Custom Tooltips To Show Information About Designs In T-shirt Shop Such As Design Name And Artist
Nov 2, 2009
I'm using custom javascript tooltips to show information about designs in a t-shirt shop, such as design name and artist. I downloaded the code and CSS for the tooltips and am attempting to assign the tooltip to each design using a javascript array and a for-in loop. Only problem is that the tooltips aren't showing at all, no matter what I do. I think the problem is related to the onmouseover event that I'm using, but the only thing that seems to work even partway is changing the visibility to "show" in the CSS. From that I can see that the text is being assigned to the tooltips properly and that they are being positioned within the window, but the onmouseover event is having no effect either way when I revert the visibility back to "hidden."
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May 3, 2011
i working on web map of MMORPG gamehttp:[url].....(here is "working" version dont comment a code, its shitty i working on funkcionality,i will perform code cleaning and optimalizacion after i implement all needed functions and solve all my problems)so i have 2 problems:
1) map performance when zooming.i need drawn ~600 dots of NPCs on map and recalculate their positions on map when zoom in/out, my current solution is slow ( cleaning and appending HTML into map content) i wana know if there is faster solution how do it ?
2)i using jQuery tooltips to show data when NPC or fort icon is mouseovered , it works great only with one problem, when i zoom with tooltip opened , it loose "connecion" with fort/NPC icon and tooltip stuck on screen...
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Aug 5, 2009
i have a php script which do very long operation and i need to give information to user about process. I have a problem. When I start a long operation(PHP) jquery do not work before that operation has been completed.
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Jun 29, 2007
Is it possible to show information from a textfield directly on another place on the same page. I have a textfield:
HTML Code:
<form action="bla.php" id="formulier" name="formulier"method="post">
<input type="text" name="phone"style="width:160px" id="phone"/>
Now when someone types something in this field it has to show it on top of the page, i tried with this, but I can't come any further.
HTML Code:
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Sep 13, 2011
I have one site that has a bunch of cool easy javascript tricks that allow the user to change the page designs and other things. I had put a lot of time, effort, and $$$ into this site, and it was where I make partial income to provide for my family. Lately, I have noticed that some browsers (Chrome) will not allow the user to paste my javascript codes into their address bar.
Example: if user pastes "javascript: alert(2+2);" into their address bar in Chrome (and some IE I have heard from visitors) it will do a google search on alert(2+2) and will completely strip the "javascript" part out.
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Aug 29, 2005
Preloading images has got to be JS 101. However, it does not seem to be working. Here is the function that I am using. I added the alerts to make sure it is working and all the right alerts show up, yet when I do my mouseover, it still takes about a second (only the first time) to load the image (thumbnail).
loadims(max, letter) {//loads information images
if (document.images) {
for(i=1; i < max; i++) {
rslt = new Image();
imgn = 'm/' + letter + i + '.jpg'
rslt.src = imgn
} loaded = true;
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Dec 8, 2011
So i have this full paged HTML/CSS side and i wanna imploment some Jquery to hide and show my Contact informations.But, my problem is that, i have a FULL side filled with Div's and other goodies. My problem is, how do i get make a link, which is inside a Div to be a special class so that only when you click that "class" it shows / hides the content?The Div i have it something like this;[code]
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Mar 28, 2009
How to change the color of shirt in javascript
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Sep 13, 2010
I have a question and i would like you to help me.I have this online shop [URL].. i am not the developer just the owner.The question is how can i present my product throught that site [URL].. ( is a search engine about online shops like [URL]..If it was a simple site(html or something else) they ask the XML. The developer tells me that we will need 2 months of work and more money. Is there a simple and faster way that skroutz can track my products?
View 1 Replies
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Mar 23, 2011
I would like to show a custom icon for my google maps .I have created a .PNG image and uploaded it but doesn't seem to be showing?
<script type="text/javascript">
function load() {[code]......
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Sep 30, 2010
I'm trying to get it to display a document write on the website if the time is as specified and the day is.These are the times and days i want to display for:
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: 9AM - 5:30PM
At the moment this script only writes for Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 6pm (GMT0). But as you can see from my times above i want to be able to show two unique times for 2 days tues-thurs and friday (open) / sat-sun (close).i assume the else statement would be used for both monday and sunday as it writes close? how to go about this, tried changing the the t_day but had no success
Code JavaScript:
var d = new Date();
var t_hour = d.getUTCHours(); // getUTC for GMT0
var t_min = d.getUTCMinutes();
var t_day = d.getUTCDay();
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Oct 29, 2010
I have a HTML form containing two text box controls in it and a submit button. When a user enters information in those two textboxes and click on submit, the information is sent to a function in Javascript. In the javascript, the information from those textboxes is stored in a javascript variable. The problem is as follows:When I am inputting string text in the html text boxes and in the javascript when I am trying to print those values, it is giving me out an error saying NaN. However when i input integer values in the text boxes it is printing those numbers. Is there a conversion that I have to do for the string to be printed. I am new to Javascript and need your help. This is a basic code of Javascript. Below is the code that I have.
