HTML 5 Canvas Element Animation Save
May 18, 2010
My application is based on client-server architecture. It is a E-Learning Application. I am using ruby on rails server, javascript,canvas,SVG element. I have an idea of an interface to allow the teacher to build any type of animation for students using Cake javascript API. I wanted to save the animation build using the canvas element on the rails server either in database or as a file. Later I have to use that animation to be played to students. Any way to do it on any language except proprietary languages like flash but from that language communication can be done with rails server.
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May 6, 2010
I'm new to Javascript, and having an issue with getInterval. For my programming languages class we have to create a simulation of waves breaking on a shore from above. I've decided to use a canvas object and Javascript for this animation, but am getting stuck on refreshing the frames.
Here is the code I have so far:
var shoreline = new Array();
var waves = new Array();
var canWidth = 600;
var canHeight = 400;
var waveNum = 0;
var count = 0; .....
As you can see, the idea is that each 5-pixel wide node of the shore and wave are stored in arrays so that the position of each node can differ. The wave() function initializes all the required data, and then calls setInterval on update(). The function update() draws the water, shore, and wave, and then updates the wave position node-by-node. Ideally, setInterval would cause this to happen repeatedly, so that the wave would appear to move closer to the shore every 1000ms.
However, this is not the case. It appears as though setInterval is working for one pass of update(), but fails after the first pass. You can tell that this is happening because the wave appears at its starting position, but does not continue to move. I read somewhere that setInterval can be broken by one-time functions, but I'm not sure. If you'd like to see what it's currently doing in a browser, I've hosted it here [URL]. Once I've got this animating properly I can continue my project, but I've hit a roadblock.
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Jul 12, 2011
The main one I find is to use translate to move the canvas around, which just seems odd to me. I don't even fully understand how it works. But the one I was looking at used clearRect. In examples given looked as though it had to redraw the canvas every frame. I'm just mucking around with a simple poker game, figured I'd have the table in one layer and anything that moves on a top layer? By doing that I could only clear each card as it moved around...yes?
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Aug 30, 2011
I have a script that runs a sprite animation on the canvas, adapted from here: [URL] After wondering why it wouldn't work on Safari or older versions of Firefox, I saw this: [URL] and implemented the suggested shim. However, I'm still getting some errors that I can't explain for the life of me. To make this easy for everyone, I threw it in a jsfiddle: [URL]
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Jul 14, 2011
I'm playing around with full browser canvas element it seems to spill beyond the browser bounds generating horizontal and vertical scrollbars.This is the technique I'm using: [code]I've also tried to wrap the canvas element inside a div and set that div's overflow equal to hidden, but the results are unchanged.
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Jan 1, 2011
I have make a javascript program that uses HTML canvas and I can't get it to work in Internet Explorer. I tried using excanvas and jqcanvas but had trouble getting them to work.
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Apr 7, 2009
Before the canvas tag you had to write a script to make a gradient for html element backgrounds. Now you can use canvas and it's as easy as ... well messing with canvas. I have this script. At one point I had the gradient img objects resizing so the gradient would not get skewed. it was simple. just set the height% at the opposite ratio of the canvas width/height. But I went to make some changes and the next thing i knew that no longer worked. I don't remember how I did it!! I'm going to have to start over if I can't figure it out. Here's the script. Canvas only.
I haven't adapted with excanvas for IE yet, but that's coming when I can figure out how I had the thing working right. It's a css issue. I had thought I put the img objects in divs that were sized and positioned and then set the images to width 100% height= 100%*((canvas.width-canvas.height)/canvas.width) So in my example, the canvas was 100 x 30 and the factor is 7 so it would resize the image 700% and the height would grow by the relative amount to the setting I had it. I'll try to figure it out, but there's the script working somewhat. I want to figure out a way to resize the img objects when the user resizes the page, but I want the img to always maintain aspect ratio. [URL]
window.onload = function () {
var canvas = document.getElementById('c');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var g = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 100, 50);
g.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5)');
g.addColorStop(0.5, '#0ff');
g.addColorStop(1, '#00f');
ctx.fillStyle = g;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
var data = canvas.toDataURL();
document.getElementById('i').src = data;
document.getElementById('EIMG').src = data;
var canvas2 = document.getElementById('c2');
var ctx2 = canvas2.getContext('2d');
var g2 = ctx2.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 100, 50);
g2.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(255, 0, 255, 0.5)');
g2.addColorStop(0.5, '#0ff');
g2.addColorStop(1, '#00f');
ctx2.fillStyle = g2;
ctx2.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
var data2 = canvas2.toDataURL();
document.getElementById('i2').src = data2;
document.getElementById('DIMG').src = data2; .....
