Dom Parsing XML File To HTML?

May 11, 2011

DOM Parsing XML file (am new to using DOM and parsing files) and I am practicing with example files I found online (W3C). I am trying to use DOM to parse and XML file and then display the info retrieved from the XML file in HTML using Javascript. The files are working well and validate, but nothing is displayed when I open the file up in a browser only the style sheet background color I am using. There are 3 JS functions, one loads the XML, the second gets the info and the third displays it. Here is the code, minus the Style sheet I have been trying to figure this out.

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<title>Bookstore</title> .....

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Parsing Javascript From Local Html File

Jan 11, 2007

For a project I am working on, I need to retrieve links from html
documents. The easy part is to obtain 'plain' links like <A
HREF="http://site/path/document">, but when those links are
javascript'ized, the only robust solution needs to load the javascript
and dom document representation in the same way that browsers do. For
example, links in the form:

<A HREF="javascript:function_declared_before("arguments"));>

First I though that using spidermonkey (the mozilla javascript
interpreter) should be enough, but in that case, I dont have the
document structure elements (like document, window, document.history,
document.form.element, etc), so I tried parsing the document using a
library to build a tree representation of it, but that leads me to the
same problem again, that is, I have to represent all tree nodes as
javascript entities.

Anybody here have worked on a similar problem? What tools do you
think I should take a look?

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Parsing HTML With HTML On External Page

Feb 18, 2011

I have an external page with some rudimentary html in the source code missing many tags.. a bit like the below. On a page hosted elsewhere I need to take the html from this external page and add and remove certain parts of it and add some styling such as line breaks before ^FIELD01. I've looked at jquery and AJAX but cant find anything to suit my needs. I think what I am struggling with most is having this page in a variable to then be able to edit it.

<form name="dancesearch" action="JJList.html?PHPSESSID=604918b69ab9936e638b5d48cdc142a3&xt=673">
^FIELD01: Dance Name<input name="ts" type="text" size="20" maxlength="25" />


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Parsing External XML/KML-file?

Nov 28, 2009

I am currently working on displaying KML-values of ElementTags within my KML File. I already integrated the KML file as an overlay to my Google Map. But how am I able to parse the GGeoXml-object or how am I able to parse external [URL].. instead of just "polygons.kml") XML-files?

At the moment my code for loading the geoxml file looks like this:


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Parsing Data From An Xml File

Sep 6, 2010

I'm trying to parse my data from an xml file now and print it out on the page based on date from my existing code. I have that working, with each item formatted the same way on the page What I'd like to do now is alter it a bit to make the most recent (the item listed on the top of the page) formatted differently and the rest of them as it is now. Something like - (if 1st <li> then build html like this else build html like that) I hope this makes sense.


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JQuery :: Parsing A Very Large Xml File?

Jun 2, 2009

I have a xml file about 2MB. When i try to parse it my browser stops responding.. parsing large xml files with jquery?

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Parsing Specific Data Out Of A CSV File

Jun 15, 2010

I'm trying to write a little Javascript that would parse a CSV file that contains a name and date, and only display the name if the date matches today. Here's some example data:

If today were 6/10/2010, the output of the script would just be "Joe"

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Parsing XML File - Returns No Output

Oct 6, 2010

I have a simple XML file that looks something close to this:

<presence id="12345">
<status>in a meeting</status>


If you require a bit more info on the project itself, here's a rundown: This xml file is created by an internal chat app at my office. Each employee has their own xml file listing their current availability and status (hence "in a meeting"). This will be used to determine the availability of certain individuals in the building without having to be logged in to the chat app. That's why there's multiple xml files going to be used (roughly 10-15 in the end).

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Javascript Parsing HTML From XML

Jul 20, 2006

I have an XML file that among other things has the following node.
As you can see it contains HTML tags.

<description lang="en">
<div class="descrBoxRight" style=" top:250; left:200">

With javascript, in Mozilla, I easily retrieve the content of the
XML "description" tag using the following line of code

var myStuff = myDescrNode.textContent;

However, in IE (6.0)

var myHTML = myDescrNode.textContent;


var myHTML = myDescrNode.innerText;

do not work, resulting in myHTML being undefined.