<script type = "text/javascript">
function square(form)
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Mar 10, 2011
I'm trying to create a function to show a custom message as a tooltip when a user hovers over a table row.
My tr tag looks like this
The javascript function looks like this:
jQuery seems to be loaded correctly, as I get the alert. I don't get the tooltip, however.
What I'm trying to do, in case this is totally retarded and impossible to see, is to hover a tooltip over the clicked row instead of passing it in as a variable.
View 8 Replies
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Jul 15, 2011
I am building a simple t-shirt creator app for my shop and I am using the interface.js library: [URL].. docs/drag to drag/drop and re-size the graphic on the shirt background image.
Once the user has chosen a spot to put the graphic, how do I save the background image of the t-shirt with the image they dropped in the correct spot? Like, to merge the two graphics in place?
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Sep 10, 2007
I read a lot on how to make in Javascript programs in a OOP way. After
I download
many third-party library (like YUI, prototype ecc.) and I have seen
that almost
all the function (class) are designed like literal object notation and
not in a normal
way like I learned ... now I'm confusing
on how to design my classes... I came to a Java/C++ experience ...
It seems that with object literal notation we cannot make all the OOP
that we can make with normal Javacript class creation constructs... so
why is it so largely used?
View 11 Replies
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Mar 19, 2011
I am trying to add a spin control to my quantity field before i add the ordered quantity to a shop cart array. The way its set up at the moment if you click the deincrement arrow it actually goes into negative numbers. (no good coz people cant order a negative number eh#$@#$@) This the
<head> Code
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeVal(n) {
document.forms[0].quantity.value =parseInt(document.forms[0].quantity.value) + n;
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Jul 23, 2005
I am having a tough time coming up with a good design for a webpage.
The following is a brief description of what i am trying to achieve.
The requirement is for an insurance company and the goal is to gather
insurance policy information to give its users a quote.
The user can add/edit/delete policies before submitting it and going to
the next step.
Each Policy can have 1 Amount (required) and 0 to 3 fees associated
with it.
At a given time a user can add a maximum of 8 rows.where each
amount/fee is considered a row. So if user enters all rows (1 Amount
and 3 Fees) for the policies then the user can add a maximum of 2
ploicies. On the other hand if the user wants to enter just the Amount
then he can go to 8 policies. I have developed the webpage for this
requirement using layers but there I had to write a lot of code for
that. I am sure there is a better way to handle such a situation and
that is what i am looking for.
I am unable to include the code with this post due to its size. If
anyone is interested in looking at the code i can email it to them.
View 5 Replies
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Dec 1, 2010
I need a html Form to accept user's input, and before the user clicks the button "submit", the user also has to select one more option (a Radio Button) to call different JSPs depending upon the user's selection.
For example, if the user selects Radio Button 1, the Submit operation will call X.jsp; if the user selects Radio Button 2, the Submit operation will call Y.jsp and so on.
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Jul 30, 2011
I was writing my classes in an old fashion until today when I came across a new design pattern. Javascript is not an established OOP like C++ or Java. It doesn't have any easy way to create classes and to make private/public methods or properties as well as class-constructor. But it could be done in many ways.
My old way of OO design in Javascript was like following:
Those who were trying to write constructor and access public vars from private or vice versa, you would have probably faced some minor difficulties. But it was doable.
Now, the challenge is how can we make things cleaner and better. Here's the procedure I came up with:
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Jul 23, 2005
I am trying to do a mouseover with tooltips with an XSL stylesheet. I
want to be able to pick data from the XML using the syntax
<xsl:value-of select="CHALLENGE_REMARKS"/> How do I send the data
from this element to the doToolTip function.
select="CHALLENGE_REMARKS"/>) </td>
This does not work. I have tried putting the element in a var and
this works except when there are multiple rows the mouseover tooltip
only displays the data for the last row for all rows.
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Jul 23, 2005
Just wondering what the current size standard is for web-page design ... it used to be 800 x 600 pxls (which seems quite small these days).
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Jun 9, 2010
How to design a vertical progressbar. using jquery and css .. Also it must be having a flow like from up to down and vice versa. also the progress must be animated..
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Sep 29, 2010
I was asked an interesting question today: what is the best design pattern for form validation? This got me thinking. Form validation, on a theoretical level, is pretty simple, you: listen for events from the form, pass inputted data from the form through some validation functions, then react accordingly. I haven't really thought about design patterns on such a macro level. This does seem like a pretty standard mvc setup when I think about it, but is there a better option? Some pattern I haven't though of or heard about?
