Converting An Html <div> To An Image Or .doc

Feb 22, 2011

I have an html div


Now, I want to have a button by which i can convert this <div id="myDiv"> to image or .doc....

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Converting Gif To An Html ?

Jun 13, 2009

I got a gif image but the file type says = Photoshop.GIFFile.8 and i dont know how to put it in html tag ive tried everything.

Isnt it suppose to be this?

By the way this is the file name(spectrum intro_thumb)

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Converting HTML <a> Tag - Add The Class To It

Jun 21, 2010

<a href="" class="myclass">click</a>

and I wanna change it to a javascript function that can be called via the SAME tag, but with this link:


this works to the point where it only opens the link, but now i can't figure out how to add the class to it. I tried adding it inside the body tag, but it doesn't work. So, I'm wondering if it's possible to set the class in the javascript.

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Converting String Content To Html

Jul 23, 2005

Well, I need some light in this simple thing I'm trying to do. I'm
using the XMLHttpRequest to retrieve some data from a db via php
script. The result is passed to a "results" array of strings, which
contain the data from the script.

But, the data from the script, which are the content of the strings,
have html tags in it. The thing is: I'm using the DOM to append the
string result to a table already built in the page (using
create_element and appendchild).

insertO = document.getElementById("output_table");
oTR = document.createElement('tr');
oTD = document.createElement('td');
oText = document.createTextNode(Text);

The Text var would contain something like "<font color="red">this
<b>is</b> html</font>".

This way the output isn't parsed, i.e., it shows the tags.
Does anyone have an idea on how to overcome this?

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Ajax :: Converting JSON To HTML / PHP

Apr 3, 2009

I am new to Ajax and have a bit of a gap in my understanding. I have a status monitor that sets a JS function to run every second with setInterval. When the document loads, I will need to get data from the server asynchronously (I wont know the info before hand) and use that data to set id values to find them as nodes and change them later on.

The problem is as I see it, that the callback function I will use to grab the initial data is coming back via a JSON object. The callback function is done with javascript. So, how can I take the JSON data, or converted to javascript data and set my ID values when the document loads? If I change the values dynamically with the DOM, will those values be reliable enough to use as my other recurring functions find them and set their innerHTML properties?

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JQuery :: Converting A Html Table To Json?

Jul 21, 2009

how i can use it to convert an html table into a json format.

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Converting Element Object To HTML String?

Aug 22, 2010

after i've built an element, can i convert that element to html? the current method i'm thinking is to append this element to a new <Div> and call the Div's innerHTML but it feels rather dirty. is there a better solution?

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Converting HTML Elements Stored Within XML To Usage Js Elements?

Jun 3, 2010

I have HTML tags stored in XML. I want to be able to use these HTML elements with Javascript, just as you can with elements in document.body. How can it be done? (And don't try and tell me I should use server-side because I have written it all for Javascript and the project is nearly complete minus this and there are practical reasons for not doing this server-side. After all, anything is possible with Javascript!)

Let me explain:

- I have HTML templates such as this [URL]

- I want javascript to populate these templates then add them to my page

- The only way I know javascript can get this kind of data is by parsing XML

- I want to parse the XML then be able to use the HTML elements just like those in document.body

- As far as I'm aware, XML is the only good way of storing data for javascript. I don't want to store it in javascript variables (too much multiline data with " and '). Nor do I want to build it using document.createElement("div")... etc

As someone not yet with any experience in computer science etc, please ignore my poor terminology! However, I'm not a beginner when it comes to javascript.

Here's the script concerned but I doubt it'll help you understand my problem: [URL]

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Perform Images - Page HTML - Show 1 Image And After 5 Sec It Will Change The Other Image

Nov 9, 2010

I have a page HTML. In HTML have 1 button, when click into button that'll appear 1 window. In this window, it's show 1 image and after 5s it will change the other image. I can't do this.

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Converting ASP To JS?

Sep 9, 2009

Not sure if this should be in the ASP forum or this one (probably could go either), so here goes. I don't know hardly any - probably best to say dont know any at all - javascript. However I have a need to convert some code from asp to js.

the code is checking to see if certain variables are null and if so counting how many of those variables are as such.

the ASP looks like this:
Dim counter
counter = 0


I need to know how to convert this to js so I can show this number to the user without sending data to the server first. I have searched the net for something similar but I am not having much luck finding any examples that do what I would like it to do (maybe this is not something that can/should be done in js?).

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Converting A String ...

Feb 7, 2006

I am having some trouble getting an email form to work correctly. I am looking to convert some text from a text area into some basic HTML so I can insert breaks then email it.

So when the user clicks submit ... the string is taken from the textarea and converts the linebreaks into <br> tags.

The problem is not replacing the text, it is finding the line breaks I have no Idea how Code:

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Converting Data Do Php?

Aug 24, 2010

i'm trying to use a vector that is returned from a javascript datatable to a php session variable.. i've got the following code:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
function fnFormatDetails ( oTable, nTr )
var aData = oTable.fnGetData( nTr );


i know that i cant simply convert directly a javascript structure to php.. i just wrote the code in red to explain what i'm trying to do... i need to pass the id from the row in datatable to use on php code on the showcompany.php

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Converting Bytes Into KB

Jul 21, 2010

Im working using the BEA Aqualogic CMS and have a a few pages with either videos or documents uploaded to them. There is a column displaying the filesize which is using the code below: file size:<pcs:value expr="item.Document.length"></pcs:value> kb The code "<pcs:value expr="item.Document.length"></pcs:value>" is the bit where it pulls the filesize from within the CMS. However, currently this is in bytes and i need this in kb. For arguments you can use 19968 as an integer to convert into bytes.

