I wanna scroll the page to a specific location at the bottom. I can get the position of the destination, but how can I know where I am on the page? I need to scroll the page from the current location to the destination slowly not at once, is that possible?
1. Take the current URL of the page and open a new window with a URL based on the current page. Some examples (I use "->" to mean "this URL turns into that URL"):I plan to use these bookmarklets in sequence, first pressing 1 to log into the CMS, then pressing 2 to edit the current page.
My requirement is, I have multiple pages in tab format. If i am on first page in edit mode and change any control's value and without saving information i click on other tab that particular time a popup should appear showing validation message say "you are moving without save and it will loos all changes either click ok to loose the changes and move to other page or click cancel to remain on the current page."I tried using var isDirty = false; var msg = 'This page has unsaved changes.Click OK to abandon the changes and leave the page.Click Cancel to stay on the page so that you can save your changes.';
Based on the lack of responses to the last hole (which I am attributing to one of the following:
a. The hole being too difficult,
b. It being overly time consuming, or
c. People not wanting to do it)
I have decided to take a step back for this hole.
Create a Javascript include function. This function should include a javascript file (when given a URL) into the current page assuming it wasn't already included in the page (either via the include function call or by HTML). If the file is already included the function should just return.
This function should either take a file name/ path to file or a full URL as a parameter. If it is a filename/ path the function should include the file from the base URL of the current site (such as [url]). If it is a full URL just include it.
Make sure you don't allow files to be included multiple times, we don't want that!
There is many examples of PageLoader's etc. in the web, but I can't find a script like facebook (and many other sites) uses. When a link is cliked -> user stays at current page and get's "Page loading" etc. notice until the next page is fully downloaded.In other words; When I click a link (Internet Explorer), I get first "a white page" until next page show's ..I want, that the page does not go white at all, but current page show's until the next page is fully downloaded.
I have a button in my site which when clicked, will set the current page to be the home page for the user. I use the following code:
var hiddenLink = document.getElementById('dummyLink'); hiddenLink.style.behavior='url(#default#homepage)' hiddenLink.setHomePage('http://www.123.com'); somewhere in my <body>, I have the following link definition:
<a href="#" id="'dummyLink'" style="display:none"></a> Now, this solution works fine for IE But I need to have a working solution for Firefox and Opera too. Does anyone know how to solve this in these 2 browers?
I've got 2 pages: a current events page and a past events page the current events page loads fine as there is only about 10 events the past events page takes about 30 seconds to load and will crash if u click your mouse in the loading time.
The pages are near identical the only difference is the query that selects the events (> versus <)
The page loads immediately without:
But when i put it back in the above happens. I'm using jQuery.roundedcorners.
I need to make a search box to enable the user to search for a text string on the current page. All the sources I've checked are concerned with searching the web, or tying into Google, etc.
I'm running a script for my ecommerce website. I'd like to modify a button that brings up a customer's invoice as a webpage to instead print out that page (not the current page) and not leave the page I am currently on. Is there a way to do this in javascript? I'm assuming window.print() can only be used for the current page?
Using the DOM the non-standard but widely implemented innerHTML extension, the following would be sufficient to modify the content of any element that can have content:
« <div id="anID">Some Content</div» with script of « document.getElementById("anID").innerHTML= "Some <em>new</emContent"; »
Where "anID" is the (unique on the HTML page) ID attribute value of the element to modify.
The script below adds support for « document.all » capable browsers. Support for NN4 is also possible, but certain issues mean that it is not listed here. Using the example above, the call would be written:
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this question. If it isn't, please let me know where I should post it.I created a simple content slider with each link directed to a section on the same page. The menu I'm using is straightforward:
I'm trying to append the url of the parent page an iframe is located in based on the current url within the iframe.This is all taking place on the same domain, so I don't think there should be any security issues.My code looks like the following:
function locator_url() { var iframeUrl = alert(document.getElementById("dealer-locator").documentWindow.location.href); var iframeUrlSplit = iframeUrl.split('/locator/');[code].....
The code works for the initial page load, the parent url is appended to http://localhost/meade/dealerlocator/#
However, when I click a link inside the iframe the parent url doesn't change, even though the href value in the iframe has.The parent url should have it's hash updated to something like:
As you can see this code will open up a new window. I can't seem to find the code to make it appear in the same window. As in I click on the link "ABOUT US" and the new page loads on the current window. Code: <div style = "cursor:pointer;hand" onclick = "window.open('testdocaboutus.html')" class = "txt-1">ABOUT US</div>
I put my website in an iFrame to mask the URL...and everything works great, except that on any given page, when you click the browser reload button it goes back to the original iframe src.
I assume I need JS to get it to refresh the current content(page), but I cannot for the life of me find a simple answer. Does anyone know how to do this off hand? Is it even JS that I need?
I need to do is take the current page's url and replace/add a bit into the URL at the appropriate place.For Example, if this is the Current Page URL:http:[url]...I want to be able to use the bookmarklet to change it to:http:[url]....This is all I've got for it so far. Probably botched that up too. : javascript:(function(){var%20a=document.URL.split([url]....
I'm looking for a Javascript workaround that'll allow me to indicate the current page on the main menu(basically, the menu button for that page will be a different colour to the rest of the menu buttons). The main menu is in CSS but isn't bringing up the required image for the "current menu item" indicator automatically and no one knows why.
as with document.title we can get the current page title,
<body onLoad="MM_goToURL('parent','script.php?title=document.title');return document.MM_returnValue"> this is the function I've used for that above trick
function MM_goToURL() { //v3.0 var i, args=MM_goToURL.arguments; document.MM_returnValue = false; for (i=0; i<(args.length-1); i+=2) eval(args[i]+".location='"+args[i+1]+"'"); }
but when i click it , the page loads inside the iframe , so im still at index.php but i have iframe with different content.... how can i manage "load" the page at index.php window ?
I have huge page of links, to whcih I am currently adding. I would like to add a "random link" button which would parse the current page, extract all URLs then load a random link.
In the menu in this page I have four different methods (you can see them in the <script> tag on the pages) of indicating the current page in a menu. I downloaded these from various web pages after Googling "jQuery highlight current page".None of the methods works. Is there something wrong with my selectors? Can anyone see why none of them are working?