Deny Based On Cookies.
Oct 8, 2005
I'd like to be able to check the cookies of visiters for certain values and block access to my site based on that. Lets say the cookie is called "somesite_username" from another site. I'd like some code to say 'Hey, does this visitor have a cookie named "somesite_username" set? if so.. is the value set at this, this, or this? If so - deny access to the site and log their IP address here'. (so I can add it to IP Deny later)
Is that very difficult?
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Dec 6, 2004
I am using a toggle() function with <div ID="View_Right_SiteNews" STYLE="display:none"> to display/hide data. I would like to be able to have the display/hide value remembered by the end-user on a session-base duration. Here is the existing javascript that I am using: Code:
function toggle( targetId ){
if (document.getElementById){
target = document.getElementById( targetId );
if ( == "none"){ = "";
} else { = "none";
} } }
I than do something like:Code:
<A HREF="javascript:toggle('view_foo');">display</A>
If anybody can get this to work with a session-based cookie that would rock!
I would also go for setting a PHP session if session-based cookies won't work out. I just don't know how to do that either.
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Jan 19, 2010
Is there a way to use Javascript to read a txt file, take all the words in the txt file one by one, then create a cookie out of each of them? Ideally, I'm also looking to create a prompt which asks the user if they want to set the cookie each time.The purpose of this is that I'm looking to create some basic browser based games (with information stored in txt files), so it doesn't have to be a script which works online. Everything is just run offline. If it makes a difference, it can also be, say, a doc file rather than a txt.I understand the idea of using activeX & IE to read the txt file, and after looking through this forum, I have found a way to load the entire txt into a form. I have not been able to advance my idea beyond that however.I've used Javascript before many times for webpages, but it generally comes down to me copying and pasting code, then just changing a few keys words. What I'm quickly trying to say there is that I can use js, but I'm not that much of an expert.
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Oct 2, 2002
i've got a bunch of webaplications in use that the users have open in a browser all day. and so far every thing is perfecto. my problems start when the user during the day get emails with links in them... being humans they click those links and some times they "loose" the webaplication from the original browser. this also happens of course when they use their bookmarks etc.
what i would like is to include a javascript that forces a new browser window wtih the new url & leaves the original site as-is if a url is sent to the browser.
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Apr 9, 2010
Im using a jQuery script to show/hide a div based based on the selection made via a dropdown.
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
The problem im having is that the value used in the dropdown lists are price values eg 10.00
Consequently jQuery seems to interprit these as css notations, meaning the code doesnt work.
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Oct 20, 2011
Given the following input tag which is enclosed within a hidden div tag:<input id="X" class="Y"/> this call (id-based) locates the tag: $(this).find("#X")but this one doesn't (class-based)I couldn't find any documentation indicating find() working differently when using id-based vs class-based selectors.
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Dec 16, 2002
For all those "Cookie Problems" posts that are flooding this Forum:
function cookie(name,value)
{ = name;
this.value = value;
this.attributes = new Array();
this.expiresIn = function (days)
{ expiration = new Date();
expiration.setTime(expiration.getTime() + (days*86400000));
this.attributes["expires"] = expiration.toGMTString();
this.set = function ()
{ var cookiestr = + "=" + escape(this.value);
for(attr in this.attributes)
{ cookiestr += "; " + attr
if(this.attributes[attr].length > 0)
cookiestr += "=" + this.attributes[attr];
this.erase = function()
{ this.expiresIn(-1);
delete cookies[];
function cookieContainer()
{ this.add=function (name,value)
{ this[name]=new cookie(name,value);
this.get=function (name)
{ for(o in this)
if(o == name)
return this[o];
return null;
var cstr=document.cookie;
var spaces=/s/gi;
{ cequal=cstr.indexOf("=");
if(cequal==-1) cequal=cstr.length;
var name=cstr.substring(0,cequal);
if(cend==-1) cend=cstr.length;
var value=unescape(cstr.substring(0,cend));
var cookies = new cookieContainer();
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Jun 20, 2011
If I create a cookie in PHP here.
setcookie('cookie_cl_'.$client_id, 'cookie_cl_'.$client_id, $time, "/","", 0);
the php script is set on domain B
the javascript I want to read the cookie is set on domain B as well
However, the
hosted on DOMAIN A <script src=domain B .js>
I want the cookie to remain on domain B, but if I open the JS file using domain A, both php and JS are using domain B, though I can't seem to get the JS to find the cookie, is it looking at domain A ?
am I suppose to set a domain on cookie for this to work?
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Jul 23, 2005
i am about to write my first javascript for a Login "remember me
cookie"...but i will say i am not sure of what method?
i dont want to save user id and password.....
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Jul 23, 2005
I need to set two cookies. One to be used for redirection and page loading,
which i have now and works and a second one that is used to write
information on a page.
Both are to be set automatically when loading the page. The second will
will set a company name like "Your company name". Then when the next page
is loaded it will put "Your company name" on the webpage. And like I said
before the first cookie is set for navigation purposes.
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Jul 23, 2005
What's the trick to sharing cookies between frames? I can set and read a
cookie in the same frame, but if I try to read the cookie in another frame
it is undefined. :o(
There are some other cookies that are available in all frames, so I know
that the frames are capable of reading cookies, just not the ones that I set
in the other frame.
