How Does Gmail Hide The Javascript?
Jul 23, 2005
Just curious, what techniques does gmail leverage to hide the
javascript code that their service uses to work? I've tried View
Source here and there in the page without much luck.
I have no interest (you have to trust me on this one) of hacking it or
anything, I'm just curious.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have some problems with my gmail's account. When I'm trying access to spam site or trash site, the gmail say me that:
[Aplication Javascript]
The system was unable to perform your operation. Please try again in a few seconds.
I have this problem since yesterday. I have proved with anothers
browsers but They no working too. I have proved with another account
and another account working very well so I know that my problem is in
my account.
Can somebody help me? I don't know that I can do.
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Jul 23, 2005
I'd like to write a HTML page which can help me directly log in my
Yahoo!mail or Gmail account without typing user name and password.
Basically, I want to set up a link, click it and pop up the Yahoo/Gmail
What technology is most appropriate for this kind of work?
My current solution is not so satisfying: I download Yahoo!Mail page
and save it to local file; then using Javascript to load that file and
set up user name, password, submit it to Yahoo.
This works with Yahoo, but not Gmail. I haven't got time to investigate
The thing I hate about this solution is: for every email provider, I
need to download their page and write corresponding page to
access/modify it.
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Jul 10, 2006
I am trying to make a bookmarklet to enlarge textarea in Gmail. But I
can't get to the textarea.
When you are composing a message in Gmail, the page has two frames. the
first frame has name "main". That frame contains a textarea named
"msgbody" in which you compose messages.
I have tried with Firebug getElementsByTagName and getElementsByName
but all fails.
self.main.document.getElementsByTagName('textarea' ) returns empty list.
self.main.document.getElementsByName('msgbody') also returns empty
I suspect that it is because the textarea is buried deep in the DOM
The dom path from the main frame to the textarea is:
However the dom path from the main frame to the first div element is
and self.main.document.getElementsByTagName('div') returns a nonempty
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Aug 9, 2011
I am making a website and in it i want to provide dynamic floating menu bar like Gmail(current one). I have searched over internet for it but there i found menu bar whose co-ordinates are fixed. I mean if menu bar is on center of page and you scroll page a very little then menu will also scroll but in gmail it is different. When menu bar comes to top of page only then menu bar scrolls along with the page.
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Jan 2, 2011
I am creating a website which doesn't have any server. I need to create a Contact Us form. But now as there is no server so i cannot email this information using server side code. Is there a way by which I can send this information by using any free email server (like gmail)?
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Apr 20, 2009
I am trying to integrate a chat server with another shopping cart. In the process, I need to automatically pop up a chat window when a user gets a message from another user. This is like the way gmail chat works.
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Jul 23, 2005
If you've used the Google Gmail spell checker you know that it
'changes' the text area to another type of control that lets them show
hyperlinks for the incorrect words. How does Google change the
textarea? And what do they change it to? I know it should be pretty
simple, I just have no clue because I'm fairly new to DHTML. Any
examples would be greatly appreciated.
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May 25, 2010
I'm trying to setup a mail merge using a gmail docs script from [url]. So far, it works pretty well, but I want to edit it to include the following:
1) The script should start with "Dear Noah" as opposed to "Dear Noah_Kaplan"
2) I want to add my canned response to the script so that it always appears at the bottom of the e-mail.
3) Lastly, I want the outgoing mail to be saved as individual drafts in my drafts folder in gmail before it's sent out. That way, I can decide if I want to add a sentence or two to personalize each individual email draft.
By the way, here's the script I want to edit:
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Nov 8, 2010
in Gmail (I've noticed it in other services too..)after you log in, progress bar appears. What does it do? Uploads all the JS(containing ajax) files into client's machine? or what?
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Jun 14, 2011
would like to have a form like this one where a user cannot enter gmail, yahoo or hotmail addresses in the email filed.Have managed to make it work using this code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#btn-submit').click(function() {
View 1 Replies
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Dec 6, 2009
I am building a firefox plugin which customizes Google Mail. I want a feature in it to automatically send email by a event raised by my plugin. This feature is required when I am on compose page but I don't want the user to hit the Send button.
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Nov 4, 2007
Other than not using them...?
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Sep 4, 2003
I'm looking for a small javascript that you can use to cloak your urls when people hoover over it. In stead of the actual destination, I'd like to enter a custom made text when people hoover over them. Any suggestions where to find such a script? I checked several script sites but wasn't able to find the script I was looking for.
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May 22, 2006
I have a php page with a drop down list, and the default selected
option is "Select a location" (without quotes).
Using the drop down initiates a database query. One of (3) things
should happen:
1. If an option is selected for which results are available, they
should be displayed on the same page beneath the drop down list in a
2. If an option is selected for which results are NOT available, a
message should be displayed informing the visitor that there were no
results for that query.
3. If the default selected option has not yet been changed (ie: when
the page first loads), no message should display.
#1 and #2 work, but the message described in #2 is still displayed when
the page first loads before the default selected option is changed (#3)
but in Internet Explorer only. Firefox displays the page correctly
under all three conditions.
