Hiding/showing Divs After Selecting Option From <select> Menu
Nov 20, 2009
Basically, I need the script to hide two divs if one of the options in a <select> menu is selected.
Here's the code I've got for the Javascript:
function typeoflisting() {
var selectform = document.getElementById('propertytype');
if (selectform.options[selectedIndex].value == "sell") {
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Sep 29, 2001
I have a dynamically generated page that has a rollover div that needs to be displayed for each of a number of links.
Now, this is easy enough to do on a small scale: as part of the loop that dynamically generates the page, I have a separate hidedivlinkID() and showdivlinkID() function, and it works really well except in NS4.x, which I'm not supporting.
However, once the list of links grows to a certain size--and in this case the list has grown to about 150--the page takes on a rather large size. At this point, it's around 250K.
What I'd like to do is have a single pair of functions in the header script:
function showdiv(linkID) { }
function hidediv(linkID) { }
Such that I can call them easily. The problem comes in at the point where I try to pass the linkID out of the function, into the style-changing parts of the function. To wit:
function showdiv(linkID) {
linkID.style.visibility = "visible"
document.getElementById("legend").style.visibility = "hidden"
} // End showdiv
doesn't work. (The "legend" div is separate and unique; it's not overduplicated). Similarly,
function showdiv(linkID) {
document.getElementById(linkID).style.visibility = "visible"
document.getElementById("legend").style.visibility = "hidden"
} // End showdiv
doesn't work. Is there any way to make this work... or am I stuck with a bunch of extra functions on my page?
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Aug 18, 2009
I would like to know if there is a way to keep the script as is but also add a function to this script so that if a user clicks on another tab (div) the open tab will close on click? Please see code below:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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Jan 4, 2009
I am trying to use JS to change the display.style property of a div from �block� to �none� in order to hide and show it. I find that my code works in Firefox but not in IE. Furthermore, I find that the code works fine in IE if the div I�m trying to show/hide is not floated, but when it IS floated then I�m able to hide the div but unable to re-show it once it�s been hidden. Finally, I find that when the div I�m trying to show/hide is floated left and is the left-most element on the page, it works fine, but when I have another element floated left before it, then it fails to re-show once it�s hidden. Here is my code. In order to solve this problem I have removed all other code form my website, so this is the only code. The HTML:
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Jun 20, 2010
I'm new to jQuery, and I'm having issues with showing my DIVs correctly. The problem with the script at the moment, is that it currently opens up every single .display div, whereas I only want it to open up the one which corresponds to the.input a.edit which I've clicked.
The script hides them individually, displays the hide button and makes the show button display correctly like I wish, but it's displaying all the the .display div's at the same time which isn't what I want. For reference here is my jQuery script:
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Aug 6, 2010
i have an html page, in it there is input box
<input type=button id="parambtn" onclick="paramProcess(this);" value=v />
now when we click this button it will show a corresponding div objec, which is the parent div called 'frame1'. this div has two radio buttons "static" and "dynamic".
if the user clicks on static radio selection, i want to show a stDiv. here is the problem as this stDiv is not showing up on click event.the function is getting called as i had checked it using an alert.
if the user clicks on dynamic radio selection, i want to show a dynamicDiv, this is also not working.
this is the code.
<div id="frame1" width="20px" height="50px" style=";display:none;background-color:red;" >
i would also like to add one more problem. right now, when we click on button, it shows the frame Div, but this displaces all the other elements in the page, which are inside a table. is there a way to show this div above other elements without any changes in their position.. i tried to change the z index of the frame Div, but nothing changed..
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Oct 7, 2010
I awhen it comes to "developing" jQuery but I am trying to do something that is seemingly something simple but I can't for the life of me, figure out the best way to do it.
Here, you'll see the area below the navigation that has five buttons which are supposed to help scroll between the five associated divs.All I want to do is hide the currently shown div and then slide in the div associated with the button clicked.http:[url].....Here is what the animation is SUPPOSED to look like but the problem is is that the correct one uses Prototype and I am trying to use only one library and jQuery is the most suitable because I use it for other effects in the site and jQuery and Prototype obviously don't mesh well.
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Jan 11, 2010
I am trying to create a basic menu where if you put your mouse over a button you get a bit of descriptive text or an image appearing somewhere else on the page. I have tried to do this with hiding/revealing hidden divs - works fine with IE but no others.
<script language="javascript">
var descriptions = new Array();
descriptions[0] = "<p>See whats been added to the web site recently</p>";
descriptions[1] = "<p>Find out more about me</p>";
descriptions[2] = "<p>Check out me links</p>";
function showDescription(descriptionIndex){ .....
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Sep 15, 2009
I've built a tool where users can search for something & the results show up in a select list as selectable options..... sometimes the results can take a few seconds to load depending on how many results there are... so I was attempting to show some "Results are loading" text when they search, & then hide it when they are displayed.
However for some reason it's not working correctly.. both commands don't appear to work until the select list options have loaded & hence rendering them redundant.... I have tried putting them inside separate functions but no change in the behavior.
What basically happens is I press the button to search & it searches & once the results show up so does the loading text.... however if I include the hide text command then the text doesn't show at all as it's hidden as soon as it's shown.
Here is the code I am using..
function searchCats(text) {
// Set URL for ajax request
var url = 'search_cats.php?search_text='+text;
// Set up element we're modifying
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Feb 18, 2010
I have the following function to pre-select an option in a select box. If I leave the alert in, the selection is made and everything is fine. If I take out the alert, it works sometimes - other times it leaves the select box on the first option. I don't want to leave the alert in.
