I have a textbox with char length 30 & a tooltip providing user information on how the value should look like. The value should be in the following order of: Test1 Test2 Test3 but the user's keep on getting it wrong: Test1 Test3 Test2 all kinds of order even though they have been educated via mail & tooltip.
In the past I had 3 different text boxes that adds up to one and was cancelled as the users got confused. The values are string & can be anything, it's just the order of the value is incorrect to make the field valid.
Have a small problem with a cms whereby when i try to insert default text into an input text field using the "value" attribute it gets deleted. I was thinking to force insert the text in there when the page load with javascript but not sure exactly how...
<p><input name="vericode" id="vericode" value="This text doesn't display!!" type="text" onclick="value=''"/></p>
I am messing with this whole day, 'cos I wanted to try and figure this out by myself instead of going on forums.I failed, as you may see. So, to cut it short:I needed to calculate my prices on-the-fly and display it in textbox with javascript.Well I did succeed with values of radio button an checbox, but as i know very little javascript, I don't know how to expand the code i got from here:http://javascript.internet.com/forms/update-order-form-no-page-refresh.htmlSo what I would LOVE to know, is how can I make this happen:I have a textbox:<input type="text" name="podstranice" size="19" lass="podstr"nkeyup="this.form.total.value=calculateTotal(this);">and when a user inputs a number in it, javascript multiplies it with some other number, say 10 (its a price*quantity thing) and adds it to the total price along with data from checkboxes and radio buttons.And so, this is my javascript. It is basically identical to one on the link, but you can view it better this way I think.
// Calculate the total for items in the form which are selected. function calculateTotal(inputItem) { with (inputItem.form) {
I have a form which i want to calculate entered values in text boxes. What i want from the below code is ;
1- i may have 100 textboxes so the javascript that i use may be inefficient for larger amounts. Does anyone have more encapsulated solution for multiplying and adding to total amount?
2- when i click check boxes their values must be added to total textbox below.
3- How can i calculate VAT and grand total? with $ sign infront of them ?
its seems easy but couldn't manage to do as i am not a programmer.
I want to add bbcode inserting to my mail page.Here is my script:Pls note, I am only displaying my write mail function.$page = "BBcode Inserter coming soon.
I have this javascript Code: function frameURL() { var address = document.getElementById("address"); var iframe = document.getElementById("iframe"); var frame = iframe.src; address.value = frame; }
Basically this is just like a web browser you type into the text input box and it changes the iframe src I have all that working but I want it so that when you click on a link in the frame the address box to automatically change to the new url. I thought the code above would do it but it doesn't.
I have a select box which updates a hidden field on an 'onchange' event. This works fine. This hidden field basically stores the selected name of an image.
I also have a textarea with a javascript button alongside which calls a function, this function then writes a small piece of html code to the textarea, for an image. I would like to have this source code in the function include the value of the hidden field!
Here's the code:
function imageleft() { document.getElementById('Text').value=document.getElementById('Text').value+"< img src='' align='left'"; }
i have a complete web site . now , how can do the work that all the textboxes in the page have the style that when the users click on it , the background of them geta color .
i don't want to insert this code one by one onclick="this.style.backgroundColor='#eeeeee';"
Basically i have two arrays one contains Services and the other contains prices
At the moment there are 7 elements in this i have this printing to a dropdown with
Though i want to print the price to a textbox ie if element [0] in service is selected return price [0] though i want to iterate through the positions then display the value in a read only textbox.
I don't know whether jqgrid provides this or not? but what my actual requirement is "I want to display format of date like 'MM/DD/YYYY' behind my birthdate's textbox, so user will enter proper date while he insert/update particular record from jqgrid.." In short how to display format text in jqgrid's insert/edit dialog??
Below is the script and form fields I am working with. What I want to do is sum the two textbox fields and have the result show in the total textbox. The code works fine and the total textbox is updated with the value of form1.basic. The problem occurs when I add the "+ parseInt(document.form2.supporter.value)" code in the script section.
