Cookie Not Being Read (path=/)
Mar 19, 2009
I can't figure out why I am not able to read the cookies sitewide, maybe it is the way I am setting the cookie but the cookie looks to be set correctly in the Firefox browser.
On the page that I set the cookie, it works. I can read the cookies I set on the same page as well.
If I move to another page to view the cookies it gives an undefined value when using the getCookie function.
IF the problem lies in the getCookie function, please explain the code a little to me so I can get an understanding what I missed.
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Oct 25, 2011
I have three paths as follows within the same domain.
When I am on site [url], how do I read the cookie on [url] and [url] paths ?
Here is my function to read the cookie but this takes only one parameter cookie name.
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Feb 17, 2009
I set the cookie with out the path. Is it OK to leave the path if you want the path to be "/"?
I see i firefox if I don't set the path , for path I get "/" ..Seems like default is "/" . Not sure if all browswe will set it to "/" by default?
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Oct 7, 2009
I don't normally use Javascript apart from a few browser workarounds, but I have a requirement to set a country cookie and it was working when all my pages were in the same directory, but now that I've added subdirectories, it sets a new cookie for each directory instead of one sitewide.
Here's the code (which I edited from some found on the internet):
Then on the homepage links I use:
Then on the subdirectory pages, I have a reset button which allows you to return to the homepage and disable the redirect.
So I just need the path=/ to be added somewhere is that right? I tried changing the last line of the main code to:
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Feb 17, 2011
I have a script that sets a number of cookies based on a set of results returned from an external website.
The file sits in the cgi-bin folder (it has to, as this is where the data is processed and results returned) and when the data is returned it is stored in a number of cookies before redirecting to a results page in the website root to display the data.
The problem, before I display any code, is that one of the cookies is setting its path to the /cgi-bin folder, meaning when the page redirects back to the website this particular cookie is not accessible.
However, what is even more unusual is that this only happens in Safari.
Here is the code:
The specific cookie that is being set to the wrong path is the 'ckResults' cookie.
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Aug 18, 2010
Is it possible to access cookies set on a different path (but same domain) with js? So say the web page with js being accessed is a file in the root html directory, and for that domain a cookie is already set in the browser with a path say, '/abc/'. Is it possible to access that cookie from the just described js?
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Feb 16, 2010
I'm trying to read a cookie that I've set with php with javascript. The cookie is for storing the username when logging in to a site. If the cookie has been set I want the focus in the inline popup to target the password field so that the user doesn't have to tab down from the username field of the login form.
The php script stores the cookie perfectly:
if (isset($_POST['remember'])){
$expire = time()+60*60*24*30;
setcookie("login_username", $username, $expire);
echo $_COOKIE['login_username'];
} else {
if (isset($_COOKIE['login_username']) || isset($_COOKIE['password'])){
$expire = time()-3600;
setcookie("login_username", "", $expire);
The javascript:
if (targetfocus == 'login_username'){
if (readCookie('login_username') == 'username'){
targetfocus = 'password';
function readCookie(name) {
var cookieName = name + "=";
var cookieArray = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < cookieArray.length; i++){
var cookie = cookieArray[i];
while (cookie.charAt(0)==' '){
cookie = cookie.substring(1,cookie.length);
}if (cookie.indexOf(cookieName) == 0){
return cookie.substring(cookieName.length,cookie.length);
}return null;
But when trying to read the cookie in the javascript code I receive null when I put an alert to the code. Why won't the javascript find the cookie? Is it because I'm running the site localhost on my laptop? Does that have an effect on cookies?
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May 17, 2009
I have a script that i need to read the ip from a visitor and set a cookie, so the script will never be executed again for that particular ip address.
Right now i'm having problems with the current cookie set of my script, i can't seem to make it not appear again after it's executed (which is my goal). That's why i want to try using an IP cookie, and see if that works.
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Oct 16, 2010
i have a table of images, with onmouseover,onmouseout and click events. The user can select and deselect an image. When an image is selected, the image scr changes.
Then the user can confirm his selections and redirect to another page for the checkout process. When he returns to the first and initial page, i want his selections to have a different image (lets say confirmed.gif).In other words to save his selections in a cookie and return them by changing the images so that they wont be available for selection.
In order to find which images are selected and store them in an array i can use the following loop:
function getSelected(){
var myArray = [];
var images = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (i=0;i<images.length;i++){
How i can save that array with the images tittles in a cookie, so that when the initial page loads i can find which images to change and then change the image.src to confirmed.gif ?
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Jul 23, 2005
I can't find any javascript that reads and writes cookies with keys,
so that it is compatible with ASP (I want to read and write cookies
from both javascript and ASP)
for example in ASP:
I'm looking for javascript code that can read that information.
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Jul 12, 2011
My requirement: Each time a visitor arrives at a specific webpage i want the main image on the page to be different, or more specifically, one of 6 images which will be shown in rotation. Solution: Set a cookie. Each time the visitor access the page read the cookie and display the corresponding image. Then increment the value and rewrite the cookie, so that next time they'll see the next image in sequence. NB: if the cookie does not exist (first timer) or is at 6, then the value is set to zero (and then incremented).
Problem: Can't get my coding to work. Specifically it just doesn't do anything - no error message, no cookie written. I'm a very novice scripter, as in I've cobbled the coding together from bits off the net that i think i've managed to grasp some kind of an understanding of. Very suck it and see - so far lots of sucking and no seeing!