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Jun 19, 2011
Here's a snippet:
canvases[i] = document.createElement('canvas');
canvases[i].style.width = '3px';
canvases[i].style.height = '100%';
I'm trying to dynamically create a canvas element. Later in the script it gets attached to the DOM, and this works fine if the last two lines are missing. I end up with a canvas element that is 3px wide and 100% of the containing div tall. However, the last two lines make it crash, with the error report 'canvases[i].fillRect is not a function'.
If I change the last two lines to:
var drawing = canvases[i].getContext("2D");
It says 'drawing is null'. Something seems to be going wrong with the getContext bit, because setting the height and width work fine. It behaves the same if I append the canvas element to the DOM before trying to do the drawing as well. This is in FF4.0.1 with a xhtml1-strict.dtd doctype and valid html.
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Oct 21, 2011
I've coded in Java before but I'm still having some trouble. I am trying to draw a ribbon type shape on an <canvas> element and for some reason, when I turned it into a function, it seemed not to work. Here is what I have for drawing the ribbon with a function:
function drawRibbon(height,width,Canvas){
var c=document.getElementById(Canvas);
var cxt=c.getContext("2d");
cxt.shadowOffsetX = 5;
cxt.shadowOffsetY = 10;
cxt.shadowColor = "black";
cxt.shadowOffsetX = 0;
cxt.shadowOffsetY = 0;
cxt.strokeStyle = "#ffcc22";
for (i=5;i <= 135; i=i+15){
I feel like it has something either to do with the function definition, or the call. Before this script is executed, i create a canvas in the following way:
<canvas id="navCanvas" height="200" width="120">
Why it is not displaying.
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Apr 29, 2010
I am working on a e-commerce site and I need to hide the checkout link (<a>) if the value of of the element (<td>) holding the amount due ="$0.00".
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Jul 12, 2011
I want to delete some lines on the canvas that i have created in HTML5 (with the <canvas> tag). I know one solution and that is using clearRect() (give this function the HEIGHT and WIDTH of the canvas and you clears the whole canvas.).But i don't want to clear the whole canvas, i only want to delete a few lines made by the function lineTo().
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Mar 16, 2009
I have a menu in which is applied typeface script. Typeface 0.11 version doesn't support hover on links. There is an experimental version but doesn't work very well for me, so i tried to implement hover by myself.
Problem is: hover works pretty well changing canvas context property fillColor and then calling fill(), but the stroke on hovered voice remains on another color. Difficult to explain, so i put some test code online: TEST CODE As you can see, passing with mouse on the menu voices triggers the hover and the element change, but remains bordered in red.
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Jul 8, 2010
I want to cache the styles of an element, but saving the ".style" object won't work because any changes to that are also applied to my saved variable. What's the best way to cache the styles of an element? (Needs to work across major browsers)
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Nov 10, 2010
I need to save an HTML page to Word using JavaScript. I have found some script on-line but all of them use the "Save As" procedure which only allows to save in txt and html format. I need it to be in Word.
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Mar 25, 2011
I`m using some functions to manipulate contents of local HTML files When modifications are done i would like to make them permanent by clicking SAVE / SAVE AS / EXPORT button How to save dynamically generated HTML elements into the opened file, as well as export them to another one?
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Mar 7, 2009
I have one save button in my html page and as soon as i click that button using javascript's onclick function the html/static page should be saved with .doc extension.As of now i want only the text in the html page to be saved as word document.But if possible suggest me for html pages with images too.I want the logic or sample source code for the above mentioned requirement
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Apr 7, 2011
I'm trying to have an effect happen after an effect for some other elements has finished.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#about_div").toggle(function() {
and a couple of variations. I increased the duration to slow it down but the effects occur simultaneously.
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Jun 8, 2010
I need save to my html page id path adress like id="#videos/fashion/test.txt" but if I want find this line like $("div").find("#videos/fashion/test.txt") it doesn't find it. I think it for the slashes. What is the best way to save into html page value and not to be seen on design view?
