I'm trying to use Javascript to have an array of images that load randomly AND work in a slideshow manner so change every 3 seconds (in a logical order). The code I have below presents a random image but how do I get them to continue from the random image and change to the next every 3 seconds?
Im trying to make a personal home page that both shows the time and a random background each refresh using javascript. so far i have managed to get either one or the other to work but not both.i want to know if anyone could try and tell me what is wrong.the files can be found at: http://ihf.lp.pl/narik/index.htmlas you will see if you visit that the random image script works.(if u have slow net, you'll have to be patient the bg image is large)however if u visitat by the name, the index file has the clock working but not the random background. They are both present in the html, but for some reason are not working together.the relevant javascript files within that folder are: randomimage.js & clock.jsthe background images can be found at http://ihf.lp.pl/narik/images/wallpapers/1.jpg (the image names go from 1.jpg through to 17.jpg)
I want to have a random change of the border and text color of certain DIVs (with a certian class) after a specific time interval. I managed to get a random color change after the time interval, but I'd like to just have a set of colors, which the random generator can choose from. So here's my code:
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ var intervalId = setInterval(function() { int i = (int)(Math.random() * 4);
So "i" can be a number from 0 to 3 and depending on this number, the variable "col" is a specific colorvalue which the border and text color will animate to. That was my thought, but something about the random color generator doesn't work
I am new to jQuery and have managed to create a tabbed interface with 4 sections. When the page loads, the tab content of section 1 shows up and the user can click on the others links to show other sections. In other words, tab 1 is always the first to be "active." However, I want to have a random "active" tab every time the page loads, so that other sections can be "active" as well randomly. Once the page loads with the random active tab, then the user can click to look at other sections.
I have a client that wants a new background image every time page is reloaded. I thought I have to script and thought I had it working but when I applied it to all my pages from a template I made in dreamweaver it doesn't work. It only works on the template.
See code below. <head> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function MM_goToURL() { //v3.0 var i, args=MM_goToURL.arguments; document.MM_returnValue = false; for (i=0; i<(args.length-1); i+=2) eval(args[i]+".location='"+args[i+1]+"'"); }
I've been searching for a resolution to this issue for hours trying to customize my page located at [url]
Specifically, I'm trying to figure out why this line of code is not making my images display in the background:
Original plugin script provided here: [url]
I made adjustments with my image references that are all located in this directory: [url]
Problem: No images load, and I believe I don't fully understand the .appendTo tage.. I don't know if #body is correct. The author of the plugin assumed I understood the relation. Also #homePage may be incorrect as well.
Additionally, I found another plugin that worked for placing an image in the background (not random), and the background image would scale to size, according the users window. I loved that and it worked, just wanted to add random images to the same script.... first things first... I can't even get an image to display at all with the above code.
In case you wanted to know the script I was using to scale the background image, here it is below (although, as you will see in the code for my site - this image feature is disabled as I am trying to make adjustments).
code for image solutions used:
If I can get this second code to work with the random image plugin.
Here's what I usually use and have been using for years and it works great, just not for this particular purpose. I don't have a clue when it comes to javascript.
<noscript><img src="no_script_quote.gif" width="406" height="94"/></noscript><script language="javascript"> var delay=6000 var curindex=0
But, now I want to be able to set a default picture to be shown first and have the random pics appear next. I also don't want the default pic to show up again in the random array. So basically, every time the page was first visited, or refreshed it would show the default picture then move into the random pics.
I'm completely new to this and have no knowledge at all when it comes to javascript. Have been using this script on my site for a while. Is there anyway I can add a URL link to the images that are in my selector? When clicked would go to that page on my website.
<script language="JavaScript"> /* Random image slideshow- By Tyler Clarke (tyler@ihatecoffee.com) For this script and more, visit http://www.javascriptkit.com */ var delay=10000 //set delay in miliseconds var curindex=0 [Code]...
I am using a module called mod_pageear in my joomla based site that displays an image in the page when the trigger is scrolled over. I would like to change the code to access images in a folder on a random basis. The existing section of the code that accesses the single image is as follows: Code:
I have a page on which a random image loads. Each image needs an accompanying image map to take you to the appropriate link. How do I make the appropriate image map links load? Here is my code so far, which works fine.
myStrip = new Array("images/hstrip_1.jpg","images/hstrip_2.jpg"); imgCt = myStrip.length;
function chooseStrip() { if (document.images) { randomNum = Math.floor((Math.random() * imgCt)); document.strip.src = myStrip[randomNum]; } }
I'm hoping that someone can answer what is probably a really simple question. I've got the Random Image Slideshow script from javascript.com and have it placed in my site where I want it. Now how do I get it to read where I've got the images I want displaying? The folder I have is called homeimages with 10 photos currently inside it.
im having a dumbass problem its probably something stupid as it always is with me. Basically ive incorporated a javascript random image background. It works however it occasionally displays a WHITE bg, as if its trying to link to one of the images in the array and its not there. To get what i mean view the link below and click REFRESH until it goes white. Code:
I've got an array of images that I want to randomly attach themselves in some <li> tags. Right now I've got everything working great except the images repeat sometimes repeat themselves.Is there any way to make the images not repeat?Here's the code:
Code JavaScript: // Random Image var theImages = new Array()
i have a script that is close to working, but not quite. it loads 1 of 9 random images on pageload with the corresponding link on the image. that works fine. i am trying to also get the corresponding copy to appear next to it, but it seems to be totally random as well and not matching up with its proper image (for example, if image 5 loads, then copy 5 should be the one that loads). below is what i have.
HTML Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
Another slightly different random image question. My coding is working fine in Safari (mac) but all that shows up in IE6 is the caption, not the image itself.
Code: function randImgCap() { var banner = new Array(); banner[0] ="images/robpics/After_Fire.jpg" banner[1] ="images/catepics/2tight.jpg"
I need to get this done for multiple images - let's say I have 5 places at the same time for a random image to appear, but they mustn't repeat! I don't mind manually selecting images for a certain spot, but it should be declared in another file (rather than the html).
i need to display an image randomly from an array that holds 4 addresses to 4 different images.i am having a hard time writing the img tag to the html page that will display the image.is it possible to use document.getElementById('id').innerHTML= "<img src="imgurl" />"?i have a span with an id of "theImage".i want to plop the img tag inside this span tag, but can't seem to get it to work.
Description: I have created flash cards using html layers, jpegs, and javascript. The way I designed it is, I have words and their descriptions (meaning) as jpeg files. Each word and it's meaning are on separate layers. I can go to the previous card, the next card, or see the answer( Meaning). (This is my navigation.) Each link (previous etc..)is a hot spot on every image. When I click on any hotspot I pass the image name and layername, to show a particular image on a particular layer.
Problem: What I want to do is: 1.) I want to put another hot spot or link on the site e.g.shuffle, that would randomize the order of images and the associated layer.
2.) I would like to put the counter somewhere on the page which would display the card number and total number of cards in the series e.g. 1 of 10.
Do you think these changes are possible with the way I created my flash cards? If so, could anyone help me? If not, is there a better way to create flash cards using javascript? Is there any tutorial that would help me?
How could I make a random image slideshow with the images being in a folder and not listed in the head tag? (I have over 1,000 images and do not want to list them all in my index page)?
I have some image URLs stored in an array. I then want to be able to print out one of those image URLs randomly on page load. What would be the best method to do this in jQuery?