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May 26, 2010
I want to hide/show div's in my HTML depending on the selected option of a listbox. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
function SwitchHiddenDiv(){
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Sep 14, 2005
Is there a method I can call to click on a particular <option> within a <Select>?
I've got a select with several <option> lines,and I have the ID of the one I want to click, but have tried .click() but that doesn't work. It always picks the top of the list, and reading up on it, it sounds like the click isn't what I'd choose. Is there another?
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Jan 25, 2010
I want to be able to post to a page, and one of the post values, auto selects one of the values in a drop-down box.So say i post a value 'Red' from a field called 'Colors' to a form, I would like 'Red' to be automatically selected in the 'Colors' select dropdown list.I am working with dropdown lists of many values, so need a way to automate this selection.
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Jun 5, 2009
I am developing a menu using javascript wherein, I expand and collapse divs. It works fine individually; but the problem arises when I try to hide all other divs on expanding one div. Following is the code. any change if you spot any error or even
function hideDivs(){
var arr = document.getElementsByTagName('div')
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Jan 26, 2010
I'd like to have an alert of some type, either standard alert or a hidden div, show up when a user selects an option in a select element.
For instance, if a select element has 5 options in it and the user chooses the first one, they would get an alert that says "You have chosen the first option". I'm confident this is something that can be done with a few lines of code, but I'm not sure where to begin.
Here's the logic - I'm just not sure how to write the syntax...
If ("#select option") changes and ("#select option:eq(0):selected"), fade in the div ("alert").
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Jul 17, 2006
I am still having trouble creating the Select Menu option. I got parts
of the correct syntax but it is still not creating the selected carrier
as an option in the parent page.
Help apprecitate,. I currently have it commented out just to show the
line to you better:
function onCarrierSelect() {
var frm = document.carrRequestForm.carrierList.selectedIndex ;
var selectCar =
var varEl = "<%=varElementName%>";
if (window.opener && !window.opener.close)
var oOption = window.opener.document.createElement("OPTION");
oOption.innerText =selectCar;
oOption.value =selectCar;
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Jan 23, 2003
Hey does anyone know if it's possible to set focus on a specific option of a select menu?
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Aug 23, 2010
I'm having trouble making JavaScript select an option from a list menu. I created the list menu using an array with php. I.E.
HTML Code:
<? $states = array('NY', 'NJ', 'CA');
for($s = 0; $s <= 2; $s++){?>
<option><? echo $states[$s] ?> </option>
<? } ?>
So then I have some JavaScript code, that automatically determines which state you're in. My question is, how do you get JavaScript to select the state the code has determined you're in? I tried these, to no avail.
document.form.states.value = currentstate;
document.form.states.select= currentstate;
currentstate being the variable that determines the current state you're in.
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Apr 4, 2011
How can I do this with jquery. I tried this- code...
And it successfully added "selected" to the correct item. But it wasn't actually selected. How can I do this correctly?
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Dec 14, 2011
When a user clicks "Add To Basket" I need some javascript to check that the size option they have selected is not "-" in the form before the actual form is submitted. my form is like so:
<form method="post" name="addtobasket" action="?action=add&id=<?php echo $rows['id']; ?>">
<input type="submit" class="addtobasket" name="addtobasket" value="Add To Basket">
<select name="sizechoice">
<option disabled="disabled" value="">-</option>
<option disabled="disabled" value="S">S</option>
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Mar 17, 2011
Trying to get the divs to switch style properties when selected form select menu
<script type="text/javascript">
function showstuff(element){
if(document.getElementById(element).style.display = 'block')
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Jan 30, 2009
Basically, I have written an application that runs a report based on a certain amount of parameters, one of which being date. So, the date selection is a <select></select> dropdown menu and it has the usual in it, today, yesterday, this week, last week etc. The problem is I need it to have a 'Custom' selection to run reports for custom dates. When 'Custom' is selected in the dropdown menu, two text boxes appear underneath with YYYY-MM-DD watermarked in them. I have assembled enough code from around the web to get this to work and it works fine, the problem I have is that when the user clicks off the 'Custom' option and on to a different one, I need the textboxes to disappear again.
Here is the code I am using:
<script type="text/javascript">
function showhide(divid){
thediv = document.getElementById(divid);
if(thediv.style.display== 'none' ){
}} .....
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Aug 5, 2010
cna anyone tell me how to use the Select = "selected" option for a simple dropdown. for example when someone chooses c it will have a code like <option selected="">c</option> (am I doing it right, well if you got a firebug some site with dropdowns offers that option) so can anyone tell me how that works. I will be using it for a purpose of just selecting parts on my array, well incorporating it
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Mar 5, 2009
I want a page to have a different item pre-selected in an option menu-button according to the parameter at the end of the URL. Eg if the URL ends in "?choice=Beta", the item that says "Beta" should be pre-selected. Here's what I have so far:
<script type="text/javascript">
function show(choice) {
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Jul 9, 2010
How can I make a list menu appear when I select an option from a drop down list or menu?
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Feb 4, 2011
I have a scenario where I show a drop-down-with-few-items in a JSP page, to the user.
The length of few options in the drop down is greater than that of the drop down's, hence our requirement is to show the hovered (not selected) option as tooltip for user's convenience. I am not able to use title attribute for displaying tooltips in my browser.
Now the code ...
implements a tooltip for multiple select drop down menu.Can you modify the code for single select
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