I have a main webpage that has a list of records, each with a link to a
window.open function call. As an example, a page that opens is
editrecord.aspx?RecordID=34, and another is
editrecord.aspx?RecordID=52. If the user starts changing the contents
of the opened window, and then leaves it open and goes back to the main
page, refreshes the list, and clicks on the same record link again, it
reloads the contents of the page the user had changed, and all the
changes they made are lost. Is there a way to check to see if the
window for that record is open before we reload it, so that I can just
call the focus() function on that window instead of window.open again?
I have a link in a remote window that will blur itself and focus the opener window. The problem that I'm running into now is checking from the opener to see if the remote window is open so I can focus it. Here's what I have so far but I'm getting errors.
if (feedbackWin.closed) { feedbackWin=window.open(url,feedbackWin,settings); } else { feedbackWin.focus(); }
When running this code from the opener window, it errors out saying feedbackWin is undefined even though the window is actually open.
I can detect if the opener is still open but its the remote window thats giving me some grief.
i installed a shout box for my users, its integrated by using session username. but what i want to do is have a username list under the shoutbox that shows which members (usernames) have the box open. that way the other members can see someone is out there to see their message.. one alternative would be to just have the shoutbox auto open (which i need to learn how to do) as soon as they sign on to the site, but what if they close it right away i still have the same issue (they cant see the message that someone is sending them) here is how i open the window now, they have to click on the link.
I have a problem on the links on my page im working.sorry guys still a noob and my english is not that good. :b. my question is like i have a list of packages of food. [link_a] [link_b] [link_c] and i have a function that i put in my head tag:
function linkA() { window.open('link_a.html','link','width=300,height=200,resizable=yes'); }
now i can go to linka.html by click my link <A HREF="javascript:linkA()" >link a</A> is there a way i can have one functions that can open a link depend on what page .when it clicks then go to its designated page or i have to stick on writing function for linkB ,C,D and so on.
I have a HTML and I am opening another link in a separate window using window.open() . The child window is something like 'http://yahoo.com' which is out side html. I need to refresh the parent window when the child window is closed.
Through window.open or window.showmodaldialog, I want to open a word or excel document in Print Preview mode. Bcos I don't want the user to make any changes or save it but the user can ONLY VIEW OR take a print out.
I'm using an <A> tag with an onclick event to open a window with JS (window.open)... In FIREFOX, if I click very quickly, multiple windows open. Not a problem in IE.
in the above i'm getting the following error: "Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (c) isnt associated with any program"
window.open() doesn't open an entirely new window in FF3.6, just a new tab
Edit: Yeah, ok, so if i specify a size smaller than the current standard window, it'll be forced to open a new window. but what if i want a new standard sized window to open entirely?
I need a script that will open a new window (popup / new link) in a specific size, but will also close the old window (where the popup came from). I know the popup window is easy but finding a work-able close window script as the new window is opened is impossible!!
I am trying to pop up a window and then do stuff(set flags) when the content of the new window is done loading. For this I am trying to detect the window.onload of the pop-up child window but so far I am unsuccessful. I believe my problem is that the URL of child window is on different domain, than the one of the opener(parent) so that the window.onload is not being called. Though this may change, at the moment I do not have access to the code for the page I'm opening up in the pop-up. Im pretty new to web development.
I need to open a popup window from a PHP site and pass in some parameters to use in the pop up window. I have the params in an input box and need to get the val of the box into a param and pass it to the new popup window. All pages are local and in the same folder. The id of the input box is 'ddutykey'. The name of the new window would be showduty.php if possible.
With ref. to MS IE, when I use window.open with the usual sizing and 'toolbar=yes', 'menubar=yes' the target URL opens in a new window - but without an address bar.
'addressbar=yes' does not seem valid. Can someone please tell me how to proceed?
When creating a new window and specifying ANY features (on or off) at all like such:
<A HREF="javascript:void(0)" onclick="window.open('NONE.php','welcome','toolbar=1,location=1,directories=1,status=1,menubar=1,resizable=1, scollbars=1')"> Open a new window</A> the new window does not have scrollbars even though scrollbars are necessary for my document (vertically, at least).
This problem occurs in Firefox and Internet Explorer 6. The problem does NOT occur if there are no features are specified.
I've got this row of images (in the end there will be more rows of pics as well). When a user clicks on the image, I want a new window to open with a larger version of the image. I want that new window to be customized to the size of the new larger image. Also, when users go back to see other images in their larger size, I want the new window (assuming they never closed the first one) to come back to the front.
I've only gotten as far as getting the larger images to open in a new window at a set size in the function. I thought I could just make specific scripts for each image, but that would be cumbersome to say the least....
but what I need is, after the new window is popped up, the opener will be redirected to another page, I want the another page able to control the popup window is it possible? is there something like getWindowById.
Firstly I know this issue has been addresses a lot already but as a newbie to HTML and Web Development I am unable to get the idea. according to documentations and solutions proposed on different forums a popup or child window can be only closed using window.close() if it is opened via window.open() function.
create a link which has an OnMouseOver event, this event should open a popup window (but check first if a previous instance of this popup is open - if so, close it)
the link should also have an OnMouseOut event which would close the perviously opened popup.
The original window should not reload, but is, and I have tested it with both version 4.72 and 7.02, and they both do it. IE does not do it. The big problem is that the original window has security built into it so it must be called from the right referring url, but when Netscape reloads this parent window, it neglects to send the original referring url, so the original page is replaced with an error page as soon as the above link is clicked.
Is there any workaround for this, where either Netscape will not reload the original page, or if it does, at least not lose the referring url?
I'm using window.open to create a secondary window, and everything is working fine with that. My problem is that as soon as that window is opened, the parent window scrolls to the top of its page. So when the user closes the secondary window, they've lost their place in the parent document.
Is this normal behavior for window.open? Is there a quick way to prevent it, or is it more likely a problem with my Javascript?