I check data validity in html form by JS. Something like
for (i=0; i<document.form[0].elements.length; i++) { chechkValidity(i); }
Unfortunately, the form[0] has about two thousands elements (it is statistical questioning form for companies) and execution of this one cycle takes about twenty seconds.
The problem is, that during these 20 seconds the browser "freezes": The button activating the cycle disappears and the mouse pointer doesn't change into "watch" (sandglass) showing that something is being carried out.
Although after the 20s everything is ok, it is not the nicest behavior of the form. I don't assume somebody is so impatient to restart during those 20 seconds. I just want to minimize the users' swearing on my address and tha's why my question:
How to show the progress of that cursed for-cycle?
I have a WYSIWYG editor based on the HTMLArea project that uses the cssRules object of a stylesheet to add/update stylesheet rules for table cells. Ever since I upgraded to FireFox 1.5, I get the following error message when trying to access the cssRules object:
"Access to restricted URI denied"
The code I am trying to execute looks like this:
var currStyleSheet = editor._doc.styleSheets[0]; var currRules = currStyleSheet.cssRules; var tdIndex = currRules.length; for(i = 0; i < currRules.length; i++) { if(currStyleSheet.cssRules.item(i).type == 1) { //if it is a style rule var currRule = currRules.item(i) if (currRule.selectorText.toLowerCase() == "td") { tdIndex = i; } }
This code is simply looking for any rules for TD elements. I am at a loss as to what is going on and/or what changed if FireFox to cause this error. It worked fine in previous releases of FireFox. The document that I am trying to access the stylesheet for is within an IFRAME, which is what I believe is causing the problem.
We've been using ajaxSubmit to process a login form request (can be found here: [URL] Login Link in navigation). However when we attempted to upgrade from 1.3.2 to 1.4.4, we get the following error whenever we submit the form:
"jQuery(this).ajaxSubmit is not a function"
The only way we've been able to get the form to work again is to go back to vs. 1.3.2.
Has something changed in 1.4.4 that would prevent the form from working? Is "ajaxSubmit()" no longer a valid function?
Why this script no longer works in firefox? It works in the older version but since it got updated to version 3.5.3 it doesnt work anymore. It works fine in IE.
This is then what I add for each of the images ->> <a href="javascript:show_popup(image.jpg','Image Example ','acrylic on masonite','62 X 48 inches',430,564)"><img src="images/thumbs/image_thumb.jpg" alt="Images" width="100" height="128" border="0" align="center" valign="TOP" /></a>
i've built an app using extjs when it a user browses to the url domain.tld/#v=xxxxxx a new tab opens in a extjs panel to show content for the video with id xxxxx as soon as i submit a form from another page or even the same one and popuulate another variable, q, the tab no longer opens when the url looks like domain.tld/index.php?q=some+text#v=xxxxxx why it no longer gets the value of v? i'm using
to get v's value and if it is set then a javascript function is called to open the tab.
I have a page where an alternate address area is kept hidden via JavaScript and CSS divs. If you click that you want to use an alternate billing address, two divs are expanded. One with the form fields for entering in your alternate address, the other area has further info about why we need that alternate address. (Code is below). This works PERFECTLY for my needs....however, if you reload the page, the "show" button remains selected and OFF=ON and ON=OFF if you get my meaning...so when you click the radio that should be hiding the divs, it shows them and vice versa. Additionally if there is an error in the form and the page reloads to display the error, only the billing address area stays expanded (its inside the <form> tags), the text area next to it goes back to being hidden, and the show/hide OnClick no longer works. Ideally, I'd like the two to maintain the same state (i.e. if both we're shown, both stay shown).
CODE (trimmed down of course): Code: <head> <style type="text/css" media="all"> .invis { visibility: hidden; display: none; } .vis { visibility: visible; display: inline; } </style> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var c = 'invis'; var ids = new Array('id1', 'id2'); // IDs of your <div>s function doSwap() { c == 'vis' ? c = 'invis' : c = 'vis'; for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++) { document.getElementById(ids[i]).className = c; }} </script> </head> <body>
<div id="id1" class="invis">This is all just plain text that appears when the NO radio is clicked but disappears on reload</div> <form> <table> <tr> <td> <input type="Radio" name=" " value="hide" onClick="doSwap()" id=""> YES <input type="Radio" name=" " value="show" onClick="doSwap()" id=""> NO </td> </tr> <tr id="id2" class="invis"> <td>extra address entry stuff that appears when the NO radio and that stays on page after reload</td> </tr> </table> </body>
Have a web app which consists of a form and have it set up to launch a dialog box containing information next to the subject label text field.Everytime, someone fills out the form and clicks on submit, the form's message body (from the text area of the form) is displayed on top and theform is displayed underneath it. Before, I had it set up as fixed (x,y) for the dialog box to appear next to the subject label. But, now, whenthe page becomes longer, the dialog box doesn't appear next to my subject label text field. It is displayed a lot lower.
