How To Create Several Crossfade Slideshows For Page
Oct 21, 2009
I am new to Javascript, but am trying to work with a bit of script I found online to create a crossfade slideshow for my page. The problem I am having is that I want to have several slideshows on my page. On it's own, a single slideshow works fine but when I add a second (and do my best to hack the code with my limited knowledge) only one slideshow will work, or sometimes neither. I found the article from this site that explained about event conflict, but the example used looked quite a bit different to mine.
Here is the js file I started with
window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener('load',so_init,false):window.attachEvent('onload',so _init);
var d=document, imgs = new Array(), zInterval = null, current=0, pause=false;
function so_init()
if(!d.getElementById || !d.createElement)return; .....
This uses a couple of CSS files and then you just add a div=rotator on the html to add the object and then the images and links within that div.
I am having trouble creating two slideshows on a single page. I know that there is a problem of one slideshow overriding the other, but I can't figure out what to change or where in order to make both functional. I've seen other posts related to this, but those I've tried don't work for me. Here's my partial code...I only included the parts I think are necessary.
<script language="JavaScript1.1"> var slideimages=new Array() var slidelinks=new Array() function slideshowimages(){ for (i=0;i<slideshowimages.arguments.length;i++){ slideimages[i]=new Image() slideimages[i].src=slideshowimages.arguments[i] } } .....
I am trying to run three continuous slideshows on the same page. The script I am currently using is written below. Can it be modified so I can run all three slides at once on the same page?
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var image1=new Image() image1.src="firstcar.gif" var image2=new Image() image2.src="secondcar" var image3=new Image() image3.src="thirdcar.gif" //--> </script> </head> <body> <img src="firstcar.gif" name="slide" width="100" height="56" /> <script> <!-- //variable that will increment through the images var step=1 function slideit(){ //if browser does not support the image object, exit. if (!document.images) return document.images.slide.src=eval("image"+step+".src") if (step<3) step++ else step=1 //call function "slideit()" every 2.5 seconds setTimeout("slideit()",2500) } slideit() //--> </script> </body> </html>
I want to use the same Photoslider II code but for three different slideshows on same index page. The problem is one works fine but when I add another one on same page everything gets screwed up. The code is below but how can I make adjustments so each one works independently? Code:
I have this javascript for a slideshow and I want to have in my html page multiple slideshows which can play in parallel the same time.
My script is : Code: <script type="text/javascript"> * Conveyor belt slideshow script- " Dynamic Drive DHTML code library [URL] * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Visit Dynamic Drive at [URL] for full source code
//Specify the slider's width (in pixels) var sliderwidth="300px" //Specify the slider's height var sliderheight="150px" //Specify the slider's slide speed (larger is faster 1-10) var slidespeed=3 .....
I'm a javascript rookie trying to figure out a way to get bookmarkable URLS for the images on a single page with multiple slideshows. I must admit I don't really understand the first part of the code on the Cycle demo page for this, which only works for a page with one slideshow:
While I'm shopping for a little guidance, it would also be really cool if the hash tags were semantic somehow with respect to each slideshow e.g.:
I want to create a very simple image gallery where each image crossfades into the next when clicked. Most of the gallery scripts I found were far too complicated for my purposes, so I wound up using this very basic one: [URL] and with a little bit of customization I was able to get it to look the way I wanted.
I want to add the crossfading I've tried a few different methods, how to combine them with the script I'm already using.
I am trying to get the following image fade code to work but can't seem to figure out what the problem is. The images appear quickly (don't fade one to the other) in Firefox and Google and in IE8 when the image fades, even though the images are the same size, the new image starts out smaller and grows to the final size.
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin // Set slideShowSpeed (milliseconds) var slideShowSpeed = 5000;
I've worked for a while to get a table background image to automatically rotate using JS, and it's working well now. However, it's quite choppy. Any way to make the images crossfade to smooth it out?
I have files on the server: .txt, .xml, .config, and "no extension" - all editable with notepad.
User will write some input, it will be added to file in specific place.
I need an ability to change element value in file (in one of them - depends what user choose) (or it even can be some trigger word it-self like CHANGE_ME for not to use attributes)
Create a temporary copy of edited file and create a unique temporary link to it.
I don't know what to start from.... For now I know how to make XHR, but what to do with other extensions?
Have no idea how to save the NEW file (a copy of original file) on server , and create a UNIQUE link ,and delete the file right after it was downloaded.
I can find a specific word in xml file, but how to change it?[code]...
I would like to place 3 buttons on the page. Each button opens a different XML file loading the right image list into the page-wrap div. (for a jquery slideshow which picks up the images from the divider) How can I change the url: "gallery3.xml" part to a variable and change its value by clicking on the different buttons? E.g: Gallery1 button opens gallery1.xml Gallery2 button opens gallery2.xml etc.
On the page I am designing I have 2 js slideshows. The first one slides images right to left and the second contains the caption for the image and fades in and out. Here is an example of the exact concept of what I'm trying to do: [URL]. The problem I'm having is that the slides will not maintain the same timing and I'm not sure how to create a single user control that controls both slideshows simultaneously.
Here is the JS code: <script type="text/javascript"> var firstreel=new reelslideshow({ wrapperid: "myreel", //ID of blank DIV on page to house Slideshow dimensions: [500, 300], //width/height of gallery in pixels. Should reflect dimensions of largest image imagearray: [ ["css/500_300/Dairy plant.jpg"], //["image_path", "optional_link", "optional_target"] ["css/500_300/slider-big.jpg", "[URL]", "_new"], ["css/500_300/Hospital image.jpg"], ["css/500_300/Picture2.jpg"] //<--no trailing comma after very last image element! ], .....