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Converting Text To DOM Object

Jul 23, 2005

I have an XML file hosted by my ISP free web space. It naively treats
the file as text/plain. I would like to convert this data into a DOM
object. So far my googling has turned up nothing, although looking over
the DOM manual on Mozilla I came up with:

function convertDOM(text)
var lines = text.split("
var dom = document.createDocumentFragment();
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
var node = document.createTextNode(lines[i]);
return dom;

The returned object is not treated as an DOM object.
Anything I am missing / A different approach maybe?

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Converting A String To An Http One.

Jul 7, 2006

Is there a javascript method or whatever to convert a string to one
that is valid for http transmission?

One that converts characters like " " to %20 || < to &lt: etc

I am after an encompassing javascript line like:-
msg = msg.replace( whatever, http_equivalent );

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JQuery :: Converting A Php Script?

Nov 23, 2011

I am struggling to get a test to return answers in jquery, I have attched my files in the zip named Turbo. As you can see with the 2 files, the test works fine returning a answer which is in a picture format dependant on how many radio buttons are clicked yes, the results page is wrote with php.

As this is test is to be placed on facebook, facebook does not support php. so I am trying to get the script in javascript or jQuery, Could anyone please assist as I am a begginer at learning the code and have just met dead end after dead end when trying to achieve this.

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Converting Decimals To Fractions?

Jul 18, 2009

I know this is a rather odd post but I need to be able to convert a decimal to a fraction.Really all i need to know to get what i have to work is being able to tell if a number is whole or not. For instance if i have an accuracy set of .0625 = 1/16"If i take my variable which is set to .5625 (9/16")so if i take variable/accuracy in this case would equal 9. So this way i would know that the numerator would be 9 and my denominator would be 16.If i take the same accuracy of 1/16 and now introduce a variable of 0.5 then it will give me a remainder.

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Converting CSV To String Variable?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a javascript program that currently takes the contents of a *.txt file and converts it to a string-type variable using a hidden iframe.

For my pruposes it would be much nicer to read a *.csv file instead, however the method I'm using creates the "open/save file" pop-up window.

All files are client-side and in the same folder on one computer; this is NOT server-side or internet-based. It is simply javascript used in an HTA file as programming code. The *.csv does not need to be edited, just read.

I need to know how to convert the text of this *.csv file into a string variable. I have heard of using "xmlHTTPRequest (AJAX)" but am not familiar with how to use this.

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Converting A Code From VB To Script?

Oct 12, 2011

How can I convert the following code to Javascript:

Private Sub h1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As msforms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then[ccode].....

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Converting VBScript To JavaScript

Dec 3, 2007

I need some help converting this VBScript over to JavaScript so that the calculations will work properly in browsers other than IE.

You can take a look at Turn 2 Design Code: for a feel about what I'm trying to do, but basicly, I just need to calculate the cost of the selected items based on the selected quantity of that item.

The only thing I know about JavaScript is the small Pop-up scripts I've been able to litterally copy and paste to implement. So, please, dont just post code, post an explaination of whats going on and why so I can try to figure it out. Code:

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Converting A YYMMDD To DD-MM-YY Format?

Jan 22, 2010

I'm trying to convert a long "string" of numbers given as a YYMMDD format into a DD-MM-YY format.

850416 would need to become 16-04-85.

I looked into the split() method but as far as I know it doesn't allow to cut off numbers in pairs rather than using a specific delimiter. Is there a way to do this?

Result would be:


The rest - reversing the array and replacing the "," delimiters with "-" - would be no problem.

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Converting Ascii Value Into Its Equivalent Value?

Mar 4, 2010

Give me a sample program for converting Ascii value into its equivalent value.for example get the input as 65(Ascii value of A) and display 'A' as output

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Converting The Seconds To Minutes?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a consecutive countdown currently using only seconds. I would like the output to show hours minutes and seconds (ex 2:30:00). The page is at Here is some of the code:


var a=900;
var b=600;
var c=1200;


Countdowns 3 through 6 are the same as 1 and 2. The initial html shows the desierd values. But when the timer starts it only shows the total seconds. I realize why it is showing the total number of seconds. However, I don't know how to get it to the 00:00:00 format.

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Converting Float To Individual Bytes

Jul 23, 2005

I want to be able to enter a value on a page (like 3.2), and then read
it as a 32-bit float and break it into it's individual bytes.

I've tried using bitwise operators, but they seem to convert the value
into an integer first, and i've tried using the toString() method to
convert it into a hex value so i can parse it, but that also seems to
first convert it into an integer.

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JQuery :: Converting Onmouseover / Onmouseout

Apr 21, 2010

I'm working on a couple of pages that look like this: [URL] As the visitor mouses over the month name, the image to the right is supposed to change to show the cover of that month's magazine issue. The onmouseover/onmouseout code has been working fine for months, but I recently added a couple new JS elements to the page, and now when the visit stops hovering over Sep/Oct, the image doesn't change.

I'm thinking that the way to fix this is by converting this action to jQuery, which is loaded on the page anyway, but I'm struggling to get a concise expression of what I want to happen. That is, I can do it by brute force with dozens of lines of code, but there must be a better way.

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JQuery :: Converting Objects To Strings?

Jun 16, 2009

I have the following code, which I am trying to pass in 5 variables.

<script type="text/javascript">


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