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Apr 27, 2009
I'm using a script to include images into a slide show using direct URLs to the image files, but I am using fckeditor (PHP) for my users to edit their content. The script in the .js file that pulls the images into the slide show.The user's image file is going to be named something like, "userImage01.php". Inside that file would be their image location path ~ "images/user/image1.jpg".Therefore, I need the above javascript to pull-in "userImage01.php" INSTEAD OF the image's location path.
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Jan 26, 2011
Can I make a list of hyperlinks that users can customize and save as a cookie by clicking a button and automatically retrieve the cookie so it remembers their list next time? This is kind of what I want to do:
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Apr 30, 2009
I am making a sort of text based game (Just a hobby) I like to do that sort of thing. So, anyway, considering all I can really do is code HTML, and very, very light javascript, I kinda need some help.
I basicly know how to do everything except affect & Use the cookies. So what I need to do with them is to
#1.) Have a code to change the cookie number, say... on the click of a button.
#2.) Have a code where it only displays certain text if the cookie is a certain number.
I cant code JS and have no idea how hard/easy this is.
If it is insanely hard & needs a master coder, just tell me and ill take it off. I dont want to be wasting anyones time.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have an embedded system with a web interface. One of the web pages
has a small JavaScript program that, when run on IE6, always displays
the message that cookies need to be enabled:
if (document.cookie.indexOf('asm_session') == -1)
document.cookie = 'asm_session=0'
if (document.cookie.indexOf('asm_session') == -1)
document.write("Advanced System Management access requires
cookies to be enabled."+'<br><br>');
This problem only occurs with IE6, not Mozilla. It also only happens
on some of the embedded systems, but this problem exists for everyone
running IE6.
The problem isn't limited to the Javascript code, either. On another
web page from this embedded system, a cookie is set the normal way,
via the HTTP header. This cookie is also rejected.
When I display any page that attempts to set a cookie, IE6 displays
the blocked icon and says that cookies on that URL are blocked.
However, I have set all privacy and cookie options to their most
permissive. I've spent the past hour changing every option I can find
that's even remotely related to cookies and privacy, and nothing
changes. Does anyone have any idea what's going on?
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Jul 20, 2005
In my web application we are able to store large data in the browser
cookie keeping in mind the limit of 300 cookies per cookie file, 20
keys per cookie per domain and 4KB max size of each cookie. We are
unable to retreive this large amount of data immediately after storing
through document.cookie in IE browser (The same works fine in
Is there any limit on the size of the data that can be retreived using
document.cookie in IE browser? Could you please suggest a solution to
this problem I am facing.
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Apr 9, 2010
I am trying to set a cookie in my cookie directory but this is not working.
document.cookie = "username=John;
expires=15/02/2015 00:00:00";
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Jul 23, 2005
Is there a javascript variable that contains the path of the file from which
it ran?
Something like this....?
alert('My path=' + MyURLPath);
Is this possible?
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Apr 26, 2005
Can I subtract the filename form the location.pathname ex:
Before = 'file:///c:/afolder/awebsite.html'
After = 'file:///c:/afolder/'
Or is there any other way to get the directory without the name of the file being veiwed?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have the following directory structure
Now blah .jsp is included INSIDE index.jsp.
In blah.jsp I have a button that calls a function inside b.js.
In index.jsp I have following code inside head tags:
<script src="a.js"></script>
<script src="b.js"></script>
and I figured since blah.jsp is included inside index.jsp, I should be
able to access the javascript methods with ease. But its not happening
that way. I get an error (object expected in the line that has button in
it). BTW, its not a problem in my JS or JSP code, because if I put the
js file's contents inside blah.jsp, then it works like a charm!
So what am I doing wrong?
I also tried moving my script import statements inside blah.jsp as:
<script src="../../a.js"></script>
<script src="../../b.js"></script>
But this doesn't seem to work either?
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Jun 30, 2006
i just wanted to retrieve path of a file residing on local client
system using javascript
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Mar 21, 2011
I'm having an issue using .get and a callback. Basically, unlessI use a fully quantified path when I deploy my site the call doesn't work. When I'm developing on localhost, the site works fine. It's an ASP.NET MVC site. I'm fairly new to jQuery. If I replace the code with an absolute path, all seems fine. Obviously I'd rather use relative paths. I'd be grateful for any insight you could offer.
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Oct 29, 2010
why my code not work, when I change path of xml?,
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Jul 16, 2009
i have this web application in which the user has to browse and select a folder but not file. i used <input type="file"> , which helps in retrieving only files.
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Apr 16, 2007
1. I have some links that open with Javascript. The HTTP links work just fine, but I have one link that is supposed to open a picture in a new window. The picture is stored in the root/images folder. So it's supposed to be a relative path, but no matter what I do, I get an error page. (images/snailmail.jpg)
2. I have added a mouserollover funtion to change a small picture on the page. I am trying to add a second function to that function, to stop the scrollbar in the lower left corner as long as the mouse hovers over the picture. For the first picture, it works fine, but with the 2nd picture which allready has a mouseover function, I am not sure what to do.
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Jul 23, 2009
I need to delete the path from certain files using js.
For instance
Change: images/icons/picture1.png
To: picture1.png
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