HTML Code: <html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var WinNetwork = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network"); document.write(WinNetwork.userName); </script> [Code]...
I have two questions. First i want to display (WinNetwork.userName) NT LOGIN into the textbox. Is there any where i can link both Javascript and textbox. Secondly, when i open the html have i first get warning the internet explorer page im trying to open have activeX. Is there any where i can stop that popup aleart from being displayed.
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $('input[id *=txtAmt]').blur(function () { var txtBoxThatChanged = $('How do i get a reference to the textbox that changed?');
In my grid each row has a twin row (not consecutive) the rows each have 1 text box with a name containing txtAmt. When a user enters a value in the text box in a row. I need to put that value in the text box in the twin row. i got the blur function to work on each text box but do not know how to do the rest. I typed a description of the selector in each $().
When I leave the first textbox (taborder 1), I need to check and see if the textbox contains avalue. If it does, then I need to check and see if the second textbox (taborder 2)contains a value. If it doesNOT, then I need to loadthe second textboxwith "100" and highlight (select) the text. I am adding a blur event to all the column one textboxes as they all contain"rawCount" in the id. Here is my blur event code:
$(document).ready(function(){ $('input[id*=rawCount]').bind('blur', function (event) { // Code to go here }); });
What I am trying to do isadd thecode tocheck and update thecolumn two textbox in the corresponding row (same index)to the blur event of the column one textboxes without having to loop the array each time to find the current textbox array position. Since it is adding the blur event, it has to be possible.
I have two textfield in html forms I want to take value of current system time in one textbox in another text box I need manupulation(subtract 30 minutes) on times stored in textbox and want to display result in another textbox. is it possible through javascript?
I am doing a lottery project in which i have 10 textbox and i want to add contents of each textbox and show result in another textbox say 11th textbox.
I am having the fallowing codes below on jsp page.
I want to add contents of textbox from(n50,n51.....n59) and show result in another textbox named (n60)
My question is that the valus stored in textbox is numeric and when i enter the value in any two of the textbox say named (n50 and n51) then the addition of its value must be seen in the result textbox say (n60) here. it does not wait for another textbox value which is left blank. the result of addition should be displayed simelteneously as i enter the value in text box.
But this doesn't work on a div. I am using a div because the text I am displaying contains HTML. Surely it is possible to simply set a scroll bar to the bottom in a div?
is there anyway to force an event, like mouseover? I have a page that loads, and due to some complex js code (not mine) it fails to write labels to tabs until the user does a mouseover on the tabs. the page load event happens beforre the tabs are loaded. Once the user mouseovers the tabs, the labels of the tabs appear, and stay there. it is irritating. i would like to force a mouseover so the tab names appear.
I have a page where I set document.location.href but the previous copy of that page is in the cache, so Firefox is not refreshing its contents, which is what I want it to do. Is there a way to get this result?
I have been writing a practice sliding div navigation script. I am finding myself in the position where I need to force a div into showing the hover behavior defined in css.
So my question is this. If I have two divs, is there a way to make the second div display its onmouseover behavior when the mouse is over div 1?
I have a script that parses window.location.hash to figure out which xml file to load. The xml files populate a page on a framed site. The code works correctly to a point.
If I have a seperate html page to support each xml it works. I would like to eliminate the individual html pages becuase only one should be needed.
When I use one page the first link works, then the second one does nothing (doesn't refresh the frame). If I click to a static image for the frame then click the next xml link it works.
What can I do to force the frame to update? I am clicking on a HREF link that should re-load the html page, but with the new xml data.
I am a complete JS newbie. I am trying to make one radio button assume a certain value when another one in a different group is clicked. This is a conference registration form for which most applicants will pay, but some do not. It is passing form data to a ColdFusion backend, and I simply wish to havethe non-paying applicants have the no-pay "payment type" automatically selected when they select the no-pay registration type. I have tried the following with no success (in IE 6.0; I want to test it here first)
<script language="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript"> function forceCompPay() { if (document.forms[1].groupType == "speaker") { document.forms[1].groupPayment[comp].checked = true } } </script> </head>