DOM: How To Associate A Value From A Database With An Onclick Handler?
Jun 21, 2006
I am trying to use DOM to create a UI for editing info pulled from a database. The info pulled are the locations of a given company. So, company A might have 2 locations (address, city, zip), and this is the info I want to present.
The way I have it now I use dom to parse the returned XML file and display the location info for each location on a seperate line. At the end of each line I want a button that the user can click which will then replace the current line (just text) with 3 input boxes populated with the values for address, city, zip.
Another button (UPDATE) will then be used to call a function which will update the db with the new location information. This is all no problem, but the part I cannot fathom is how do I associate the "location id" (from the database) with the UPDATE button on a given line, so that when the UPDATE button is clicked the function it activates will know which location (ie row) in the db to update. Code:
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Mar 30, 2010
I'm finishing up the front-end of an events management application, but I'm running into a problem with my javascript.
Here's the scenario: I have the php application returning all event details into a JSON object.
The object structure looks like this:
Each event title listing on the calendar grid is assigned "#" plus the event's ID for it's link, just for testing purposes--no problems.
Eventually, I want the user to get a yui container (modal) with the event details, but when I add the onclick handler to the links, the id that gets passed for each of the links is the same, 60 (which is the ID of the last iteration in the loop).
Here is my code:
I've tried using the var keyword to localize the id, but that produced the same problem.
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Mar 25, 2011
i have registered a validation function as the onclick event handler. It runs for the first time but does not run when i click on the button the second time. ( this is because i have put an aert box in the validation function and it does not show up when i click on the submit button for the second time)
here is the code
<input type="submit" value="Submit" action="submit.php " onClick="return validate('add_item_form');">
function validate(form_name){
when i leave all the fields of the form blank then the error message is displayed. But when i click on the submit button again then the validation function does not run.
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Feb 11, 2009
I've successfully used the Random-Order javascript on my site for years to shuffle around a number of banners on my main page.I now want to add an onClick event handler to each banner so that I can use Google Analytics to track those exit links, but I can't get the script to work when adding the onClick; the banners just don't show up on the webpage then. I'm pretty sure that some coding needs to happen in the function area below the content section, that just putting the onClick in each item won't do it, but I don't write this stuff, so I have no clue what to do to make it work right. Here's the script WITH the onClick code I would like to add in red. If you were to remove everything in red, the remaining code would be exactly as it currently appears on my site and works properly. [code]
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Feb 9, 2009
Im trying to develop an AJAX application which updates a <select> list with a series of <option> tags when the user makes an entry in a field.
Therefore, my ajax application needs to dynamically create <option> tags and append them to the <select> list on the form. I have got this working in all browsers. However, i do not know how to add an "onclick" event handler to each <option> tag that is dynamically created in my javascript code.
As you can see, i create an option javascript object for each new <option> tag and add it to the <select> list. This works. But how can i also add an "onclick" event handler in the javascript code?
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Feb 8, 2010
I have a button on a page that is created with the <input> statement - this statement also contains the event handler onClick. The button displays correctly on the page but the event handler is not working - I know this as I put a simple alert at the beginning of the function PrcsBtn1.
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function PrcsBtn1()
var data2 = new Array();
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a web page that tracks clicks on certain hyperlinks. I am using
attachEvent() to attach to the document onClick handler, for IE browsers.
It works fine, except that for about 1 out of every 6 clicks, I get 2 to 4
click events for a single click. I know this because each time the
hyperlink is clicked, I write a record to a MySQL database. I write the
record to the database by setting the SRC property of an IFRAME on the page,
to a tracking script.
If I look at the database, for 1 out of every 6 clicks, I see 2 to 4 records
for the same click event (occassionally as many as 6 records). They are at
least 1 second and at most 7 seconds apart from each other.
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Jul 23, 2005
I need to pass the selected option of a <select> tag into a query
string, so that the page is reloaded with the selected option already
chosen. This will occur with the onclick() event hander, and the query
string will be processed using a server-side technology. I'm just not
sure how to word the "onclick" handler. Here's what I have:
<select id="StartMonth" name="StartMonth" onchange="location.href =
What is the correct wording to set the underlined portion to whatever
was selected? I know it has to be done with JavaScript, since the
decision is made on the client-side.
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Nov 30, 2011
I am have an MVC app that generates a list of rows, of which one of the columns is a button. Here is the rendered HTML for the buttons:
/> .....
Following is my selector that I use to bind the buttons to my click event:
() {
I have been trying to access the button Id, though what I really need is the attribute synchId, to use inside of a modal. I have so far been unable to access either one of them. My modal works fine. But the value of either attribute is always "undefined".
Here is my click event handler: (I stuck the alert in there just for debug purposes)
function promptForSynchDate() {
function () {
var test1 = $(this).attr('id');
'test1 is : ' + test1);
'#approve-synch').dialog({ .....
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Jun 11, 2011
Is it possible to set an html element's (created through HTML DOM's createElement() method) 'onclick' attribute's value to a Javascript function which requires a parameter, passing a variable to it at the same time?