Alternative solutions? Should I remove the CDATA tag
and use a completely different method?

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JQuery :: Galleria & Parsing An XML File With Images?

Sep 8, 2009

I have been trying to figure this out for a few days now and I'm stuck. I'm using a JQuery based image gallery called Galleria [URL]... Its simple enough for my needs but I would like it to load the images from an xml file. With that in mind I have been trying to modify the basic demo_01.htm demo file to do just that.


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JQuery :: Parsing An XLM File: TypeError: A Is Null?

Aug 2, 2010

This seems like a noob error, but I really googled it out, with not much results. Got stuck on just grabbing the XML. I validated the code with the validator and it's only missing a doctype. I've checked that the file is saved with no bom. It's served from my local Apache installation.

The error I get is:

With Firebug I got:

The jQuery code:

The headers look ok to me.Response Headers

I simplified the XML and just put it in a file, but the same error comes up even when the XML is generated with PHP. I did try to change the MIME type in the request and the response, but it's all the same.

Also, if I serve a file I get a 206, and a 200 response code for the same XML generated through PHP (using header("Content-type: text/xml")).

It should not be a cross-domain issue, as it's loaded and served from my localhost?

I did implement my script first for IE8 (sidebar gadget) without jQuery and works nicely with my PHP generated XML. Then I decided to pick up jQuery and hit the first wall head on.

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Parsing External Or Remote XML File Through Javascript

Dec 14, 2004

When I try to parse xml fixed string following code works fine. When I try to parse the string get from remote server.(bellow code example) It gives me an error unterminated string. I think this error is because of large string. Code:

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Parsing Specific Data Out Of A CSV File - Contains Name And Date ?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm trying to write a little Javascript that would parse a CSV file that contains a name and date, and only display the name if the date matches today.

Here's some example data:

Name, Date
Joe, 6/10/2010
Jane, 7/11/2010

If today were 6/10/2010, the output of the script would just be "Joe"

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Server Side Javascript Parsing Of HTML?

Jan 23, 2007

I'm writing a program on Zimki, which I think uses SpiderMonkey as a server side Javascript engine.

My idea is to have an html file that someone else created, and look inside for cells in a table that have special known names, like name, description, etc. Then I want to figure out the <tr<tr/pair that encloses all of those special tags, and use that as a template to generate a bigger table from another datasource.

So, I'm wondering how I actually open a file and then parse it as html so I can poke around the DOM, all from the server side without involving a browser client.

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Parsing XML Document - Result Into HTML Element

Apr 10, 2010

I have problem with parsing XML document. My XML: [URL]
HTML Code:
function set_text(){
if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4){
var xmldoc = xmlHttp.responseXML;
var root = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('root');
var parameter = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('parameter');
for(var i=0; i<parameter.length; i++){
//cycle for reading XML, please add code

I need this result into HTML element:

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HTML Parsing Error:unable To Modify The Parent Container Element Before The Child Ele

Feb 23, 2010

HTML parsing error:unable to modify the parent container element before the child element is closed(kb927917) My page is not getting displayed In IE although running good in chromr and mozilla.... And after refreshing in IE it is displayed properly.

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Including A Javascript External File From The <body> Part Of An HTML File

Sep 26, 2007

I got an [object error] from IE 7.0.5730.11 when moving the <script
src="..." type="text/javascript" /tag from the <headpart to the
<bodysection of a HTML file.

Is not possibile to include Javascript code via <script src="..."
type="text/javascript" /from the <bodysection, instead from the
<headone? If yes, anyone has any idea of which the problem could be?
If not, how can I programmatically include a javascript external file
inside the <bodypart of a HTML file, for example, using Javascript
to some particular native functions?

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JQuery :: Send A Input File From A HTML Form To A PHP File Using The Load?

Mar 20, 2010

I wanna send a file thru the JQuery.load, I want it to work exactly like the regular post without the JQuery. So I can check the $_FILES['file']['error'] in PHP and all its features like I do without using JQuery.

