the entire document, in the same way that I can do getElementsByTagName using a specific element as the parent.
In this particular instance the parent is a table and the elements I'm interested in are all TDs, so I did the basic getElementsByTagName('TD') off the table and looped through this array checking the IDs. However, I'm suspecting that the browser can do getElementById faster than I can do a loop in javascript. Is there a neater way to do this? For now, I'll settle for IE-only solutions, though it would be nice to have things work in generic browsers.
I have this function that checks formfields with an onChange. But it seems to get my comparisons wrong. I've listed the function below, and give some sample values here, the committed value is changed from 1000 to 1500 and then gets a popup that it is greater than the Budget? Code:
I have three fields that I want validated on a form. Item3 cannot be smaller than Item2 and Item2 cannot be smaller than Item1.
Below is what I had in mind:
Function validateForm() { If (Item3 < Item2) alert="You must enter a bigger size for Item 3" else If (Item2 < Item1) alert="You must enter a bigger size for Item 2 } </script>
I have 2 textbox for Date input: Start Date and End Date I have javascript onsubmit="return fieldCheck()" to check all the required fields are not empty.
My problem is that i want to throw below javascript to check that End Date cannot be earlier than the Start Date. It works if both dates are in the same month, and if they are different month or day, then it's not working properly
d1 = new Date(d1_str.split('/')[2],d1_str.split('/')[1],d1_str.split('/')[0]); d2 = new Date(d2_str.split('/')[2],d2_str.split('/')[1],d2_str.split('/')[0]);
if (d1.getTime()<d2.getTime()) { emptyfields += " End Date can't be earlier than Start Date" ; //this is the error msg }
Can anyone sort out my problem.I want to build a product comparison page in javascript with checkbox i.e when a user click on the respective checkbox with images maybe 1 or more, then the comparison table should show on the same page.I am having about 10 products and 12 comparison categories to be compared.The user can check one checkbox or all....
I'm about to develop a heavily AJAX based website (this is because the website should look more like a brochure/leaflet). All of this should happen without harming it's SEO performance.I saw some solutions (but most articles were actually quite outdated).this is how I see it:
- One way to do it is by using a hash URL. something like!/category/product
-- with jQuery you can make the hash change however you want
-- because of the '!', Google will ask for a HTML snapshot. Everyone is happy in that way.
-- Question: will these clean urls (so the /#!/... ones) have the same value for Google as the traditional ../category/product urls?
- Another way is to have standard links: like [url].....
-- Use 'Hijax' system, so catch the standard (server side urls) and get the content trough javascript httprequest
-- Google bot can just visit normal page instantly, for him this is just a normal site
-- Javascript disabled browsers will now be able to surf the website in a better way.
-- Only one page has to be created, and not 2 views as with the previous solution...
-- Question: I haven't seen how this is technically possible. So far I only saw /#/ websites.
What do you think about these 2 solutions? Which one is preferable? Do you have experience with one of them?
Edit: PS: it was difficult to choose in which section to put this topic (SEO or Javascript). But I guess there will be more javascript than SEO challenges in this development process.
Have a question regarding the comparison function on the At & t website URL...The site allows you to select different types of phones then generate a comparison chart based on your selection. I need to construct a similar comparison chart, but have no idea how to start the coding process.
I'm having trouble figuring out exactly how to write the confirmation/validation for the card expiration choices compared to the current date. I have the month and year choices in selection menus, as opposed to text boxes. Code:
I have been on this for over an hours now, it is probably something simple and/or stupid, but why doesn't this script work? I have read forums til my eyes are crossed and can't see what I am doing wrong I am new to javascript, but not programming. The point here is to create a function that compares two strings and then shows or hides a div depending on the results of the comparison. I was trying to pass in the name of the two input text boxes containing the text and the name of the div to show or hide (so that it can be used in multiple scenariios.) Right now my error message is that document.getElementById(field1).value is not a function.
I keep getting an error stating "getElementById("ballElement") is null, but I have a div with that exact id. I have looked at the JS script before that line, but found no errors there either. Please take a minute to see if you find something.
how to compare 2 user input dates (say Date1 and Date2) in dd/mm/yyyy format, to ensure that Date2 is at least 2 months after Date1. Comparing them in days is simple but I'm not sure where to start on months, taking into account differing number of days per month and leap years. e.g 01/01/2009 - 28/02/2009 would equal 2 months.
I have a drop down menu where people can select a month, day and year. Based on their selection, I want to show them an image.
If their selection is >= July 26, 2010 but <= July 25, 2011, show the red image; If their selection is >= July 26, 2011 but <= July 25, 2012, show the white image; If their selection is >= July 26, 2012 but <= July 25, 2013, show the blue image; If their selection is >= July 26, 2013 but <= July 25, 2014, show the yellow image;
I don't know how to compare a selected date to a range of dates like this.
I need a simple, quick and efficient way to logically branch if I find a string is contained in another string in jquery Most other languages this can be resolved in one or two lines and it would be readable.