Here's the code to find the position:
// Finds the position and adds 40px to the left axis. function findPosition(obj) { var curleft = curtop = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) {
How can I set it so my findPosition() calculation doesn't miscalculate when the page is too long (when scroll bars are needed)?
Is there a way to set the relative positioning to always have the dialog appear 40px right of the subject label?
jQuery using getJSON calls specific handler, lets say MyHandler.ashx $.getJSON(/MyHandler.ashx?param1=someVal, function(data) { some code; }
In Opera and Explorer this is executed immediately. In FireFox it takes over 1s before request is executed. Even when I set breakpoint in my handler it will be hit after 1s... could you tell me why it is so slow? I got latest version of firefox.
I would like the second level of buttons (submenu) to disappear once the cursor is no longer hovering over them - rather than appearing until another button in the top level is hovered over. modify the javascript below to do that?
Trying to develop drop down menu... I'm showing a div, then hiding it. It works perfectly, but I need to set a time delay... that's where the problem exists. When I add SetTimeout() to create a delay, it no longer runs correctly...
I'm working with a large (and unweildy) ASP.NET application, and there is a lot of jQuery code that uses selectors like this:
[name=_aspnetControl$_withASubControl] And unfortunately, some selectors that also look like this:
In other words, the effort to remove the $ from the attribute selectors would be monumental. If it is possible to escape the $ symbols, I can do that easily enough, but unfortunately the situation right now means that I can't upgrade to jQuery 1.5.
I am using a simple form to submit values to another website. This has been working without any problems. I now have added a second form to the page. I have separated the text boxes and duplicated the information from one form to another. The problem is, when I click on the link that use to submit the information, nothing happens. Before the addition of the new form a new window would open with the search that I had submitted. Am I missing something to point to one form or the other? The following is the code that i am using in the form that no longer submits.
<script language="javascript"> function submitPostLink() { document.postlink.submit(); }
I get the data back fine. However inside getuser.php my data is in a sortable list. If i use this code above. My data comes back but I can no longer sort my list and move things around (I'm guessing because its returned as HTML only). Can anybody give me a solution of what i need to change so my list is also sortable again?
the javascript I want to read the cookie is set on domain B as well
However, the
hosted on DOMAIN A <script src=domain B .js>
I want the cookie to remain on domain B, but if I open the JS file using domain A, both php and JS are using domain B, though I can't seem to get the JS to find the cookie, is it looking at domain A ?
am I suppose to set a domain on cookie for this to work?
I need to set two cookies. One to be used for redirection and page loading, which i have now and works and a second one that is used to write information on a page.
Both are to be set automatically when loading the page. The second will will set a company name like "Your company name". Then when the next page is loaded it will put "Your company name" on the webpage. And like I said before the first cookie is set for navigation purposes.
What's the trick to sharing cookies between frames? I can set and read a cookie in the same frame, but if I try to read the cookie in another frame it is undefined. :o(
There are some other cookies that are available in all frames, so I know that the frames are capable of reading cookies, just not the ones that I set in the other frame.
I have the code below that will retrieve a cookie that was placed by the server (ie: joes.com) that the document resides on. I want to be able to retrieve a cookie set by another server (ie: freds.com) but I want to retrieve it from a page served by joes.com. This code apparently using 'document.cookie' determines the server that the document resides on and looks for cookies from that server. Anybody know of code that will let you determine the server?
var name = "cookie"; function getCookie(name) { var cname = name + "="; var dc = document.cookie;
if (dc.length > 0) { begin = dc.indexOf(cname); if (begin != -1) { begin += cname.length; end = dc.indexOf(";", begin); if (end == -1) end = dc.length; return unescape(dc.substring(begin, end)); } } return null; }
I am using IE6 to view pages from a corporate web server through internet, not VPN. But, the I use a webhop service, so the URL I use is silently redirected to another place. I think this is because the company uses dynamic IP addresses for the server.
Anyway, I am trying to use a cookie to remember user login info, but the cookie is not working. If connect to the server through the VPN (when I know the IP address of the server) everything works fine. So, I am thinking that the webhop thing is causing me a problem with cookie.
Reading about the cookie I think that either the path or the domain needs setting. Am I on the right lines here, or is it something else?