I have the following Javascript code:
var parentDiv = document.getElementById("subscribers");
var stubSpan = document.createElement("span"); = "opentok_subscriber_" + stream.streamId;
stubSpan.onclick = showStreamInFullScreenMode(stream);
'stream' in the bolded line is a parameter variable of the function that the above code is in, and I'm trying to pass it to another function using an onclick event.
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May 1, 2006
I'd like to know if its possible to shift a select option field into a simple text field based on a check box filled by user.
I have an asp form that carries a few select options. One of them I'd like to permit free editing if the user selects a check box just biside the select option, so enableing free editing by user.
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Oct 11, 2011
For example I have a HTML table...
name | grade | action
bob | 1.0 | [button class="button" id='1']
jack | 2.0 | [button class="button" id='2']
john | 3.0 | [button class="button" id='3']
When I click the button,
so if I were to press buttonid 1 how do I get the grade '1.0' without having to open the database?
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Jan 27, 2010
How do I associate a button with a function andn still have it display text, click to calculate,and start a function in JavaScript
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Oct 30, 2009
I have created a user form in which visitors can fill in sections, some of which are hidden or displayed using the onclick to trigger a DIV to display or hide then submit the results to a database using ASP. All works fine with that, however... I have created another page which retrieves the results for an individual's form submission, and I want to hide the sections that were not completed (hidden when submitted). How can I get my page to hide or show DIVs, depending on the value retrieved from a particular field within the database? i.e. if Question1Response="A", show Div ID="A Section" If Question1Response="B", show Div ID="B Section" etc.
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Aug 31, 2009
i have a tree object, how can i associate keyboard events to it?
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Sep 12, 2010
This is tough to explain which makes it impossible to search on. I'm guessing this is very basic.
I have an array of objects with variables and ids.
id: "totalCountOfPeopleToSite",
action: "add",
I loop through this array and create an AJAX request to Google Analytics who returns the data I requested (or an error).
When the data comes back, I want to re-associate it with the object used to make it (as you can see, there might need to be an action performed on it and it should be stored with its ID so I can use it later).
I feel like I've read about a built-in way to pass along arbitrary information (in this case just getting an AJAX request with my made up "id" would be enough), but I can't find it anywhere, and I'm not explaining myself well enough to the Google to get results back.
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Jan 11, 2011
Can i use single jquery and html to do some database manipulation i.e. database transaction.
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Aug 10, 2010
I want to be able to grab words from a database with javascript. How do I do that?
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Oct 31, 2011
I have been searching how to connect to a database and execute some queries, and then use the data that I get to populate some tables in a web page, all this using javascript.
I am confused because I have seen in some webpages that javascript is not designed to connect with databases, and also I have see other pages where they say that it is possible.
Does anyone know if it is possible to use javascript to connect to a database (informix), and execute some procedures or queries?
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Jul 13, 2011
I am having no luck with my post form to mysql. It is only posting the first letter of the word/phrase for the text input fields to the mysql database. It is a photo and text post form. The photo and only first letter of text are posting to database. I am using Jqtouch, jquery, and phonegap.
Here is my form fields:
Here is my java script:
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Aug 8, 2008
I am attempting to create an Access database connection from within an HTML page. I am using Javascript to make the connection and then test a basic UPDATE statement.
The following code is throwing back an error 'UPDATE statment syntax incorrect'
I thought the syntax was correct, but maybe it is something else?
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Jul 28, 2011
I have the following code. This code is working fine in FF but not in IE.
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm seeing surprising behavior, consistent across Opera, Firefox, and IE.
An event handler is changing the value of an element, and there is apparently
no Change event being generated for the element. A simple illustration is,
make an INPUT element with an onchange; type in a new value, the Change
event handler is called. But make a button whose Click handler changes the
value, and the Change handler does not get called.
It appears that events are not generated while an event handler is running.
Can this be true?
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Aug 11, 2005
How can I interrupt the enter key so it won't trigger unwanted events on my
web page? I have tried this:
var defaultEventHandler = obj.getEvent("onkeydown");
var myEventHandler = function(event){
else{, event);
obj.setEvent("onkeydown", myEventHandler);
But it won't even enter the function.
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Oct 20, 2005
I am trying to handle my mouse movements myself in my JavaScript
application which is ok except for the following problem.
If I happen to click on an image and then move the mouse, the "no-drop"
icon appears as the browser is starting to drage the image url
somewhere. When this happens, I no longer recieve any mouse events in
my JS app. This can be prevented in IE by adding an event handler for
the onDrag event that simply returns false. This prevents IE from
continuing to try and drag the image and instead it continues to send
mouse events.
However, I cannot find a way to do this in Firefox. Can anyone help?
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Mar 28, 2010
When using variables in click handlers, is there a way to use the value of the variable when the handler was setinstead of run? For example:
var links = new Array;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
links[i] = document.createElement('span');
All five of the "Click here!" create an alert with the number 5, which was the last value iwas. How can I have each click function use the value of iwhen it was looping through (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)?
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