I have a dropdown menu. the code is as below[code]...
I need to give user an option to select from the list or enter a new value. how do you do this ? I can add another option say "new value" and when he choose this user should be able to add the new value
editor.document.execCommand("insertHTML", false, "<br />") doesnt work when the text cursor is at the end of a sentence... but is does work when the cursor is at the middle of a sentence.
<script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = edit; function edit() {
I'm trying to implement is a table with editable rows and columns that will feed back into a database. If I could do it with AJAX that would be great too, but I'm not too familiar with javascript. I don't need the code, I need more of an idea. The HTML Table is currently a recreation of the MySQL table minus a few columns. Its all in text, but if I could make the text editable, or better yet, make the text turn into input boxes it would be really cool. I'm not really sure what kind of methods and properties I would need, or quite how to put it all together. What do you think is the best way to go about the entire project?
I'm using an HTML page with one section having editable content. Nothing overly complicated. All other execCommands are working fine, but I cannot get Paste to work. The function is called from this button:
And, here's the Javascript function:
When I use the Copy or Cut buttons the selected text is loaded into the clipboard. If I press Ctrl+V to paste, it works fine. But clicking the Paste button either has no visible effect (if no text is selected) or just deletes any selected text. I've used the Paste command before from VB without any problem, but it's been awhile since I've used JS.
have facing a problem with .toggle()i have a requirement that when i click a button a row will be editable when i click it again the row will not be editable.when i use .toggle with alert, the first time it shows the first alert. when i click it a second time it shows alert 2. when i press ok on alert 2, alert 1 fires. how do i stop this?
The code below calculates Total = (Quantity_01)*10.00 + (Quantity_02)*5.00, and displays the Total in a TextBox called "result": document.myForm.result.value = Total.toFixed(2);
I don't want and don't need "result" (Total) to be an editable input TextBox, like it is now. I would like it to be something like a label, non-editable. I played around with "writeln" and <LABEL> but actually I don't know how to combine them with document.myForm.result.value = Total.toFixed(2);. I just want the Total not to be editable. Code:
I have an editable Iframe control that I am using to allow users to input formated text into a database for later viewing. One feature I am toying with is the ability to vertically align their text. The idea is to have a button for TOP, MIDDLE, and BOTTOM in which each will move the text to the desired location within the box. So far I have tried two ways to accomplish this. One is with a DIV around the text and when the button is clicked it moves the DIV based on how high the DIV has become. The other way I have attempted this is with a TABLE which covers the entire iframe. When the buttons are clicked the appropriate location is set in the cells valign property.
With the DIV attempt the body of the iframe has contentEditable turned off and the DIV turned on. This would restrict the user from typing outside of the DIV. The problem is that when the user clicks on the iframe but outside of the DIV the cursor is gone. The user could also hit ctrl-a on the keyboard to select all and eventually delete the DIV.
With the TABLE attempt the body of the iframe has contentEditable turned on sice the TABLE seemed to not have that property. With the body being off the table couldnt be edited. The problem here is that the user can now type outside of the table and also delete the table much easer than the DIV.
i have some mysql articles and i would like to change the title when it displayed on the page by clicking on the h3 tag i have got the articles displaying on a while loop so i need something that would work with that i was thing of somehow changing the h3 tag to a input tag
that make editable a <p id=xxx> with an speial id I want to modify it to makeditable any of <p> with that id if it's been clicked and also i use this function on a button how I can avoid this function from multiple executing by multiple clicking by user?
Is there any way to make a combo box(drop down list) in the HTML screen editable?
Like when i select an item in the combo box, a text box should appear in the place of combo with the item selected and once i am over with the editing the combo should reappear with the new value. I should also be able to add to new items to the combo box.
I am not sure this belongs in the JavaScript section so apologies if it doesn't. I want to be able to open a link in a new window, but make sure the users are not able to modify the URL. Is that possible?
I would like to use a control on a WebForm that acts like an editable DropDownList control. The user should be able to select a value from the list of choices, or type in a new value if no predefined choice is applicable.
It doesn't appear to me that a DropDownList control is editable.
How would you suggest I accomplish what I want to do?
I have a jsp page. It display a table contain 3 columns. 1st column display color name, 2nd for purpose of color like that.. Now i need the contents in td element to editable. This is the sample code. here status is a vector table.
When i press tab in my document which has editor it brings focus on editor iframe. Now if i again press tab then the focus goes to send button which is below the editor. But also cursor stays in editor.In such condition if i start typing, then as soon as press space my form is submitted as focus was on send button.
I have javascript code in a website I inherited that allows users to edit a block of text. However the block of text is a product name, and needs to be uneditable by anyone that is not an admin.
I have a HTML form containing multidimensional selects listing equipments and their quantitites. This allow the users to select the kind of equipment and quantitites they would like to book. Upon onChange select event I would like to parse the data into a multidimensional Javascript array in order to check equipment availability for booking. But I can't figure out how to parse and upon JS HTML DOM reference I am not even sure it's possible. Code:
Suppose that I have this as choices in my select lists:
Kid List John Jane Rumpelstilskin Fruit List Apple Mango Orange
And if I select Rumpelstilskin in the kid list, I want to make sure he wouldn't be able to pick Mango, no matter how hard he tries. I tried using onblur + onclick + onkeyup + onkeydown + onfocus then all of them contains the same validation function, but still when I change it the last value is the one that gets selected. How would I do it so that if I press down and Rump is not chosen but Mango it's okay, but when I change to Rump it automatically validates and revokes him of Mango? And in any way imaginable? Is there an onall method for html?Here's some test code I'm fiddling with so as not to be labeled as not showing some code:
I'm creating my WYSIWYG html web editor. but now I want to know witch image is selected. I try the selection.createRange().htmlText but it returns me null. I see that when i have an image selected, the selecion type returns me "Control", but how can i access the properties of this control?
I have an iframe which is by default hidden. It becomes visible on a double click event and should be in editable mode. I set iframeObject.contentDocument.designMode='on' on body load event. But when i fire a double click event, iframe becomes visible but not in editable mode. How to achieve this specially for firefox2.Any other alternative, let me know. In IE its working fine. Also i want to know how to set textarea value to an iframe
How would I make an normal form input field go from editable (where someone can write text into it) to solid text (not editable) simply by clicking anywhere on the page away from the field And then.. ..the reverse. Clicking on the non-editable text would suddenly create a form field (with that text in it) once again editable. Possible with JavaScript?
I've been able to find for an editable HTML textarea for a WYSIWYG editor. It can save and restore the caret position. It works on FF3.5+, IE8, but does not work on Opera 11, Safari 5, or Chrome 10. Any ideas why? I'm just trying to find some code that works on FF3+, opera 10+, safari 5, chrome 8+, and IE7+.
I have this page - [URL] in which i want to make the table editable, for our members to enter their job details..
In the table, the title would have to be linked so i need some sort of function for user to link their text into a url link
The page will be viewable by all but only our members using password can edit the table and when they have press save the page will get updated - kinder like a cms