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Oct 25, 2005
Got a client with three web sites. I want to be able to pass cookies between these sites, so far no luck. Tried:
document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) +
((exp == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + exp.toGMTString())) +
((path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + path)) +
(";") +
((secure == true) ? "; secure" : "");
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May 15, 2006
I have the code below that will retrieve a cookie that was placed by the server (ie: that the document resides on. I want to be able to retrieve a cookie set by another server (ie: but I want to retrieve it from a page served by This code apparently using 'document.cookie' determines the server that the document resides on and looks for cookies from that server. Anybody know of code that will let you determine the server?
var name = "cookie";
function getCookie(name) {
var cname = name + "=";
var dc = document.cookie;
if (dc.length > 0) {
begin = dc.indexOf(cname);
if (begin != -1) {
begin += cname.length;
end = dc.indexOf(";", begin);
if (end == -1) end = dc.length;
return unescape(dc.substring(begin,
return null;
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Nov 4, 2006
I am using IE6 to view pages from a corporate web server through
internet, not VPN. But, the I use a webhop service, so the URL I use is
silently redirected to another place. I think this is because the
company uses dynamic IP addresses for the server.
Anyway, I am trying to use a cookie to remember user login info, but
the cookie is not working. If connect to the server through the VPN
(when I know the IP address of the server) everything works fine. So, I
am thinking that the webhop thing is causing me a problem with cookie.
Reading about the cookie I think that either the path or the domain
needs setting. Am I on the right lines here, or is it something else?
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Jun 9, 2007
I use Javascript cookies in a web application with a command like this
document.cookie = NameOfCookie + "=" + escape(value) +
((expiredays == null) ? "" : "; expires=" + ExpireDate.toGMTString());
But it does not work in some cases that I dont understand ...
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Oct 11, 2007
Some know how can i pull out a none English string from a cookie?
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Jul 20, 2005
I just changed my browser settings to override automatic cookie
handling and block all third party cookies. Now I'm curious. How are
third party cookies allowed in the first place? I thought only the
domain of the web site visited could store and retrieve cookies?
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Mar 2, 2010
I have this Ad Script script:
<HEAD> section
<style type="text/css">
#sponsorAdDiv {position:absolute; height:1; width:1px; top:0; left:0;}
<script type="text/javascript">
And i trying to find a way to show a div with text and images just once per day using cookies....i like something like this [URL]
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Mar 30, 2011
I'm displaying a page outside my server inside an iframe. I want to allow whatever is inside my iframe to set cookies. The website says, sorry your browser must allow cookies. My browser allows cookies, but because its in the iframe it doesn't allow them. I've read something about changing the header? What code would I put in my page.php to allow them?
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Nov 28, 2005
I've been trying for the last few weeks(on and off, mind you) to get this piece of code working, but to no avail.
My problem is small, but all the solutions I have tried dont seem to work.
I've googled the life out of it and got a lot of different scripts which are supposed to set the expiry date in the past and the cookie disappears.....
But none of these worked, so this is what I am left with: Code:
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Jul 30, 2009
First and foremost, yet I have viewed w3schools explination on how to use cookies, yes I have googled around for other tutorials, and I am still not getting the cookie to set at all.
I have a quiz I set up with javascript, and when the user passes the quiz, it goes to a special webpage. I want a cookie set on with body onload for that page, and then that cookie to be checked on the body onload of the quiz page so that if the page see''s that the user has allready passed that quiz, it will just automatically redirect acordingly so the quiz won't have to be taken again. Here is my [code]...
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Jan 10, 2010
I have a window up whose Javascript implementation checks for a cookie with code something like this:
function lookieCookie()
setTimeout(lookieCookie, 10000);
The first call to lookieCookie is in the onload event handler. The cookie is actually set by a PHP routine that is in another script. The PHP script certainly appears to be setting the cookie. The alerts from lookieCookie are clearely happening at the appropriate time intervals (I can't get into the room with the actual code at the moment, so if I have messed up the syntax here, I know that it is not messed up in the real code), but the cookie being set from PHP does not show up.
Obviously the PHP might be doing the wrong thing. In tha case I have to get on the guy that writes the PHP script. Should the code I wrote work even if the cookie is set after the page has loaded, but between iterations of lookieCookie()? If yes, then I must get on the PHP coder and get his page fixed.
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Feb 5, 2010
I'm trying to write a Javascript program that adds numbers by using cookies. Here is my code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-W3CDTD XHTML 1.0 TransitionalEN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
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May 29, 2003
I have been redesigning my Site. To offer the user to change the background color. this is passed from page to page with the use of cookies. In my redesign I also need to images and bg images to be passed from page to page but don't quite know how to go about it.
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Jun 27, 2003
I have a friend that needs help. They emailed me and said they notice that when there site is in a frame from another site, the cookies do not work. The email prompt pops up even if the person has already set a cookie. If you input an email address it still comes back with null. Do you know why it cannot read the email cookie from within another site, but works fine from his site.
Anyone know what to chnage in this script to fix this?
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Sep 12, 2004
I really like this script
however, I can't seem to find a script that uses cookies for a long period of time, instead of just for browser sessions.
Is there any way someone could help me on this and make the script use longer cookies for so many days.
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