Display Data Got From A Form In A Dynamically Created Div?
Jul 11, 2011
what I am exactly trying to do is get data from a form, push that data into an array of objects and when a "display" button is clicked, to display the data in the form a div layer with a table in it for each object created. I have problems with dynamically creating the divs. Here's my code
<title> Card Stacking </title>
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Jan 13, 2010
I have some forms whose ID's are dynamically created via PHP by including a variable called "invno" as shown here:
<form name="formEditInvoice<?php echo $invno ?>" id="formEditInvoice<?php echo $invno ?>" method="post" action="javascript: SubmitEditedInvoice(<?php echo $invno ?>);" onsubmit="javascript: return ValidateForm(this);">
As you can see in the "action" attribute, I'm calling this function:
function SubmitEditedInvoice(invno) {
$.post('output.php?mode=6&invno=' + invno, $('#formEditInvoice' + invno).serialize(),
The problem I'm having is that no data is passed to the PHP back end. I have verified that the variable invno is correctly passed to the javascript function, and have tested my .serialize() by using a hard-coded form ID, but I still get no data passed through.
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Oct 16, 2010
i want to create a form that allows a user to enter his/her info then display the result overlayed a bg image [URL]
My question has to do with fonts. Does this work if the user does not have the same font on their system?
If yes, what is this called (as in, what should I be searching for (google or dev shed)). [don't need to be baby-sat if I know how to feed myself :-) ].
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Aug 12, 2010
i am creating a table dynamically using java script- the number of cells in a row is constant and the data is accepted from the user from x text boxes(based on number of cells).now, i want to insert a button in the x+1th cell of each row and i want to extract the data in the row that contains the button that gets clicked back into the text boxes for editing.how do i go about doing this? dynamically creating the table is not a problem, but am not able to extract the row data for editing :-(i forgot to mention this- but after editing the data in the text box, i need to be able to insert the data back into the same row from which the data was extracted in the first place...
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Apr 10, 2010
I want to create a recipe site with similar functionality to a feature on coolspotters. I've only dabbled in jQuery so I'm not sure how complicated it would be to do this. Basically what I want to do is allow a user to add recipes to dynamically created lists. For example if a user searches for Italian food they should be able to create a list called "Italian" and add italian recipes to the list. Or if they do a search for Japanese dishes they will be able to create a list called "Japanese" and add Japanese recipes to it, etc. I know their would be some back-end code involved but I was wondering if jQuery could handle the front-end. I've only dabbled in jQuery so this sounds like a complex thing to do.
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Feb 9, 2011
I am running through a MySQL database using PHP and extracting all of the makes of cars in that database and trying to create a JavaScript array named after each make. Then I am trying to fill each array will all of the models for that make. When I just try to display each Make and Model in an alert box it seems to come up right. And my arrays seem to be getting created but they won't populate with the models (even though my alert msg shows the loops and everything is working).
PHP Code:
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
//Used so each model is added to the array starting at 0 and ++
$make = $row['make'];//PHP var used to extract data from MySQL
Haven't used JavaScript since a college class a couple of years ago and haven't used it in the real world for even longer. Never with PHP like this. But I am working on this marketing site and need to be able to list products by type according to each brand and as they can be added to a MySQL database it needs to be dynamic. I have the whole thing working by stepping through separate pages using PHP to populate select fields with the data but I want to be able to dynamically add the content to select field using JavaScript so it can all be done on one page and thought that if I could create these arrays on page load then the right information could be selected client side.
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Oct 21, 2010
I'm working with a form that has both static and dynamic form elements (add textbox, etc), and while I can access the static elements via request.form, the dynamic elements cannot be accessed. I have the dynamic elements appended within a div that lies within a table.
Here is the javascript:
function add3<%=strGoalCount%><%=strObjCount%>() {
var foo = document.getElementById('fooBar<%=strGoalCount%><%=strObjCount%>');
var numi = document.getElementById('theValue');
var num = (document.getElementById('theValue').value -1)+ 2;
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Jul 15, 2009
I am using a combination of php and Javascript to create forms that allow users to edit entries from a MySQL db.[code]The problem is that the form is not submitting. I think it has to do with the fact that the input fields are created dynamically.
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Dec 12, 2009
I'm created a set amount of dynamic elements based on some elements in another form to try to submit them when the current form is submitted and this just doesnt work. It creates all the elements succesfully and puts in their proper names and values, but on the next page they are not available in $_POST in php.Here's the exact javascript I'm using, I tried appendChild and innerHTML,
var elem = document.getElementById('submission_options').elements;
for(var k = 0; k < elem.length; k++)
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Jul 7, 2010
I want to be able to access whatever the user types into my testCreation.html in a session created in testCheck.php. I then want that session to be accessed by testView.php. code...
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Mar 3, 2011
The link below is a stripped down section of a form.
The problem I'm having is with altering the names of the fields. I'm trying to add an identifier on the end. "_X_1", "_X_2" after the new sections are added.
Incidentally, "_X_" is a delimiter so the key can be converted into an array on the back end to extract data from it.
I can't alter the "repeater" variable because it would be extremely complicated on the back end.
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Mar 1, 2011
My requirement is to submit html form with Attachment filesfor a web based email application.I have used javascript to achieve Attach more files functionality.When user clicks on ttach more files link, following HTML is dynamically generated using javascript:
<input type=file name=some_namesize=/>
The Javascript code is:
function addRow(tableID) {
var table = document.getElementById(tableID);
var rowCount = table.rows.length;
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Jan 18, 2011
Im sure this is a very silly problem, but im trying to create a li and then set its class in jquery but it doesn't seam to be working
var listid = field + "_errormessage";
if (errorMessage != "")
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Dec 9, 2011
I am analyzing header tags for submitting forms online in order to better understand how htmlhttp forms work- signing in to gmail, yahoo mail, and amazon, using the network tab of google developer tools, to view the http headers of requests and responses, and learn where they come from. I am seeing very peculiar behavior in my browser's (chrome)request headers when signing into amazon. The form data, always has the following two header names appended to the second and third to last places of the form data query: x=(some random number), and y=(some random number).