The message that I want hidden on page load is wrapped in a div named
"infobox" and I'm using the following script to hide it which is at the
bottom of the page:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function ClearDiv()
a location")
document.getElementById("infobox").style.display =
I've also included the php code that writes out the message and the
table below....
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Jul 12, 2011
I do not understand javascript at all. For about eight years I've had a UDM javascript menu on each of about 200 pages. It consists of a bunch of files that live in the top of my website and are called to each page by four lines of script. I have had only to edit appearance and links in one file. Instructions were to leave the others alone.
The present version of the UDM menu is not free, as the old one was, and if I did buy it I'm not at all sure I'd be able to cope with it. Unless the names of the new files matched those of the old ones, I'd have to go in and edit each page individually.
My problem is that IE9 doesn't display the menu, but does display its background, so there's a big beige block on the top left of every page. It looks bad.
Would I be able to add to one of the files something like a conditional comment such as "If IE9 display none"?
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Apr 11, 2005
Seems to work fine in Firefox/Mozilla and IE, IE doesn't work with style.display = 'table-row' but Mozilla/Firefox display the row wrong without so it detects and fixes that also. Code:
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Nov 28, 2006
I have a javascript function which I'm using to toggle on and off certain divs on a page when an object is moused over.
This function in turn calls another function (hideAllFriendNames) which hides any of the divs that might be already being displayed - as I only want one div displayed at a time: Code:
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Jul 17, 2002
What I need to do is hide (not load at all preferably) a javascript from netscape 4. It works fine for all others(hmm... it's probably best to hide it from Mac IE5 as well, I think they have a problem with the same thing.)
The script itself works, but that poor old browser can't load the css properly so it's best to not show the entire thing. (absolute positioned div on the right side ) I know I can hide the styles for it using @import, but then it falls over to the left... other than absolute right, there's no good spot for it.
While I'm on it, is there a way to not load an entire div (including the javascript that's called inside it) from NS4?
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Jul 28, 2007
I have a piece of code that I'd rather google's spider did not follow. Is
this possible please?
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Mar 8, 2005
Does anyone know of a handy way to disable a user from downloading javascript when they save a page?
Here is my problem. I have javascript that disables right clicks on a page. However the user could just "save" the page to there desktop and remove the function that disables right clicks.
Anyone know of a good work around? I've heard of other complex ways, but I was looking for a simple solution.
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Oct 14, 2005
How can i do this i already have a function to show/hide elements with one link but how can i show/hide multiple elements
Here is the script:
function obj_ref(object)
if (document.getElementById)
return document.getElementById(object);
else if (document.all)
return eval('document.all.' + object);
return false;
function obj_toggle(object, open_close, open_text, close_text)
var object = obj_ref(object);
var icone = obj_ref(open_close);
if( ! )
return false;
if( == 'none' )
{ = ''
icone.innerHTML = close_text;
{ = 'none'
icone.innerHTML = open_text;
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Jul 23, 2005
I am looking for a general purpose javascript snippet that enables me to
<div> or <span> HTML to make portions of the form be hidden and then appear.
The form contains about 12 sections and some sections can contain
subsections. When the user clicks on a checkbox, I want previously hidden
text boxes, radio buttons, text, drop down menus, and additional checkboxes
to appear. In some cases, clicking on a checkbox in a section can cause
additional previously hidden text boxes, radio buttons, text, drop down
menus, and additional checkboxes to appear.
Within each section, a list of individual names is displayed with an initial
checkbox beside each name being displayed. Clicking the checkbox beside a
name is what triggers the hidden info to be displayed. The server side
application is written in php and the field names are assigned using
brackets as the array is created. As an example the HTML checkbox beside
the first name <input type='checkbox' name='sect1custname[1]' value'First
Name'> The HTML for the next name woud be exactly the same except the name
field would be defined as name='sect1custname[2]'. All of the other input
buttons, boxes, menus, and text would use the same naming conventions so
that the server side module can correctly process the data.
I am hoping to keep this as generic as possible so that we can add, change,
and/or delete entire sections simply by creating the appropriate HTML and
surrounding it with the correct <div> or <span>. I understand that there
may need to be some javascript wrapped around the checkboxes.
If you know of , or have, or can develop the code, please send particulars
to jscott4272 at comcast dot net. If there are any costs associated with
the code, just let me know what they are. If you have any questions or need
additional information, please email them to me.
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Jun 16, 2005
im new to java script i want to know how to make the an image to go to the top right corner as like gmail when we are sending some thing.
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Jan 4, 2010
I have a simple hide and fadeIn. When you rollover a word it will reveal the definition. The problem I am having is if you move the mouse around quickly from one word to the next word sometimes it gets hung up and a definition will not hide. The result gives this hanging defintion and whatever the other definition the mouse is rolledover.
Here is the code I'm using:
There are about 70 words in a box with the definition being reveals on the right hand side. Is there a way of making sure there is always only one definition being shown?
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Jul 27, 2009
I am implementing some tabs using jquery and have run into a problem where a google map on one of the tabs is not displaying. I read that a solution is to "Use the off-left technique for hiding inactive tab panels"i.e
.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-hide {
position: absolute;
left: -10000px;
how the hide method is currently hiding the tab contents. i.e how does the hide() method hide the tabbed content?
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