Checking If Passwords Match On Registration?
Jul 11, 2010
So, for a simple little example of what I want to do...
Desired Username: <input type="text" name="username">
I want to rig up something that will automatically check the values posted in "password" and "passwordcheck" before the form is submitted making sure that they match each other and give a little error message if they don't. Ideally, if they don't match it would also prevent the form from even being submitted. My knowledge of Javascript is pretty basic, in fact it primarily consists of what's covered under the "basic" category in [URL] Javascript tutorial, as well as a very modest understanding of form validation in the "advanced" section of the same site. So I haven't had much luck trying to accomplish this myself.
I don't need anything especially fancy (since if it were it would likely be beyond my comprehension at the moment) I just need it to be functional.
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Dec 9, 2009
I want to check a string if it contains certain letters.the string is Elephant and if i check it for the letter "e" i want it to display all the "e" letters.If i use the following code it always just displays the first "e". but i want to display all the "e".
<script type="text/javascript">
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Jan 1, 2011
I'm trying to make a nice register script, and I came on this site:[URL].. It gave me a nice check for names and email, but I'd like to use it for my passwords too! (normal and confirmation password). Is it possible to send multiple variables at once to the file, and use them? This is what i've got now: (sorry, can't find out how to type beneath the code tags.)
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Apr 5, 2010
This is the discussed site: http:[url].....Here's its code:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<head> [code].....And continue for as many entries that are made (continually updating).
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Dec 18, 2009
I want to create a script where when you hit a button it adds a number to a variable and when you click another button it shows you the amount you have so far. Also I am having trouble with the clear() function where it was suppose to clear the variable. When my var is equal to a certain number (not there yet) I want it to goto another page (I can do this on my own).
Here is my code
<title> Buttons</title>
<body style="background-color:#000000">
<p style="Font-Family:Curlz MT;color: #CC3333;Font-size:40px;">Click the buttons to test my script
<script type="text/javascript">
var x = 0;
function mouseOver() {
document.getElementById("b1").src ="Hi_h.png";
} function mouseOut() { .....
(The button are images so you want be able to see them if you don't download them).
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Feb 2, 2010
I have this script, where I want it to use a multi-user login. the code is below.
I have 2 problems. One is that mainly, it doesn't work! And Two, is there someway you can block an external script from being viewed in a browser, or someway to keep people from reading the Usernames and Passwords?
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Nov 23, 2011
I have a need of a Java Script function to encrypt passwords into Salted SHA in a format similar to the way LDAP stores it.
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Apr 26, 2011
I have been given a piece of code that validates passwords, but need to edit the code with correct variable names and indentations etc.
Here is the original code:
What the variables n1 and n2 are/ what they do?
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Feb 15, 2012
I am looking to implement a new feature on my website.
I would like to get a log in form that would take the members to an update page where they can update their details showing on my website code...
I have asked google but too many options and did not really compare any.
What do you use? What do you think is the best? Where should I concentrate my research?
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Dec 25, 2011
I'm doing a registration system and as you can see when i verify the fields, if it's empty it says that the FIELD_1 misses. And what i want is if the field is empty says that and then goes back, but i don't wanto the info already written disappears.I'm using ajax, i never worked with it, so i'm gonna ask you if i'm doing everything ok:registration form:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style_val.css" />
<script src="ajaxforms.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>
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Jun 22, 2007
I have code which is created from a content mamagement system. It places
some handlers on tags with in-line registration:
<tag... onmousedown="mousedownHandler(this);" ...>
I want to modified the handler and access the event. Here's an example of
such (very contrived example):
fucntion mousedownHandler(obj) {
if (!e) e = window.event; = e.clientY +'px'
This works in Safari as it knows the event as e and I can get it for M$IE
with the window.event. How do I go about accessing it in Firefox?
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Oct 27, 2010
i have a registration form, which has a general user information. now i had added the jquery validate plugin for validation purpose, and it was working fine in firefox. but recently i came to know that the same form is giving errors in IE, i dont know the reason but its not validating the form.
if we click on the save button , its just going to the previous page.
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Oct 7, 2009
I am looking to add an email validation to my new user registration form. Currently, we do not validate (or activate) a new user via an activation link in the email. We don't have that process. I'd like to get my hands on the code to randonly create a security code and the actual code to sent the validation email. Can anyone help me out here? I'm absolutely new to PHP or ASP coding. I do know some HTML.
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Jun 1, 2009
I am creating a form for a registration that asks the participant if they have completed pre-requisite training. There are three questions they are asked. When they click yes, the text box for the requested information is enabled, when they click no, they get a warning that they need to register first.
