I am looking to put a drop down menu in my for i have the drop down set up but i am not sure how to do the make hidden text field pop up when "Other" is selected. I am guessing you use javascript to make this happen
HTML Code:
<td><select name="actionrequest" onchange="Select(this,'budget',1);">
<option value="Calibration">Calibration</option>
<option value="calibration and repair">Calibration and Repair</option>
<option value="repair">Repair</option>
I have a javascript adding new options to a drop down select menu getting the information from the database.[code]...
I want one of them to be added as selected. I will put an "if" check and if it the value of the option and the value in the database is equal I want that option to be added as "selected".
I'm looking for some code for creating a drop down option menu for locations, i.e. when registering a user selects a state / county from a drop down menu.I need 3, one for USA, UK and Europe.
This is hopefully my last jquery question. I have a slight issue with my buttons and dropdown menu. What happens is lets say user chooses option type "ABCDE" in first dropdown menu and then second dropdown menu chooses the value "4" for the number of answers and then clicks on the buttons "A","B","C" and "E", well if the user then decides to change the option type to "ABC", the buttons "A", "B" and "C" are still selected from the last time they have been selected.
What I want is that if the Option Type (OptionDropId) changes, then buttons selected is refreshed so no buttons are selected from the last time they have been selected.
This did used to work but when I included my change() event handler in my code which I need, the buttons do not refresh whenever a new dropdown option (OptionDropId) is selected. So I think the edit of the code may need to happen in the code below:
Code: $(document).ready(function () { var OptDrop = new Array(); OptDrop.abc = ["",1,2];
My code is in JSfiddle, (the second dropdown menu and buttons may not appear in JSFiddle but the code does work properly, I feel it is better displaying code in JSfiddle then in my questions as it will take up a lot of space. If you want to see working version then post code in your web document and it should work).
have a scenario where I show a drop-down-with-few-items in a JSP page, to the user. The length of few options in the drop down is greater than that of the drop down's, hence our requirement is to show the hovered (not selected) option as tooltip for user's convenience. I cannot use the title attribute option as its not compatible with my web browser
I have a html form with two drop down menu's. Now what i need is if some one selects a certain option in the first drop down menu then it will show the second one, Otherwise it stays hidden.
I'm looking to create a drop-down menu with rather long option titles. The problem is that I want to restrict the boxes size otherwise the size changes to the length of the longest entry. When I use the length attribute, it forces the drop-down to be a certain length, but it also cuts the sentences in half when I drop the options due to the option box being the same length as what I set the drop-down menu's length to be.
Is there any way to set the drop-down menu's size, but have a different size on the option menu that is displayed when the drop-down menu is clicked?
I show a drop-down-with-few-items in a JSP page, to the user. The length of few options in the drop down is greater than that of the drop down's, hence our requirement is to show the hovered (not selected) option as tooltip for user's convenience. I cannot use the title attribute option as its not compatible with my web browser
I have a scenario where I show a drop-down-with-few-items in a JSP page, to the user. The length of few options in the drop down is greater than that of the drop down's, hence our requirement is to show the hovered (not selected) option as tooltip for user's convenience. I am not able to use title attribute for displaying tooltips in my browser. Now the code ... implements a tooltip for multiple select drop down menu.Can you modify the code for single select
i'm having with a superfish menu i have tried to add to my wordpress site.The menu seems to work fine for the base-level (top parent pages) menu items.But the drop down menus seem to flash on screen for just a second and then disappear when the mouse hovers over the menu items.To see an example, please check out the top menu on this temporary development page: http:[url].....I have tried adjusting the z-index in superfish.css file but it doesn't seem to be having any effect.
I currently have a Drop-Down menu, which has headers you click on to show the links. This menu only allows one drop to be expanded at a time, and can be viewed here [url].
I would like the headers to be able to have 'sub-headers' inside, which also drop-down,to reveal the links. I want them to have a different header colour, and to have the same rule where only one can be open at a time. while keeping the rule with the main headers.
I'm currently redesigning my site, and I have a small quandary.[URL].. Unfortunately, not everyone has the same size monitor as me, therefore sometimes the drop-down menus get cut off. Is there a way with this script for it to auto-detect if it's going past the bottom edge, and when this happens it'll go upwards instead?
I'm completely new to javascript. I want to use dreamweaver with javascript to do a litter project in which I want to move value "Saleman" from drop-menu 1 and value "Billy" from drop-down 2 to a list box. The result should be as follows:
dropdown 1 Manager Salesman (to be selected) Cleaner
I want to use a <select> drop-down in a form to let my user select a date from a list. The problem is how to easily update the list.
Easiest would be to have a list of dates in a separate file, and have code that would read the dates and write them into the <option> statements of the <select> control. Then when the page with the <select> control opens, the code will open the other file, get the dates, and update the <option>s. And all I have to do is periodically FTP a new date file.
I'm stuck in Visual Basic and FileSystemObject, where I can open a file, read line by line into an array, concatenate a string, and write it into a doc. I can't seem to find similar methods in JavaScript - no duh, because this isn't VB!
So _is_ there a way to do this? Maybe a certain way to create the date file so the code can easily find the values? (Like putting the dates into a table with each <TD> having a unique ID?) And assuming I manage to get the dates, I need to write them into the source HTML, vice in the document body.
What objects, methods, properties do I look at? Are there any samples floating around out there?
I have a select control that has over 400<option></option>. To cut down on the user having to scroll through all 400 options I have included a text control that acts as a "Quick Index" and with each char entered into the text box the options are narowed. The problem I am having isthe once I have determined which option should be selected, how to set the option to value of "selected"
If i have a drop down list on my website, and i want to use javascript to change its selected value,however, i do not have the id/name attribute of the option i want to select, only have the "value" attribute of the option, can it be done?
I want the drop down to "activate" the option values in the input field. So, when the user changed the options, they wil automatically appear int he input field.
The purpose of the code is to slideToggle open one of two hidden sub-nav bars when either of two different menu items are clicked upon - instead of a drop down menu. What doesn't work is the hiding of the div that is not required, if it is already open. Viewing in firebug shows that the appropriate classes are being applied - I suspect the reason is that slideToggle has been somehow set and cannot be unset via another object - but perhaps that is not it at all?
$(document).ready(function() { //add .toggle function to appropriate li element $('#hozmenu li:nth-child(4)').toggle(function () { //set 4th menu links colour to be green whilst div is shown $('#hozmenu li:nth-child(4) a').css('color', '#95d890'); $('#toggle_nav_services').removeClass('toggle_show'); [Code]....