I am pretty new to JavaScript, so I apologize if this is a stupid mistake. I am using this [URL] code, but trying to have several slideshows on the page. I have set up two to test it, and one works while the other just displays a static image. What is the best way to do this? Do I need to repeat the script code in the head?
I just created a slideshow that is working (finally). I want to put a description beside the photos that is styled in the way I want it, but I can't seem to figure this out. For an example of what I want to finished slideshow to resemble, I found this website: [URL]. I like the features area on this website. Here is my code so far:
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> // Modified for: [URL] var ImgPtr = -1;// -1 for first pass only var BaseDirectory = '[URL]'; ImgArray = [// format: ['imageName','Comments about image'] ['pinto-1.jpg','<a class="duh" href="paintorpinto.html">Paint or Pinto?</a>'], ['shedding.jpg','<a class="duh" href="sheddingout.html">Shedding Out Tips</a>'], ['dewormer-1.jpg','<a class="duh" href="sampledchart.html">Sample Deworming Chart</a>']// Note: No comma after last entry ]; var intervalAction;
[URL]. In the picture I have a picture div and a text div. The picture and text are related to one another. I want it that when you click the right or left arrow the pic and text change together. I dont really care how they change, slide, fade, or simple do a show/hide kind of effect. How to make one div have a slide show when you mouseover to right or left it moves.
I am having trouble with multiple slideshows. I have two seperate and I am trying to fun them on the same intervals. The second slideshow stops.
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var image1=new Image() image1.src="ciscoflash/01.jpg" var image2=new Image() image2.src="ciscoflash/02.jpg" var image3=new Image() image3.src="ciscoflash/03.jpg" var image4=new Image() image4.src="ciscoflash/04.jpg" var image5=new Image() image5.src="ciscoflash/05.jpg" var image6=new Image() .....
I'm trying to create a simple checkout system that utilizes cookies to pass information from page to page. Currently, my entire script works fine except for the read cookie portion. I cannot figure out what is wrong with it. It has been validated and the syntax is fine; it just doesn't work. I use the function with the onload call on my html file such as:
I am having trouble with my MooTools Slideshow. I have a page with 4 Spry tabs and 3 of them have slideshows. I've set up the page for multiple slideshows, but only the first tab works correctly.
These are 2 issues I'm having:
1. The thumbnails work properly for the first tab, but for the other tabs they seem to stack upon one another and flutter when you mouseover.
2. When you switch to a different tab, you get a smaller photo artifact for a couple of seconds in the right corner of the slideshow screen (I have a feeling this will go away when #1 is resolved).
Here is where the website can be viewed: [url]
I was these 2 bits of help from another forum:
The issue is probably that slideshow can't calculate dimensions properly when it is hidden. It's really a general issue with javascript/DOM-manipulation: when an element is set as display:none - like the hidden tabs - nodes inside of them have no height/width. The workaround would be to initialize each slideshow once the tab is visible.
Do not initiate all slideshows at once, initiate them when the tab comes into focus, destroy them/pause them when a tab loses focus. I don't know how to initiate the slideshow on tab focus.
I've got 4 parallel slideshows (see below) that each contain 3 images. I would like the slideshow 1 to fade first, then slideshow 3, then 2, then 4. I have no problem with making all 4 slideshows work at the same time but I can't make them alternate. I've been trying to use "after:" as a callback to trigger the next slideshow but every time I put in some more code the whole thing stops working !!
I'm trying to set up a blog, which uses a slideshow within each post, using the jQuery Cycle plugin.
Is there a way of creating separate slide shows for each, using a single class (.post-slideshow-images) - and also have the next and prev links on each, and a caption? Let's say there are 5 instances of slideshows with the've tried the below, but the next and prev links, and the caption are linked between each slideshow (clicking next on one, for instance, controls every instance on the page, and the caption for every slideshow also updates)
How to have synchronized Cycle slideshows with pause on hover (for the hovered slideshow only). I have several Cycle slideshows on a webpage and am synchronizing them using a setTimeout() that basically issues cycle('next') to all the slideshows at a set interval. See Synchronized Demo. At first I tried setting the pause:true option (to pause the hovered slideshow) and expected the hovered slideshow to ignore the cycle('next') command. The 'next' command was processed regardless of pause:true. As a work-around, I modified the nextSlide() function to not issue a 'next' command to the hovered slideshow. FYI, the cyclePause property of a slideshow is non-zero during hover.
The modifications to the above mentioned demo are shown below in red: $(function() { var $slideShows = $('#s1,#s2').cycle({ timeout: 0, // disable automatic transitions pause: true, }); setTimeout(nextSlide, 4000); function nextSlide() { // advance both shows to next slide $slideShows.filter( function() { return ! this.cyclePause } ) .cycle('next'); setTimeout(nextSlide, 4000); }});
This solution directly access the slideshow's cyclePause property. It could be written cleaner if cycle() offered a way of testing a slideshow's hover state, such as a new command: cycle('ishover') returning true if hovering.
Cycle will handle variable timeouts, and it will handle nested slideshows, but I can't find any code for variable timeouts within nested slideshows. I've tried cobbling together a fix, but it didn't work (don't ask me to's embarrassing).
how to mate the script for variable timeouts with the code for nested slideshows?