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Jul 11, 2011
I am having some problems to solve what i will explain next:
I am reading a xml into a html table code...
This code only give me the textboxes that have values and the correspondent value.
What can i do to have more than the value of the textbox, ie, return the value of that and the value of another column in the same row?
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Jun 17, 2009
i am making website, every thing is great i even learned php and sql, But i made input info validation in javascript, and i have a lot of same pages, i know in php i can use include("***.php"); and echo sprintf("%'09s", $***); to launch a php code from other file, can i do it in javascript and how? i want to save my javascript function in html or php file and call it in other php aplications, is it possible?
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Mar 9, 2011
My question explains everything, I have a div inside a parent div. I need to move it inside another div and on the UI show the animation of it moving.
The only way I can think of is, select the element, copy the html(), copy the offset() position and remove element from original container. then add a copy of previously removed element to page/document set the position to the copied offset and animate()
After animation is complete, remove it from the page and add it to the secondary container.
Is there any better and easier way of doing this ? any plugin may be ?
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Apr 21, 2009
I've got a little jquery bit to add some behavior to linked mp3s. You see this here: [URL]. Basically, jquery adds a speak icon and a player when the link is clicked, and the link title flies off and fades to the right:
[code] jQuery('a[href$=mp3]:not(.amplink)')
.wrap('<div class="mp3_span">' + '</div>')
.attr("title", "Click to Play")
.before('<img src="' + anarchy_url + '/images/114.png"
title="Click to listen" class="speaker" style="margin:' + mp3imgmargin + '"/>')
.each(function awesome() { .....
This works more or less how it would like it in all browsers except ie7. There the block that is created for the expanding text pushes everything down, even though the link are given a position:absolute declaration.
The pertinent css:
div.mp3_span {margin-left:90px; width:600px; position:relative;
display: inline !important; height:1.5em !important;}
a.mp3_title {font: oblique small-caps normal 1em/1.5em Arial, sans-
serif; display: inline !important; position: absolute !important;
cursor: pointer; width:500px; outline: none;}a.mp3_title:hover
{cursor: pointer; outline: none;}
a.mp3_title:active {outline: none;-moz-outline-style: none;}
img.speaker {border:none !important ;cursor:pointer; position:static !
important; vertical-align:top; }[/code]
I can't seem to do no matter what css I apply, and, of course, I' rather not hack the jquery script. So again - how can I keep the text animation without having the following elements getting pushed down?
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Jan 6, 2012
I created a page with multiple images and a div element. When I click on those images, I change the background image of the div with jQuery animation. The moment is made to change the image, the effect of exchange is white, and needed it to be black. Can I change the color of the effect fadin / fadeout without changing the background image of div element?
You can view what i've done here, just click in "Manaca" and "Historia" words
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Dec 20, 2009
I have recently worked on a flash based learning course and built functionality where users throughout the course can type in their own notes based on the course, and they can revisit these everytime they launch the course, the functionality is simply using flash cookies to store the notes on the users machine. I wanted to build functionality so that they could then save these notes to their hard disk and e-mail them on. To do this I call a javascript function from flash which opens a new webpage, passes through the notes from flash and uses document.write to write the notes to the new webpage. Then the user Saves (as web page html only) to save a copy to their machine.
The problem is I want to do this web page up a bit more, add graphics etc. but if I save as web page html only it won't include any images I add to the html page, and if I change it so that they save as (Web Page Complete) rather than write the webpage out with the notes it will write the webpage with the code document.write(string) but as this is on the users hard disk now string will be undefined as it no longer run alongside the course. Is their any other way anyone can think of doing this type of functionality, I am trying to stay away from using PHP
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Jun 28, 2010
I have a probelem - how to save information as a text or js file and retrieve it later using only html or javascript .
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Feb 23, 2011
I'm working on a webpage which is completely self-sufficient. This means if you copied the source you would be able to load it locally without any glitches from your computer. I want to embed a "Save As" feature into this document using only javascript or jquery. For various reasons I do not have access to a server-side language to perform this action. I've done some research but can't seem to find a definitive way to do this.
My goal:
User clicks "Save As HTML" button which triggers jquery to copy the source of the page and present it to the user as a mypage.html download. My fall back approach will be to open a new tab with just the desired html and instruct the user to manually "File -> Save As". However, this is very undesirable and I would like to find a solution to fulfill the goal above.
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