There are no input tags getting dynamically generated,since when i tell google chrome to break on all subtree modifications, the site still sends off the post with the added parameters before anything gets modified, BEFORE crashing. There also is NO ajax call which is causing dynamically added data to be appended to the form post.My question is this: is there any way, using javascript, to instruct a browser, to append data as data, to a form post, WITHOUT the use of dynamically appended input elements, or ajax?
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Nov 29, 2010
Ive got a collection of forms all with check boxes, its basically a coffee menu with four sections.
Say for example the user selects (clicks check box) a small cappuccino, a latte, and an espresso, how can i get the input names (name+size of coffee) to appear with the value (cost of coffee) in another div so i can then calculate sub-total, add vat etc
So far ive only managed to get the users selections to appear where i want using jQuery serialize, however im having a little trouble picking out the values to carry out calculations on them.
note : this is a made up project for a fake client and cant involve any server side scripting.
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Nov 1, 2006
If I do this:
el = document.createElement("iframe");
el.src = "test.htm";
el.name = "frm"; // or el.setAttribute("name","frm");
the iframe gets created but the 'name' attribute is not added under IE
6. I tried setting the 'name' after appending the iframe but still no joy.
How can I add a 'name' attribute to an iframe so that IE 6 sees it?
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Mar 20, 2010
I have an input box "product" besides it there is an add input button which adds another input box product upon clicking.This array of input boxes I have created is through document.createElement('input').My autocomplete is working for the initial input box..now when I click add Input button for the generated box also the autocomplete shld work...how do I make it work? Autocomplete script is working so I didnt post it here..I just want it to make it working dynamically created i/p boxes
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Mar 19, 2010
I have an input box "product" besides it there is an add input button which adds another input box product upon clicking.This array of input boxes I have created is through document.createElement('input').
My autocomplete is working for the initial input box....now when I click add Input button for the generated box also the autocomplete shld work...how do I make it work??
PS:Autocomplete script is working so I didnt post it here.... I just want it to make it working dynamically created i/p boxes
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Oct 15, 2009
I add a new row to a table using something like this:
So if I add 1 rows, I get 2 text boxes with the ID of 1-medication as I already have a row in place (static) This works fine. However when I try to get the value of 1-medication, I thought I'd get something like value1,value2 but instead I just get value1 If I change the function above to putput a text box with ID of 2-medication, I can get the value of that by itself just fine. why if I have more than 1 item with the same ID, I can't concatenate each value?
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Jul 23, 2005
I create a table containing radiobuttons in client script depending on
what choices the user makes.
It works fine the radio buttons appear *but* they are *not clickable*.
Why? Is there a solution? I'm using IE 6.0 Code:
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Jul 23, 2005
There seems to be some strange behaviour when trying to get the
scrollHeight and scrollTop of an iframe in IE6.
I have tried several ways of getting these values when the iframe is
written into the html. The following return the correct values in IE6,
where the iframe's id is 'f':
The following give a strange value for scrollHeight (definitely not
the length of the contents of the iframe) and scrollTop is always 0:
document.getElementById('f').document.body.scrollH eight
document.getElementById('f').document.body.scrollT op
When I dynamically create the iframe, using myFrame =
document.createElement('IFRAME'), I get the same strange values as
above when I do this:
However this works as correctly in Opera 7. I find this all very
confusing. Can anybody shed light onto how I might get the correct
values in IE6 when using the createElement() method?
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Apr 4, 2006
I want to give the user the abillity to add extra fields as needed.
I've got it working in IE (surprsingly this works in IE but not in
Firefox), however, basically I have an input field for a paragraph. If
the user decides they want two paragraps then they can click an image
and a new textarea field is show that allows them to add another
paragraph. The fields are named as an array for example name="para[0]"
the next one would then be name="para[1]". Firefox creates the field
and shows it to the user however when you submit the form the new field
does not come through. My array of paragraphs consists only of the
original number I started with. Any added by the javascript are lost.
Again IE this works fine, Firefox it works till you submit the form.
Any ideas?
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Mar 18, 2011
I dynamically create a textbox as follows, but I cannot retrieve the value entered by the user:
bp_boards = '
<tr id="hwNumberBoards">
<td>No. of modules:</td>[code]....
The dynamically created textbox shows up on the page but after the user enters a value, I cannot retrieve it from jquery(alert ($("#hwNumberBoards").val()) is "undefined")
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Jul 28, 2011
i have a button that helps me creating more than one dynamic text box and dropdownlist... how it possible to capture the values in those dynamic comtrols ?
i am trying the following but did not work ..when the code is excuted it gives me [object]
// Create Text box 1
var newStartDate = document.createElement('input');
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Sep 20, 2009
im trying to create a script for greasemonkey but its still written in javascript. so here is what im trying to do. Ive got a dynamically created division that aligns to the right of the browser window. Now im trying to put links inside it as you normally would with like a document.write statement or other methods. The only problem is, any method i try wont work for me. heres my code, maybe someone could give me some things i could try.
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Oct 27, 2009
This is my first time here so I hope I'm not posting to the wrong forum. If this has been answered before, please direct me to the corrent post.I've created several dynamic checkboxes with with following code:
var pnl = document.getElementById("pnlSalesPeople");
for (i = 0; i < sales.length; i++)
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