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Apr 22, 2003
This HTML and CSS:
"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title>onfocus tooltips</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<style type="text/css">
div.tooltip,div.heretooltip {
font:0.7em verdana,helvetica,arial,sans-serif;
border:1px solid #000;
padding:2px 4px 2px 4px;
div.heretooltip {
border:1px solid #003;
<script type="text/javascript" src="tooltips.js"></script>
<p>Use the TAB and Shift-TAB keys to navigate this list.</p>
<li><a href="/" title="Home Page" tabindex="10">Home</a>
<li><a href="/sitemap.php" title="A guide to the areas of this website" tabindex="20">Sitemap</a></li>
<li><a href="/preferences.php" title="Change the design scheme and functionality" tabindex="30">Preferences</a></li>
<li><a href="/brothercake.php" title="About this site and its webmaster :)" tabindex="40">About brothercake</a></li>
And this in tooltips.js
// global vars
var i, pos, obj, tempObj, tempEle, winSize, extent, scrollHeight;
//toolTip object
var toolTip = null;
var toolTipParent = null;
//find object position
function getRealPos(ele,dir)
(dir=="x") ? pos = ele.offsetLeft : pos = ele.offsetTop;
tempEle = ele.offsetParent;
while(tempEle != null)
pos += (dir=="x") ? tempEle.offsetLeft : tempEle.offsetTop;
tempEle = tempEle.offsetParent;
return pos;
//delay timer
var goTip = false;
var goTimer = null;
function focusTimer(e)
//second loop
if(goTimer != null)
//clear timer
goTimer = null;
//pass object to create tooltip
//first loop
//get focussed object
(e) ? obj = : obj = event.srcElement;
//pass object back through timer
tempObj = obj;
//set interval
goTimer = setInterval('focusTimer(tempObj)',400);
//create tooltip
function focusTip(obj)
//remove any existing tooltip
//if tooltip is null
if(toolTip == null)
//get window dimensions
if(typeof window.innerWidth!="undefined")
winSize = {
x : window.innerWidth,
y : window.innerHeight
else if(typeof document.documentElement.offsetWidth!="undefined")
winSize = {
x : document.documentElement.offsetWidth,
y : document.documentElement.offsetHeight
winSize = {
x : document.body.offsetWidth,
y : document.body.offsetHeight
//create toolTip
toolTip = document.createElement('div');
//add classname
toolTip.className = (obj.className == 'youAreHere') ? 'heretooltip' : 'tooltip'
//get focussed object co-ordinates
if(toolTipParent == null)
toolTipParent = {
x : getRealPos(obj,'x') - 3,
y : getRealPos(obj,'y') + 2
// offset tooltip from object
toolTipParent.y += obj.offsetHeight;
//apply tooltip position = toolTipParent.x + 'px' = toolTipParent.y + 'px'
//write in title attribute (with 'you are here' string)
toolTip.innerHTML = (obj.className == 'youAreHere') ? obj.title + ' <b>[You Are Here]</b>' : obj.title;
//add to document
//restrict width
if(toolTip.offsetWidth > 300)
{ = âÆpx'
//get tooltip extent
extent = {
x : toolTip.offsetWidth,
y : toolTip.offsetHeight
//if tooltip exceeds window width
if((toolTipParent.x + extent.x) >= winSize.x)
//shift tooltip left
toolTipParent.x -= extent.x; = toolTipParent.x + 'px'
//get scroll height
if(typeof window.pageYOffset!="undefined")
scrollHeight = window.pageYOffset;
else if(typeof document.documentElement.scrollTop!="undefined")
scrollHeight = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
scrollHeight = document.body.scrollTop;
//if tooltip exceeds window height
if((toolTipParent.y + extent.y) >= (winSize.y + scrollHeight))
//shift tooltip up
toolTipParent.y -= (extent.y+obj.offsetHeight+4); = toolTipParent.y + 'px'
function blurTip()
//if tooltip exists
if(toolTip != null)
//remove and nullify tooltip
toolTip = null;
toolTipParent = null;
//cancel timer
goTimer = null;
window.onload = function()
if(typeof document.getElementsByTagName!="undefined")
//get tags collection
var allTags = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
var allTagsLen = allTags.length;
for (var i=0;i<allTagsLen;i++)
//if tag has title attribute
//attach event
allTags[i].onfocus = focusTimer;
allTags[i].onblur = blurTip;
allTags[i].onmouseover = blurTip;
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Oct 5, 2011
How to design Fixed Web Page Header and footer using jquery in ASP.Net.
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Jun 10, 2011
Which one is easier? and which gives best design and interface?
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