$("#load").load('gerenciar_itens.php',{/* This is where I wanna pass the file. */}, function(data){

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Embedded External - .js File Into HREF Tag - Call The Scripting File Though Html

Oct 15, 2011

I have a external file for example abc.js ,in this abc.js file no functions ,it contains some scripting,i want to call the scripting file though html I use the code

<script type="text/javascript src="abc.js"></script>

in the header file but i want it in a href tag

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Html-file Where The User Inserts A Search Path For An Excel File?

Jan 28, 2010

I have one html-file where the user inserts a search path for an excel file. When the user clicks the button the data in the excel file should be presented in a <TABLE>. (Yeah, I know, activex only works in IE .. but that's good enough for this project)

The problem is .. I started out with a "fixed" search path for the excel file, so I didn't have the code in a function. That worked just fine. Once I added the function {} around the code it wouldn't work, it works just fine if I comment out the form-part and the function-part, and give the search path, of course.
It also works just fine if I use the function and form, but remove the <TABLE>- and <TR>-rows


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Use Client Side .js File To Load A Local .html File?

May 18, 2009

I have a .js file, we want to make it to load a html file right next to it, both files are on client system. I couldn't find any such examples and some posts talked about JavaScript security issues, I wonder if it is related to what I want.

Someone said .js file is not really JaveScript file, though Microsoft named it 'JavaScript'.

note that I am trying to "call" .html file from the .js file, not embed html code in .js.

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Manipulating Css Lass And At The Same Time Having A Base Html Statement In My Html File?

Jul 16, 2010

I came across a very odd browser behavior when trying to modify a css class using javascript and at the same time having a base html statement in my html file.Without the base html statement, all browsers work fine and I can change the css class definition using javascript easily.With a base html statement, only FireFox still works while Internet Explorer and Google Chrome dont work anymore. If there is a cross-domain issue, while one browser does work and the others dont? An example of what I'm talking about, with the base statement:
Without the base statement:

how to tweak the code in the case with the base html statement in order for the javascript to work with all browser (modifying the class definition) ?I want to be able to manipulare css classes with javascript when a base html statement is in my html code.This is essentially the code:

<base href=''>
<style id='myStyle' type='text/css'>[code]....

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File That Generates Web Galleries In Adobe Lightroom - Use History.go To Find Last Instance Of Index.html Or Index_x.html

Jul 3, 2011

I have a file that generates web galleries in Adobe Lightroom. They are generated depending on which files are selected and the metadata in those files.

Basically it is a series of pages of thumbnails called index.html index_1.html index_2.html etc.

Then a set of pages for each individual image.

An example can be seen here: [url](the page navigation links are not great, but I have addressed that, they're at the bottom >> )

Currently if a user clicks on a photo there is a 'return to thumbnails button at the top, but this always takes them to /index.html

So the user could be at a picture after browsing to /index_39.html and still get returned to /index

Is there any way I can use history.go to find the last instance of index.html Or index_x.html (where x is any number) and take them back to that instead?

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Can Parse A Xml-file Into A Html-file

Aug 3, 2011

how I can parse a xml-file into a html-file containing javascript without using iE to get various informations out of the xml-file.(The xml contains geocoordinates which I want to have displayed in Googlemaps using the Gmaps API for javascript).

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Showing XML With XSL File Within A HTML File?

Mar 30, 2009

I have a gallery made with XML which has all the structure as its ment to be shown in a XSL file. Normally I could just open the XML file with browser, and everything would be as it should be.

But in my case I need to open this XML file inside a HTML file, like when clicked from menu topic "Gallery" It would show the gallery in the middle of the screen (middle of the HTML).

Im not great with JavaScript yet, so what are the steps that I would need to do to achieve this? Do I need to worry about the XSL file somehow in the script or will it be taken along automatically to transform the XML? (cause in the XML there is <?xml-stylesheet...> noted)

Simply: how to insert XML file within HTML <div> tag.

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Include A .html File In .tpl File?

Sep 3, 2010

how to accomplish this? I got the html file to show but none of the text in the file will show.

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