Here is the javascript
The first one works fine (the SERE training question), however, the second one does not function at all. What am I missing to enable the second question to function like the first.
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Dec 2, 2009
Is javascript works in mailbody? i mean admin sends registration form through email to new users. for that registration form validation javascript is not working.
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Mar 2, 2010
I want to make a login area and a user registration page. I don't want to build this from scratch, so I'm looking for a script or application that I can insert into my website.I know WP and Joomla have a login area and a user registration page, only I'm looking for a lighter version. A login area like WP or Joomla but without all the other features that I don't need.
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Jan 26, 2010
I'm trying to create a simple registration form with ajax validation. I've got the form working almost how I'd like... a message appears on the page with the errors for each field entered incorrectly.
The problem is all the error messages appear in one div together and I would like to have each field have its own div containing only its own error.
I think I need to wrap my error messages in xml and use something like this -
- but can't seem to get it working
Does anyone know how I should modify my code to do this?
Attached are the 3 I'm currently using
And Here is my code for my ajax page only.
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Jan 30, 2010
I have often noticed that most times when we register to a website it asks for a long length password. Why is this so?? What not use shorter length passwords as it would be much more easier to learn.
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Dec 22, 2010
I'd like to have one form that has username and password at the top and if that is all the user supplies, then try to log him in. Otherwise, validate all fields for registration.
The problem then lies in the remainder of the form which has email, name and password confirmation. I still want to run validate on those fields but ONLY if the user has typed at least one character in any one of them.
Is there a way to do this? Or an example somewhere? Can validate for certain fields only be turned on IF a certain other condition is met?
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Jul 23, 2010
I want to create a twitter like user registration form for my web application. I have configured membership module for my site. I have searched alot but couldn't find any all in one JQuery Plugin which provide the following functionalities to my webform-
1. Form Feild highlight when onFocus and on error
2. Tooltip when form field is in focus
3. Proper client-side form validation
4. Check user name availability
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Feb 5, 2008
The little addon you have for user registration where they have to click the box serveral times - is that something you made, or is that something you found?
It would be awesome if you guys would let me convert that into a drupal module - as my site has been getting hit by several spammers, and im not a fan of captcha as much as I am your module.
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May 7, 2011
im trying to make a calendar verification in javascript for client side registration page....but i stuck in "calendar function"....when i run the code without "calendar function" it works,,,,can anybody tells me wht am i doing wrong....the code is shown below
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Sep 16, 2009
I am building a large registration form. In this form, a sponsor/educator must register himself or herself and then may add up to 6 more " delegates" in pairs. The first two pairs registration info on the form is shown by default. I need to hide the other two pairs until when/if the user clicks on a button to add two more delegates at a time. I used javascript to show or hide the parts of the form that I had put into two divs and adjusted the css display attribute. However, my problem was that, if the user filled out the sponsor/educator section and the first two delegates, and then decided to add two more, when the user clicked on the button to show the part of the form for delegates 3 and 4, it reset all the previous visible form fields to empty. Not good. So, I thought, maybe AJAX.
I created the request object (I am a relative novice at AJAX), had it grab a text file with the code to insert into my target div, in this case a div with id = "delegate3and4". Surprisingly however, it still reset the previous form fields to empty. Am I misunderstanding how AJAX is supposed to work? I figured that, because it does not refresh the page that this would not happen. In fact, to test this out, I created a simple page from scratch with just a single input field and then used AJAX to insert the file in a div after this field and it did not reset the previous input. So, I am totally confused about why this would be happening on my live page. The page is a php page as it submits the form to a php script for processing but I don't think this should make a difference.
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Dec 27, 2005
I'm trying to create a script where all the hyperlinks in a page will be replaced with a new set of coding before it. (e.g: a href="this.htm?").
My code generates this change through a series of random numbers and only runs the script when "2" is the generated number (out of 12). Now, I only know how to replace all occurrences of "href" in all "a" tags, but there are times when I use Javascript to launch new windows or even javascript to navigate to the top of a page.
I tried to use a string match method to search for occurrences of "javascript:" and so forth, but I can't seem to get it working. Code:
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Jul 1, 2010
Can someone please let me know what this matches - i can work out some but not all code...
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Jan 10, 2006
I can remember seeing a function some time ago, but I cannot recall
what it was or how to use it.
I am wanting to have two arrays - oldArray & newArray.
I need a function which I can call so that it will look inside the
specified string ("theString") and replace each instance of each entry
of oldArray with the corresponding entry in new Array.
theString = "12345678";
oldArray = new Array("1","2","3");
newArray = new Array("One","Two","Three");
theString = theString.XXX(oldArray,newArray);
// theString = "OneTwoThree45678";
Any ideas, suggestions, references?
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